Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3310 Forbidden Fireball

On the ice planet.

Dulong appears to be wandering around on this planet, but in fact his spiritual consciousness covers a large number of surrounding galaxies.

Distracted by billions of people, they simultaneously tracked and investigated billions of targets, trying to find their fatal weaknesses in countless ice clans.

In his opinion, both the Ice Tribe and the Dark Tribe are some kind of energy life forms, and logically speaking, they should all have fatal weaknesses.

However, it is not easy to find the weakness of the Ice Clan.

After all, the members of the Ice Clan wouldn’t always talk about their weaknesses even if they had nothing to do? !

But Du Long was able to understand this part of the information from the side, such as various written classics of the Ice Clan and so on.

Any ethnic group must have grown from its weakest stage to reach a level of strength above Xuantian's creation realm.

It is absolutely impossible to have the strength of Xuantian's creation realm as soon as he is born.

The Ice Clan not only has its own currency system, but also has a special civilization system unique to this ethnic group.

Therefore, carriers such as words and rune stones that can record various information have also become essential basic materials for this civilization system!

Du Long not only secretly eavesdropped on certain conversations of the Ice Clan, he also learned their own language and characters, and then secretly read various books related to it!

Through all-round exploration of the Ice Clan, he gradually gained a deeper and deeper understanding of this clan.

For example, the members of the Ice Clan have designated certain surrounding airspaces as restricted areas and strictly prohibit their own people from entering them.

Du Long will carefully investigate what dangers there are in those restricted areas, why they have become restricted areas for the Ice Clan, etc.

The more unfavorable the existence is to the Ice Clan, the more he wants to explore with all his strength. Maybe he can find strange objects to restrain the Ice Clan from inside those restricted areas? !

In addition, Du Long is still working hard to find the star map of the Ice Clan. Only by obtaining the other party's star map can he secretly conduct in-depth investigations into certain restricted areas.

It is a pity that this kind of star map is not available to everyone.

The various races in the different world control their own internal topography with an intensity that is absolutely speechless.

Ordinary Ice Tribe people can usually only walk near their home star field. Even if there are some businessmen who can travel across star fields, they only know the general situation of their walking route at best.

Many places require traveling through remote teleportation arrays, and those merchants only know the teleportation points they need to pass along the way!

There is simply no way to find a detailed map of the entire Ice Tribe from Xing Shang.

As a result, Du Long could only work hard to find those so-called restricted areas within the range that his spiritual consciousness could cover!

Relying on the cultivation of the Eternal God King at the peak level, his divine consciousness covers a very wide area, and he actually found two or three so-called Ice Clan forbidden lands!

Those so-called forbidden areas are actually a small airspace in a certain galaxy, or they may refer to a dangerous mysterious planet, etc.

Du Long also determined the location of the two or three Ice Tribe restricted areas through various local classics and some leaks from the Ice Tribe's adventure team.

He wanted to infiltrate his spiritual consciousness into it. If he could directly use his spiritual consciousness to find out what secrets were hidden in it, he would naturally not need to rush there to investigate in person.


Du Long was somewhat depressed to discover that not only were the so-called forbidden areas unable to penetrate spiritual consciousness, but even the time and space there were blocked by the magic circle.

In other words, if Du Long wants to enter those restricted areas, he needs to teleport to the outside of the restricted area, and then he can enter them by flying.

Du Long didn't hesitate for too long, and directly found a suitable opportunity to go over in an instant. With just one teleport, he arrived in the void outside a certain restricted area.

He was not in a hurry to enter the so-called forbidden area in front of him, but stood up in the air to observe first to see if there were any members of the Ice Tribe covering this place with their spiritual consciousness.

After this investigation, he immediately discovered that there was no alien consciousness covering his body, so there was no need to worry about being secretly detected by the other party.

After pondering for a moment, he finally transformed into an invisible state.

This kind of invisibility does not target the detection of spiritual consciousness, but changes the time and space around the body so that the sight of outsiders will be distorted and separated.

