Gluttonous canteen

Chapter 63 Yuanyang Hot Pot

"Didn't you just say that the client this time is not a girl?" Li Chuo stood far away, and waited for the worms to recede, then reluctantly rubbed against Zhang Tao, and saw him as soon as he opened his eyes. He was still persistently picking out his hair with a branch, and the wet lump that seemed to be taken out of the bathroom sewer seemed endless. There was a big lump outside the tree trunk, and Zhang Tao kept picking it out.

"It's really not a girl, and even if it is a girl, the hair is too long, isn't it?" Zhang Tao visually inspected the hair he picked out, plus the puddle on the ground. If it is on the body, it will always hang down to the ankle, and it seems that there are still some parts in the tree hole that have not been fully excavated.

"What does a mercenary do with such long hair?" Li Chuo couldn't imagine. Even in their ancient times, their parents paid attention to their body, hair and skin, but the messy hair and long nails could always be trimmed. Does this person have some special religious beliefs that prevent him from cutting his hair all his life?It can't be that a little girl's heart is locked in a pure man's body, so what kind of mercenary is he still doing, he's scared to death by the fright of swords and swords.

"The truth will come out in a while, hey!" The hair inside was finally picked out, Zhang Tao shook his wrist vigorously, and the twig directly caught the collarbone of the corpse, and a highly decomposed corpse was just like that. He was pulled out of the deep tree hole, and after long years of peeling off, he finally saw the light of day again.

"Well, it really did re-grow." Zhang Tao poked the corpse's wrist with a branch, and the skinny palm was turned upside down by him, with balls on his fingertips, as if he had been sealed in a glass jar by the teacher in biology class tapeworms.

"It's his nails, they're still growing." If hair is still a personal preference, no one would allow their nails to keep growing and look like clumps of tapeworms, not to mention that they would be beaten to death when they went out. , Sitting at home by myself will starve to death, these hands are in such a state that they can't do anything at all, unless - this person is already dead.

"You mean, after this person dies, his body still maintains a normal metabolism? How is this possible?" Li Chuo didn't look at the man's deformed claws, and his eyes drifted away, but he was still very concerned about this phenomenon. curious.

"How is it impossible? If everything can be explained by approaching science, we will not exist if others don't talk about it... But there should be a reason why part of his body is still active. Let's take a look first." Zhang Tao immediately Squatting down, in line with the catering industry spirit of serving customers without fear of suffering and death, he directly reached out and began to fiddle with the highly decayed corpse.

The skin of the corpse has been exhausted, revealing the eye sockets with white stubble. It looks like a pair of big empty eyes, staring at the sky expressionlessly. Will there be a few worms crawling out of them, fat and white? The body writhed vigorously, sometimes turning over from the middle, sticking and falling from the original track, and crawling into the long hair of the corpse, which is the breeding ground for them to reproduce.

"This customer, the ashes return to the ashes, the little one is here to help you." Zhang Tao panicked at the sight, quickly put the body down and bowed.

"Guji." Just when Zhang Tao was about to check further, Goudan surrounded him at some point. He was a freak who was born to eat all kinds of food, and he would pour any uneatable swill in the village on the bottom. He eats, and some brats see that he looks like a dog, so they will throw him with some big bone sticks. Over time, the dogs have developed a conditioned reflex to chew on bones when they see them.

"Woohoo!" Goudan saw the corpse with white stubble leg bones exposed outside the trousers at this moment. He didn't know if he was hungry after running around the mountain road, so he squatted down and jumped up, biting On the ankle of the corpse, I tore off a piece of dead meat that was basically rotten and only had the skin left. I put it in my mouth, and my whole face shrunk into a cauliflower. I shook my head bitterly, and made a sound Spit on the ground.

"Oh, it's past the expiration date. Look, the child is starving. Goudan, you are human, you can't eat people." Zhang Tao looked at Goudan rolling around in place with distress, and took out mineral water from his backpack for him After drinking, I dug out the grilled fish fillets I bought on the train. I don’t know how long the fish fillets have been on the dining car. I bought them with the intention of knocking my teeth, but none of the three of them had good teeth. Not to mention, he almost lost half of his front teeth.

"Wow!" Goudan smelled the smell of fish, happily grabbed the grilled fish in Zhang Tao's hand, and ran to the side to eat alone.

"Hey, this kid is so pitiful. I haven't seen anything. Don't be as knowledgeable as him, customer. I'll clone a new one for you when I go back." Zhang Tao looked at the carrion corpse's gnawed legs. Bone, stretched out his hand to flatten his trousers.

"Wait a minute? Why are there also on the other side?" Li Chuo's sharp eyes found some clues, and he stretched out his hand to stop Zhang Tao.

