Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3309 Looking for Weaknesses


In the long void, two figures were approaching at an extremely terrifying speed.

A ray of sword light was like the sky and the earth splitting apart, directly slashing out from the dark figure of Du Long.

Facing an opponent who is only in the middle stage of the Eternal God King, he still needs to contain most of the power of his sword, otherwise he will probably kill the opponent directly with one sword!

Facing this sword light that was like splitting the sky and crashing into the earth, the Eternal True God War Zone Commander of the Ice Clan did not dare to have any confidence.

He wielded an ice sword with both hands and slashed towards the opponent's sword with all his strength.

The brilliance of the sword suddenly appeared in this void, and then collided and merged fiercely!


This was a terrifying energy collision that was enough to shake countless Xuantian worlds. The theater commander of the Ice Clan was shaken directly by the terrifying power as if he was a ball struck by a sword. Throw it away!

Even though Du Long had restrained most of his power, he still couldn't change the fate of being blown away by a single blow.

The figure of the Eternal God-King-level battlefield commander of the Ice Tribe who was blasted away was quickly retreating, staring at the black figure in front of him in disbelief.

In this head-on collision just now, he could feel that his opponent had been merciful and did not use all his strength!

Otherwise, the opponent is fully capable of killing him, instead of blowing him away like now!

"Haha!" Du Long pretended to laugh wildly and said, "Don't pass by now, tell the people above you not to bother me, I'm just passing by!"

Amid laughter, Du Long dodged and accelerated toward the Ice Clan's territory, ignoring the Ice Clan's theater commander who had lost interest in pursuing him!

As long as the other party doesn't continue to pester him to death, he really doesn't want to go on a killing spree to avoid causing unnecessary trouble to himself.

After all, after he is done with his business, there is a high probability that he will need to return via the original route.

Once the conflict intensifies in the Ice Tribe's territory, the Ice Tribe will definitely negotiate with the Dark Tribe, and there is a high possibility that his identity will be completely leaked.

The entire different world has a very limited number of eternal god kings, and those who have reached the peak state of the eternal god king are even rarer.

The Dark Clan only needs to conduct internal self-examination, and they will immediately find that their identity is doubtful. After all, Azuda himself is just an eternal true god, and has nothing to do with the eternal god king, okay? !

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.


The commander-in-chief of the Ice Tribe's war zone watched the black shadow gradually go away with a bitter look on his face. He was too lazy to continue to pursue the opponent.

He directly took out his communication energy stone and reported everything that happened here to his immediate superior.

As for how the superiors will handle this matter next, it has nothing to do with me.

He has already intercepted when it was time to intercept, and he has also faced off against his opponents. It is obvious that he is no match for them!

Furthermore, even if you want to catch up with the opponent, you have to be faster than others, right? !

"Everyone should return to their respective positions. Just pretend that this matter has never happened. Don't spread it to the outside world. Otherwise, if I find out, I will deal with it according to military law!"

The supreme commander of the Ice Clan's war zone scolded his subordinates who were rushing around with a cold face, and then simply ordered to lift the time and space seal on the scene.

Since the ban cannot keep the opponent, it is better to just let the opponent go freely. Maybe it can also be seen that if you take the initiative to show your kindness, you will not cause chaos within the Ice Tribe!

Du Long, who was flying at full speed in the distance, soon felt that the time and space restrictions around him had completely disappeared. He immediately and rudely used ultra-long-range teleportation to disappear with lightning.

He was very happy in his heart. He was lucky that he had not broken into this different world after breaking through to the realm of the Eternal True God!

Otherwise, just relying on the cultivation of the eternal true god realm, it is impossible to pass through this seemingly empty buffer zone in front of you.

Once you are chased by aliens at the level of the Eternal God King, you will definitely have no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth!

After two or three days of ultra-long-distance teleportation, he quickly passed through the buffer area between the two alien forces and went directly deep into the hinterland of the Ice Clan.

Of course, Du Long also transformed at this time, once again giving up the form and soul aura of Azuda of the dark energy clan, and transformed into the commander-in-chief of the dark clan's war zone!