To put it simply, through the power of time and space, the members of the Ice Clan cannot see themselves with the naked eye!

Du Long's approach was just in case. In the next time, he would need to fly into the restricted airspace ahead.

This process of entering is very likely to be seen by the Ice Tribe people inadvertently. Just like when he broke through the buffer zone, the Ice Tribe people hid inside some meteorites and easily avoided their own detection. !

Whoosh whoosh!

After disappearing, Du Long accelerated towards the airspace ahead without any hesitation.

So far, he could only see the outermost airspace with his naked eyes, and had no idea what was inside this restricted area.

It seems that as you go deeper and deeper into the restricted area, there will be a mysterious force that isolates outside consciousness and sight.

Du Long only knows now that the so-called restricted area in front of him covers an area of ​​about hundreds of light years.

It's just a small space inside this galaxy.

The mysterious power that shrouds the entire restricted area is a bit like the power of some kind of magic circle, but also a bit like a force born naturally.

This power and the ubiquitous ice energy outside cancel each other out, just like fire and water are incompatible, forming a special state of balance.

The reason why he chose to enter the restricted area first among the three restricted areas was very simple, that is, he was interested in this mysterious energy that could greatly consume the power of ice.

Since this mysterious power is so powerful, powerful enough to compete with the ice energy outside, then there should be a way to restrain the Ice Tribe inside this restricted area, right? !

With this expectation in his heart, he continued to go deeper and deeper.

In comparison, the environment in the penalty area made him feel warmer, but the cold world outside made him feel even more uncomfortable.

Du Long could imagine that with the mysterious energy in front of him that made him feel warm, if a real Ice Tribe person broke in, he would be as uncomfortable as an ice cube breaking into a frying pan.

As the time goes.

Du Long began to go deeper and deeper, and of course he was also prepared to deal with any unexpected changes at any time.

This kind of existence can be regarded as a restricted area by the Ice Tribe, and even the Eternal God King and the powerful and powerful people at the top of the Ice Tribe cannot wipe out this area.

Even if Du Long is a powerful man at the peak of the Eternal God King, he must be careful, otherwise he may capsize at any time!

With a range of hundreds of light years, Du Long, relying on the strength of the Eternal God King at his peak, would probably be able to fly from start to finish in just a few days!

Never believe Einstein when he said that no matter can travel faster than the speed of light. His theory can only be established under certain relative conditions!

Beings like Du Long, who had long transcended the Pangu world and grown into an eternal god-king, could fly at a speed that was absolutely beyond imagination.

Even if some objects like meteorites are hit along the way, the ones that will be smashed will definitely be those meteorites, not the powerful Eternal God King that he is!

Du Long just kept going deep into the so-called restricted area, and he could feel the temperature around him rising to an extremely frightening level!

A huge fireball appeared before his eyes. There seemed to be some black spots inside the fireball. Those black spots should be similar to black holes!

It can be seen that the fireball is several light-years in size, and there are several black spots on the surface of the fireball that resemble black holes.

This phenomenon is like a huge sun coexisting with several black holes at the same time. Although the two parties are involved in each other, there is no scene of destroying each other? !

Du Long quickly came to the huge fireball, and then silently watched everything on the surface of the fireball, obviously stunned by such a strange scene.

At this moment, a powerful spiritual consciousness suddenly descended on Du Long.

The intensity of that divine consciousness has definitely reached the peak state of the Eternal God King, which is enough to be on par with Du Long.

‘The peak god king of the Ice Clan! Are you going to tear up the peace treaty between us that has been established for endless years? ! ’

Just as Du Long raised his eyebrows slightly, a low and thick voice suddenly resounded in his mind.

The moment he heard the voice, he analyzed many different conclusions from the other party's words.

First of all, the powerful creature inside this fireball should not be a member of the Ice Clan!