"What other side?"

"Look, there is almost the same scar on the calf bone on the other side, but the dog obviously didn't bite... him." Li Chuo was halfway through speaking, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

Although Goudan behaves like a dog, his teeth are not as sharp as canines. On the contrary, they are no different from humans. If the scar on the other side of the calf is also a biting mark, then...

"Cannibalism..." Zhang Tao's uncle tensed up, stretched out his hand and grabbed Li Chuo, and took him to a farther place.

He squatted down and tentatively reached out to fiddle with the cuff buttons of the deceased. Sure enough, the flesh and blood of the corpse left very mottled scars from being bitten near the wrists. What was left by a large animal, and the very neat cuts on the wound almost certainly were human tooth marks.

"No wonder the dishes he ordered are so strange..." Zhang Tao seemed to suddenly understand something, stood up and muttered to himself, the customer ordered lungs, tripe, fish skin, pork head, chicken neck, and chicken feet. He is putting together himself, he needs a complete body, even if it is only a soul.

People cannibalize each other and fall into the realm of animals.

"Is it cannibalism?" Li Chuo seems to have overcome his obsession with cleanliness at the moment. Those are minor problems, and he is usually quite delicate. At critical moments, he can transform into a rough guy in a second, otherwise he would be in vain. The wise and powerful generation commander.

"This kind of thing also happened under my rule. It happened almost every time the Yellow River broke its embankment. After that, the Qintian Supervisory Committee sent special personnel to the local area to do things to save the wronged souls."

Zhang Tao nodded, touched the wrists and ankles of the skeleton, took a closer look, took out the prepared sealed bag and buried the corpse. Due to the severe decay and dehydration, a bag of bones could be stuffed directly into him after being packed and folded. In the backpack behind him.

"Sure enough, there is a lot of resentment." Zhang Tao got up with a grunt, put his hands on the forehead, and looked into the deep mountains and old forests in the distance. bushes.

"Is there something weird?" Li Chuo followed up from behind, and Li Zi was still dragging the dog's egg slowly.

"Look at the shrubs and other vegetation on these two sides." Zhang Tao pointed to the nearby low trees and vines.

"There seems to be traces of man-made excavation around here, and the vegetation is lower than the neighboring places?" Li Chuo stretched out his hand and tore off a few vines to examine carefully. Although they had grown well, the ends of the vines turned out to be You can also vaguely see the neat scars like chopping with a knife and an axe.

"This man was eaten by his companions. When he was lost in the mountains, he had no food or water. The expedition team couldn't make it through in the end, so they had to choose an unlucky guy and eat him."

Zhang Tao's expression turned cold, and his voice became serious and deep. I don't know if it was Li Chuo's illusion. He heard a sense of judgment in his voice, very similar to what he heard in the Dragon Tower trial before. The voice of Dali Siqing who passed by was not angry and majestic, which made people shudder.

Li Chuo shook his head, trying to dispel his hallucinations, he visually measured the distance from the entrance of the village, and always felt that something was wrong.

"But... haven't they already come out? You have also seen that the big tree hole where the corpse is hidden can be seen in half an hour. The village is also very close to the official road. People with basic common sense It can be easily judged that they have walked out of the dense forest and will be rescued soon."

"They came out, after eating this unlucky guy." Zhang Tao turned the backpack behind him, looking very regretful.

"Then why did they bring his bones to the exit of the jungle?" As a backup dry food?It won't be so lost, but then again, if it is really a spare dry food, wouldn't it be better to cut off the meat with a knife?Why did he carry such a heavy corpse with him?

"They didn't take him with them. It was his corpse that followed them all the way down the mountain." Zhang Tao swallowed, and looked back at the long hair that they had abandoned by the side of the big tree hole.

"Have you heard the story of the country governess?"

"I've heard of the old corpse in the mountain village!" Li Zi chased after him with Goudan at his fingertips, and forcibly made a fuss.

"Fuck off, I'm going to ask your uncle." Zhang Tao slapped him aside, and the kind dog grabbed Lizi's waistband and pulled him back.

"No, what rural female teacher?"

"There was a girl who went to the countryside to support education. Once she was walking from school to the staff dormitory, and she had to pass a long single-plank bridge on the way. She was fine, but one day, when she walked to the middle of the river, she suddenly encountered a The heavy rain caused the girl to be blinded by the strong wind and torrential rain, and she slipped and fell into the river and drowned... Local burials are popular, so they buried her casually. The family who arrived a week later still decided to cremate her, so they hired someone to take the girl away again. dug it out, and guess what..."

When Zhang Tao talked about this, he suddenly turned his back on it.

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