Chapter 82 The Legend of Emperor Xuan
Regarding the learning method of seeing through memory, Jiang Xiaoli has never heard of it.

So Jiang Xiaoli came back to his senses, gently pushed Teacher Miao beside him, and asked, "Teacher, do you know the learning method of seeing through memory?"

"See through the memory?" Teacher Miao shook his head while frowning and said, "I haven't heard of it."

Come on, this must be another name that Yuying came up with blindly!
"Why, what's wrong with what I came up with?" Yuer immediately retorted, "I'm helping you, but I'm not hurting you."

Jiang Xiaoli hurriedly explained: "I didn't say anything wrong with you, why are you so fierce?"

Hearing this, Yu'er swallowed his saliva, Jiang Xiaoli was right, he just thought about it a moment ago, and he just yelled at him...

It is true that I said something wrong, so Yuer stopped talking.

She didn't speak, but it didn't mean that Jiang Xiaoli didn't speak, only Jiang Xiaoli continued: "I just want to say, the name you named is actually quite nice..."

Well, the first time I listened to it, I felt like I couldn't understand it, but!It’s okay if you don’t understand, the most important thing is the feeling, right?
Hearing that there is nothing to say about raising children here, I thought Jiang Xiaoli was going to find fault again, but since he said so, then forget it.

So Jiang Xiaoli's consciousness returned to reality again, and he slowly saw the street vendor from his sight, and then heard voices from small to loud.

This is the feeling Jiang Xiaoli felt the moment his consciousness returned, as if he had just woken up.

I just heard the vendors still talking about their marketing routines: "...before King Zhou Wen met Jiang Taigong, Jiang Taigong was fishing here."

"It is said that Jiang Taigong fishes, and those who wish to take the bait are just legends. If there is no bait for fishing, which fish will easily take the bait?"

"So, after King Wen of Zhou found Jiang Taigong, Jiang Taigong, that is, Jiang Shang, has always lived here in Tianfang Lake, living his small life leisurely and contentedly."

The artistic conception he mentioned is equivalent to Tao Yuanming's Xanadu, where he has no contention with the world and lives his own life.

But it is a bit ridiculous to say that Jiang Taigong lived here before he met King Wen of Zhou, and he lived by fishing day after day and year after year.

This is the top of the mountain, not to mention the cliffs on all sides, but the slope is quite steep, how can an old man walk up and down such a high mountain freely?

Some people may say that the street vendors say that Jiang Taigong lives here and makes a living by fishing, and this is his paradise.

But Jiang Xiaoli couldn't help thinking this way, a living person, an old man!Who would know him if he ate fish every day and never went down the mountain?

How did King Wen of Zhou know him later?And the most important reason is, where is Jiangzhou City?Located in Central China, the core of the Zhou Dynasty was in the northwest...

Anyway, Jiang Xiaoli would never believe that Mr. Jiang had fished here and even lived here.

So this must be the marketing routine of street vendors again!But it is enough to see that these days, if there is no ink in the stomach, they dare not come out to mess around.

"So, after King Wen of Zhou discovered this place, he also sent people to continue to transform it, which means that Tianfang Lake has officially passed from the Shang Dynasty to the Zhou Dynasty."

The vendor continued: "It is because of this Tianfang Lake that Jiang Taigong has the opportunity to display his ambitions. Everyone knows that after the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty, Jiang Taigong was named King of Qi. It can be said to be the pinnacle."

The point is that he has said so much, and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with what he sells, so is he engaging in marketing routines?

Before Jiang Xiaoli could think about it, the vendor continued to say, "During the Eastern Weekend period, the feudal lords will fight each other, and this place will become Qin's sphere of influence."

"Of course, the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period were very chaotic times. Although the people of Qin knew that there was such a place, because of the war, no one has ever visited here."

"It wasn't until the end of the Warring States Period, when King Qin Yingzheng swept the six kingdoms and established the Qin Dynasty, that Tianfang Lake continued to have the opportunity to be seen by the world."

"It is said that Qin Shihuang wanted to live forever, so after he unified the world, he kept sending people to find the elixir of life."

"As everyone probably knows, there is a alchemist named Xu Fu, who said he could find the elixir of life."

"Later Xu Fu deceived Qin Shihuang into trusting him. Qin Shihuang gave him countless gold and silver treasures and [-] virgins, saying that he was going to Dongying to retrieve the elixir of life."

"Everyone knows what happened afterwards. Xu Fu took all the things Qin Shihuang gave him and left forever."

"It is said that the first emperor of the Wa Kingdom is Xu Fu! Of course, everyone should just listen to it as a joke, and don't take it seriously!"

The vendor continued: "From this story, everyone should have heard that Qin Shihuang wanted to live forever."

"So when he heard that there are gods in Tianfang Lake, he naturally thought of the elixir of life, so he brought all the civil and military officials to Tianfang Lake, and wanted to ask the gods for the elixir of life."

At this time, someone asked: "Are there really gods here in Fanghu that day?"

It was a little girl who spoke, and it is normal to not understand these things.

The vendor was not angry when he was suddenly interrupted, and even said with a smile: "Don't worry, kid, listen to uncle continue."

"After Qin Shihuang came here, he said that the gods went to heaven to report to the Jade Emperor, and they are not here."

"So, Qin Shihuang naturally couldn't see the gods, and naturally, he couldn't get the elixir of life."

"As the saying goes, one day in the sky and one year in the world, if the gods have to report to work, it will take several days, right? It goes back and forth."

"That's why Qin Shihuang decided to renovate Tianfang Lake for the gods, so that when the gods come back, they can have a more comfortable life."

"Of course, Qin Shihuang also wanted to use this method to obtain the elixir of life for himself."

"Later... It seems that there is no later. Qin Shihuang died before the gods came back to report their work."

The vendor said: "After the death of Qin Dynasty II, the era has officially entered the Han Dynasty, and the Han inherited the Qin system, so the people of the Han Dynasty also believed in immortality, especially in the early days."

"In the early days of the Han Dynasty, the world was not very stable, so Tianfang Lake was temporarily hidden until the time of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty."

Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty!
Jiang Xiaoli suddenly remembered that Teacher Miao seemed to have told him the story of Emperor Xuan of Han coming here!
It is said that Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty was still rowing here!
(End of this chapter)

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