Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3265 The fight between two women

"Get rich?!"

"Are you crazy about wanting to get rich?!"

The leader of the adventure team was already very angry. After hearing the incomprehensible words of his female team member Ellie, the tone of his reply was naturally extremely rude.

"Hmph! Believe it or not! Since the captain doesn't believe it, forget it!"

Sensing the unkind tone of the adventure team leader, the female team member Ellie turned against her on the spot.

She originally thought that this was the information that everyone in her entire adventure team had worked hard to get, and it would be best to share it with everyone if possible.

Never thought that my good intentions would be regarded as stupid by the captain? !

"Ellie!" Just when the leader of the adventure team didn't know how to deal with the petty Ellie, another female team member on the side said at the right time: "What kind of opportunity to make a fortune is this?! Tell me quickly. Let’s share it together!”

The other teammates also looked at Ellie with curiosity, trying to figure out what she meant by what she just said.

However, Ellie gradually began to calm down from her excitement when she had just received that information.

Thinking of the astonishing reward mentioned in the information, she found that her behavior just now was still too impulsive.

First of all, it’s not a matter of whether she is willing to share this reward with other team members. Once all teammates learn about this matter, who knows if the most powerful captain will have other ideas? !

For example, in order to keep all the bounty rewards for himself, would he suddenly kill all his teammates, including himself, on his way back? !

After thinking of this possibility, Ellie shuddered for no reason in her heart!

"What chance can I have to make a fortune?!" Ellie suddenly changed her mind on the spot and decided not to share the information she had just received: "I just made a little joke with everyone! Hahaha.

. "

Everyone in the adventure team rolled their eyes, and each of them looked at Ellie with some helplessness.


The adventure team leader must have been so angry that he spat out these two insulting words.

Naturally, Ellie also heard the captain's insulting words. She was secretly glad that she did not share this information. Such a big reward should not be shared with such an unqualified bastard!

The adventure team continued on their way back, and most of them didn't take the little farce that had just happened to heart.

Only Ruth, the only other female team member, looked at Ellie with scrutiny and confusion from time to time.

Based on her understanding of Ellie, the other party is not a woman who likes to talk nonsense.

Under normal circumstances, she shouldn't have said such a joke that was obviously meant to scold someone when everyone was in a bad mood.

However, due to the bad words spoken by the adventure team leader, Ellie swallowed back the words she was originally planning to say.

This also made Ruth unwilling. She always felt that Ellie must have concealed important information that should belong to the adventure team, which made her feel like a lump in her throat.

The adventure team rushed back at full speed towards the airspace where the core civilization world was located. After a long journey, they finally arrived at the airspace of the core civilization world.

"Everyone goes back to his own home. If there is a chance to form a team again in the future, we can send a message to contact him!" the leader of the adventure team directly confessed to the team members around him.

Just like that, the members of this adventure team said hello and left, including the female team members Ellie and Ruth.

"Ellie!" Ruth directly stuck to Ellie and said, "I don't have anything to do when I go back now, so why not just follow you back and take a walk!"

At this moment, Ellie is already eager to return home, so where can she find the time to receive her teammate Ruth? !

"Another day!" Ellie shook her head and refused: "It's hard to come back, I have some personal matters to deal with first!"

"Private matter?!" Ruth pretended to be displeased and said, "Don't you have any plan to make a fortune? Are you planning to leave others alone to make a fortune?!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Ellie's face changed slightly and she denied on the spot: "I just made an appointment with a friend of the opposite sex and need a private space. I hope you can understand, Ruth!"

"Oh!" Although Ruth didn't believe it in her heart, she still deliberately showed her true appearance and said, "So you are homesick for the village and want to find a partner of the opposite sex!"

"Shut up!" Ellie pretended to be shy and shouted in a low voice: "You, a **** who has dated hundreds of opposite-sex partners, have no right to laugh at me!"

"Are you angry now?!" Ruth pretended to be helpless and said, "I was just joking with you. When did you, a woman, become so pretentious?!"

The two girls left while teasing, and soon came to a certain Xuantian world with an ultra-long-distance teleportation array.

