Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3308 Cross Fire

On one side is the dark void world.

On the other side is a cold world flashing blue.

The two different colors complement each other. This is the buffer zone between the dark energy creature tribe and another unknown tribe.

It is said to be a buffer zone, but even if a powerful man like Du Long wants to cross it, it will take at least a month or so.

In this month, he will be exposed in the void between two different worlds, and it will be difficult not to be discovered by the powerful forces on the opposite side.

Du Long could only hope that when crossing this buffer zone, he would be able to detect the foreign creatures first and then take corresponding evasive measures.


He didn't hesitate for too long on the territory of the Dark Clan, and directly dodged and rushed towards the different worlds on the opposite side.

In order to prevent being discovered by the alien creatures on the opposite side, he directly moved forward in the black figure of Azuda, because it was pitch black when viewed from the opposite side, and his figure was more likely to be completely obscured by the dark void behind him!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.


Now that he had begun to enter the buffer area, he no longer hesitated and rushed directly towards the blue void ahead at the fastest speed.

According to his plan, if he is unlucky and encounters some alien creatures that are not very strong, he can completely throw away the alien creatures that find him with his terrifying speed!

In the vast void, inconspicuous meteorites can be seen suspended everywhere!

They should be the products left over from the various wars that broke out in this buffer zone, resulting in the shattering of various celestial bodies, right? !

These meteorites that can be seen everywhere are the biggest threat to Du Long during his trip. He is not sure which meteorite has alien creatures hidden inside.

The materials of those meteorites are very special, and even Du Long's powerful spiritual consciousness cannot penetrate into them, and it is impossible to detect whether there are alien creatures hidden inside the meteorites.

Many meteorites are tens of kilometers in size, and it would be no problem to dig out a large military base inside them, let alone hide some alien creatures inside.

Du Long's worries soon became a reality. As he got closer and closer to the territory of another alien world, among the countless meteorites staying in the void, an alien creature inside a meteorite finally discovered his traces!

Even though Du Long continued to use ultra-long-distance teleportation throughout the whole process, there was always a slight gap in each teleportation, and this gap also caused his whereabouts to be completely exposed!

Between the two top foreign forces, some battles will break out all year round. Both sides are closely monitoring this buffer zone, and any disturbance must be discovered in advance and reported.

Don't underestimate the invasion of a foreign race. The other party is fully capable of carrying a powerful legion with them. By then, it will be a piece of cake to capture a large area of ​​your territory!

Soon, the sentries in the frontline buffer zone discovered the intrusion of the suspicious target and reported it to the high command of the alien race on the other side.

Immediately afterwards, the highest command of this war zone began to issue instructions one after another, ordering all sentries in the buffer zone in this direction to increase their alert level!

Secondly, they began to mobilize their troops and prepare to intercept Du Long before he entered their defense zone.

Although the buffer zone between the two top alien forces is endless, as long as they grasp the general direction of Du Long's advance, they will have a way to successfully intercept the opponent before he successfully crosses the buffer zone.

Otherwise, if the other party rushes into the hinterland of the force at will, there will be no strict monitoring network like the buffer zone, and it will be difficult to find the other party!

within the buffer zone.

It would take Du Long at least a month to successfully cross this extremely vast buffer zone.

Ever since, news about the discovery of his whereabouts was being continuously sent out.

The most important thing is that he himself is not aware of this, and is still secretly happy that he has been moving forward for so long without discovering the figure of the foreign race.

Of course, he actually had very little confidence in his heart. When he broke into this buffer zone, he once asked the captive Azunda and learned some important information about this buffer zone from him.

According to Azuda, the chance of breaking through this buffer zone silently was almost zero, so he had better prepare for battle in advance.

Because of this, although he didn't find any aliens along the way, Du Long still didn't feel safe in his heart.

I always feel like there are pairs of eyes staring at me in the ubiquitous meteorites.

He didn't know that his advanced route had been locked by the battlefield headquarters of the alien race on the opposite side, and a dragnet was being laid in a certain airspace directly in front of him!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.


Du Long continued to move at full speed towards the other side of the buffer zone. As he got closer and closer to the other side, the probability of being attacked by alien creatures continued to increase.

The reason is simple. The closer you are to the opponent's alien creature, the more sentinel points there are, and the probability of him being discovered naturally increases!

Likewise, as the number of times he was discovered increased, his forward speed was constantly calculated by the alien creatures on the other side.

The calculation method is very simple. You only need to calculate the time when he was discovered twice before and after, and you can roughly calculate how fast he is moving forward.

This calculation alerted the senior officials of the alien war zone headquarters on the spot. Du Long's movement speed definitely reached the level of the Eternal God King. Is this so that he does not worry the alien creatures on the other side? !

What is the purpose of the dark energy creature clan actually sending a powerful man at the level of the Eternal God King to come over like this openly? !

Could it be said that the dark energy creature clan is preparing to launch a large-scale war against this clan? !

Even within the top forces, there are at most hundreds of powerful men at the level of the Eternal God King, and all of them are the highest-level figures in the battlefield command.

Countless theater headquarters jointly formed a super firewall to seal off the buffer zone between the territory of one clan and the territories of other clans.

How big is the territory of this other world? !

Only hundreds of powerful men at the level of the Eternal God King are distributed, and each of them has the qualifications to become the supreme commander of the war zone!

In other words, if you want to stop Du Long's advance, you need the top officer of the theater command to come forward, otherwise the army below will not be able to stop the opponent no matter how many they mobilize!

The news was immediately reported to the headquarters in the rear. The commander of the theater had to personally rush to intercept the airspace where the dragnet deployed by Du Long was located!

