Gluttonous canteen

Chapter 64 Yuanyang Hot Pot

"What's the matter? Boss, hurry up and tell me that my uncle will make you a complete set tonight!" Before Li Chuo had time to ask, Li Zi first asked with a look of scratching his heart, which caused the dogs beside him to also express their displeasure. A low growl of patience, as if he could understand.

"Who said to do a full set?!" Little Emperor Jun blushed, but still looked at Zhang Tao, obviously looking forward to the answer to this story.

"It's decided √. Then they dug up the cemetery to have a look. Because it was the rainy season, the girl's body was a little decomposed. The shroud she wore was a women's suit, skirt and skirt that the village raised funds to buy. A pair of formal high-heeled shoes. The clothes are still intact, only the shoes... and the high heels are all worn out." After Zhang Tao finished speaking, the flashlight he found out from nowhere shined on his chin, reflecting a white-haired A handsome green face.



Li Zi and Goudan huddled together and almost rolled down the mountain in fright. Only Li Chuo, a young man who had seen the world, took the flashlight from Zhang Tao's hand without changing his face or beating his heart.

"What do you mean?" He knew that this guy wasn't just telling ghost stories. He looked around the corpse for so long just now, did he see something.

"The female teacher felt that she died too unjustly, so she crawled out of the grave every night and followed the cloud that killed her for a while... Our customers are probably also because of this."

The corpses eaten by his companions were abandoned in the deep mountains and old forests. The huge grievances drove this walking corpse to follow his companions who had fallen into the animal way to the edge of the dense forest secretly with his hands and feet. Gradually rotted in the hole of a big tree. During this long process, the hair and nails of the walking corpse continued to grow because of the unfulfilled wish, which formed the current situation.

"I took a closer look at the wrists and knees of the dead body. The skin and flesh on his palms were all worn away, and the knee pads of the mountaineering suit were basically worn down to the edge of the sutures. He must have crawled a long, long time." After he was eaten." Zhang Tao turned his backpack upside down, as if he was coaxing a child, as if he was comforting the carrion he had saved from snakes, rats, insects and ants.

"Then what should we do now? Take the customer back for burial? This is the dine-in menu he ordered?" Li Chuo always felt that things were not that easy.

"It's not that simple. We need to find what his expedition team was looking for but failed to find." Zhang Tao looked up the mountain, and there was a bush that was lower than ordinary trees deep in the dense forest. This should be the excavation team that year. the way out.

"Dog, come and smell it." Zhang Tao greeted, and the human-shaped Erha, who had been familiar with everyone for a long time, jumped on it like a child, and threw himself on the backpack that Zhang Tao took off. After sniffing it a few times, he suddenly vomited Sticking out her tongue, her delicate face wrinkled.

"Goodboy, I'll give you a grilled fish fillet." Zhang Tao looked at Goudan, who was choking on his eyes, with some regret, and tore off a piece of grilled fish fillet and fed it to him.

Encouraged by food, Goudan regained his energy, broke free from the rope, and ran forward on the ground, turning his head and whimpering from time to time, calling for everyone to follow.


The squad walked for about a morning, and at the beginning they were still singing loudly and loudly. The carp that touched the eighteen touches was dead, and the small face was shrunk back, and the tongue was sticking out from exhaustion. The miasma in the depths of the dense forest was getting heavier and heavier. The little guy gasped for a few breaths, and coughed straight from the choking.

Zhang Tao set up a pergola and looked in front of his eyes. The further he went up the mountain, the thicker the surrounding bushes. At first, the whole group basically had a rayban, but now they all picked them off, because they are not used at all. Sunglasses, not only is it difficult for sunlight to shine into these dense tree crowns, but also the surrounding water vapor is getting heavier and heavier, and the visibility is getting lower and lower, so that Zhang Tao has to light up the ghost story that he used to scare people just now. A flashlight is needed to barely see the path ahead.A faint white light flickered in the jungle, like a small artificial sun at the airport, which could only dispel a small piece of darkness around itself, but it was not enough to illuminate the entire sky like real sunlight.

"Well, I didn't expect it to be so humid on the mountain." Zhang Tao shook his hair. The water droplets on his head were wet and cold. It seemed that the mist formed by the miasma in the mountain encountered his autobiographical scroll, and the water in it Condensation had formed, and his back was sticky. Although the mountaineering suit was good at keeping warm and cold, it lacked the function of exhausting wind and humidity.

Zhang Tao looked back, and the other members of the team also had bitter faces, especially his little emperor, who looked a little bit like the walnut old lady in the village, with a baby's heart bitter, but the baby didn't say anything A sense of stubbornness makes one's liver ache when rushed.

"Let's rest for a while." Zhang Tao ordered Li Zi to help, and the two stretched out the oilcloth in the backpack, and set up three small horses, and arranged for everyone to sit down and rest.

"Let Goudan sit, I'll just sit on the ground." Li Chuo looked at Goudan who had been on all fours and couldn't walk upright. The thick silt was dyed gray-black, with rotten dead leaves under his nails, and because his head was closer to the ground than ordinary humans, he was sobbed by the rotten earth, sobbing and laying on the oilcloth, looking Very poor.

"You sit, it doesn't matter if you're a bitch, he's lying on his stomach, his butt doesn't touch the ground." Zhang Tao held Li Chuo down, stopping his noble sentiments of giving up his seat to the old, weak, sick, disabled and pregnant.