That's right!

He directly used the Ice Tribe's Eternal God King Realm War Zone Commander as his original form, transformed into a body that was exactly the same in appearance and soul, and continued to penetrate deeper into the Ice Tribe's hinterland.


It is better to borrow the identity of a member of the Ice Tribe and travel on the road than to borrow the identity of a Dark Tribe to gain control on other people's territory. If you encounter an Ice Tribe along the way, it will be easier to deal with it.

It wasn't until this moment that Du Long had the time to take a serious look at his surroundings.

Compared to the Dark Energy Clan whose territory was almost completely covered by dark energy, the Ice Clan in front of them was covered by a wave of cold air.

Since Du Long entered the different world, he has encountered the two major groups in this world. They all seem to be life forms dominated by a certain energy form? !

In order to provide their people with a more suitable living environment, they did not hesitate to completely transform their territory into a world that is consistent with its energy attributes? !

According to Du Long's speculation, whether it is dark energy or ice energy, it should have been the same chaotic source energy as his own world!

However, these energy creatures seem to have the ability to swallow the original energy of chaos and then transform it into the corresponding attribute energy they need? !

Du Long also confirmed that the development model of these alien creatures is too barbaric and brutal. Only by continuously excluding dissidents and strengthening themselves can they grow into the sole overlord of a certain world.

At that time, that world will lose the chance of survival of other ethnic groups, eventually leading to a certain other world becoming the only overlord-level force.

Then in order to continue to develop and grow, we can only continue to search for more different worlds, and then continue to devour them one by one!

With this thought in his heart, Du Long's speed did not slow down at all, and he continued to teleport forward at full speed!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.


In order not to have the misfortune of encountering the strong men of the Ice Tribe who rushed to support the battle area behind him, Du Long finally changed his direction slightly and took a more detour to minimize the chance of encountering the Ice Tribe's reinforcements.

And his caution did help him successfully avoid an Ice Clan reinforcement in front. The other party did have the idea of ​​​​staying at a certain point in the straight line, waiting silently for his arrival.

After Du Long slightly changed his direction, he was far away from the reinforcements of the Ice Tribe.

For a being as powerful as Du Long, who is at the peak of the Eternal God King's realm, the range that his divine consciousness can cover is still limited. As long as he doesn't unluckily enter the coverage of the alien strongman's divine consciousness, he won't be blocked by the other party!

In the vast void of another world, even a powerful man like him would have to spend tens of thousands of years on the road.

As long as he is not too unlucky, the chance of aliens blocking his path is as slim as the chance of two small fishes traveling in opposite directions on the east and west sides of the Pacific Ocean meeting each other!

As Du Long continued to penetrate deeper into the territory of the Ice Clan, some of the Ice Clan's sun, moon and stars gradually began to appear along the way!

That's right!

They did not place the sun, moon and stars inside the Xuantian world, because there is almost no trace of the original energy of chaos in the void here!

Under the condition that they will not be eroded by the energy of chaos, it is normal to place the sun, moon and stars directly in the void.

All in all, Du Long began to encounter galaxies one after another in the void, and also detected traces of countless ice alien creatures inside those galaxies!

Being too bored on the road, he finally couldn't help but sneak into a galaxy, because the strongest people nearby were some Eternal God General level experts, and there was no alien race that could threaten his safety!

What he came to was an extremely huge ice planet. The sun and moon in the sky only provided illumination for this giant star, and could not provide much heat for this giant star at all.

The Ice Tribe people don't like hot environments either, so a cold planet is more suitable for them to survive!

Du Long was walking in a huge city. The so-called city was completely different from the city in human society. It was a so-called city made up of caves carved out of the rolling snow-capped mountains, and then composed of countless caves!

These people of the Ice Tribe are not primitive tribes that drink blood and hair. They have a civilization that is not too weak.

It will also be divided into three, six or nine levels internally, and they will also have their own currency system, a kind of ice crystal that can be used to improve their cultivation!

