I am building in the last days

I am building in the last days


77 Chapters Completed Status


By an accident, Chu Yu, who has been salted fish for 21 years in the 21st century, came to the cruel end of the world. People here are hungry, displaced, and in dire straits.Chu Yu, who carried the infrastructure system with him, waved his big hand and built a holy place in the hearts of all human beings in this absurd world-Dawn City.Lack of food?Dawn City has a high yield of wheat!Displaced?Dawn City has modern high-rise buildings!Bad weather?Dawn City has an environmental improvement system!Headache?Dawn City has a high-tech treatment chamber!The people on the ground floor turned into fanatical believers of Chu Yu one by one. In Shuguang, there are delicious foods, sweet and delicious fruits, beautiful landscapes, and a climate like spring all year round. This place has become the place that everyone yearns for. place.Chu Yu was happily engaged in infrastructure construction every day, until one day, he learned that he had become a god in the hearts of people all over the world?Content tags: Zhong Tianwen End-time system infrastructure┃ Search keywords: Protagonist: Chu Yu┃ Supporting roles: Fang Yan, Wen Xingzhi, Feng Yan, etc.

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