After the end of the world, the weather is getting more and more extreme. I thought it would continue to deteriorate, but I didn't expect it to rain tonight.

As if suddenly remembering something, Chu Yu hurriedly called the system in her heart: "Xiao Jiu, are you asleep?"

"...the system does not need to sleep."

"I forgot," Chu Yu scratched his head in embarrassment, and asked again, "Will my plants and crops be affected?"

"You can see for yourself at dawn." The system's voice suddenly tinged with guilt.

Chu Yu couldn't fall asleep immediately.Although he can perceive everything in the base, this perception is limited. He can only perceive the specific location of people or animals. Still life like flowers, plants and trees, he cannot perceive their state.

Chu Yu lifted the quilt, walked to the window and looked down. The rose bushes were stubbornly resisting the rainstorm.Chu Yu was very helpless, the key point was that he didn't have anything to cover those flowers right now, so he had to pray that they would survive this disaster.Some green plants were destroyed by Qu Jingyun's subordinates last time, and it took him a lot of spar to restore those green plants. I hope the roses outside can survive this disaster.

Seeing that the rain couldn't stop for a while, Chu Yu couldn't fall asleep anymore, so she continued to lie on the bed, browsing the forum to distract her attention.

[Is there any big move going on recently? ]

[I have also heard]

[upstairs, me too]

[what are you guys saying?Why am I the only one who doesn't know anything? ]

[You're not alone, and I don't know either]

[Wow!It's raining! ]

[No. ]

[It's raining lightly here. ]

[Moderate rain on our side. ]

[Why is it different? ]

[what happened? ]


Looking at this chat post, Chu Yu couldn't help thinking.

Those who can use this forum are all large bases, and most of these large bases are in the north.But judging from their chat content, even though they are both large bases, the climate is slightly different.

Chu Yu swiped her finger and continued to browse the posts for a while. After finding that there was no substantive discussion, she quit the forum and opened the game.

The rain outside didn't know when it stopped.Chu Yu put down his phone and hurried downstairs to check.

As soon as he opened the door of the supermarket, a burst of earthy air rushed towards him, which was very refreshing.

It's just that Chu Yu didn't have time to lament the better and better weather, and walked out of the gate quickly. When he saw the bare rose bushes hit by the rain, Chu Yu suddenly felt a burst of angina...

Although he had such a premonition, seeing with his own eyes that the freshly repaired, vibrant, and delicate flowers were now reduced to only bare branches and one or two remaining petals, it would be a lie to say that he was not sad.

Thinking of the wheat he grew in the backyard, Chu Yu hurriedly made a detour to the supermarket.There was a touch of green in the middle of the originally black land, Chu Yu took a closer look, it was the seed!

It even sprouted!

This seed has been planted here for many days, and there has been no sign of breaking the ground. Today, a heavy rain, instead of blowing away this small seed, made it germinate.

Looking at the little green shoots about 1cm above the ground, Chu Yu's dull mood just now was swept away.I hope it can grow up quickly, I really want to know what kind of seed this is.

On the wheat field next to it, there are dense wheat. Although it has not turned yellow, it has basically grown up and can be harvested in a few days.

Chu Yu called out the virtual screen and planned to restore the landscape, but the heavy rain last night seemed to have only damaged these delicate rose flowers. After all, he only saw the item of repairing rose flowers in the one-click repair interface.

Since the others do not appear, it means that other plants or buildings have not been damaged.

Chu Yu couldn't help being very puzzled. Does the small garden in the business district have its own defense?

probably.Afterwards, Chu Yu put this question behind him and walked towards the supermarket.

Looking at the revived flowers, Chu Yu showed a satisfied smile.


This morning is Lu Wanfen's first day at work.

Yesterday, the city lord assigned them jobs. Some went to the guards, some went to the apple orchard, and some went to the restaurant...

As for her, I originally wanted to choose the job of looking after the hens yesterday. After all, she was brought up by her grandma, and she fed all the chickens in the family.

Unexpectedly, I was recruited as a waiter in the supermarket yesterday.

After getting a general understanding of Dawn City yesterday, everyone is very envious of Feng Yan's job. The salary of this job is the highest except for the guards, and you can meet the store manager, and there is free food every day.

Even if these later residents have jobs, they need to buy food by themselves. Only Mr. Fang and Feng Yan who followed the city lord at the beginning can enjoy this benefit.

