Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3266 Two women join forces

In the chaotic void of Xuantian.

Du Long, who was running at full speed, took out the message array stone. He had just received a new message from the Ancient Buddha Bodhi.

"Another set of secret realm coordinates reported by various forces?!"

"Okay! Then go ahead and explore each one one by one!"

Although he was a little numb from the exploration, he was not ready to give up any hope. As long as the two gates of Buddhism and Taoism received new coordinates, he would explore them one by one.

This is better than searching around aimlessly. The success rate of searching for a needle in a haystack is hopelessly low.

Time continued to pass, and Du Long also explored the newly received coordinates one by one, but he still could not find the Yin and Yang secret realm at the level of the eternal god king.

On this day, he finally arrived at the coordinates of the secret realm provided by Ellie, and stood in the void outside the time and space channel of the secret realm.

"Is this a Yin-Yang secret realm provided by an individual?! The other party is an adventure team organized not long ago, and they just entered the new Yin-Yang creation secret realm for adventure?!"

"Since the coordinates are provided by individuals, we cannot completely rule out the possibility of randomly using a dangerous secret place to harm others. You cannot go in directly!"

While murmuring, Du Long waved out a figure without hesitation, and it turned out to be a mid-to-late Nine Stars clansman from the Tarot Family.

"Meet the master!"

The Tarot people who were released immediately bowed respectfully to him because they received a message from Du Long before they were released.

"Hmm!" Du Long nodded and responded casually, then pointed to the time and space channel ahead: "You go in immediately. Once you feel that there is no danger inside, you can come out directly!"

"Yes! Master!"

The face of this Tarot tribe member changed slightly, and his gaze looking towards the space-time passage became slightly solemn, but he had no choice but to accept the order immediately.

Ever since the Tarot family recognized Du Long as their master, their family has completely become the slaves of the other party. The dangerous work of exploring paths is relatively simple.


After just a slight hesitation, he immediately dashed into the space-time channel and disappeared into the space-time channel in the blink of an eye.

Du Long stared at the time and space channel in front of him expressionlessly, silently waiting for the appearance of the Nine Stars of the Tarot Family. However, he did not wait too long before he saw the other party quickly rush out of the time and space channel again.

"Master! This is a secret realm of Yin and Yang creation where time and space are extremely stable. No danger has been found near the time and space channel!"

"Very good! You can go back and rest first!"

After receiving a very positive reply from the other party, Du Long immediately agreed, waved his hand to put him away, and rushed into the space-time channel without hesitation.

Similar to some coordinates provided by various forces, Bodhi Ancient Buddha will indicate which forces the coordinate information comes from, and the other party is willing to guarantee the safety of their respective forces, and the information they provide is absolutely not false.

In this way, if the other party dares to use some secret realms that have never been explored to claim credit, once the problem is discovered after investigation, the force to which the other party belongs will bear corresponding responsibility!

It is precisely because of this that most forces dare not use false news to deceive Buddhism and Taoism!

When receiving coordinate information provided by certain individuals, no matter how the other party ensures the authenticity of the information they provide, Du Long needs to be extremely careful and cautious.

He didn't want to put his Yin-Yang creation clone into danger because of his carelessness!

It would definitely be a particularly uneconomical act to exchange the original clone of the eternal god realm for the life of a certain monk!

Now that members of the Tarot family are helping to explore the path first, and with the cultivation of Dulong Eternal God General, there is no need to worry about being framed.


Du Long quickly traveled through the time and space channel and came to the Xuantian Chaos Secret Realm at the other end of the time and space channel.

The moment he rushed out of the space-time channel, he immediately felt a powerful Yin-Yang creation aura rushing towards his face, and a good premonition suddenly surged into his heart.

A little impatient to release his powerful spiritual consciousness, Du Long briefly explored the Yin-Yang Creation Secret Realm in front of him.

"This is indeed a Yin-Yang Creation Secret Realm at the level of the Eternal God King!"

