"Reminder, the lottery ticket is only used for the card pool lottery, and the gashapon machine can only use crystals to change eggs. Low-level gashapons cost 1 crystals, medium gaschas cost 10 crystals, and high-level gashapons cost 1 crystals. , the super gastronomy has no permission to inquire."

Chu Yu's eyes lit up, and there were even high-level gashapon counts!This is ten thousand spar!I only earned 54 crystals today. Thinking of this, Chu Yu excitedly called out the virtual screen, clicked on the lottery page, and found that there are two modes of lottery, one is the original lottery, and the other is the twisted lottery just opened today. egg machine.

Chu Yu sat quietly on the chair, closed his eyes tightly, and the system reminded him wonderingly: "Why don't you smoke?"

"Hush—don't talk, it will be auspicious time soon. This is a metaphysics card draw. If you haven't played the game, you don't understand. Remember to remind me when it's ten o'clock."


Time passed quietly, and suddenly, the system said: "It's here." At this moment, Chu Yu opened his eyes, and pressed the button with lightning speed!

Accompanied by the sound of crackling fireworks, Chu Yu heard the system prompt, "Congratulations to the host for obtaining the special card [Territory Card]."

Along with the fireworks set off by the system, a gold-edged card appeared on the screen. Chu Yu looked at this gaudy card curiously, and couldn't help thinking, "What's the use?"

"Originally, base construction cannot be carried out with your current authority, but with this territory card, you can enable the territory function on the system panel in advance, and you will have detailed instructions when you click [Territory Card]."

Listening to the systematic explanation, Chu Yu sighed, "Xuanxue sincerely does not deceive me."

Chu Yu excitedly clicked on the [Territory Card], and a bunch of prompts appeared on the screen:

1. Use the [Territory Card] to activate the territory function in advance. Users can plan their own territory on the system map. The initial territory is 100 million square meters, and the territory can be increased after the user level is promoted.

2. The area selected by the user as the territory will be protected by the system, and a protective wall will be built simultaneously.

3. While using the [Territory Card], the environmental improvement will be activated at the same time. All garbage will be automatically eliminated in the territory, water will be generated, and the ecological environment in the territory will be gradually improved.

4. The resident system is activated at the same time. Users can select residents to live in the territory. The maximum number of people is 100. [Territory card] comes with a building [residential building] * 1, with 100 two-bedroom households. The rest of the buildings can be purchased in the mall or advanced. Gacha obtained.

Seeing this series of instructions, Chu Yu murmured thoughtfully, "This 100 million square meters is equivalent to the area of ​​an ordinary university." Chu Yu called out the map and drew his initial territory on it It is used to preview the effect, and the drawn area occupies exactly one-half of the original ruined city. The small supermarket where I am located is located at the entrance of the city, on the main road of traffic.

After planning the scope, Chu Yu chose to use the [Territory Card].

The moment he clicked to use it, the ground shook violently.

Countless stones appeared on the ground out of thin air, and fell very regularly outside the edge of Chu Yu's range. Under an inexplicable traction, the stones gradually began to piece together, and some stones sank into the ground as cornerstones. More The stones are stacked upwards on top of the foundation stones that formed them.


Numerous stones were built up to a height of one meter under the traction of this huge force!

Two meters!

Three meters!


Ten meters!

In less than 1 minute, the city wall has initially formed a scale.

Next, the gaps between the stones on the city wall began to fuse, and slowly a smooth city wall with a thickness of 5 meters and a height of ten meters without gaps was formed!

The gray city wall was built around Shuguang City in this way. Under the sunlight, the gray city wall was extraordinarily magnificent, as if a miracle fell from the sky in an instant. Of course, this was indeed a miracle.

In such a doomsday wasteland, the thick gray city walls gave Chu Yu a strong sense of security.

Since the territory system was opened, Chu Yu had a subtle perception of this base, and he could clearly perceive everything in the domain without the help of the system.

Sensing that there is a well 100 meters away from the supermarket, Chu Yu smiled contentedly.

He deeply felt that this kind of feeling was not bad, which made him more eager to complete the task and upgrade as soon as possible.

