Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2642 Prince Li’s Mansion

Puff, puff, puff. . .

On the top of the Soul Cultivation Tower, various creatures composed of more than two million liquid soul power swords continued to bombard the divine soul defense shield there.

Continuously blasting again and again, although the protective shield of the soul was constantly shaking, there was no sign of being blasted!


After bombarding continuously for a period of time, Du Long, who was as strong as Du Long, felt waves of dizziness coming from the source of the soul, which also forced him to stop temporarily.

After exhaling a long breath, Du Long stared dimly at the seemingly inconspicuous soul guard in front of him, but it was actually an extremely powerful defensive shield.

"No! If you continue to bombard like this, you won't be able to break it open at all... How do you launch a divine soul attack to break it?!" Du Long frowned and murmured as he stared solemnly at the divine soul defense shield in front of him. He muttered to himself.

While he was recovering from the terrifying consumption of his soul power, he was distracted by thinking about how to break through the current predicament and strive to complete the task assigned to him by Soul King Yu Ji as soon as possible.

In his mind, scenes from when he launched the attack kept reappearing.

No matter how he changed the attack form of the liquid soul sword, although the results obtained during this period were different, there was still a big gap between breaking through the protective shield of the divine soul.

'etc! ’ Just as he was thinking about it, a light suddenly flashed in his mind: ‘Sister Soul King, let yourself find a way to increase the attack power of the soul. . . But I don’t have much experience in soul attacks. Could it be that I can learn from other attack methods? ! ’

‘Since I can condense the sword of soul power into various creatures to launch attacks, why can’t I condense them together to perform combat skills similar to Chi You’s Poison Dragon Diamond? ! ’

‘That’s right! It’s Chi You’s Poison Dragon Diamond! This is the most effective attack form against the defensive shield. He can condense more than two million liquid soul swords into Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond, and use all his strength to break through the divine soul defensive shield in front of him! ! ’

Thinking of this, an excited smile finally appeared on Du Long's lips. He had just recovered a small part of his soul power and couldn't wait to condense more than two million liquid soul swords again.

Immediately afterwards, more than two million liquid soul swords began to practice the attack and killing form of the Chiyou Poison Dragon Diamond combat skill in mid-air, and a high-speed rotating Chiyou Poison Dragon Diamond appeared on the top of the Shen Yang Tower.

Whoosh, whoosh!

Du Long was not in a hurry to let the Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond condensed from the Soul Power Sword attack the divine soul defense shield above the jade pond. Instead, he kept practicing the attack and killing method of the Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond in mid-air.

A soul-power version of the Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond was running back and forth above the top of the tower. As time went by, Du Long became more and more comfortable in manipulating the soul power sword to practice the Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond combat skills.


Until a certain moment, he finally couldn't help but control the Chiyou Poison Dragon Diamond and shoot it towards the Yuchi. Amidst the loud sound, the defensive shield of the soul began to shake violently.

It can be felt that this layer of soul defense shield seems to be reaching its limit and may burst apart at any time. Du Long is excitedly controlling the soul version of the Chiyou Poison Dragon Diamond and continues to try his best to explode the shield. A layer of soul defense shield.

The Chi You Poison Dragon Drill is rotating at high speed, and the liquid soul power sword located at the drill head is being quickly consumed, while the liquid soul power sword behind it will continue to be replenished to the drill head position.

All this is a long story. In fact, from the moment the Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond bombarded the Divine Soul Defense Shield, it only lasted about three breaths before the entire Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond was consumed.

Amidst the loud sound, the soul defense shield that was almost about to be exploded suddenly rebounded outwards, and instantly returned to the shape of a hemisphere, where it was shaking and shaking.

"Very good!" Soul King Yu Ji Memory, who had been watching quietly, finally couldn't help shouting: "You only need to increase the attack power of this attack method a little more, and you will definitely be able to This divine soul defense shield exploded!"

Although there was some disappointment on Du Long's face, there was a faint smile on his lips. He knew that he had found the right method, and it would only take some time to complete the task assigned by Soul King Yu Ji.

He was not in a hurry to continue condensing his soul power version of the Chiyou Poison Dragon Diamond to launch a new attack. Instead, he closed his eyes again and began to use all his strength to recover the severely consumed soul power.

