Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3267 Prepare to receive the award

"Ruth! What should we do now?!"

In the restaurant room, Ellie asked in a panic.

Based on her character, when she first came out of the secret realm of Yin and Yang, she would shout out words about making a fortune immediately, which shows that she is not a scheming woman.

Later, under Ruth's coercion and inducement, she quickly agreed to give up 30% of the bounty reward share. It is not difficult to see that she did not really want to monopolize these rewards from the bottom of her heart.

Facing the panicked Ellie, Ruth pondered for a long time before gritting her teeth and agreeing.

"First of all, we can't stay here anymore. We must find a way to hide each other's identities as best we can!"





She quickly told her plan, and after getting Ellie's permission, the two girls immediately started to implement it.

After simply cleaning up, they checked out the hotel room.

Then when leaving the hotel and wandering around, they constantly used certain public shopping malls with shielding circles and other spaces to change their appearance and soul aura many times.

During this process, the two women were paying attention to whether they were being followed, and only after confirming that they were fine would they move to the next place and continue to change their appearance and soul.

After changing their appearance and breath several times in this way, and after confirming that they were not being followed, they relaxed and started to implement the second step of the plan.

The second step of the plan is also very simple, that is to buy a mansion in the city near the Buddhist reception desk!

With the strength of both women in the nine-star realm, it is really not difficult to just buy a mansion.

Through the housing agency shop in the city, they quickly selected a mansion, purchased it in full, and moved in.

Residences like this are equipped with defensive and shielding array functions. Outsiders are not allowed to break in without the owner's permission.

This is the Bodhi World in the World of Ten Thousand Buddhas, and the creator of the world is the mighty Bodhi Ancient Buddha of Buddhism!

It was not the first time that Du Long entered the edge world star field of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Realm. At that time, he was hunted down by the Adventure Alliance Guild and almost couldn't catch his breath.

The adventure team that Ellie joined before was not as powerful as the Adventure Alliance guild!

Even if the Adventure Alliance guild is still there, they don't dare to cause trouble in the Xuantian world created by Bodhi Ancient Buddha, let alone a member of a mere adventure team? !

I have to say, Ruth’s plan was perfect.

After purchasing a private mansion, you don't have to worry about other adventure team members chasing you here.

Even if they come after them, they can't detect their traces through their spiritual consciousness!


After successfully moving into the new mansion, Ellie and Ruth breathed a sigh of relief.

Facing the once extremely powerful captain of the adventure team, Ruth's mentality was better than that of Ellie, but she was still afraid of her captain from the bottom of her heart.

What the two girls are doing now, to put it mildly, is trying to exploit the adventure team's corner.

As the adventure team leader said before, this matter has definitely escalated into a major issue that will never end.

The rewards provided by the two gates of Buddhism and Taoism are so generous!

It was already so rich that it made the top powers in all parties jealous of it, let alone an extremely ordinary adventure team like them.

Long before the adventure team leader came to find Ellie and Ruth, he went to the Hunyuan Dao Realm alone to secretly declare the coordinates of the Yin-Yang Secret Realm.

However, when he provided the coordinates of the Yin-Yang secret realm, he was soon told that the coordinates of the secret realm had been declared by others.

You must know that no other adventure team has entered the Yin-Yang Secret Realm before, so the probability of your teammates declaring it in advance is very high.

Reminiscent of Ellie's performance at the exit of the Yin-Yang Secret Realm's space-time passage, he immediately sent a message to Ellie asking about the matter.

In his opinion, Ellie was a woman with little scheming, but in the end, she was actually bluffed by him and caused problems.

What he didn't expect was the female team member Ruth. This scheming female team member had already hooked up with Ellie first.

In this case, it would be difficult to successfully snatch food from the two women's mouths.

With Ruth helping to think of a solution, it would be unrealistic to deal with Ellie easily.

Originally, when the adventure team leader summoned his teammates, he just issued a summons order without explaining the reason.

But after confirming that Ellie and Ruth had joined forces, he had to explain the situation to the other male team members.