Lu Wanfen did not expect that Feng Yan appointed herself to be a supermarket waiter yesterday.At that moment, she seemed to be unable to hear anything, and she was stunned in place. It was only after Feng Yan said it again that she realized it.

Looking at the envious eyes of the people around, she and her family quickly thanked Feng Yan, and then the other party pulled her aside and talked about the staff's salary and benefits.

When she got home, she told her family the news.

A family sits in a bright living room, with simple but delicious food on the coffee table, the laughter of family members in their ears, and their longing for the future in their eyes...

This morning was her first day at work, Feng Yan told her yesterday to wait for her at the residential building in front at 07:30.

So Lu Wanfen set off from home at seven o'clock.As soon as she stepped out of the building door, she was startled by the grass on the ground in front of her.

There was no grass here yesterday...

After the end of the world, it has become a luxury to see such a lawn again.

Lu Wanfen squatted down lightly, stroking the grass emerging from the ground with her fingertips, and the wet grass bent slightly under her caress.

Lu Wanfen smiled, then got up and walked forward.


After coming out of the small hotel, the chattering in Lu Chen's ears never stopped.

"Captain, if I continue to practice like this, I may be able to reach the intermediate level soon." Lu Jun looked at Lu Chen excitedly, "So can we still come tonight?"

Lu Chen glanced at the excited Lu Jun angrily, and then looked at the other two teammates.Although they didn't show their emotions like Lu Jun, they all had three words in their eyes - still want to go.

Lu Chen checked his deposit and said helplessly, "I can go again tonight, but if I still want to go, I have to go out of the city to kill zombies to earn crystal cores."

"We spend money so fast..."

Seeing the listless look of his teammates, Lu Chen smiled: "We spend money for better cultivation, and this money has to be spent."


After Lu Chen and the others heard the reputation, they saw Fang Yan who had just come down the stairs.

"Brother Fang, how does it feel on the third floor?" Zhan Long asked quickly when he saw Fang Yan.

Fang Yan recalled the feeling of cultivating in it, with a serious face: "I can only say that it is worth the money."

After that, he told a few people and went to work in the supermarket.

Looking at Fang Yan's handsome back, Zhan Long was extremely envious: "Is this the feeling of a strong man?"

"Captain, should we also try the third floor?"

Seeing Lu Chen's hesitation, Xiao Cheng also said with a smile: "Why don't we go experience it for one night, and change it back next time."

Lu Lu murmured softly at the side: "I'm afraid I don't want to change back after going there for one night."


Looking at the dangerous eyes of the captain looking at him, Lu Jun quickly covered his mouth with his hands, indicating that he hadn't said anything.

Lu Chen couldn't help but sighed helplessly.

It's really expensive, why can't several people open a room... This is the incomparably deep resentment of an old captain who manages money...

That's right, they tried it yesterday. Only cardholders can enter this kind of room. If you want to enter the same room, several people must hold room cards, which completely prevents them from taking advantage of loopholes.

It seems that it is time to make good money.

Lu Wanfen walked forward for more than ten minutes, and saw the residential building in front.I have to say that the distance between the two buildings is a bit far, but Lu Wanfen doesn't feel tired, on the contrary, she is full of energy.

After waiting downstairs for a while, Feng Yan went downstairs.

Looking at Lu Wanfen who was waiting downstairs, Feng Yan showed a hint of apology: "I'm sorry Wanfen, I'm late."

"It's okay, Sister Feng, I'm the one who arrived early."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and walked towards the supermarket together.Although the journey is long, but because there is one more person to talk, it does not seem lonely.

When Feng Yan decided to recruit Lu Wanfen yesterday, she asked her age, but she was one year younger than herself.So she and Lu Wanfen are called sisters.

When they arrived at the supermarket, Feng Yan told Lu Wanfen the precautions and procedures just like Chu Yu introduced her to the work process back then.

Soon, Lu Wanfen learned it.

Feng Yan chose to recruit Lu Wanfen yesterday, mainly because Lu Wanfen wrote sales in her work history.Sure enough, she learned it quickly after only teaching it once.

On the other side, the four of Lu Chen are training the escort members recruited yesterday.For the convenience of management, they temporarily divided the guards into four teams, which were led by four of them for training.

Although there are only four or five people in each team at present, the base was still recruiting people yesterday. I believe that the number of members of the guard team will expand to an unimaginable level in the near future.

These members followed the captain in front and ran around Dawn City.Under the scorching sun, people kept losing their strength and fell to the ground.

But a figure in the team who gritted his head and persisted caught Lu Chen's attention.

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