A few hours later, Du Long, who had returned to his peak state, began to condense more than two million liquid soul power swords, and then began to study how to use the soul power version of Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond combat skill to increase his attack power.

After careful consideration, he began to condense more than two million liquid soul swords into three weapons: swords, axes, and swords, and then practiced Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond combat skills in mid-air.

It wasn't until he thought he had mastered the new version of Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond combat skill that he controlled it to bombard the soul defense shield above the jade pond!


With a muffled sound, the long sword formed by the condensed liquid soul power slammed into the divine soul defense cover. The high-speed rotating long sword hit the surface of the divine soul protective cover, instantly forming an extremely sharp depression.

This soul defense shield was indeed designed by the memory of Soul King Yu Ji. Faced with such a terrifying blow, it was not exploded immediately, but persisted for about a breath and a half before it burst apart.

Although the soul version of the Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond only had about one-third of its energy left, it still continued to bombard the next layer of soul defense shield, and instantly collided with the second layer of soul defense shield.

Under Du Long's curious gaze, the Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond, which had one third of its soul power remaining, collapsed instantly, as if it had hit a copper wall.

"This... the second layer of the soul defense shield is too powerful?!" Du Long's eyes widened in astonishment, staring closely at the soul defense shield that only shook slightly twice.

"Very good!" Soul King Yu Ji's voice sounded at the right time: "Your high-speed rotating attack method can indeed greatly improve the penetration of the soul's attack. It will be helpful for targets such as breaking the soul's defense shield. Larger lethality bonus!”

"As for the second layer of divine soul defense shield above the jade pond... don't think too much about it for the time being. Unless you can one day break through and reach the eighty-one forged perfection of the divine soul, you will never be able to break through this barrier. Layer defense!"

"Ah?!" Du Long stared speechlessly at the layer of soul defense shield that had returned to calm and said: "You actually have to reach such a height to blast through it?! Isn't this too powerful?! "

"Haha!" Looking at the shocked Du Long with a smile, Soul King Yu Ji couldn't help shaking her head and reminded: "Du Long! Don't think that you can kill a large number of enemies with only a few enemies in the Genlong Secret Territory. You underestimated the people of the world!"

"You know, you are just a frog in the well who grew up in this remote star field. In the core star field where super civilization forces from outside the area gather, you can easily catch a lot of talented people of the same level who are stronger than you!"

"There are many people at the same level who can easily kill a being of your level, let alone those from a distance... Xin'er who is right in front of you can easily defeat you!"

"Xin'er...Princess!" Du Long was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Princess Xin who was sitting on the other side of the jade pond with her eyes closed and meditating, and said: "She is indeed a few levels better than me in integrating heaven and earth, but in other areas In terms of..."

"Haha!" Soul King Yu Ji shook her head again and said with a smile: "You think you are almost as good as Xin'er in terms of soul forging, so you think you are not much weaker than her?!"

"Let me tell you the truth! Not only has Xin'er forged her soul to the twenty-seventh level, but she has also reached the twenty-seventh level for her body. Even if she stands there and lets you chop her with a knife, you are Without using Chi You’s Poison Dragon Diamond, it’s impossible to break through her physical defense!”

"Isn't it?! The forging body has also reached the perfection of twenty-seven forging?! Then what kind of strength has her physical body reached?!" Du Long was a little in disbelief, but also full of curiosity.

"Her physical strength is no longer weaker than ordinary immortal creation weapons!" Soul King Yu Ji said the answer simply.

"It is indeed very powerful!" Du Long exclaimed, then asked curiously: "Could it be said that...in addition to the inheritance of soul forging here, there is also a inheritance of body forging in the Genlong Secret Realm?!"

"Yes!" Soul King Yu Ji smiled and nodded: "You are not too stupid! There are eight heavenly kings in the Genlong Secret Realm, and among them is a King of Power named Kong Qiong. It has a body-forging heritage!”

Du Long's eyes suddenly lit up, he slapped his thigh excitedly and said, "This is just like giving me a pillow after I fall asleep. I'm still worried about my weak physical body and don't know what to do!"