"I didn't expect that my reward was actually successful?!"

After quickly getting a result that made him feel more excited, Du Long said these words with a slightly trembling voice.


Somewhat impatiently, I rushed toward the depths of the Yin-Yang Creation Secret Realm in front of me, and soon saw the Xuantian Secret Realm world with the two poles of Yin and Yang.

That's right!

This is another secret realm of the Yin-Yang Xuantian world created based on the Yin-Yang Tai Chi Diagram!

Of course, perhaps because the master of this world has died, the secret realm of the Xuantian World in front of us has shrunk severely, leaving only about a secret realm of the Immortal World.

It is precisely because of this that Du Long was able to thoroughly explore the entire secret world of Yin and Yang so quickly through his own spiritual consciousness.

Whoosh whoosh!

After just a few teleports, he arrived in front of the two polar regions of the Yin-Yang Secret Realm, and could see the two super stars suspended in the core areas of the two polar regions.

One is an ultra-hot star covered by the black and yellow fire of Jiyang Xuantian's creation flame, and the other is an ultra-cold star covered by the cold universe fire of Jiyin Xuantian's creation flame.

That's right!

If it gets extremely hot, it will turn into a fiery star, and if it gets extremely cold, it will also turn into an icy star!

As a monk at the pinnacle of the Yin-Yang Creation Eternal God General Realm, Du Long quickly analyzed that the levels of the two polar core planets in front of him were definitely existences that had reached the Yin-Yang Eternal God King Realm!

As for which realm he has reached as the Eternal God King, he cannot give an accurate answer without a reference.

After all, how could a being who has never even seen the Eternal God King be able to analyze the answer based on this kind of perception alone? !

"Haha! After all the hardships, I finally found the secret realm of yin and yang at the level of the eternal god king?!"

"No! You have to tell the other two original clones this good news quickly!"

With excitement and laughter, Du Long immediately sent a brief message to the two original clones, telling them that he had successfully found the Yin-Yang Creation Secret Realm of the Eternal God King.

After receiving the congratulatory letters from the two original clones, he couldn't wait to split his body in two, and rushed into the core of the Yin and Yang poles respectively.

After finally finding a suitable secret realm of Yin-Yang Creation in the Eternal God King Realm, he had already left the previous bounty mission to the Java Kingdom.

The world of ten thousand Buddhas, the great world of Bodhi!

Ellie and Ruth finally reached a consensus, and in the end, Ruth agreed to the 30-70 condition.

As Ellie said, if she is pushed into a situation, and there is a way to keep the money from others, it will be useless even if Ruth calls the captain and others over.

After forcing Ellie to take the initiative to swear a soul oath to herself, the two women finally reached a final consensus and temporarily lived in a luxurious hotel inside the Bodhi World.

Time keeps passing day by day.

The two girls, who had not yet received the huge reward, gradually began to become a little impatient.

This is like a lottery player who has just won a special prize. During the days when he is waiting to receive the super prize, as long as he has not received the prize for one day, he will definitely fall into a state of life and death!

"Ellie! You have sworn a soul oath not to hide anything from me on this matter. If you get a confirmation notice from Buddhism, you must tell me as soon as possible!"

"Ellie! Could it be that you have received the message from Buddhism, but you are pretending here with me that you haven't received it yet?!"

"Ellie! How long has it been since this?! People from Buddhism only went to explore the secret realm of a coordinate point. Why has it been so long without any results?!"





In the luxurious hotel, Ruth would question Ellie every once in a while.

In addition, in order to prevent Ellie from running away to receive the award, Ruth simply moved into the room where Ellie lived, and did not allow her to leave her sight 24 hours a day!

Under Ruth's coercion, Ellie had to take out the message formation stone and send a message to the Buddhist disciple responsible for contacting her in front of her.

No matter whether you send a letter or receive a message, Ruth must take a look at it before you feel relieved.

After seeing the reply from Fomen, Ruth's suspicion was slightly reduced. She just kept an eye on Ellie's behavior but did not relax at all!