"What does this have to do with the butt?" Li Chuo had to sit down obediently, and asked inexplicably.

"Grandpa, you don't fight often, and you don't know the rules. If you don't have a mazar in the deep mountains and old forests, you'd rather stand than sit on a dead tree stump or sit on the ground. There are many snakes, insects, rats and ants on the mountain, cold-blooded animals If there is a gap, it will be drilled, if there is no gap, it will be drilled even if there is a gap, you know."

"Hmm." Hearing Li Zi's explanation, Li Chuo was agitated and touched his butt subconsciously. It's better to avoid it. I'm tired of dealing with Zhang Tao, and I don't want to take advantage of others.

"Judging from the structure of the mountain, if we want to climb to the top, we still have to walk for at least half a day. Now that there is still sunshine, let's put on clean clothes and let the wet clothes blow in the wind for a little while. Disperse the moisture, and then find a way to wash after going down the mountain and returning to the village."

Zhang Tao tiptoed to look at the situation on the top of the mountain. Although he could vaguely see the whole picture of the top of the mountain, it was not so easy to climb to the top.

"Well, okay." Li Chuo used to be very particular about basic necessities of life, but now he had to do as the Romans do, and followed a group of rough men into a chicken, leaving only a pair of chicken underwear. Quickly got into the new clothes, even Goudan borrowed light, and put on Li Zi's spare pair of new pants and hiking shoes, and everyone sat down after tossing around.

Several people climbed the mountain for half a day, and the road conditions were steep and slippery. They had exhausted a lot of physical strength. They could still speak a few words while sitting on the mazar, but gradually they fell into a quiet atmosphere. , especially Li Chuo, ordinary humans without any blessings, almost drowsy.

"Woohoo!" Just when the team's silence was golden, the sickly dog ​​Dan who had been lying on the oilcloth suddenly jumped into the air, jumping up to the height of a person, dancing and twisting like a Shiba Inu that had broken free from the rope. When he started to move, he slammed into Zhang Tao's arms, bumping the confused big cat into his ass.

"Ouch!" Zhang Tao woke up with a jolt, Goudan had already run away, hiding behind a big tree tens of meters away, barking non-stop.

"You donkey ball! Feed the unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, and eat so many grilled fish slices from me, why are you going crazy now... Ugh." Zhang Tao jumped up, and before he finished cursing, suddenly Feeling something was wrong, they met Li Zi's eyes, and the two picked up Li Chuo and ran towards Goudan.

"What's going on? Equipment..." Li Chuo reminded loudly.

"Don't worry about the equipment, there's something coming down!" Zhang Tao and Li Zi said almost in unison, and rushed to Goudan's direction in one breath. There was a loud noise, and then the entire Ershan body shook violently.

"It's a mudslide!" Zhang Tao jumped up a ten-meter-high tree and looked at the top of the mountain. He saw a huge torrent engulfing a whole piece of land and pouring from the top of the mountain with the momentum of Mount Tai. When it comes down, if the whole mountain is regarded as a person, the head of this person is melting like chocolate, and the solution is continuously flowing down from his remaining head and neck, which has already wetted his front and is rolling down his lower body. come!

"It's not safe here, run to the slope above!" Zhang Tao took a look at the menacing mudslide, jumped down from the big tree, and ran away with Li Chuo under his armpit, but he didn't wait for him to exert his strength. , The ground with rotten leaves on the pavement under the feet began to loosen and slide!

"Fuck, I can't use my strength! Where's the bird?" Zhang Tao was quick to poke the little emperor.

"Oops! It's in the equipment!" Li Chuo touched it casually, only to realize that he had changed out of the wet jacket and put on a new one when he was taking a break, and forgot to take out the big bird!

"Isn't that right, big brother? Brother Diao ~ wake up soon, your past needs you!"

Zhang Tao yelled, and threw Li Chuo on his back. He was like a hamster wheel with a hundred claws scratching his heart, running against the current crazily, but his feet were too slippery, and the whole place where he was hiding kept slipping. He couldn't exert any strength at all, and was finally engulfed by the mudslide and slid down, watching the next mud wave hit him and he would be buried alive!

"Boss! Catch it!" Just when Zhang Tao was about to be swept away, a thick vine was suddenly thrown down from above the steep rock wall, and the sound of a carp came from behind the turn of the mountain road.

"Hey!" Zhang Tao didn't have time to think, grabbed the life-saving straw, kicked the ground, jumped up with a sprint, turned a steep slope, and found that the carp and the dog egg were hiding in a mudslide. After clearing the land|in the rocky cave exposed outside, the two of them grabbed the vines together and pulled Zhang Tao and Li Chuo out of the mudslide with great effort.

"Damn it, it's dangerous." Zhang Tao and Li Chuo were shaking their hair on the edge of the cave, almost sealed from the waist down by the thick muddy water, and they both looked like tiger-headed tiger-headed people, just like two clay figurines sold in Zhang's old shop. Big Ah Fu.

"No wonder." Li Chuo looked at the roaring mudslide outside the cave, and said thoughtfully.

"What's no wonder?"

"When I climbed to the top just now, I felt strange. It should not take a day's journey from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. If you have enough equipment and experience in exploration, it should be impossible to get lost in the woods, unless they are killed by something. Something got blocked, it turned out to be a mudslide."

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