The Ice Tribe people also need to practice to improve their strength, and they also need to enjoy all kinds of material life after practice. Naturally, there will be a large number of various materials for the tribesmen to enjoy.

Of course, within the Ice Tribe, there is also a need for intermarriage to continue the ethnic bloodline. Some caves on the streets are actually no different from brothels in human society.

Du Long, as a member of the Ice Tribe, walked silently in this alternative alien civilization.

To be honest, he really couldn't adapt to the various living habits of the Ice Clan, and he couldn't find a restaurant or the like to sit down and have something to eat here.

The reason is very simple. The various foods sold in the restaurants here are all dark dishes that he can't eat!

For example, some of the fine wines they sell are freezing cold. Watching the other party drink a large glass of strange wine that is dozens of degrees below zero in one gulp, Du Long will feel chilled all over.

There are also various so-called delicacies they eat, most of which are based on some unknown ice plants. Many of the colorful foods look like they are full of poisonous existence.

However, these Ice Tribe people regard them as delicacies. The process of eating them is not only enjoyable, but in the end those foods will be converted into ice energy that can improve their cultivation? !

Du Long just walked silently on the streets of the Ice Clan, quietly observing the living customs of the Ice Clan, as well as their entire system for cultivating their people!

As the saying goes, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. Du Long's current goal is to observe the opponent's strengths and weaknesses, and then be able to formulate the best combat plan in the future!

As Azuda, he did not dare to enter the hinterland of the Dark Clan easily. The main reason was that the living environment of the Dark Clan was rather strange.

Unlike the Ice Tribe people in front of him, although their living habits were very different from those of the human race, at least they were still existences that Du Long could barely accept.

But the living environment of the Dark Clan is a bit ridiculous.

In the process of crossing the territory of the Dark Clan, Du Long also used his spiritual consciousness to explore the living environment of the Dark Clan.

Most of those dark tribesmen live on the dark void land, and every piece of land is covered by pitch-black dark energy.

He could only observe some general scenes on those lands through his spiritual consciousness.

Faced with that kind of dark environment, with almost no tribesmen on each land mass gathering to form a living environment in towns, who knows if their identity will be directly exposed after entering? !

Because of this, he did not enter the territory of the Dark Tribe in the end, but regarded it as a piece of air space passing by!


Du Long has a relatively deep understanding of the living environment of the Ice Clan and their system of cultivating outstanding children!

At this moment, I am in an area that is not considered the core of the Ice Tribe, but rather a buffer zone between the core and the periphery.

Each galaxy usually has an eternal true god sitting there, and an entire star field has an eternal god king sitting there.

If the Ice Tribe is invaded by a foreign enemy, they will report to their superiors for appropriate support depending on the situation through layer-by-layer reporting!

To put it simply, if the Eternal True God cannot do it, he will be called the Eternal God General, and if the Eternal God General cannot do it, he will be called the Eternal God King.

On the surface, this method seems to be a bit slow to respond, but if a foreign tribe dares to invade, even if the opponent has a certain degree of excellence in the early stage, the Ice Tribe's senior leaders will retaliate in kind afterward.

In other words, if you mess with me in the Star Territory today, I will retaliate by more than 10% more the next day!

If you are dissatisfied, you can continue to upgrade the combat level. At worst, a full-scale war will break out together and fight to the death!

In short, in the endless years of existence in this different world, I don’t know how many powerful people were completely destroyed because of this!

At the end of the fight, a balanced situation was formed among the last dozen or so top forces. No one dared to start the battle lightly to avoid being taken advantage of by other forces!

Then there will be people like the dark energy clan, extending their tentacles to other worlds, preparing to first devour the other worlds to increase their own strength, and then turn around and use their tyrannical strength to eliminate all the alien forces around them!

On the streets between the mountains.

Du Long walked leisurely in the streets and alleys. On the surface, he seemed to be wandering carelessly. In fact, his consciousness was divided into billions of parts, and he was constantly exploring all aspects related to the Ice Tribe. kind of information.

The focus of his investigation is to find the weakness of the Ice Clan and see what is the nemesis of this ice energy creature? !

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