Chapter 16 Canteen Answers!

Just like that, the four of Jiang Xiaoli and Teacher Miao Juan came down from the boys' dormitory and walked directly to the school cafeteria.

During this process, many passing students cast strange glances.

Why is there such a situation?You know, Teacher Miao Juan has only just graduated from university for two years!Just 23 years old.

And how old is Ye Wenfang?Yes, that's right, Jiang Xiaoli, who is a sophomore in high school, is already dead.

Along the way, apart from Teacher Miao Juan, Jiang Xiaoli and the others, none of them dared to say a word. In front of the teacher, they were still just a group of children.

After entering the cafeteria, Xiong Fan quickly stopped Teacher Miao Juan, scratched his head and said jokingly: "Well, teacher, you sit down, I'll cook for you!"

Teacher Miao smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Then it will be hard work for you."

Then he turned his head and glanced around, finally saw a place where not many students were eating, pointed to and said, "Let's go there."

Arriving at the place designated by Teacher Miao, Jiang Xiaoli and the others had just sat down, only to realize that there were a few students eating beside them just now, but they didn't know where they went at this time.

Is Teacher Miao really that scary?Of course not.

After sitting down, both Zhu Qiu and Song Yi felt uneasy, fearing that they would be scolded by the teacher if they were not careful, so they sat carefully, not daring to say a word.

If this was normal, they would definitely chat while eating, and even joke around.

But today is different, today I was lucky enough to sit and eat with Ms. Miao, even though it was very uncomfortable...

Before Xiong Fan over there had brought back his meal, Teacher Miao Juan couldn't wait to ask Jiang Xiaoli who was sitting opposite: "Did you study those questions you answered this morning?"

Did Teacher Miao Juan discover something?It shouldn't be...

Jiang Xiaoli shook his head quickly, and after realizing that he was wrong, he nodded vigorously and said, "Well, I learned it when I was bored."

The action just now really startled Jiang Xiaoli himself, why did he shake his head just now!
But Teacher Miao Juan didn't seem to notice anything unusual about Jiang Xiaoli, and said with some joy, "I knew you liked studying history, but why haven't you been able to improve your history grades?"

Speaking of this, Jiang Xiaoli also wanted to improve his historical results, but that was before, and he didn't have that strength before.

But it's different now, not to mention the history questions in the second year of high school, they are all history questions in the third year of high school, and he no longer pays attention to them.

So Jiang Xiaoli replied cautiously: "Teacher, let me tell you this. I learned it seriously, but I didn't take it on the test paper. If I didn't learn it, I took it on the test paper. Do you think it's strange?"

He can only answer this way, he can't say that he has been quietly dormant in the class, and then suddenly burst out to pretend to be aggressive, right?

Teacher Miao was taken aback for a moment, and his face immediately changed: "I wrote all the test papers, are you saying that I am against you?"

Hearing that the tone was wrong, Jiang Xiaoli quickly waved his hand and explained: "That's not what I meant. I just want to say that I will take every question seriously in the future. Well, that's it..."

After some words, Teacher Miao Juan returned to her original appearance and continued to ask: "Are you sure you didn't cheat in today's answering activity?"

"No," Jiang Xiaoli said swearingly, "Definitely not, if I cheat, I will be hit by thunder!"

I made a joke here, but I didn't see Teacher Miao Juan laughing at all. It seems that I am really insignificant. How can I compare with Teacher Miao?

"I'm sorry you don't dare," Teacher Miao said in a calm tone, "The last few questions were all asked by the principal on the spot, and it is impossible for you to know the answers in advance."

Just now Jiang Xiaoli wondered if Teacher Miao Juan really suspected that she had cheated, so it was all her own guess!

That being the case, then pretend to be more like it!
In order to further deepen his impression of himself under Teacher Miao Juan, Jiang Xiaoli deliberately snorted and said:

"Oh, teacher, to be honest, before I came to the stage, I thought they were all very difficult questions, but it seems that they are nothing more than that."

"Otherwise, before the next answering question starts, I will trouble the teacher to find the principal and ask the principal to prepare some more difficult questions. This will be interesting!"

Teacher Miao Juan heard, hey!This kid!The tone is quite loud!You young brat, it seems that you haven't seen the dangers of society yet!

"Jiang Xiaoli, are you hiding something from me?" Teacher Miao Juan suddenly asked.

Jiang Xiaoli was taken aback for a moment, a little dazed, and asked back, "What did the teacher want to say?"

"It's nothing," Teacher Miao said calmly, "From your tone, it seems that you don't care about the headmaster's questions. Since you are so good, I will come to test you, teacher, how about it?"

"it is good!"

Jiang Xiaoli directly agreed, and his voice was quite high, which directly attracted the attention of the surrounding students.

"low profile!"

Jiang Xiaoli screamed in his heart, he must keep a low profile!Only by keeping a low profile can you suddenly stand out in front of Teacher Miao Juan!

This kind of reaction of his also baffled Teacher Miao Juan. How could Jiang Xiaoli, who is hardly talkative on weekdays, come to have such confidence today?
So I stopped talking nonsense, and asked directly: "Listen, during the three hundred years of the Song Dynasty, there were more than 11 people who passed the tribute examination, and the average number of people admitted each time was about ten times that of the Tang Dynasty. .”

"More importantly, after enrolling in the imperial examination in the Tang Dynasty, they had to pass the examinations of the Ministry of Officials in terms of body, speech, writing, and judgment before they could embark on an official career. Scholars in the Song Dynasty could be released into the official ranks."

"So, what is the main impact of this on the Song Dynasty?"

After asking the question, Teacher Miao Juan quickly shifted her gaze to Jiang Xiaoli's face, carefully watching his every move.

This is also a way to find out if the other party is cheating or lying.

Of course, Jiang Xiaoli understood Teacher Miao Juan's purpose very well.

But regarding this question...he tried to wake up the system in his mind without saying a word, and said, "Don't sleep, come alive!"

Yuer, who was sleeping in his mind, woke up instantly, and read the question directly from Ye Wenfang's memory.

"I'm awake! I'm not sleeping!"

"Then why don't you hurry up and find the answer for me?"

"Oh, I'm looking for it! What's the rush?" Yu'er pouted.

While talking with childcare, the time outside of the mind seems to be frozen and will not continue to pass.

After a while, I heard Yu'er happily say: "Okay, okay! I found the answer!"

(End of this chapter)

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