Chapter 31 Something is wrong

From the school to the city hospital, it was only a 10-[-]-minute drive. Soon, teacher Miao Juan brought Jiang Xiaoli to the hospital and found a doctor.

The doctor also saw Jiang Xiaoli who was holding his forehead behind Teacher Miao Juan, and saw that the tissue had been stained red with blood, so the doctor hurriedly brought Jiang Xiaoli into the office.

When they arrived at the office, the doctor was looking for something in the medicine cabinet and asked, "Is this your brother?"

Teacher Miao was taken aback, and then explained: "He is my student."

The doctor asked again: "How did you make it like this?"

Teacher Miao looked at Jiang Xiaoli next to him, and lied to the doctor, "I accidentally fell in school."

At this time, the doctor had already taken out the medical alcohol for disinfection, as well as some gauze and cotton swabs from the medicine cabinet, and asked Jiang Xiaoli to sit on the chair.

The doctor said again: "I thought this young man was your younger brother because he was so young."

Teacher Miao smiled awkwardly and said, "I am his head teacher, and he is already a sophomore in high school."

Having said that, the doctor opened the alcohol bottle, stirred it with a cotton swab, and then came to Jiang Xiaoli and asked him to look up.

So Jiang Xiaoli followed the doctor's instructions without saying a word, and the doctor gently disinfected the wound on his forehead with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol, and continued:

"Students in high school are growing their bodies, so they should be more careful in the future, so as not to break themselves."

These words seemed to be addressed to Jiang Xiaoli, so Jiang Xiaoli blinked and nodded slightly, and said in response, "Thank you doctor."

After a while, the doctor opened the gauze and gently bandaged Jiang Xiaoli's forehead after the disinfection, but found that there seemed to be something wrong with the corner of Jiang Xiaoli's mouth.

After bandaging his forehead, the doctor suddenly stared at Jiang Xiaoli's eyes, and said in a questioning tone, "Open your mouth."

"Ah?" Jiang Xiaoli didn't react for a while.

"Open your mouth." The doctor said patiently.

So Jiang Xiaoli had no choice but to open his mouth, the doctor looked into Jiang Xiaoli's mouth carefully, and finally brought a small flashlight, and looked at it while lighting it.

Forget it, the doctor turned off the flashlight, put his hands away, looked at Teacher Miao Juan and asked, "There is bleeding in his mouth, he definitely didn't fall out, tell me, what's going on?"

Teacher Miao was stunned at this moment, she really didn't know how to tell the doctor, after all, Jiang Xiaoli has dignity...


"Isn't it because you punished him?" The doctor suddenly guessed.

Hearing this, Teacher Miao quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no, that's not the case."

"What's going on?" The doctor withdrew his gaze, turned to Jiang Xiaoli's body, and continued, "I'm a doctor. I have to know the cause of the patient before I can treat it."

Seeing that Mr. Miao was in a dilemma, he didn't want to tell the doctor the real reason for the trauma, in order to protect his dignity, but he didn't want to deceive the doctor, so that Jiang Xiaoli couldn't get treatment in time.

So Jiang Xiaoli stood up and said, "Doctor, actually, I just got into fights with others."

Hearing the truth, the doctor had to roll his eyes at Teacher Miao, then asked Jiang Xiaoli to sit down and said, "What do you think is going on in your school? Forget about fighting, a teacher is still hiding the true situation of his students?"

These words really made Teacher Miao feel ashamed. The chaotic school management is beyond her control, but she just wanted to maintain Jiang Xiaoli's dignity, and there was no real fault.

"It's okay doctor, the teacher is also doing it for my own good," Jiang Xiaoli looked at Teacher Miao Juan and said, "If the teacher didn't find out in time, maybe I would still be lying on the ground at this time."

The doctor ignored Jiang Xiaoli's protection for Teacher Miaojuan, but continued to ask him to open his mouth, looked at him for a while, and finally pulled Teacher Miaojuan aside.

The doctor whispered to Ms. Miao: "The child's condition seems to be more serious. I suggest to give him a chest X-ray."

Chest X-ray is a chest X-ray examination, which is a method of checking the internal conditions of the chest through instruments, which can better understand the internal conditions of the patient's body.

Of course, the doctor had his own basis for making this suggestion, because she found that the blood in Jiang Xiaoli's mouth spilled from his chest.

Teacher Miao immediately agreed to the doctor's suggestion. Jiang Xiaoli is not only her student, but also a life. For the sake of his life and health, he must not sit idly by.

"Then do a chest X-ray." Teacher Miao replied.

So the doctor called a few more nurses, put Jiang Xiaoli directly on the hospital bed, and pushed him into the chest X-ray room under the watchful eye of Teacher Miao Juan.

Soon, in front of the computer desk, a receipt for the chest X-ray test report was automatically printed out by the computer. The doctor sitting in front of the desk picked up the receipt, looked at it carefully, and was immediately dumbfounded.

I was doing a chest x-ray, but I didn't expect the machine to scan Jiang Xiaoli's head by accident. On the receipt report, I saw a white mass fixed there in Jiang Xiaoli's head. not sure what it is.

Seeing this, the doctor quickly called several other nurses and asked them to identify it together to see if they could recognize what the white thing was.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaoli had already been pushed out of the chest X-ray room. When he got up from the hospital bed, Teacher Miao Juan hurried forward to support him, and asked with concern, "Are you all right?"

Jiang Xiaoli, who was wrapped in white gauze, shook his head and said, "Teacher, I'm fine!"

Then Jiang Xiaoli, accompanied by Teacher Miao Juan, walked into the office together, and happened to see the doctor who was checking the receipt.

Not only did the skilled doctors fail to recognize what that white thing was, but even the nurses on the side had never seen it before.

This kind of special situation usually needs to be reported to the hospital immediately, so the doctor came to Teacher Miao Juan with the receipt, patted her on the shoulder, and motioned for her to come out with him.

So Teacher Miao Juan had no choice but to let Jiang Xiaoli sit in the office to rest for a while, and followed the doctor to the corridor outside.

The doctor directly handed the receipt in his hand to Mr. Miao, and said with some concern: "Look at the head image he scanned, is there something wrong?"

According to the doctor's instructions, Teacher Miao found the white mass in Jiang Xiaoli's head, and asked suspiciously, "What is this?"

The doctor shook his head and said, "I haven't seen this kind of situation before, so I have to report it to the hospital and ask the hospital to send a surgeon over to take a look."

(End of this chapter)

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