After hearing that Ellie and Ruth had teamed up to sell the coordinate information of the Yin-Yang secret realm that they risked their lives to explore to a large reward for Buddhism and Taoism, the male team members went crazy on the spot.

Several people immediately agreed to gather at a location closest to everyone, and then discussed how to handle the matter next.

They quickly made a plan and divided their troops into two groups to rush to the Hunyuan Dao Realm and the Ten Thousand Buddha Realm, where the departments responsible for receiving foreign affairs were located.

For a reward like this, only those powerful people who can directly contact the top leaders of Buddhism and Taoism do not need to come to provide coordinates in person.

Otherwise, ordinary adventurers like Ellie and Ruth would basically have to go to the door in person and submit the coordinate information before they would feel at ease.

Just imagine, if you tell an ordinary Buddhist member a coordinate location, will the other party directly take the coordinates as their own? !

All in all, the four male members of the adventure team agreed that there was a high probability that Ellie and Ruth were at the location of the foreign affairs department at the two gates of Buddhism and Taoism.

The four male members of the adventure team were divided into two groups. The captain led the team and rushed to the reception world where the bounty mission was hosted by the Buddhist sect. The other two male members were responsible for the reception of the Dao sect.

They didn't think that those two damn women had successfully received the highest reward.

The reason is very simple. There is only one highest reward for a bounty mission. If someone has already received a big reward, then the mission should be over.

But the mission is still not over, which means that Ellie and Ruth should not have received the reward yet.

Soon, the two teams arrived at their respective targets, and the adventure team leader brought a teammate to Bodhi World!

They all changed their appearance and soul aura, and did not want their arrival to be directly exposed under the noses of those two damn women.

Every moment, monks will enter the great world of Bodhi.

As one of the core Xuantian Worlds in the World of Ten Thousand Buddhas, Bodhi World also has the Academy of Ten Thousand Buddhas within it, which is absolutely very attractive to all parties.

The two adventurers who had changed their appearance and soul breath did not attract the attention of Ellie and Ruth after entering the Bodhi World because they did not know these two people at all.

The two women didn't even dare to lock their consciousness on any target person, otherwise there would be a greater chance of being exposed!

All in all, two women with guilty consciences now look like former teammates to everyone.

They can only wait silently for Buddhism's reply and the result of Buddhism's investigation of the secret coordinates provided to them. They will never leave the mansion without any results!

After the two captains of the adventure team entered the Bodhi World, they immediately began to release their spiritual consciousness to explore, hoping to see if they could find any trace of those two damn women.

However, no matter how they searched, they could never find any trace of the two girls.

"Captain! As expected, we couldn't find those two stinky cousins ​​through our spiritual exploration!"

"That's not surprising!" The adventure captain heard the resentful words of his teammates and immediately responded through a voice message: "With Ruth's scheming side, if it's so easy to find them, then that's crazy!"

"Then what should we do next?!"

"It's very simple!" The adventure leader said with a cold smile: "According to the original plan, you continue to look for their traces within the Bodhi World and explore all the hotels in the city where the Buddhist External Affairs Office is located!"

"Remember! Whether you use money to induce you or use various abnormal means, you must not make the matter a big deal!"

"Yes! Captain! I, I can only say that I will do my best!"

The conversation between the two people ended quickly, and they began to work together to investigate the hotels in the city.

Although they are both outsiders, they are still two powerful men who have reached the nine-star realm. They will more or less know some nine-star powerful friends from Buddhism.

If you want to ask Buddhist friends to help you secretly so that you can get some information about the guests in certain hotels, even if you can't get all the hotels to be willing to help, as long as some of them are willing to cooperate, you have a chance of successfully finding two women!

However, they obviously underestimated the two women and did not expect that they had already purchased a mansion outside and stayed in it, considering that the hotel was not safe enough.

While the two people were using various means to continuously explore the rooms, the two women living in a certain mansion were running around like ants on a hot pot.

