After Zeng Panqian left, Peng Qingsheng and the others came to the newly opened bar. After pushing open the black door, the rock music playing in the speaker came to the ears of several people in an instant, as if entering another world generally.

A man with disheveled hair came over from the bar, and there was a hint of laziness in his voice, "What do you want to drink?"

"The signature wine of your shop."

"Wait a minute." After finishing speaking, the man walked towards his own bar. He casually took out a few bottles of something he couldn't see clearly, poured a little into a transparent wine glass, and then picked up the wine glass and shook it. In this way, Three Cups of Signature Wine was born.

Seeing such random movements, the three of them sighed helplessly, why are they so perfunctory?

When the other party called them over to get the wine, they didn't have any expectations. After all, they could think with their feet that the wine would not taste good...

However, when they really took the first sip, the ultimate experience exploded in the taste buds at that moment, and their original expressions of death-defying expressions immediately changed, and they turned their heads to look at the calm-looking man on the other side of the bar. Still holding a chicken coop, looking listless.

"A master." Li Yongyuan couldn't help sighing, and the other two also agreed. They were all deceived by this person's appearance and actions just now, and almost missed a talented bartender.

If they observe carefully, they will find that the bartender sitting there has no luster in his eyes, calm and unwavering, running like an emotionless machine.

That's right, this is the AI ​​bartender that Chu Yu bought. He originally planned to recruit some people from the base to be qualified for this job. Unexpectedly, he just barely recruited employees from the barber shop. If he wants to find a bartender The bartender is so difficult to explode, the bartender who came to apply for the job is simply using his life to prepare poison.

Chu Yu, who had diarrhea for two days after being an interviewer for a day, finally made a difficult decision, and bought a bartender. Although the bartender was worth as much as Dr. After drinking the fine wine, Chu Yu immediately felt that the money was well spent.

According to the system, the newly purchased AI has been improved and has its own personality. Normally, the residents would not notice this abnormality. The genius of wine, if a customer talks to him in depth, the bartender can even communicate with the customer and tell about his "life experience".

In this way, the logic chain of all AIs in the city is supplemented, and starting from this bartender, all subsequent AIs will pretend to be aliens, and will not directly appear in the hospital like last time.

Chu Yu is currently quite satisfied with this service. The group of customers who just arrived today have already contributed millions of crystals to him. Enough, then he can upgrade as soon as possible.

Chu Yu still remembers that when he asked the system how to improve his strength, the other party said coldly: "Look at the mall."

However, when he actually saw the price of the second-level potion in the mall, Chu Yu felt suffocated for a while. It clearly showed that the second-level awakening potion was 1 million crystals.

The conversation from that day seemed to resurface before his eyes again.

"Why don't you grab it if it's so expensive!"

"Host, you have to calm down, there are still higher levels waiting for you to unlock."


The system continued: "When you reach the highest level in this world, your mission can be over."

Chu Yu froze for a moment, then asked: "What's the highest level? Is it Nie Tianyuan's sixth level?"

"Master, you think everything is too simple." The system paused, and added: "At present, there are still eighth-level supernatural beings in this world. As long as he is willing, your whole world can be reduced to ashes, including Host you."

Hearing this, Chu Yu was terrified for a moment, feeling as if something was staring at him, he frowned and asked, "Where is he?"

"Fortunately, the other party is still asleep, so you have plenty of time to prepare, the host. When he wakes up, your test has just begun. Remember, that is not the end, but the beginning of another battle. "

"So with you, I am the only one to fight against him?"

"That's it," the system's voice became heavy, "You are different from other supernatural beings. They need to practice, but you are different. If you can earn enough crystals, you can even break through level nine on the spot. In other words, you are the only variable in this catastrophe."


Although a few days had passed, the scene of that day was still vivid in his memory. Chu Yu stared at the grass beside the freshwater lake outside the window, lost in thought.

It seems that Chu Yu has a lot of worries these days, and the system said: "You don't have to be depressed, host, as long as you can follow your plan, it is not difficult to make so much money. You can imagine how much money you had a month ago. Do you want to own 1000 million crystals?"

Hearing this, Chu Yu was stunned for a moment, yes, a month ago, I could say that I had nothing, only ten packs of compressed biscuits, and now my assets are tens of millions?

Thinking of this, Chu Yu only felt that his pressure seemed to have eased a bit. It is only the first batch of preheating. Soon, Dawn City will attract more supernatural beings...

In the past few days, Shuguang City has successively received nearly [-] supernatural beings who came from afar. This is the remaining number after being intercepted by the Longke base. Under such circumstances, most of the supernatural beings who can come smoothly The family property is relatively rich, and nearly ten small teams even lived in the expensive lakeside villas.

