outside the city.

In order to ensure the smooth transportation of the goods this time, several people discussed and decided to put the goods this time in two cars, and Meng Hao and Qiao Hongyi would guard them respectively. As for the two off-road cars, Ordinary guards are on it to confuse others' sight.

After all, their coming out this time has already aroused speculation from some interested people, so we should be more cautious.

"Miss, did you just say you wanted to stay here with the young master?" Qiao Hong asked with a frown.

"It's like this," Nie Yunxi's voice sounded a little relaxed, "The hotel here is very convenient to practice, I want to stay here to practice..."

"Me too." Nie Yunyi interjected.

"Why don't I stay and watch over you?" Qiao Hongyi made a difficult decision after a short thought.

"How can this be done? The goods this time are very important. I don't know how many people are watching them behind the scenes." Nie Yunxi said disapprovingly.

"But before leaving, the city lord specifically ordered me to protect the young master and young lady."

Seeing Qiao Hong's uncompromising appearance, Nie Yunxi said helplessly, "Okay, I'll go back with you..."

Seeing that Nie Yunxi agreed to go back together, Qiao Hongyi finally let go of the heart that had been hanging on him all this time. God knows how broken he was when he just found out that this delicate lady was going to stay here.

Once Qiao Hong calmed down, he turned to Nie Yunyi and asked, "Young Master, let's go back together."

"No need, what my dad said at the beginning was to let you take good care of my sister, I am a big man, what can happen," Nie Yunyi said after a pause, "Besides, the goods this time Take it back, you will definitely send someone to come again, at worst, I will go back with you next time."

Qiao Hongyi listened helplessly to Nie Yunyi's analysis of his words. Indeed, before leaving, the city lord gave an order that if he really couldn't control that stinky boy, then don't worry about it. The key is to take good care of Nie Yunxi.

Thinking of this, Qiao Hongyi told Nie Yunyi like an old mother: "The young master must protect himself well in the city, and must not offend the Lord Chu."

Nie Yunyi muttered in his heart, look at the appearance of the city lord of Chu, do I dare to offend you?

"Okay, okay, I get it, take care all the way." Nie Yunyi waved his hand chicly, and walked into the city without looking back.

Seeing her brother left alone in Shuguang City, Nie Yunxi was very envious, and looked at Qiao Hongyi eagerly, but the other party didn't look at her at all, and was arranging for his subordinates to load the goods.

She turned her head to look at Meng Hao who had been watching the play from the sidelines.

Meng Hao said with a smile, "The city lord specially ordered Captain Qiao to do this, and I can't control it."

Looking at Nie Yunxi's listless appearance, Meng Hao smiled. He thought that the last time the city lord asked Qiao Hong to talk about some secrets, it turned out that he was looking after the children. Thinking of this, Meng Hao instantly felt refreshed. Captain Qiao, Meng Hao, who has nothing to do, just feels that the sky above his head is a bit blue, and even the clouds in the sky are much cuter than before.

Dawn City.

After Nie Yunyi decided to stay, the first thing he did was to ask Chu Yu if he could move freely in Shuguang City, and if there were any places in the city that he could not go to.

After all, almost all bases will set up some restricted areas to prevent outsiders from spying on some secrets. Who would have thought that the city lord told him with a gloomy expression that except for the residential areas, the rest of the places can be walked around at will.

However, Nie Yunyi looked at the face of the city lord, so he decided to stay in the commercial area. Although the city lord said that he could visit other places, his gloomy face always makes people feel that he is not easy to mess with...

If Chu Yu could hear Nie Yunyi's voice at this time, he might be even more irritable. Anyone who was interrupted at a critical moment in the movie would not be in a good mood.He couldn't pretend he didn't know, after all, this kid was yelling at himself downstairs in the supermarket, the voice was so loud that even the people at the entrance of the city could hear him.Thinking of the calling of the magic voice piercing his ears, Chu Yu felt angina.

As he walked towards the third floor, he kept comforting himself in his heart: This is the God of Wealth, alive, alive...

Nie Yunyi had just left the supermarket. Before he had walked two steps, he bumped into a few people. These people were very strange. They carried something as tall as a person on their backs. It looked like... Wheat?

Nie Yunyi's eyes widened. Has the wheat mutated?How can wheat grow so big?But he didn't know whether this thing was wheat or not. After all, apart from the size, shape and color of the things these people were carrying, they were obviously the normal wheat that they had seen when traveling in the countryside before!

At that time, he didn't know the grains, mistook the wheat, and made a joke, so he remembered the shape and characteristics of wheat quite clearly.

Seeing that this group of people was going to bypass him and go back to the supermarket, Nie Yunyi hurriedly asked, "What are you carrying?"

The person carrying the wheat on his back was Wang Hu who was threatened by Qu Jingyun in Lancheng back then. It was lucky to say that after Qu Jingyun died, it was naturally impossible for the new city lord to use the former city lord's personal attendant, so he became Lancheng's personal servant. fringe character.

However, far away from the uncertain Qu Jingyun, Wang Hu himself is also a second-level supernatural being, doing the job of defending the city, and his life is considered pretty good.

The luckier one came to Dawn City. He had been following the patrol team to maintain law and order these days. He was just sent by the city lord to cut the wheat yesterday. To be honest, when he saw the wheat, he was also taken aback. , He grew up in the countryside, so he has seen real wheat before, how could it be so big?

However, since the end of the world, there have been many strange things, so after a brief shock, he and a few supernatural beings cut off the wheat and sent it to the warehouse according to the request of the city lord.

Seeing this well-dressed rich man stop him from questioning, Wang Hu said with a smile, "This is the wheat produced by our Shuguang City."

Is it really wheat?

Nie Yunyi asked in surprise, "Why is the wheat produced in Shuguang City so big?"

"We don't know about this. It must be a new breed developed by the adults in the city."

After finishing speaking, Wang Hu and the others said nothing more, and left after speaking with Nie Yunyi.

Looking at the heavy ears of wheat on those people's backs, Nie Yunyi felt that there were really weird things everywhere in Shuguang City.However, these things have nothing to do with him. Putting aside the complicated thoughts in his mind, Nie Yunyi resumed his usual laziness and walked slowly like a hotel.

Speaking of which, the number of rooms in this hotel is really pitiful. Fortunately, there are not many supernatural beings coming to the hotel in Dawn City at present, but when Meng Hao and the others deliver the goods, the place will become very popular. Can we grab this hotel by then? The location of the hotel is not certain...

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