Gluttonous canteen

Chapter 65 Yuanyang Hot Pot

"Oh, look at the way it is now. After the mudslides pass, the land below will not be solidified in ten days and half a month." Zhang Tao set up a pergola and looked outside the cave. There are broken branches everywhere, which seem to have fallen into the mixer and were crushed. A land reshuffled.

This kind of naturally formed swamp will be mixed with a lot of air due to the mixing of mudslides. As time goes by, it will slowly seep out of the surface. When encountering the crust of the surface land that is gradually solidified, huge bubbles will be formed inside. This is commonly known as The big smoke bubble is also one of the most disconcerting landforms among explorers. If you step down it, you will be lost forever.

"No wonder those guys were forced to eat people in the end." Zhang Tao poked his neck to identify the direction they ran towards. Up to now, they were still walking on the path with traces of artificial excavation. If those people also If there is a regular mudslide here, maybe their hiding place should also be in a nearby cave. If they are lucky, it may be this one.

"Will it really take ten days and a half months to go out?" Li Chuo frowned and followed Zhang Tao to look out. The place where they stored their luggage and equipment had been completely submerged by the liquefied land. Struggling to get out, if you can't...

"It's okay, don't worry, we have food reserves, so we don't need to eat people." Zhang Tao said confidently.

"Do you still have private goods on you?" Li Chuo's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that Zhang Tao, who was usually joking and unreliable, turned out to be so powerful at critical moments.

"Of course, otherwise, what do you think I always carry the carp with me?"

"Ah? After fighting for a long time, you want to eat me?!" Li Zi had exhausted all his strength to drag the boss and uncle up, and now he was resting with Goudan, when he heard what Zhang Tao said The cruel remarks immediately jumped up to seek arbitration from the trade union.

"Yes, you have also seen that eating people will bring retribution, and you are not a human being, so it's okay to eat." Zhang Tao looked at him with an expression of "I'm hungry and I'm justified."

"You are not human yet! I am an animal under the second-class national protection, and is protected by the National Animal Protection Law. Dare I ask this benefactor, do you have one?" Li Zi moved out a national-level police to protect himself in a clear and thoughtful manner.

"Hmm..." Does the country have a code to protect rare animals in the Classic of Mountains and Seas?It seems not, Zhang Tao felt a little bit troubled, and was bitten by Li Zi's question.

"But I have a boyfriend, and my boyfriend has the right to make laws." Zhang Tao thought hard, and finally had a flash of inspiration, and moved Li Chuo out. Well, there are no other advantages to being an emperor's boyfriend. When you see someone, something, or something you want to eat, you can easily reach out and grab your neck and say: "I'm sorry, you were expropriated by the state."

"Stop making trouble, come and take a look." Just as the master and servant were playing their tricks, Li Chuo had already paced into the cave by himself, squatted down and looked carefully, and seemed to have found some clues.

"These things are similar to our equipment. It seems that they have been abandoned here for some years." He pointed to the messy backpacks on the ground, as well as some scattered Luoyang shovels, fire pockets and ropes, etc. They are very familiar with the industry. something familiar.

"It seems that they have been trapped here for a long time." Zhang Tao looked at the traces of the bonfire on the ground. There were a lot of ashes piled up repeatedly, and there were empty cans beside them that had been licked and polished. These people probably survived. I couldn't stand it for several days, so I came up with the idea of ​​my companion.

"What is this? A phone?" Li Chuo dug out from his backpack something similar to an early mobile phone phone. He still couldn't recognize all the modern facilities and equipment, and shook it at Zhang Tao in his hand.

"This is... a military walkie-talkie?" Zhang Tao took it over and looked at it. Turning it over, the place where the number was originally engraved on the bottom had been scratched with a knife. It should be the personal belongings of a private mercenary. Professional Tufuzi.

"What is this?" Li Chuo impatiently took out the contents of the schoolbag one by one, and simply grabbed the bottom of the schoolbag to drop it, and poured out all the contents in one go. In addition to the meaningless bulky equipment, there is also a small instrument that looks very sophisticated inside. Li Chuo has never seen it in movies and TV, so he can't name it at all.

"Is it an electric meter?" Zhang Tao took it and held it in his hand for a while, and all the small lights on the instrument turned on. It is estimated that this instrument is powered by artificial kinetic energy or solar energy, otherwise it should have been left for so long. There is no electricity.

As soon as the instrument was started, the pointer on it shook violently a few times, then hit the head with a snap, pointed straight to the maximum value, and never moved again.

"What is it?" Zhang Tao fiddled with it for a while, turning up, down, left, and right, but couldn't see any clues.

"Ouch!" At this moment, Li Zi, who had been unable to talk to each other on the outside, walked secretly to the deeper part of the cave, and suddenly his feet were empty, and he fell directly into a deep pit.