"Damn! Isn't the efficiency of the Buddhist side too low?!"

"Obviously we were just exploring a coordinate point in a secret realm, but why did we waste so much time and get no results?!"

"They don't want to renege on their debt, right?! Are they confirming that the coordinates of the secret realm we provided are the secret realm they are looking for, and then they don't plan to give us a reward?!"

After contacting Fomen, Ruth did not dare to anger Ellie too much, but vented all her anger on Fomen.

"Alas!" Ellie explained helplessly for the Buddhist side.

"We are not the only ones who provide the coordinates of the secret realm to the two sects of Buddhism and Taoism. The other party has to explore a large number of coordinate information, so it will naturally take a certain amount of time to get results!"

"But this time is too long?!" Ruth still couldn't accept this explanation and said: "You have to understand that if the time drags on for too long, the captain and the others will probably discover this problem by then! "





Ellie's body trembled slightly, and she obviously didn't want to see such a result. She knew very well in her heart how powerful the captain was, and what would be the consequences if the other party found out about it and came to her.

As the saying goes, the more you are afraid of something, the more likely that thing will come to your door.

The two women were worried about this matter, and Ellie soon received a letter from the adventure team leader.

"Ellie! Are you home?! I have something to talk to you about!"

The moment she saw the letter, Ellie was immediately frightened and threw away the message formation stones in her hands.

"Ruth! The captain indeed sent a letter. He said he wanted to meet with me to talk about something!" Ellie hurriedly asked for help from Ruth, who looked confused: "What should we do now?!"

"It seems that the worst case scenario has occurred!" Ruth said with an ugly expression, pulling her hair: "The captain doesn't really want to talk to you about anything. This message is definitely to test your attitude!"

"Then what should I do now?! How should I answer his question?!" Ellie was definitely not as smart as Ruth, so she could only ask her for help again.

"Just tell him that it's not convenient for him to meet him right now, and ask him to send a message directly if he needs anything!" Ruth thought for a while and finally gave her answer.


Ellie agreed with some hesitation, and then followed her prompts and responded to the captain's message.

"What important thing can you do?! You don't even have time to meet me?!" The captain replied almost instantly, his words full of doubts.

"How can you, a grown man, understand the private affairs of our women's family?!" Ellie quickly replied according to the words provided by Ruth: "If you don't have anything serious, then wait until I am free to talk about it!"

"Ellie!" Although the message from the other side was not replied immediately this time, it was quickly transmitted again: "Do you know about the heavy reward mission issued by the two sects of Buddhism and Taoism?!"


When she saw this information, even though she was prepared in her heart, Ellie still felt like she was about to suffocate.

She had formed a team and went out on many adventures together, and she felt a deep fear of this team leader in her heart.

"What kind of high-paying bounty mission?! I don't know about this!" At Ruth's prompt, Ellie replied again.

"Ellie!" The captain over there replied instantly this time: "I don't care whether you know about this or not, now I'm officially issuing an order to summon the adventure team to you!"

"If any of the members of the last team did not dare to come, he is a sinner who secretly stole the achievements of the adventure team. You should know how I would deal with such a person, right?!"

After receiving this information, the two women again didn't know what to say.

"Captain!" After some discussion, the two women could only bite the bullet and reply: "I really don't know what you are talking about. I really don't have time these days. Let's talk about it after I'm done. !”

"It's up to you whether you come or not!" The captain's reply was quickly sent over: "Anyway, anyone who dares not show up is the life-and-death enemy of the adventure team, and he is the kind who will never stop fighting. You should weigh it yourself!"

After saying these words, he stopped sending messages to Ellie. Ruth on the side quickly received the captain's summons.

Because she was already a grasshopper tied to the same rope as Ellie, she could only find an excuse to refuse to accept the summons of the adventure team.

The leader of the adventure team naturally remembered that the two female members of the adventure team left together. This was obviously a joint effort to deceive the collective achievements of the adventure team!

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