Gluttonous canteen

Chapter 60 Yuanyang Hot Pot

"I'll burn the kang for you before leaving."

Trembling, the old woman entered the room, stretched out her hand and tugged at the light cord hanging from the curved cup bow and snake shadow on the wall, and an egg-sized light bulb on the ceiling lit up with a bang, and the room was full of dim yellow light. The dense dust floating under the light made Li Chuo couldn't help but want to hold his breath, thinking of the endless smog in his hometown, the imperial capital.

"No need, ma'am, you can go back to the house and rest, I can do it."

Zhang Tao poked open the hearth three times, five times and two times, lit the fire and stuffed the straw in. The movements were smooth and smooth, and the crops and flowers were all dependent on me.

"Yo, you little brother wants to get it, you have been to the mountains and the countryside?"

"Hmm..." Zhang Tao touched his uncle's face and acquiesced noncommittally.

"Then you rest, get up early tomorrow and have stick noodle porridge to eat." The old woman nodded, walked out tremblingly, turned around to close the door, and put down the cotton curtain.

"It's a good thing there is a heated kang to sleep in. Otherwise, if you sleep in this empty room all night, it will be very cold, Li Zi, you sleep outside in the barn." Zhang Tao shook off his bedding and spread it on the kang, leaving the top of the kang to Li Chuo, sitting cross-legged on the tip of the kang, looks like a good wife and loving mother with a pair of scissors on the kang and a shovel on the kang.

"Why should I sleep in the barn? I'm not an animal." Carp yelled.

"I'm sorry that you are an animal. Everyone lives in a barn. Why can't you live in it?" Zhang Tao said with evidence, but Li Zi couldn't refute it.

"Look in the past, what's going on with that atavistic person." Zhang Tao whispered in his ear before kicking Lizi out of the window lattice.

"Let's go to the kang too." After kicking the carp, Zhang Tao turned back to the direction where Li Chuo was standing just now, intending to arrange a shot, but found that there was no one there. He turned around like a dog chasing his tail, and finally He found that Li Chuo had already walked in front of the ancient mirror that was already mottled with mercury, looking at something intently.

"Ai, I'll go, you can't look in the mirror in the middle of the night, you will attract unclean things!" Zhang Tao quickly jumped up, trying to cover the child's eyes.

"Not clean? Is there anything in the world that is dirtier than you." Li Chuo impatiently patted off his dog's paw, his eyes still wandering on the things in the mirror.

"Huh? It turned out to be an old photo." Zhang Tao followed Li Chuo's gaze, and there were several black and white photos inlaid on the frame of the mirror. Like the mercury mirror, they were all mottled by the years. .

"Did you find anything strange?" Li Chuo pointed to the old black and white photos one by one. Looking at the buildings behind the characters, it seemed that these photos were arranged in chronological order from left to right , and the height of the figure in the photo is also growing, but... her face has not changed at all, and the wrinkles are piled up like walnuts.

"Is that old grandma? Why is she...she looks so old when she was five or six years old." After Zhang Tao carefully identified the photos, he took a breath and shivered all over, and subconsciously looked at the tightly closed big door. the door.

The rhythm of this old guy becoming a master?What kind of spirit would that be...a human spirit?No wonder there is no smell of ghosts, foxes and fairies at all.Zhang Tao was scratching his head a bit. Although he is good at subduing monsters and catching monsters, he is considered a monster after all. delicious?Well, it's too old and I feel that it will be fleshy and a little woody.

"No wonder the old lady has good eyesight and clear hearing. Maybe she is not that old at all. Is this called...premature aging?"

Li Chuo held Zhang Tao by the collar to prevent him from being frightened. His first reaction was to eat the discordant factors. While thinking about the part of his biology class that was just expanded a few days ago, he came up with a scientific generalization. explanation of.

"Oh, that's also possible." Zhang Tao stopped struggling, nodded, and looked out the window.

In the barn outside, Carp got along very happily with another humanoid creature, poking each other twice from time to time, and even catching lice for each other.

A young man who suffers from atavism and mental retardation and cannot walk upright, was born with a walnut face, and may now be just an old woman at the age of a middle-aged woman. Wouldn’t this village be named Kennedy’s hometown?What a scene of being cursed.

"This village must be under some kind of curse, my God, it can't be the diner in my shop who cursed me, I should ask him to write me a receipt for the auspicious imperial exemption when I take the order, don't wait until then Injured a friendly army by mistake." Zhang Tao was suspicious, looking around to see if there was any clue that would be unfavorable to him.

"Why are you so feudal and superstitious, can't you look at things from a scientific perspective?"

Since being expanded by Wang Dun, Li Chuo has been full of Mr. De and Mr. Sai in his mind, and he is always interested in science and democracy. He seems to have no memory at all that he himself is a bright pearl shining on the land of East Asia on the pyramid of the feudal class, let alone It is the biggest beneficiary of the usual means of propagating superstitious ideas such as resurrection from the dead for thousands of years.

"You have studied and are capable, please explain." Zhang Changzai expressed his dissatisfaction, and fought with his emperor on the spot.