Standing under the thick and mysterious city wall, Chu Yu breathed out the light screen again, and selected the location of the residential building on the territory map. You can see on the virtual screen that now the huge Shuguang City has nothing but the supermarket at the entrance of the city. The place is extremely empty.

After thinking about it for a while, Chu Yu divided the innermost area on the map as a residential area, and placed the residential building just obtained at the front of the residential area.

After confirming the location of the residential building, Chu Yu clicked [Start Construction] on the screen.

“[Residential building] construction completed.”

Looking at the distant location of the residential building on the map, Chu Yu lazily returned to the supermarket, intending to visit the residential building tomorrow.

The last time the zombie tide invaded, there were not many buildings left in the city. The original residents only moved away the remains of their relatives after the corpse tide was over, and took them to the vicinity of Lancheng for burial. clean up.

Although there are no rotten corpses near the supermarket at present, the environment in the city is still very bad. Fortunately, [Territory Card] has temporarily cleaned up all the garbage. Chu Yu thought, the current territory is clean and tidy. It seems that it is time to recruit residents This matter is on the agenda.


After returning to Lancheng, the four of Lu Chen and others decided to tell some ordinary people this precious news after a brief discussion, so the four of them went to the third, fourth and fifth districts separately, while Lu Chen went to the first district to report to the high-level.

Zhan Long walked restlessly on the narrow road in the third district. Along the way, the scene like a purgatory on earth deeply burned his heart. Although he had sent out several leaflets, seeing such a scene , he still felt bad.

"Xiao Ting!" A hoarse female voice interrupted Zhan Long's thoughts, he turned around and found a little girl fell down less than half a meter away from him.He couldn't help being annoyed, he was thinking about something just now, but he didn't notice when a child suddenly appeared. Seeing the child fell down, he quickly bent down to help the little girl up, but his mind was in a trance again.

The little girl supported by her hand is really...too thin...

Zhan Long glanced at the little girl again, and saw that her complexion was unhealthy sallow, her lips were bloodless, and only her eyes were full of expectation, "My lord, do you have anything to eat? Can I buy it?" Zhan Long was about to prepare Answer, suddenly the woman at the side pulled the girl named Xiao Ting fiercely, and apologized in panic, "I'm sorry, the child is ignorant and offended adults, please show your kindness... please forgive her this time... "

Zhan Long's outstretched hand stopped in place in embarrassment.

For ordinary people without supernatural powers, those with supernatural powers must never be offended. Usually, two kinds of people do not interfere with each other. District, and after the third district, ordinary people with no labor force live there. Compared with the chaos in other places, the management of Lancheng Base is very good. People with supernatural powers will not wantonly bully and humiliate ordinary people, and they will not go to ordinary residential areas to find them. fun.Therefore, Zhan Long who suddenly appeared here is frightening.

Although the base does not allow supernatural beings to bully ordinary people, if there are supernatural beings who do so, they will not be severely punished.So when Feng Yan saw her child colliding with the supernatural being, she broke out in a cold sweat.

Seeing the emaciated appearance of the little girl in Feng Yan's arms, Zhan Long scratched his head, "Don't be afraid, I'm not angry." He paused, took out a leaflet from his arms and handed it to the young mother, whispering, " There is food in the ruined city." After speaking, Zhan Long left, ready to continue to inform other people.

After Zhan Long left, Feng Yan looked down at the leaflet in a trance, her fingers suddenly clenched tightly, and when she thoroughly read the contents of the leaflet, Feng Yan was already short of breath, but her eyes still There was a little hesitation, it was God's blessing that the supernatural being didn't bully them just now, and even told them the source of food.Feng Yan couldn't believe it, but she couldn't believe it. What if, what if the supernatural person didn't lie to her, what if it was true?Will they survive it?Holding the skinny Xiaoting in her arms, Feng Yan thought desperately.

"Mom, is what that uncle said true?" Xiaoting asked expectantly.

"Mom is going to have a look there tomorrow, Xiao Ting, just stay at home and wait for mother to come back." Feng Yan took Xiao Ting's hand sadly, and looked at the direction where Zhan Long disappeared, her eyes were full of determination.

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