Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2641 Soul King’s Teaching

On the top of the Yangshen Tower, a thick mist of soul power lingers.

"Sister Soul King!" Du Long stood on the edge of the Jade Pond of Nourishing Spirit Dew, curiously looking at Princess Xin who was immersed in hard training and said: "Has Princess Xin also reached the Twenty-seventh Perfection of Divine Soul?!"

"Yes!" Soul King Yu Ji's memory responded with a smile: "Xin'er has long completed the practice of the twenty-seven soul forgings, so naturally she also got an opportunity to absorb the refining soul nourishing dew!"

"So that's it!" Du Long didn't think it was that strange. Princess Xin must have the full support of Soul King Yu Ji if she wanted to cultivate her soul to the twenty-seventh level. Just divide the original soul into hundreds of millions of parts, right?!"

"That's right!" The memory of Soul King Yu Ji nodded again and replied: "The multiple origins of the soul are one of the most important foundations of the soul path, and naturally it is also one of her necessary abilities!"

"So...in the world of Genlong during its heyday, there should have been many people who had cultivated their souls to the level I am now, right?!" Du Long asked curiously again.

"No!" To his surprise, Soul King Yu Ji shook her head in denial this time: "There are many people who can get the soul-forging inheritance, but there are only those who can really get the soul-nourishing dew to infinitely enhance the origin of the soul. rare!"

"How long does it take for this kind of soul-nourishing dew to give birth to such a pool?!" Du Long finally turned his attention to the small half of the soul-nourishing dew left in the jade pond and said: "This place has a million times the speed of time. , logically it shouldn’t be too difficult to create a pool of soul-nourishing dew, right?!”

"Haha!" Soul King Yu Ji shook her head and smiled bitterly: "It's not as easy as you think. Only one drop of Nourishing Soul Dew can be born every epoch. You can calculate how long it will take for this pool of Nourishing Soul Dew to be born. come out?!"

"Isn't it?!" Du Long widened his eyes speechlessly and said: "It takes millions of years for a drop to be born... Then wouldn't it take millions of years of real time to fill this pool?! "

As a powerful person at the peak of the Supreme Realm, