Chu Yu froze and looked back.


It is Yuanfeng.

Chu Yu choked, cast a glance at him helplessly, made a silent gesture to Yuan Feng, and led him away quietly.

After walking a long distance, Chu Yu complained: "Didn't it be agreed that you would stay in the yard and wait for me to come back? Do you know that you almost scared me to death just now..."

Yuan Feng smiled awkwardly, "I didn't come out to look for you because I saw you went out for so long and didn't come back."


Okay, now is not the time to worry about this, the question is, how could the person who kept the zombies in the house be Wen Xingzhi?

When he received large-scale customers for the first time, Wen Xingzhi hid behind the crowd. Although he did not enter Shuguang City, there were detailed information about Wen Xingzhi in the relevant information about Lancheng that the system gave him later. introduce.

At that time, he still thought that this person looked gentle and gentle, but actually endured the humiliation, and finally got his revenge, and he himself became the city lord.

But how could Wen Xingzhi, who was supposed to be the city lord in Lancheng, be here, and he disappeared for so long, why didn't there be chaos in Lancheng?

Looking at Chu Yu who had been in a daze since he finished speaking, Yuan Feng was stunned for a moment. Could it be that his unintentional action just now scared this person into a fool?

Yuan Feng stretched out his hand tentatively, and waved it in front of Chu Yu's eyes.


"It depends on how weird you are."

"In the room I saw just now, someone was raising zombies in captivity," Chu Yu said in a deep voice, "The so-called blood donation of the residents in the city is food for the zombies!"

"What?!!" Yuan Feng was furious, and wanted to rush over immediately.

Chu Yu grabbed him, "Did you forget that there are two of them?"

Yuan Feng looked annoyed, the current situation was extremely unfavorable to them.

Chu Yu looked pensive, recalling in his mind the information about Wen Xingzhi that the system had given him, which clearly recorded Wen Xingzhi's past.

Scenes of images flashed across his mind. Suddenly, Chu Yu was stunned for a moment, then opened his eyes and caught the flashing fragments in his mind!

That was the darkest day in Wen Xingzhi's life. His parents were killed by zombies. The self-savior was actually his enemy. Parents... Zombies...? !

Could it be that the two zombies in the house were his parents?

But this information shows that his parents did not become zombies, but died and were buried in his hometown - Liaodian Village!

Chu Yu suddenly raised his head, his eyes bright.Yuan Feng was taken aback by Chu Yu who suddenly seemed to be on a stimulant, "What's wrong with you?"

"Go somewhere with me."

In the brick building, Wen Xingzhi slowly picked up the ladle in his hand, filled a bowl of blood, and fed it to the zombies in front of him. Even such frenzied movements could not conceal the elegance exuding from his bones.

"You are really a filial son." A slightly sarcastic voice came over.

Wen Xingzhi acted as if he had never heard of it, and continued with his actions.

A strange gleam flashed in Chu He's eyes, and he smiled, "Since I found your parents as promised, shouldn't you also take out what I want?"

Wen Xingzhi put down the things in his hands, took out the handkerchief that he carried with him, wiped off the blood stains from the corner of the mouth of the zombie who was grinning at him in front of him, walked towards another zombie in a flash, and repeated the previous action again.

"I will give you what you want," Wen Xingzhi paused, "but not now."

Chuhe was slightly angry: "It's been almost a month, how long do you want me to wait?"

"Three days."

"Better so."


After Chuhe left, Wen Xingzhi's hand movements paused, and he raised his eyes to look at the "parents" who were chained in front of him and had hideous faces. There was pain in his eyes, and the three expressions of clarity and madness blended together until they were completely submerged. , into one.

The moon and stars were sparse, and the stone skin of the back mountain seemed to be surrounded by mist, and the stones protruding from the ground from time to time made it extremely difficult for Chu Yu and Yuan Feng who came in to walk.

"Strange, I remember it's here..." Chu Yu wondered.

"You can tell me what you are looking for anyway, so I can help you find it together."

As soon as the words fell, Chu Yu turned his head to look at Yuan Feng, his eyes were bright, and he said word by word: "Looking for the tomb."

"You... this joke is not funny..." Yuan Feng laughed.

Chu Yu ignored Yuanfeng, and just looked for the place in his impression. During the search, he came across some tombstones. The area behind the mountain should be the burial place of the villagers.

"Found it!" Looking at the tombstone in front of him, Chu Yu was pleasantly surprised.

The name engraved on the tombstone in front of him is Wen Shuyuan, Yu Xiangqing!

It seems that this tomb is indeed Wen Xingzhi's parents, but the soil around the tomb is one piece, without any trace of being dug up. If so, the zombies in the room just now must not be Wen Xingzhi's parents .

According to the information so far, Yuan Feng and Wen Xingzhi are both fourth-level supernatural beings. As long as Wen Xingzhi can realize the truth, then they may be able to instigate Wen Xingzhi. In this way, their chances of winning will increase a lot.

Thinking of this, Chu Yu told Yuan Feng his plan, and after getting the other party's consent, the two walked towards the village.

The way down the mountain was much easier, so the two arrived at the brick house very quickly.

Chu Yu walked around to the back of the house as before, and looked into the house through the gap in the window.Different from just now, a candle has been lit in the house now, and the dancing flame flickers on and off, illuminating Wen Xingzhi's expressionless face.

He sat on the chair and looked at the two roaring zombies indifferently, as if he didn't care about all of this.

Seeing this, Chu Yu and Yuan Feng looked at each other in blank dismay, and with a glance signaled, the two came to the front of the house and knocked on the door. Anyway, Wen Xingzhi and Yuan Feng are both level [-] supernatural beings, so they can be safe even if the conversation fails. leave.

"Come in." Came a voice with no emotion.

The two pushed the door open, and the faint candlelight illuminated the floor under their feet. Wen Xingzhi turned his head and asked, "Who are you?"

Chu Yu smiled and said, "Don't care about this little problem, but do you know that the two zombies in front of you are monsters?"

There was a trace of confusion in Wen Xingzhi's eyes, and he returned to normal in an instant, and said calmly, "This has nothing to do with you."

"Your parents were buried well in the back mountain. If you don't believe me, you can go to the back mountain to have a look." Chu Yu paused, and then said, "You should be able to know the exact location of the tomb. If I'm not mistaken, the tombstone The ones engraved on it are Wen Shuyuan and Yu Xiangqing."

Wen Xingzhi raised his eyes, a flash of clarity flashed in his eyes, and asked again, "Who are you?"

"When you come back, you will know the answer, we are here waiting for you."

Wen Xingzhi glanced at the two people in the room with a gloomy expression, opened the door, and disappeared into the vast night.

Only Chu Yu and Yuan Feng were left in the room. The two stepped forward, sat down at the table, and stared at the zombie.

"What are you doing now?" Yuan Feng asked.

"just wait."

"Hehehe..." A sweet laughter came from far and near, "Are you two waiting for me?"

Startled, the two looked along the source of the sound and saw Chu He at the door.

Too bad, Wen Xingzhi hasn't come back yet.

Chu He looked at Chu Yu with a smile, "I didn't expect that you really came."

Chu Yu frowned, "What is your purpose?"

"Purpose?" Chuhe brushed the broken hair around her ears, and the corners of her mouth under the mask were raised, "I thought that idiot Wen Xingzhi was good, but I didn't expect to attract such a big fish like you, since that's the case, let you come Be my sacrifice!"

As she said that, she rushed forward and shot a silver light in her hand. Chu Yu reacted quickly, turned over and dodged, and immediately condensed a whirlwind in her hand and threw it at the opponent.

"I didn't expect you to be so weak. It seems that God is helping me." As he said that, Chuhe flung more dense silver light from his hands.

Seeing this, Yuan Feng suppressed the surprise in his eyes, and hurried forward to fight with Chu He.Speaking of which, he had already fought Chuhe once when he was caught that day, so he was quite familiar with Chuhe's skills.

Gradually, Yuan Feng was at a disadvantage in the fight between the two. Seeing this, Chu He threw a flying kick, and Yuan Feng was thrown two meters away. scars.

"What did you do to me?" A gloomy voice sounded outside.

"We are partners, how could I do anything to you?" Chu He stopped fighting, and turned to look at Wen Xingzhi who came back from the back mountain.

Wen Xingzhi pointed at the zombie next to him with an expression of surprise, and asked, "You said these are my parents?"

These days, he always felt that something was wrong with him. He obviously buried his parents with his own hands, but he firmly believed in everything that Chuhe who suddenly appeared said.

At that time, he had just finished his revenge and cleaned up the management of Bolan City, then handed over the affairs at hand to the newly appointed deputy city lord, and came to his hometown by himself, wanting to pay homage to his parents.

That is, when he was in a state of despair, he met Chu He, and the other party told him that she had a way to reunite himself with his parents. At that time, Wen Xingzhi glanced at the deep eyes of the little girl in front of him, and agreed.

Thinking about it now, it was obviously a clumsy lie, why did I believe it in the first place?

Seeing this, a rosy red light flashed in Chuhe's eyes, and Wen Xingzhi's eyes became chaotic again...

"Wear it and do it!"

This shout made Wen Xingzhi's eyes clear again, she really has a control-like ability!


All of a sudden, all kinds of supernatural powers in the whole house complement each other, and the interior is as bright as daylight.

Under the siege of the three, Chu He gradually lost her strength, staggered, and knelt on the ground. The mask on her face had already disappeared in the fierce battle.

At this moment, she is different from Chu Yu when she first met, her face is beautiful, and her crimson eyes are full of extremely beautiful luster, which is breathtaking.

"What do you mean by offering sacrifices?" Chu Yu asked.

Chu He raised her small face and looked at Chu Yu quietly without saying a word. There were strange dark lines flowing under her white skin. The next second, there was a muffled groan, and her body started from the bottom of her feet. Dissipates quickly.

Seeing this, Yuan Feng shouted: "No! She is going to commit suicide!"

There was a hint of sarcasm in Chu He's eyes, and the corners of his mouth turned up, "You can't hide..."

As soon as the words fell, Chuhe, who was at the end of her strength, had completely turned into powder, and was blown by the wind, and gently dispersed, as if she had never appeared before, completely dissipated...

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