Become the richest man in the world from answering questions

Become the richest man in the world from answering questions


192 Chapters Completed Status


The student Jiang Xiaoli accidentally triggered the strongest answering system, participated in the answering activities organized by the school, and transformed from a useless student to a top student in the school.
By participating in the quiz activity, he became the richest man in the world!
Minzhou City Brain King Question Answering Room.
Host: "Okay, the last question, if you answer correctly, then you will get a reward of 5 yuan sponsored by this sponsor! Of course, if you answer wrong, then all the rewards you received before will be lost Cancel."
Host: "Are you ready?"
Jiang Xiaoli: "Ready."
Moderator: "Okay, please listen to the question!"
"During the Warring States period, which one of the hundred schools of thought did the counselor Zhang Yi come from?"
"A, Confucianism; B, Legalism; C, Mohism; D, Taoism, now you have 20 seconds to think, and then answer, the timer starts."
Jiang Xiaoli: "I choose B."
Host: "Are you sure?"
Jiang Xiaoli: "I'm sure."
Moderator: "Okay, please announce the answer on the big screen."
The answer "B" suddenly appeared on the big screen.
The audience burst into cheers!
Looking at the correct answer on the big screen, Jiang Xiaoli grinned complacently.
I thought to myself: "With the strongest answering system, even if the world's top genius comes, he will be a younger brother in front of me!"

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