Since the body forging has only reached the ninth level of perfection, Du Long can only cultivate more than two million cell origin clones for the time being. This is also one of the biggest obstacles currently affecting the improvement of his strength.

"Well!" Soul King Yu Ji nodded slightly and said: "I also see your shortcomings in this aspect, so I naturally hope that you can visit King Li's mansion. Only by getting King Li's forged body to inherit your future path can you Go further!”

"Thank you Sister Soul King for the reminder! Then I should go to Prince Li's Mansion now?!" Du Long seemed a little impatient. Looking at his posture, he wanted to rush to Prince Li's Mansion immediately.

"Let Gen Ling teleport you directly later!" Soul King Yu Ji waved her hand and replied with a smile: "Before you pass, you can leave an original clone. It is best to leave more than two hundred people in this original clone. The sword of ten thousand liquid souls!"

"What's the use of leaving an original clone here?!" Du Long said in confusion: "I also left more than two million liquid soul swords on him. Could it be that he was going to be responsible for guarding the God Cultivation Tower? Don’t let outsiders easily climb to the top of the tower?!”

"That's just one of the reasons!" Soul King Yu Ji shook her head and replied with a chuckle: "There is also another reason for your original clone to continue to practice some knowledge of soul attack and killing here!"


Hearing that there was such a huge benefit, Du Long released the two original clones without hesitation, and left more than two million compressed and fused liquid soul power swords in their bodies.

The reason why he left one more origin clone was because he was worried that one of the origin clones might have to be sacrificed in the future. By then, wouldn't the knowledge they had finally learned be wasted? !

After finishing all this, Du Long's true form was directly teleported to Prince Li's mansion in the core area of ​​Genlong Palace with the help of Genlong Formation Spirit.

"Prince Li's Mansion?!"

Standing at the gate of Prince Li's Mansion, Du Long subconsciously looked up at the plaque on the gate. Sure enough, there were three vigorous and powerful ancient seal characters 'Prince Li's Mansion' on it!

"Who is coming?! This place has been occupied by our side. If any outside force does not want to cause trouble for itself, then get out immediately!!" Before Du Long could see the surrounding environment clearly, there was a burst of noise in his ears. Extremely arrogant shouting and cursing.

Hearing such arrogant yelling and cursing, Du Long's face immediately darkened. He immediately turned his head to look in the direction from which the sound came, and saw a group of silver-armored figures blocking the door of Prince Li's Mansion.

After seeing clearly the pattern of the opponent's armor, Du Long immediately understood the origins of these people. They were the forces from the Extraterritorial Adventure Alliance Guild.

He didn't have much favorable impressions of this force. He had killed more than a thousand people on the steps of the Yangshen Tower before. Now, facing the twenty or so silver-armored warriors blocking the gate of Prince Li's Mansion, there was no need to be polite to them.

Boo hoo hoo. . .

Hundreds of liquid soul swords swarmed up and knocked these people to the ground in an instant. They watched as all of them lost their life breath and turned into corpses.

Du Long took their bodies away with a wave of his hand. The silver armor on these people was pretty good. Even if he didn't need it, he could still leave it to the family forces in the future.

Easily killing the group of silver-armored warriors at the door of Prince Li's Mansion, Du Long was as relaxed as swatting a few flies to death. Seeing that there was no longer a figure blocking the way at the door of the Mansion, he slowly put his left hand on his back and slowly Slowly walk into Prince Li's mansion.

It can be seen that the force occupying Prince Li's Mansion is very arrogant. They don't even bother to set up a defensive array around the palace gate, otherwise Du Long would not be able to step into it so leisurely.


Just as Du Long swaggered into Prince Li's mansion, a group of silver-armored patrol soldiers finally noticed something unusual and surrounded him directly.

Their shouts alerted other patrols, and teams in silver armor began to rush towards the gate. At a glance, there were six or seven teams of ten people.

Facing these patrol teams surrounding him, Du Long still had a faint smile on his face, and just waited quietly for them to gather around him.

"Who are you?! Where are the people at the gate of the Guardian Palace?!" A silver-armored captain held a weapon tightly in his hand and asked Du Long again with a vigilant face.

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