Then Ruth pretended to be casual and separated from Ellie. She said she wanted to take a walk around the Xuantian world before leaving.

After successfully sending Ruth away, Ellie finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After watching Ruth's figure disappear into the distant depths of the void, she turned around and rushed to the place with the ultra-long-range teleportation array.

In a distant starry sky, Ruth's surface was moving towards a farther area. In fact, her consciousness was always paying attention to the ultra-long-distance teleportation array.

This is also her smartest point. If she directly targets Ellie, it will be easy for the other party to detect the abnormality.

But if it were like her, just covering the entire teleportation array into divine consciousness exploration, it would not arouse Ellie's alert.

Soon, Ellie came to the ultra-long-distance transmission array without any knowledge and began to spend money to handle ultra-long-distance transmission business.

Able to go out with the team to venture into the depths of Xuantian's chaotic void, Ellie is also a powerful person who has reached the late nine-star combat power.

A nine-star powerful person like her basically has the right to use the ultra-long-range teleportation array first.

Now Ellie has the privilege of being a nine-star powerful person. She doesn't need to queue up to directly use the ultra-long-range teleportation array.

Along with the bursts of teleportation patterns and lightning, Ellie's figure also disappeared without a trace.

Almost at the moment she teleported away, a figure teleported directly to the teleportation array. It also used the super long-distance teleportation privilege to skip the queue and teleport directly in the direction where Ellie left.

Long before the teleportation, Ruth had already changed her appearance and soul aura, turning into a middle-aged woman whose appearance and aura were completely different from hers.

Of course, all the clothes and accessories on her body were also changed, and there was absolutely no jewelry left that could prove her identity!


The light from the teleportation array flashed away again, and Ruth appeared directly on another teleportation array at a very long distance.

Her appearance immediately attracted the attention of Ellie, who had just walked out of the arrival station of the teleportation array and had arrived at another teleportation array at the departure station.

Of course, Ellie only glanced at him and then looked back.

Teleportation arrays like this are used very frequently, as long as you don't meet anyone you know who follows you.

She didn't realize that the old woman teleported right after her was actually her extremely sweet-looking teammate Ruth!

Ellie quickly withdrew her gaze, stepped onto the teleportation array at the departure station again, and teleported away again with the priority of not having to queue.

But Ruth continued to change her appearance and soul after she teleported away. This time she directly transformed into a male image, and then used her teleportation privilege to quickly teleport away.

In this way, Ruth ignored all the strange glances near each teleportation point regarding her changing appearance and soul in public, and followed Ellie closely to teleport away.

Gradually, Ruth finally discovered that the target she was following was somewhat abnormal. It was obvious that Ellie was going straight to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Realm of Buddhist cultivation!

Under normal circumstances, people with Western appearance and habits like them rarely look for friends of the opposite sex with Eastern faces.

What's more, it is well known that most of the nine-star experts who practice Buddhism are basically ascetics who will not find Taoist companions of the opposite sex.

Based on her understanding of Ellie, even if the other party chooses to find a boyfriend of the opposite sex, usually he will not find an Asian with yellow skin.

Even if she didn't discriminate against Eastern men, she wouldn't go all the way to the Buddhist world to find a Buddhist monk to be a Taoist monk, right? !

All in all, Ruth followed Ellie to the World of Ten Thousand Buddhas with serious suspicion.

The Realm of Ten Thousand Buddhas, inside the Bodhi World.

Ruth witnessed with her own eyes that Ellie stepped into the Buddhist cultivator's department responsible for external reception alone. At this point, she finally understood that Ellie's so-called fortune must be related to the Buddhist cultivator in front of her.

Next, Ruth did not continue to follow Ellie into the Buddhist external reception department.

Instead, he let go of his spiritual consciousness and began to seriously explore the conversations between countless ordinary people, hoping to find out Ellie's so-called secret of making a fortune.

At first, Ellie only communicated with the outside world through the communication stone for a moment, and then she shouted out that we wanted to make a fortune.

It is not difficult to see from this that the so-called making a fortune should not be a very secretive thing.