"Couldn't it be that some chemical plant was built nearby, and unscrupulous businessmen turned it into a source of heavy industrial pollution, which led to all kinds of bizarre health conditions in this village?" Li Chuo's words were thoughtful and clear. It was as if a heavy fist hit Zhang Tao's big face with his neck upturned.

"The holy mountain is wise and mighty, and the concubines worship it." Zhang Tao held back for a while, feeling that he could not refute, and lay down on the ground and shouted long live.

"It's easy to talk about it." Li Chuo nodded to his concubine to get up. The feudal superstition thought raised slightly. It may be that the debate was too intense. Just now, he drank a bottle that was a bit sweet during the confrontation. Urge up.

"You sleep first, I'm going to change clothes."

"Changing clothes? Just change it here." The illiterate Zhang Tao asked a little puzzled, why did he go outside to show his weight when he changed his clothes, and then posted it on the scarf after being photographed, how many people would have to look at it? .

"Well, I'm going to pee." Li Chuo thought for a while, and felt that the road to restoration was long and long. Even if it succeeded, it would be exhausting for no one to understand the imperial decree, so he simply changed the term.

"Oh oh oh, then I'll lie down first." Zhang Tao suddenly realized, and got into the sleeping bag on Kang Shao'er as taught.

"Well, you can sleep on the kang with me." Li Chuo was about to go out when he saw that he got into the wrong bed and reminded him.

"Your Majesty, are you going to bed today?" Zhang Changzai asked shyly, Xu Lang's old charm was still comparable to that of Concubine Wan Gui.

"No, I want you to cover the bed for me first, and then go back when I come back." Li Chuo decided to find some water to wash his eyes when he peed. I feel like I'm going to explode.

The child wandered around in the empty yard a few times before he found a dry toilet that was less than one person tall. Fortunately, the household was small and the inside was relatively clean, but he was very sexually conscious, so he managed to urinate with his ass sticking out After finishing the work, I ran out quickly to avoid people's bird's-eye view from a high altitude, while looking for water to wash my hands and eyes.

"Well, there will be no running water." Li Chuo, who is used to enjoying modern technology, is suddenly a little unaccustomed to the ancient way of life, and he doesn't think that all the water he used in the first 18 years of his life came from Yuquan Mountain. It is not a water supply company that has undergone several procedures of disinfection, and it is still alive and well.

The child looked around, and there was a lonely well in the middle of the yard. The stones at the mouth of the well had been exposed to the wind and sun, and some pieces had collapsed and shattered. Looking in the dark, the whole mouth of the well seemed to emerge from the ground out of thin air. It came with a wide mouth, jagged teeth and decayed gums.

Is the water in it really usable... Li Chuo looked at the mouth of the well with a bit of distaste, always feeling that the water in such an ugly well is not very sweet, but at this time the stinky cleanliness of the ruling class reappeared After a while, he still wants to get bored with Zhang Tao, always wash his hands, so as not to pollute the penis of his harem concubine.

"ver." Li Chuo uttered a bird's cry, and resignedly stretched out his hand to hold the potter's wheel, and began to shake it up continuously. He felt that the bucket below had taken a bite on his arm, and it should be filled with water.

The little emperor labored and reformed for a while. He didn't know if it was his illusion. He always felt that after shaking for a long time, the bucket still didn't seem to come out of the well, so he probed down the well angrily.

As far as Ruochun and Jingming, the waves are calm, the sky is bright and blue, and the clouds break through the moon, and the flowers play shadows. The emperor looked down at the mouth of the well to peek at it, but saw a girl in white, with claws like apes, climbing on the ropes of the well. On the ground, with piercing eyes, facing the sky, the emperor was shocked, screamed and left.

"Zhang Chang is here! Hurry up and escort me! There is a ghost!" Li Chuo kicked open the door of his room, and jumped into Zhang Tao's bed, just like the girl in white clothes he saw just now, hugging Zhang Tao with his hands and feet. Stopping Zhang Tao, repeating the words of help just now, completely forgetting the scientific development concept that he was talking about against the Confucians a few minutes ago.

"Hmm, my lord, do you want to go to bed?" Zhang Tao lay on the bed, was roasted by the billowing heat, and soon fell asleep. When he was in a daze, he was suddenly hugged by his boyfriend and immediately opened the door. In Teddy mode, the buttocks are arched and arched, posing a grassy mode, waiting for the bedtime.

"You're paralyzed, sleeper, get up!" Li Chuo frantically poked Zhang Tao, slapping off his dog's paw, and looking back to see if the white-clothed lady had crawled in. He was very busy. It's fun.

"Hey, what are you doing? You don't let people sleep in the middle of the night." There was a thud thud sound from the door, it seemed that the old woman came over with a stick, and her mouth was lingering. It seems that they have been made a fuss.

Squeak, bang.

The door was opened from the outside, and the crooked figure of the old woman was reflected in the moon field. Zhang Tao and Li Chuo huddled together and looked up. The old lady had a cat face!

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