Chapter 190
"How should I put it? The Battle of Dongchang was the first victory the Confederate Army had won since the Battle of Jingnan. Emperor Jianwen Zhu Yunqi was very happy at that time!"

"It is said that in the third year of Jianwen, that is, the first month of 1401 AD, Zhu Yunwen restored Qi Tai and Huang Zicheng's official positions."

"Hey, here's a detail. Qi Tai and Huang Zicheng were dismissed by Zhu Yunqi in November of the first year of Jianwen, but they are still retained as think tanks."

"It wasn't until Zhu Di was defeated for the first time in the Battle of Dongchang that the two were restored to their posts. Qi Tai became Minister of the Ministry of War again, and Huang Zicheng resumed his position as Taichangqing."

"For this matter, Zhu Yunwen went to the Ancestral Temple to tell the sacrifices to the Ancestral Temple in person, saying that Dongchang is a great victory!"

"After the Battle of Dongchang, the morale of Shengyong's troops was greatly boosted, and after Zhu Di's Yan army was defeated, when they wanted to go south later, they always went south from Xuzhou or Xiaopei, and they dared not go to Shandong again."

"In the overall situation of the Battle of Jingnan, the southern army generals Sheng Yong and Pingan won two victories in Shandong, which consumed the vital strength of the Yan army and effectively curbed the pace of the Yan army's southward advance."

"As a result, strategic areas such as Jinan, Texas, were consolidated, and the situation at that time was temporarily balanced. Neither the Southern Army nor the Yan Army could gain an overwhelming advantage."

"Of course, I didn't have much to do with Zhu Gaoxu when I said so much. Now let's focus on Zhu Gaoxu."

"In the fourth year of Jianwen, Zhu Di was defeated again by the Southern Army at Puzikou. There was a battle at Puzikou here, but we won't talk about the specifics."

"It is said that after Zhu Di was defeated, Zhu Gaoxu led the army to arrive. Zhu Di was very happy to see the reinforcements at that time, so he told Zhu Gaoxu."

"He said, I'm exhausted, my son should continue to fight bravely! And it's still the kind of stroking Zhu Gaoxu's head."

"Not only that, but Zhu Di was stroking Zhu Gaoxu's back and telling him, keep working hard! Your elder brother Zhu Gaochi is not in good health and is sick every day!"

"Hey, what do you mean by Zhu Di's words? That is to say, your elder brother Zhu Gaochi is not in good health, and he might die someday, so you just need to work hard, and if I become emperor in the future, you will be the crown prince." of!"

"I have to say, Zhu Di's trick is very effective! So Zhu Gaoxu personally led the army to fight bravely, and finally repelled the southern army."

"During the Battle of Jingnan, Zhu Di was in danger many times, but every time he was able to save himself from danger with Zhu Gaoxu's hard work, so I think Zhu Gaoxu is very similar to himself!"

"It is precisely because of Zhu Di's promise to himself that Zhu Gaoxu has become more and more conceited, and he often does some shameful things because of his high merits."

"Later, Zhu Di killed his nephew Jianwen Emperor Zhu Yunqi, and then ascended the throne and proclaimed himself Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty. Then he sent Zhu Gaoxu to lead the army to Kaiping to garrison the border."

"At that time, the imperial court was discussing the establishment of a crown prince. Duke Qi Qiu Fu and his son-in-law Wang Ning both liked Zhu Gaoxu very much. They often praised Zhu Gaoxu in front of Zhu Di, and said that he had made the most contributions, so they asked him to be named the crown prince."

"At that time, Zhu Di was very hesitant and had a hard time making a choice, because Zhu Gaoxu did have meritorious service and saved his life many times, but he felt that his eldest son Zhu Gaochi was more benevolent and more suitable to be emperor."

"After hesitating again and again, Zhu Di finally thought that Zhu Gaochi was a benevolent man and the eldest son. According to the rules set by Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Gaochi should also be the heir."

"And Zhu Di also said that although Zhu Gaoxu made great contributions, his faults are not small. For example, he often kills innocent people indiscriminately and is aggressive by nature. If he is allowed to inherit the throne, he will probably be a tyrant."

"So in the second year of Yongle, 1404 A.D., Zhu Di canonized Zhu Gaochi as the crown prince, and canonized his second son Zhu Gaoxu as the king of Han. The feudal state was in Yunnan."

"When Zhu Gaoxu received the news, he said calmly, what's wrong with me? I'm going to be driven thousands of miles away."

"That's why Zhu Gaoxu was reluctant to go to the feudal kingdom. Later, when Zhu Gaoxu followed Zhu Di to tour BJ in the north, Zhu Gaoxu strongly asked to go back to Nanjing with his son, because he was afraid that Zhu Di would attack him."

"Anyway, Zhu Gaoxu is also Zhu Di's son, and he saved his life. Of course, he never thought of killing him. It's just that Zhu Gaoxu is suspicious."

"But in the face of Zhu Gaoxu's desperate request, Zhu Di had no choice but to agree to Zhu Gaoxu's request and let him and his son return to Nanjing."

"Later, Zhu Gaoxu asked Zhu Di for Tian Cewei to be his bodyguard, and often compared himself with Tang Taizong to entertain himself."

"Not long after, Zhu Gaoxu asked Zhu Di for two more guards, and Zhu Di had to agree, so Zhu Gaoxu acted even more arrogantly."

"It is said that he was conceited and brave, and he often followed Zhu Di, instigating right and wrong many times, and framed Zhu Gaochi, resulting in Xie Jin's unjust death and Huang Huai's imprisonment."

"In the 13th year of Yongle, that is, in 1415 AD, Zhu Gaoxu changed Zhu Di's fief to Qingzhou, but he was still unwilling to go to the fief."

"And he said displeasedly, what's wrong with me! I was sealed up in that poor place in Qingzhou."

"After these two canonizations, and judging from Zhu Gaoxu's reaction, Zhu Di now understands that Zhu Gaoxu is determined to seize the throne, so he personally issued an edict to let him go to the feudal kingdom as soon as possible."

"In the face of Zhu Di's personal urging, Zhu Gaoxu is still the same, you just urge me, and I will lose if you make a move."

"In addition, Zhu Gaoxu privately selected guards, recruited more than 3000 elite soldiers, killed the commander of the soldiers and horses, Xu Yelu, and usurped the chariots and horses that Zhu Di could only use."

"In October of the 14th year of Yongle, Zhu Di returned to Nanjing from Beiping and learned that Zhu Gaoxu had committed dozens of crimes during this period, so he scolded Zhu Gaoxu in a shameless manner."

"It doesn't count if you scold him, but also deprived Zhu Gaoxu of his crown and clothes, imprisoned him in the Xihua Gate, and planned to depose him as a commoner."

"This time Zhu Di is going to be serious, but the crown prince Zhu Gaochi, thinking of his brotherhood, pleaded strongly in front of Zhu Di, and Zhu Di just gave up."

"But it's not without punishment. It is said that Zhu Di cut off the two guards around Zhu Gaoxu, and even killed his close cronies."

"In March of the 15th year of Yongle, Zhu Di moved Zhu Gaoxu to Le'an Prefecture, which is today's Shandong Huimin, and asked him to leave immediately."

"Zhu Gaoxu, who has suffered from his father, is not stupid this time, but really went to Le'an Prefecture, but he has resentment in his heart, and is even more anxious to plan a rebellion."

"And his eldest brother Zhu Gaochi wrote a letter to warn Zhu Gaoxu with good intentions after hearing the news, saying that you should not act recklessly, or you will regret it, but Zhu Gaoxu didn't listen at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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