In this case, there is a high possibility that you can find the answer you want from the discussions of all parties in the Bodhi World!

It has to be said that this Ruth is very scheming. With her spiritual exploration that has reached the peak of the late nine-star stage, she quickly found the answer she wanted!

When she heard that the two sects of Buddhism and Taoism were offering huge rewards for the higher-level Yin-Yang Secret Realm, her expression changed instantly!

For a reward like this, the same secret realm coordinates can only be accepted once at most. In other words, whoever provides the coordinates of the secret realm to Buddhism first will have priority in obtaining the reward!

"Damn it! Ellie! Do you want to take advantage of such a high reward?! Aren't you afraid of being stuffed to death after eating too much?!"

After figuring out the truth behind Ellie's abnormal behavior, Ruth almost gritted her teeth and thought to herself.

Looking at the door of the Buddhist reception desk in the distance, she resisted the urge to rush in. Instead, she stood patiently under a big tree and waited for Ellie to appear.

Ellie didn't keep her waiting for long, and walked out of the reception desk not long after.

When she first came out, she glanced around carefully. After finding nothing unusual, she walked towards a large restaurant next to the reception desk with a smile.

Ruth was paying attention to her every move the whole time. After seeing her enter a restaurant, a cold smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she immediately walked towards the restaurant.

In the lobby on the second floor of the restaurant, near the window, Aili very generously ordered a lot of special dishes, and then also ordered a bottle of extremely expensive wine.

As long as she can get the highest reward, consumption like this is just a drop in the bucket for her.

While she was admiring the beautiful scenery outside the window and silently waiting for the food and wine to be served, a strange woman suddenly came to the seat where she was sitting and stood there, with no intention of leaving.

"Who are you?!" Ellie looked at this 'stranger' with some vigilance: "I don't seem to know you, do I?!"

"Haha!" A burst of familiar laughter rang out, and then he saw the strange woman's appearance and soul aura, all undergoing earth-shaking changes: "Ellie! Didn't you recognize me not long after we separated?!"

"Ruth?!" Ellie was stunned on the spot: "You, did you follow me all the way to Bodhi World?!"

Ruth, who had regained her true appearance, sat down unceremoniously and stared at Ellie like she was a fool.

"Lu, Ruth!" Ellie felt uncomfortable being looked at by the other party, and continued to speak with an uneasy look on her face: "You, you followed me all the way to the Bodhi World. Is there any problem?!"

"Haha!" Ruth was amused by her poor performance again: "Ellie! We have known each other for such a long time, and you are not a good liar!"

"Now you have two choices. The first is that you and I share the bounty reward of the two gates of Buddhism equally. The second is that I tell the captain and others about this. The final result is that the entire team will share the bounty reward equally. !”

"You know everything?!" Ellie shook her head and smiled bitterly: "But I don't think I have the obligation to share this reward equally with others!"

"Oh?!" Ruth said in a long voice as if she was a little surprised: "Very good! I know your choice. If that's the case, then I can only send a message to the captain and the others about it immediately!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she took out the message formation stone and started to send messages to contact other members of the adventure team.

"Wait!" Ellie finally couldn't help but shouted: "Don't rush to contact other people, we can discuss the distribution of prizes first!"

"Prize distribution?!" Ruth's lips turned up slightly with a proud smile: "How do you want to distribute them?!"

"It's very simple!" Ellie pondered for a moment, and immediately made a decision: "You three and I seven, this way you will gain much more than if the six people in the team share it equally!"

"No!" Ruth shook her head and refused without hesitation: "The most you can do is 50%. I only need 45%!"

"What a beautiful idea!" Ellie also shook her head and refused: "Thirty-seven points is already my limit, otherwise you should contact the captain and the others directly!"

"At worst, I'll ask the family for help and give the family 30% of the reward that was supposed to be given to you!"


Ruth stared at the other person with cold eyes, obviously stumped by Ellie's answer.

Under normal circumstances, Ellie would definitely be afraid of retaliation from the captain and others, otherwise she would not talk to herself so much.

But if she is pushed into a hurry, it may really attract the family power behind her, and then she may not be able to get even the slightest benefit.

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