Ellie would contact the Buddhist disciples every once in a while, asking whether the coordinate information she provided had yielded any results.

However, the disciple responsible for contacting the Buddhist sect could only let her continue to wait.

They are only responsible for recording and checking coordinate information like this to see if there are any duplications and other issues, and then upload it to the senior officials of the Buddhist sect, and then forward it to the master of this world, Bodhi Buddha.

Finally, it will be sent to Du Long by Ancient Bodhi Buddha, and Du Long will personally explore and verify the secret coordinates one by one.

This process is definitely very time-consuming. The Buddhist disciples can only ask Ellie to wait patiently, and they will send a message as soon as there is information.

However, Ellie did not stop because of this, and would still take the initiative to send messages to inquire about the results every once in a while.

As a result, the Buddhist disciples became impatient and their tone became a little unkind, while Ellie's attitude became extremely tough under Ruth's instigation.

She even said that she doubted the credibility of Buddhism, because the coordinates she provided met the standards for receiving generous rewards, and Buddhism deliberately delayed the time and was unwilling to give rewards.

She also said that if Buddhism does not have credibility, it will be widely publicized so that all forces around the world will see Buddhism’s jokes!

All in all, under Ruth's instigation, the Buddhist disciple responsible for contacting Ellie also felt pressure and had to report the matter to his superior.

Then it was reported step by step through the superiors, and finally it was passed to the ears of Bodhi Buddha.

After hearing the news, Bodhi Ancient Buddha couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat. He also felt that something was amiss on Du Long's side.

The number of coordinates given last time was not large. Logically speaking, Du Long should have explored it long ago, but after such a long time, there has been no news? !

As a result, Ancient Buddha Bodhi took out the message formation stone to contact Du Long, but was unable to contact Du Long, who was practicing in seclusion in the polar region of the Yin and Yang Secret Realm.

Ancient Buddha Bodhi was not in a hurry and would send another message every once in a while. Sometimes it was normal for Du Long to enter a certain secret realm and not receive any message.

But as time went by, and he was unable to contact Du Long, he finally felt that something was wrong.

After waiting for a while, Bodhi Ancient Buddha finally couldn't help but send a brief message to Du Long.

There are not many special communication resources left between the master and the disciple, and Bodhi Ancient Buddha will not consume them easily unless there are special circumstances.

"Du Long! Have you found the Yin-Yang Creation Secret Realm of the Eternal God King?!"

After the brief message across time and space was sent, Du Long's reply came quickly.

"Yes! Master!"

Although it was just a brief message, Bodhi Ancient Buddha stood up excitedly after seeing it.

Although the Yin-Yang Eternal Divine King Realm Creation Secret Realm is of little use to him, he is also very happy for his disciples.

"Send the coordinate information of the Yin-Yang Secret Realm. There is a person who provided the coordinate information making a fuss. If the coordinate information is provided by the other party, then the bounty reward must be honored!"

Suppressing his inner excitement, Ancient Buddha Bodhi once again sent a longer brief message, because he was happy that the content of the brief letter was longer this time.

"XXXXXX, please master, please honor this reward on behalf of your disciple! The Eternal God King Realm Yin-Yang Creation Secret Realm provided by the other party is very important!"

Du Long quickly transmitted the coordinate information and added a few more sentences.


Ancient Bodhi Buddha directly replied with a good word, and then exhaled heavily before sitting back under the Bodhi tree.

Soon, Ellie received a reply from a Buddhist disciple, telling her that she had successfully obtained the highest reward and that she could come and receive the reward at any time.

The two women who received the message cheered in the mansion, and then began to think about how to receive the award.

Regarding how to receive the award, the two girls had actually discussed it while waiting.

However, when things come to a close, they still have to be more careful, and there is nothing wrong with giving it more consideration.

After what they thought was careful consideration, the two women finally walked out of the mansion together, and then strode towards the Buddhist reception area.

The two women's appearance and soul have completely changed. Ruth even transformed into the image of a man. The two pretended to be a couple and tried to hide it!

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