It is said that a dragnet has been laid in this airspace, but in fact the entire airspace looks empty on the surface, and there is no trace of any alien creatures at all.

The alien creatures responsible for the interception were all stored in the inner world of some strong men, and those strong men were hidden in meteorites.

This interception area was only two or three days away from the other side. Du Long didn't even know that a dragnet had been set here, but he still jumped in!


After a normal ultra-long-distance teleportation, Du Long's figure appeared out of thin air in the airspace.

Just as he was about to make another ultra-long-distance teleportation, an invisible energy instantly activated, completely sealing off an extremely vast void.

That's right!

The interception methods of these alien races are very simple and practical, which is to launch a time-space locking array against an extremely wide airspace, so that the intruders cannot continue to teleport forward, and can only rely on their own movement speed to get on their way!

Du Long instantly felt that the surrounding time and space were blocked. He did not have the time and space ability of the multi-dimensional creation clone to continue teleporting forward in this time and space blockade.

To be honest, it would have been better for a mission like this to be carried out by the multi-dimensional creation clone, but it is a pity that the multi-dimensional creation clone still needs to continue to comprehend and practice in the inheritance place!

Compared with this kind of exploration into a different world, it is of course not as important as improving one's own cultivation level. In the end, the creation clone of Xumi had to be sent out to carry out this mission!

After feeling that the time and space around him was blocked, Du Long just frowned slightly and continued to move forward without any intention of retreating.

According to Azuda, as long as they can break through the war zone that belongs to the buffer zone, there will be a smooth road ahead.

No foreign force can completely control all its territory. When the time comes, it will be able to leap like a fish and fly like a bird in the sky!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.


He saw alien figures rushing out of many meteorites around him. Their appearance did not scare Du Long, but continued to rush in a certain direction at full speed.

According to Azuda, there can only be at most one top officer who has reached the level of the Eternal God King in a war zone!

In other words, there is only one Eternal God King who can rush over in time to intercept him. Eternal God Kings in other places cannot reach this airspace in a short time even if they use various long-distance transmission arrays to assist them on their way.

What he needs to do now is to rush out as fast as possible. Only by successfully rushing out before a large number of strong aliens surround this airspace, will he be completely safe.

On the contrary, once you are held back by a foreign race and then surrounded by a large number of strong foreigners, you will be in danger!

As Du Long continued to move forward, he secretly observed the portraits and soul auras of the alien creatures in front of him.

Later, after entering the other party's territory, their appearance and soul breath may also be used.

After this observation, he immediately discovered that the group of alien creatures in front of him looked very similar to the ice monsters he had encountered in the Purple Ice Abyss, one of the most dangerous places.

Putting it this way, the ice monster he encountered in the Ziji Cold Abyss must have been a member of the alien race in front of him, right? !

It's just that those ice monsters are relatively weak, and their wisdom doesn't seem to be fully enlightened. Are they a little different from the alien creatures in front of them, who are not low in wisdom? !

Among the many figures who rushed out of the meteorite was the supreme commander of this war zone, a powerful man who had reached the level of the Eternal God King.

After seeing Du Long entering the time and space restricted area, the other party had no intention of turning around and evacuating, and was angered by his provocative behavior on the spot.

"What do you dark energy clan want to do?! Do you want to send a powerful man at the level of the Eternal God King to start a war?!"

When the two sides entered the range of each other's consciousness, the voice of the supreme commander of the war zone finally began to resound in Du Long's mind.

The corner of Du Long's mouth turned up slightly with a hint of indifference, and he was secretly thinking about whether to answer the other party's question, and how he should deal with this foreign Eternal God King Realm powerful man in front of him.

‘That’s all! The main goal of this trip is not to kill the enemy, but just to use the opponent's territory to get on the way. If he kills the foreign strongman in front of him on the spot who should only reach the middle stage of the Eternal God King Realm, he will definitely cause the opponent to raise the entire clan. launch a large-scale manhunt! "

Du Long quickly made a decision in his heart, that is, not to break out into conflict with the alien race in front of him for the time being, and it is naturally the best choice to be able to make peace with him!

"We have no plans to break out a war with the nobles!" Du Long finally replied: "This is just a personal action of mine. I need to use the nobles' territory to pass peacefully. As long as you don't take the initiative to attack and provoke me, I will not easily Attack any of your territory!"

"Humph!" Du Long's reply obviously did not satisfy the other party: "Don't you know the rules of borrowing a road between the two clans?!"

"As the supreme commander of this war zone, I don't seem to have received any notification from the Eternal God King of the Dark Clan who wants to borrow a passage from this war zone!"

"Haha!" Du Long replied with a nonchalant smile: "I don't have the time to borrow a channel. I have to go through various applications and waste time. If you want to borrow a channel, just borrow it!"

According to Azuda's explanation, after reaching the realm of eternal god kings, there are indeed many powerful god kings who are more arrogant and do not like to follow the rules!

The corner of the alien god-king who was intercepting Du Long seemed to twitch because of this.

Although a situation like Du Long's is rare, it is not something that has never happened before. Many god-king-level powerful men from the dark energy clan really don't like to follow the rules!

As the highest officer in this war zone, he can only continue to intercept them. Opponents like this can only rely on their strength.

If the opponent is stronger than you, there is really nothing you can do to defeat the opponent. In the end, I am afraid that there is a high probability that the opponent will successfully cross the line of fire!


If the other party is weaker than you, then by virtue of the other party breaking the rules first, you can kill them without taking any responsibility!

The two figures were getting closer, and Du Long had no intention of turning around in advance to avoid his opponent, because the opponent was not a dead person and would definitely change his route to intercept him!

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