"Who is so wicked to dig a trap to catch Lao Tzu." Li Zi jumped up angrily, rubbing his butt, feeling that his tail was about to be thrown out.

"Ah!" As a result, he took a few steps back and fell into another big pit that was not too low.

"Aren't these people stuck in there idle? Digging holes and playing whack-a-mole in 3D?" Carp climbed up again with hands and feet, and lit a fire with his hands on his buttocks. In the dark place deep in the cave, there are many big pits, big and small. He is a professional worker, and he can see at a glance that these big pits are all robbery holes that were excavated tentatively with Luoyang shovels.

"This group of people is really interesting. Trapped in this kind of place where birds don't lay eggs, they are so hungry that they can eat people, but they still want to dig out something. It's really a man who died for the birds." Zhang Tao watched Looking at the densely drilled holes, some people can't understand the brain circuits of these colleagues.

"No, wait a minute." Li Chuo glanced at the robbery holes all over the floor, and then at the weird instrument that Zhang Tao had thrown away just now, and suddenly felt that there seemed to be some inevitable connection among them.

"What's wrong?"

"Maybe they weren't like us, they were just accidentally trapped in this cave by mudslides. Is it possible... that their original goal was this cave, but there was a sudden mudslide outside during the excavation process, so it was possible Trapped inside for several days, they ate people when they ran out of ammunition and food."

"You said this crap is for detecting babies?" Zhang Tao shook the precision instrument in his hand. No matter how you look at it, it looks like an electric meter at home. There is almost no difference except for the numbers on the scale.

"This may be used to detect a certain value. The content of this kind of thing in this cave is very high... Wait, does this have anything to do with the people in the village who have a strange disease?"

"No way, this group of people are obviously natives. You know us as a pedestrian. Flies don't bite the eggs of Wufeng'er, and don't scatter eagles when you don't see rabbits. They don't want to do such public welfare, right? Anyone who travels through mountains and rivers wants to investigate. Let’s take a look at the sources of pollution and contribute to environmental protection?”

"Have you ever thought... Maybe what they want to find is the source of pollution? The source of pollution is the baby?" Li Chuo looked at the dog sleeping on the ground not far away, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

Many years ago, in a short period of time, there were a lot of weirdos in the village, such as the walnut old lady, the immature loli, and the atavistic dog who couldn't walk upright...

Could it be because of the arrival of the group of Tu Fuzi, a highly radioactive substance was disturbed during the excavation process, causing the Feng Shui of the nearest village to change, and so many strange-looking humans were born, just like the documentary Just like the Chernobyl nuclear power plant mentioned in the article, the newborns welcomed by nearby residents in the years after the disaster will all suffer different degrees of health damage.

"What can be both a source of pollution and a treasure, but then again, this expedition team has made such a big effort to co-author it for a mass grave in a broken cave. I thought it would be a top-level decorative leather seat An imperial mausoleum with a skylight or something, at least it must be the tomb of the richest man, I didn't expect..."

Zhang Tao sat cross-legged on the ground, his legs found a deep hole and stretched in, drooping, his feet kept dangling, like a mature hairtail.

"Hey, this hole was dug like an onion."

"What's upside down?" Li Chuo glanced at the deep hole where Zhang Tao's legs were sagging, but didn't understand what he meant.

"Oh, you're still young, so you haven't experienced that time." Zhang Tao pulled up his legs, sat with his knees in his arms, and his chin, looking at the rows of deep pits, and recalling the time when books were burned and scholars were buried. Come on, it was just yesterday in a trance.

"Looking at how time flies, I look back at the past, I used to be an ignorant teenager, I used to live like a year, I am so ordinary, but so lucky, I want to say thank you, every day of my life, oh~~~ Fuck! Prehistoric civilization tomb!"

Zhang Tao was singing happily, when he suddenly thought of something, a carp jumped up from the ground, startled everyone, even the dog who had been napping on the ground was startled, and barked a few times, Like a bullet, it jumped behind Li Zi and hid.

"Don't be surprised, what is the tomb of prehistoric civilization?" Li Chuo was still immersed in his concubine's low and melodious (?) singing voice just now, and was startled by his howl, but in order to maintain the supreme dignity of the imperial power , the little emperor gritted his teeth and restrained himself from jumping out like a dog's egg.

"I just thought about the excavation by these people. It should be a large tomb like Qin, Han, Tang and Song Dynasties, but what if it is a prehistoric relic? Qin bricks, Han tiles are expensive, but there is always a market price, things from ancient civilizations But it’s different, there’s a price but no market, and there’s an immortal.” In the pre-civilization era, humans and creations were once very close...very close.

Zhang Tao stared at the deep pits, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

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