Gluttonous canteen

Chapter 3 Dragon Liver and Phoenix Marrow

Chapter 3. Bustard

Swallowing the world, only females who are pregnant are exempt.

A sentence echoed in Zhang Tao's mind, and he stared eagerly at the fairy sister running with the ball in front of him.

"Female ghost! No, no, goddess!"

Zhang Tao moved his buttocks like a yellow fish and slid sideways slowly. Although the woman didn't follow her, her blue and white eyes full of resentment kept following Zhang Tao's figure.

"You and I have no grievances in the past, and we have no enmity in the present, and I have absolutely no hatred for your husband. Goddess, please let me live."

Zhang Tao said it with a high-sounding mouth, but his heart was empty, everyone has a baby, so why did he bump into that little deer just now.

"You rest early, rest early."

Zhang Tao managed to get to the edge of the dragon coffin. He turned around and was about to run away when he put oil on the soles of his feet, but suddenly his ankle was caught by something, and his two legs fought, and he fell on the ground.

"Oh my old waist."

Zhang Tao looked down, and what wrapped his legs was a flesh-colored, very soft tube, which looked familiar, like a part of the human body.

He is a dedicated cook, and he thinks he has a good grasp of the human body. Like a surgeon, a fork in his hand can dismantle your professionalism in minutes, but this part does not seem to be often used for ingredients, um, what is it then?

"Umbilical cord!"

At the same time Zhang Tao reacted, he heard the bad wind behind him, and it was too late for him to run, so he just heard "Hang Chi", followed by a sharp pain in his buttocks.


Zhang Tao struggled to twist his buttocks, and kicked his bound legs on the top of the dragon coffin. A carp flipped over, and as soon as he turned around, he was face to face with a dead baby without facial features, staring wide-eyed. They looked at each other closely, their faces were almost pressed together, and Zhang Tao could even feel the cold air exhaled from the pouting lips of the dead baby like his mother's body.

Not only running with the ball, but also playing yo-yo?This eldest sister is too high-end, isn't she, dare you have kangaroo genes in your ancestors?

No, this woman is not the queen!Even if human beings turn into corpses, it is impossible for them to evolve to such a high level.

By the way, Zhang Tao once heard people mention that there is a creature called a bustard in the world, which is the wife of all ghosts and has no males. In the gloomy tomb to absorb the yang energy of human corpses, and use it to incubate the evil fetus in his belly. Once such a terrible hybrid of yin and yang is born, even Da Luo Jinxian may not be able to subdue it!

The facial features of this corpse have not yet formed, which means that this bustard has not yet been captured, and has not touched the man in the dragon coffin. Could it be... Zhang Tao felt excited when he thought of this, for some reason.

Cuckoo.Coo coo coo coo.

When he was giggling stupidly, the bustard suddenly tensed up, much like a bird when it was thinking. Her throat kept swallowing, and her neck stuck up, making a sound similar to that of a bustard. tweet.

Suddenly, the bustard tilted his head and twisted his buttocks. Somehow, the command was issued. The umbilical cord exposed under the skirt continued to shrink inward, dragging the corpse in front of Zhang Tao back under his skirt. , although he couldn't see clearly under the cover of the skirt, Zhang Tao could still see that the bustard's belly was bulging rapidly.

"Hey." Zhang Tao thought for a while with his butt, and felt pain for her.


The bustard's neck twisted back and forth, Zhang Tao could see clearly this time, the gorgeous costume on the bustard's body, and the emeralds on her head were actually the feathers grown by herself!

The survivability of bustards is very strong. In order to obtain the essence of male corpses in the tomb, they even evolved to grow their own feather shape and color according to the uniform of the corpse, so as to pretend to be buried as a couple. In this way, even if they meet In the case of re-burial, the descendants of the suffering master will mistakenly think that this is their ancestor because of the time, and they will be buried together in other tombs, so as not to disturb the incubation process of the corpse.

"Emma, ​​if I can catch you, I won't be a naughty shop, and I will work directly for the Nobel Prize in Biology." Although Zhang Tao said this, he really didn't have the guts to challenge her. Any creature in the body is the law of mutual generation and mutual restraint naturally formed by the check and balance mechanism in the biological chain.


The bustard's consideration seemed to be over, she shook her chubby belly, and a pair of three-inch golden lotus gently touched the ground, like a rooster that has been participating in a cockfight.

Suddenly, the bustard's belly straightened out, and from the navel, countless umbilical cords spewed out, entangled Zhang Tao's head, neck and limbs like a worm, and was as sleepy as a dog. Meat dumplings.


I don't know if it was Zhang Tao's illusion, but he actually felt that the bark of the bustard seemed to be making a smirk, what on earth was she going to do?

Soon, he realized the answer, because like a marionette, his body was being controlled by the bustard's umbilical cord, and he crawled into the dragon's coffin.

"Goddess, no, you can't force someone to mess with you just because you can't get it. In fact, just because he doesn't like you doesn't mean he likes men, right?"

Zhang Tao exerted his potential as a roaring horse, reluctantly turned his head, raised one arm, and stretched out Erkang's hand towards the corpse bustard.

But after he said it, he knew in his heart that this male corpse was a virgin boy and the body of an emperor, and his aura was too strong. The corpse bustard could not conquer him with his own magic power, so he had to rely on another body to destroy him. His...his.

Is this really good?As the saying goes, "It's three o'clock in the middle of the night, and I'm ashamed to blow the lamp~ The first meeting~ The first time~ I'm about the same age as anyone~ Don't suffer~" Zhang Tao blushed , and sang os timidly in his heart.


Relying on the power of the umbilical cord, the bustard tightly wrapped around Zhang Tao's neck, and pressed his face onto the handsome face of the man in the dragon coffin.

Fuck?Fuck, shit, the first kiss is gone?Are you kidding me?My innocence has been ruined by you to the brim, sister!

Zhang Tao's face was almost purplish red, and he felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. The man's lips were dry but soft, making him feel hungry and thirsty.

It was a mixed feeling of grievance and emotion, he didn't even know what moved him, he kissed him, half forced, half voluntary, filled his heart with a strong sense of ritual, which is hard to calculate Never in my life.

The bustard seemed very proud. She was the most obscene creature in the world on the other side. Of course she could see Zhang Tao's reaction. She sneered twice, controlled Zhang Tao's hands with the umbilical cord, and reached out to grab the man's waist. His grip was so strong that he shattered the belt made of thousands of years of beautiful jade in one fell swoop. His hands were still being forced down, and his body leaned into the coffin.

[For the [-] words here, please use your cute imagination~]

"do not want!"

Zhang Tao shouted.

The final sound of his roar is no longer a human voice. The roar is strong and vigorous, like a war drum that has traveled through thousands of years, echoing in the dark and damp tomb, deafening.

Ruined!This was the last thought Zhang Tao could remember.

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