The originally deserted Dawn City suddenly became lively, and now even the sightseeing bus has to be lined up. After seeing the infrastructure in the city, the supernatural beings who came here couldn't help but have a look at Dawn City. In awe, no one caused trouble, and they all parked their cars outside Shuguang City in an orderly manner, which looked quite spectacular.

Under such circumstances, Chu Yu took out the bicycle he got last time and started the rental activity. Fortunately, among the supernatural beings who came this time, there were so few owners who were not short of money. About [-] spars, this batch of bicycles was sold out by the speed of light once they were launched.

"Ning Qi, let's go to the restaurant to eat too. I heard from the people next door that the food here is delicious."

As if he had never heard of it, Ning Qi went upstairs and put down his things, then came down quickly and said, "You can't go upstairs without my permission."

"Why?" Shang Han asked dissatisfied.

"Because I paid the money," Ning Qi twitched, took out a card from his pocket, and handed it to Shang Han.

After taking it, Shang Han lowered his head and looked, hey, isn't this the one-card that he applied for when he first entered the city?

"There are 100 million crystals here, buy what you want to buy yourself, don't follow me during the few days you live here, do you hear me?"

"I..." Shang Han just wanted to refute, but Yu Guang saw his own card, hesitated for a moment, and reluctantly agreed with Ning Qi, "Okay, I will find you after the money is spent."

"So much the better."

After solving this big trouble, Ning Qi's mood instantly became better, and he walked out of the room humming a song. For Ning Qi who is very rich, things that can be solved with money are not easy for him. It's troublesome.

After going out, he took a breath of fresh air here, and went to the small hotel along the lake. Before he first came here, he didn't know the beauty of the small hotel. After all, the name was really ordinary, until someone He accidentally went to a small hotel, and after learning that he could practice in it, people followed him to the hotel one after another, and the hotel became very popular in an instant.

The hotel where only the supernatural beings in the city used to go has suddenly become a favorite. There are only [-] rooms in the entire hotel, and they have to wait for the supernatural beings in the city to select them before they can enter. This undoubtedly makes them even more envious A supernatural being in Dawn City.

When Ning Qi walked to the business district, he just glanced at the situation there from afar, and shook his head regretfully. It was packed with people. Under such circumstances, he didn't think I can grab it myself.

Seeing that he couldn't go to the hotel anymore, Ning Qi planned to go to other places in the city, but before he could step out, he heard a piercing sound.

When he turned around, he saw a man who was thrown several meters away and fell on the ground unable to move. The man who pushed him was a man with a face full of flesh. Half a step closer, huh."

After speaking, he hugged a beautiful woman beside him, and said with a smile, "Go, I'll take you in to enjoy this so-called holy place for cultivation."

The onlookers were silent and no one spoke.Almost everyone recognized this person. He was the brother-in-law of a high-level executive in Tianhai. Such a background made everyone present dare not show any dissatisfaction with him. started.

"Brother Chen, you are so kind to me."

Seeing the beauty in front of him throwing himself into his arms, Chen Feng was in a good mood. Just as he was about to go in, a voice came from behind him. Even though the voice was a little lazy, he still heard a hint of warning from it.

"Are you making trouble?"

Chen Feng turned around and saw a man whose face was covered by hair and whose facial features could not be seen clearly. After a brief loss of consciousness, he instantly became angry, and was startled by a voice. To teach me?"

After a while, Chen Feng heard a very light sneer, and before he could launch an attack to teach the brat in front of him a lesson, he was horrified to find that he actually flew out!


The onlookers watched helplessly that Chen Feng, who was extremely arrogant just a second ago, flew nearly [-] meters away under the blow of that decadent year, and became a small black spot in the air, and fell with a bang. On the ground, like a dead dog, it can't move an inch.

At this moment, a member of the patrol team appeared beside him, and the young man said lightly, "Throw it out."

"Yes, my lord."

The young man glanced at the woman who was with Chen Feng just now, even though he didn't do anything, the other woman fell limply on the ground, trembling: "I, I'm leaving now, don't kill me... "

"Not dead." After leaving a short sentence, the young man left here, leaving only the shocking crowd.

"Who is he? Is it a supernatural being here?" someone asked.

"I've seen him," came a voice from the crowd, "he's the bartender at the bar."

"Let a high-level supernatural being be a bartender, absolutely."

"It's better not to cause trouble... What the hell, that bitch has gone to the hotel!"

Everyone saw that someone had already completed the check-in procedures while they were watching the excitement. Looking at the people staring at him dumbfounded, Ning Qi smiled and raised the room card in his hand, and walked up the stairs.

The next second, the door was once again caught in a chaotic scramble.

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