Chapter 65 Restaurant
Hearing Jiang Xiaoli's description, Yuer didn't know what to say. It sounds really weird that a teacher is actually holding a student's arm.

And it's still in public, isn't it a bit inappropriate...uh... how should I put it, etiquette?

Anyway, Yuer didn't ask about this matter anymore, instead he said to Jiang Xiaoli: "I think this restaurant is quite high-end, remember to show me later if there is anything I want to eat."

What he wants to eat is nothing more than wanting the names of dishes that Jiang Xiaoli has never heard of, such as the East China Sea Dragon King fried crispy meat, the Jade Emperor's cherries...

Entering the restaurant, there was a waiter at the front desk who wanted to come over to entertain Mr. Miao and Jiang Xiaoli himself, but Mr. Miao waved his hand and refused:
"Let's go up by ourselves."

The lobby of the hotel is actually very big, and the entire interior of the lobby is painted red!The chandelier above the head emits a moderate yellowish light that makes people feel unobtrusive.

On the left side of the hall is the reception desk of the hotel, and on the right side is the place to register for accommodation. This is not only a restaurant, but also a hotel.

After entering the lobby and dismissing the people at the reception desk, Teacher Miao led Jiang Xiaoli to the registration desk on the right.

The two little girls standing behind the counter did not dare to speak. They just stared at Teacher Miao nervously.

It was too calm, so calm that Jiang Xiaoli, who was following Teacher Miao, had to wonder what was going on in this restaurant.

"Open a private room," Mr. Miao said with one hand on the counter and the other in his pocket, with a leaky air, "The one on the second floor, [-]."

One of the little girls immediately started to operate, fiddled with the computer for a while, and finally raised her head, still a little nervous and said:
"Miss... your private room is ready..."

As she said that, another little girl took out something from the drawer at the front desk and handed it to Teacher Miao.

Jiang Xiaoli, who was very curious from behind, took a closer look, only to find that it was just a card, but there seemed to be words printed on it, but Jiang Xiaoli didn't see it clearly.

After Teacher Miao took the card, he immediately turned around and put Jiang Xiaoli on his hands and walked towards the staircase in the center of the hall.

Jiang Xiaoli really didn't understand why Teacher Miao was holding his arm and shoulders again, so he was too embarrassed to ask.

On the way, Jiang Xiaoli asked about the card. He asked, "Teacher, what is the card that the front desk gave you just now?"

Teacher Miao walked up the stairs with Jiang Xiaoli on her shoulders, and replied mysteriously, "It's nothing, it's just a small item, nothing important."

But Jiang Xiaoli's curiosity is not only very strong, but also has a very strong brain. The more Mr. Miao is so tricky, the more ideas Jiang Xiaoli will have.

So Jiang Xiaoli thought about it in his heart, thinking that the card could not be a VIP card or something?
Recalling the memory again, I found that the staff of the restaurant seemed to have a common feeling towards Ms. Miao... like a feeling of surprise and fear intertwined.

Just now Jiang Xiaoli felt that something was wrong with this restaurant, but now he felt that something was wrong with this restaurant together with Mr. Miao.

Going up to the second floor, what Jiang Xiaoli saw was a long red corridor, and there were the same corridors on the left and right sides.

At the back is the stairway leading to the third floor, and there are no other passages.

At this moment, several men's voices came from the aisle directly ahead, and then four middle-aged men appeared at the end of the aisle.

These four people are all in suits and leather shoes, but the colors of the suits and ties are different, but it can be heard that most of these people are senior executives of some companies.

Because Jiang Xiaoli heard that they were discussing business matters, and even real estate was involved.

"Mr. Cao, the plan for the Dongjiawan piece of land is estimated to be ready by Monday, and I'll come over to show you then."

The man in the blue suit called "Mr. Cao" patted the person next to him and said, "Thank you for your hard work. As soon as the plan arrives, I will provide the materials as soon as possible."

The one on the far left is Mr. Mo, and the second one is Mr. Cao.

At this time, a man walking on the far right said: "Mr. Cao, the land in Dongjiawan is easy to get, but the real estate in Liuzhong you want to ask Mr. Miao for instructions?"

"Mr. Ma is too worried," Mr. Cao said, "Mr. Ye personally approved the real estate project in Liuzhong City. Now it is a normal process to open the market. Why bother Mr. Miao?"

The man named Mr. Ma nodded and thought it made sense, so he didn't speak any more.

Only the second man on the right jumped out and said, "Is Liu Zhongcheng's price too high? If Mr. Miao finds out... we..."

Before he finished speaking, Mr. Cao waved his hand and interrupted him, saying: "As long as you don't tell me about our brothers, Mr. Miao won't know. So why is Mr. Wei still worried?"


Jiang Xiaoli didn't understand what these people were talking about, but Jiang Xiaoli knew something about Liu Zhongcheng they were talking about.

Liuzhong City was a commercial land approved by the government a year ago. It was taken over by some companies, and then started construction of real estate to build a commercial street.

As for the others, Jiang Xiaoli is not an expert, so he doesn't understand anything at all.

But in such a short time, facing the four men who were oncoming, Teacher Miao suddenly grabbed Jiang Xiaoli's hand, and hurriedly walked towards the left aisle.

Wait...Ms. Miao...Mr. Miao...Is there any special connection here?

The figures of the two of them just flashed by, and the four men also noticed it.

Mr. Ma was suspicious, and then said: "Just now... the person who passed by was Miao Juan?"

"Don't tell me, I look alike," Mr. Wei echoed, "But what's going on with that kid next to him?"

At this moment, the prestigious Mr. Cao stood up and spoke: "The Miao family is already engaged to the Liang family, and the young lady of the family also wants to save face. How could she come out to fool around with other men?"

Apparently, Mr. Cao thought that the figure that just flashed past was not the real teacher Miao Juan.

After saying that, several people stopped talking about this matter, went down from the second floor, and out of the hall, a special car came to pick them up.

Jiang Xiaoli was dragged around by Teacher Miao all the way, and he didn't know where he came, and finally stopped in front of the private room of [-].

At this time, Teacher Miao didn't know what was wrong, so he opened the door of [-]'s room, dragged Jiang Xiaoli and got in.

(End of this chapter)

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