The night fell, and the soft moonlight brought a glimmer of light to the originally dark night.

There were bursts of roars from zombies not far away, which appeared extremely creepy in this endless wilderness, breaking through the originally silent night, and the whole wilderness was shrouded in an inexplicable gloom.

Several people who set off from Dawn City got out of the car one after another to take a rest.

"We will be able to go back one day." Meng Hao and Qiao Hongyi said in a deep voice, "Tighten up our defense tonight, we will each carry two boxes of goods, and we will ride separately."


"As for the young lady, stay with you. If there is anything, remember to protect her."

Qiao Hong took a mouthful of dry food, and said in a cold voice, "Got it."

Seeing Qiao Hongyi's taciturn appearance, Meng Hao no longer made fun of himself. One of them is the deputy city lord and the other is the captain of the guard, but they have always disliked each other.I really don't know how Qiao Hongyi managed to marry a wife...


One of the subordinates quickly swallowed the food in their mouths, and hurriedly boarded the vehicle that had already been allocated.

Although there are a lot of vehicles coming this time, the real goods are in the two large trucks belonging to City Master Meng and Captain Qiao. Draw fire.

The car continued to drive, it was almost early morning, and even the driver relaxed a lot.

Suddenly, the roaring outside stopped.

Everyone in the car couldn't help but stand up. What kind of power made the screams of zombies stop at the same time?


But the car in front hit a rock!

With a sudden brake, the tires rubbed against the sand and gravel on the ground, making a screeching sound.

Just then, a gender-indistinguishable voice came, "Do it."

The moment the voice fell, hundreds of people with supernatural powers popped up all around and rushed towards the convoy.

The supernatural beings in the car got out of the car one after another and started fighting with the men in black.For a moment, the originally empty wilderness was reflected by the complicated abilities of the abilities, as gorgeous as daytime.

From time to time, there were bursts of screams, which made the supernatural beings who were still fighting extremely uneasy, and the scene was extremely bloody for a while.

"City Lord Meng, come out." The voice of the leader in black was hoarse, "Oh, and Captain Qiao."

Hearing this, Meng Hao and Qiao Hong jumped out of the truck with ugly expressions on their faces.

Seeing this scene, the man in black laughed, "I didn't expect that Tianhai's master hid in that truck like a bereaved dog. Is it because you have no backbone—or is there any treasure?"

"who are you?"

"Keep your people behind." The man in black flipped his palm, and a fiery red long sword condensed in his palm, which was extraordinarily bright.

Seeing this, both Meng Hao and Qiao Hongyi were shocked.They have never seen this person's abilities!

The man in black grinned, and the long sword stabbed straight at the two of them. Meng Hao quickly turned to the side to avoid it, gathering a jet of water and rushing towards the other party.

Qiao Hongyi also quickly shook his wrist slightly, and released a fire dragon, which immediately burst into flames.

Seeing the two waves of energy sweeping towards him, the man in black laughed loudly, and threw a beautiful sword flower in the air with the long sword in his hand, followed by a flash of red light, which actually cut off the water column and the fire dragon !

Meng Hao and Qiao Hongyi were shocked, so they could only focus on their luck and fight with the man in black again.

the other side.

A figure quietly boarded one of the trucks from the back.

Nie Yunxi stared anxiously at the chaos below. Although Qiao Hongyi had told her just now not to get out of the car, she couldn't help staring at the bloody battlefield now.

Just when she was about to get out of the car to help, out of the corner of her eye she suddenly saw a figure sneaking into the car next door.

That car is in stock!

A gleam of green light flashed in Nie Yunxi's eyes, and the green light flickered on his wrist, giving birth to a huge vine man, which ruthlessly flung the thief over there who wanted to take advantage of the chaos.


The thief staggered, turned his eyes to Nie Yunxi who was attacking him, his eyes became fierce, and rushed straight to the direction where Nie Yunxi was. Seeing this, Nie Yunxi's Tengman stretched towards the person again, and the person turned to the right He tilted his body sideways, dodged it, and instantly released a Thunder Dragon at Nie Yunxi.

Nie Yunxi rolled over and dodged the attack in front of him. This person's ability turned out to be a rare lightning element!

Nie Yunxi gritted her teeth, and waved the vine man in her hand. The vine man seemed to be conscious, wrapping around her body like a thief.

The other party sneered, and the dark blue thunder in his hand flickered slightly, breaking the vine man on his body almost instantly.

Qiao Hongyi, who was entangled with the leading man in black, suddenly heard a noise, turned around and saw the faint blood oozing from Nie Yunxi's left shoulder, distracted, the long sword stabbed at him, set off a strong wind, and pierced straight through. his forearm.

"Qiao Hongyi!" Seeing that Nie Yunxi and Qiao Hongyi were both injured, Meng Hao felt a deep sense of powerlessness for the first time in his life. What is the origin of this man!

Seeing this, Meng Hao kicked sideways, and the man in black was disrupted by the sudden attack, and took a big step back.

Just when the man in black was about to launch an attack again and killed Meng Hao and Qiao Hongyi, there was a sudden whistle in the distance, and the man in black laughed, "I thought the people in the Tianhai base had How powerful, I saw it today, but that's all, see you tomorrow!"

Hearing the whistle, the little thief who was wrestling with Nie Yunxi took a step back and ran away quickly, so fast that no one else could catch up.

At a glance, only the people on their side were left in the entire battlefield, and the other side was gone.

Meng Hao returned to the car with a gloomy expression. As expected, the goods had been robbed this time.

"My goods are still here."

Hearing Nie Yunxi's words, Meng Hao hurried to the truck where she was. When he saw the two boxes of goods that were still in good condition, his face softened a little, "Fortunately, there are still these two boxes, so it can be regarded as an explanation."

What Nie Yunxi carried in this car were puppets and rings, which were more important, but it was hateful that those people actually took away the other items!

Qiao Hongyi took out the gauze and wound medicine from the bag next to him, handed some to Nie Yunxi, and then talked to himself while dressing up, "The person's ability just now is very strange. I have never seen anyone with such a special ability. A sword."

Meng Hao handed Qiao Hong a pair of scissors, and said in a deep voice, "We must report this matter as soon as possible after we go back."

"And that person can have the upper hand in the fight with you and me. This person is at least level six."

The three people in the car were silent for a long time. They all knew what this meant. First it was Dawn City, and then this man in black. This meant that an unknown force was gradually emerging...

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