Secondly, it seems that the other party once had a conflict with the Ice Clan, and finally they reached some kind of peace treaty of non-aggression? !

And the powerful creatures in this fireball seem to regard themselves as the powerful God King of the Ice Clan!

This is not surprising, after all, his image at the moment is that of the God King of the Ice Tribe, and the power of distorting time and space is useless in front of the truly powerful and powerful!


Du Long directly released the distortion of time and space around his body, transformed into his true body, and faced the unknown creature in the fireball in front of him!

"I am not the God King of the Ice Clan, nor do I have any ill will towards the nobles. I just heard that there is an airspace here that is considered a forbidden area by the Ice Clan, so I came here to investigate out of curiosity!"

Du Long used a very sincere tone to talk to the fireball in front of him, hoping to make the other party relieve its hostility towards him.

"Haha! Since you can transform into a member of the Ice Tribe, you can naturally transform into another form at will. Anyway, I will never believe any of your words!"

The deep voice sounded again. The other party was not a fool and would not believe Du Long just because of his words.

"It doesn't matter!" Du Long waved his hand nonchalantly and said: "I also know that there is no way to gain your trust. The goal of this trip is just to understand one thing. Why does the Ice Tribe list this place as a restricted area? !”


The fireball seemed to be thinking about something and did not immediately answer Du Long's question.

"Before answering your question, can you tell me about your identity?!" the deep voice asked without answering.

"I can't tell you my true identity!" Du Long shook his head and refused, then continued: "But I can guarantee that I am definitely not the Eternal God King from the Ice Tribe!"

"Do you have any grudge against the Ice Clan?!" the low voice sounded again.

"There are some!" Du Long replied in a deep voice: "The Ice Clan may attack and destroy the world I live in in the near future. I can make some preparations for this trip in advance!"


The low voice fell silent again, and the other party seemed to be analyzing the authenticity of Du Long's words.

"Okay!" Du Long didn't have time to wait for the other party's reply, and continued to ask: "Can you tell me now what is going on in this restricted area?!"

"Okay!" The low voice finally answered: "Anyway, if you are the God King of the Ice Tribe, the most you will hear is a bunch of nonsense that you already know!"

"We are the descendants of the Vulcan Clan! The Ice Clan took away the territory that originally belonged to us, and in the end we could only survive in this small airspace!"

Du Long's eyes lit up slightly, and he finally understood the origin of the restricted area in front of him. I bet it was an ethnic group that was completely conquered by the Ice Tribe!

"Can you tell me why the Ice Clan doesn't completely drive you all away?!" Du Long asked again.

"This place is our home ground, a holy land protected by the God of Fire!" A low voice sounded again.

"Unless the Ice Clan is willing to do whatever it takes, they will never be able to easily break through this holy land protected by the God of Fire!"

This answer made Du Long understand a lot more. The entire Vulcan clan was almost completely destroyed. Only the so-called holy land left in front of him scared off the Ice clan with the protection of some kind of treasure!

"I understand!" Du Long finally nodded and replied: "Because the Ice Clan did not dare to bear huge losses, they reached some kind of non-aggression peace treaty with your Vulcan Clan?!"

"Yes!" This time the low voice answered very simply.

"The purpose of my trip is to find a special substance that can fight against the Ice Clan. Do you have any good suggestions?!" Du Long continued.

"After all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I believe you Vulcan clan also want to take revenge, right?!"

"No comment!" The low voice sounded again: "I can't be sure whether you are a member of the Ice Clan. We, the Vulcan Clan, just want to live a good life guarding this small piece of void, and don't want to get involved in anything else. power dispute!"

Something unexpected happened that did not surprise Du Long. The powerful creatures inside the fireball in front of him had no intention of cooperating with him.

It's normal for similar results to occur. Even if you were in the situation of the Vulcan Clan, you wouldn't just talk to a stranger about cooperating to deal with the Ice Clan, right? !

You know, outside this airspace, it is the territory of the Ice Clan!

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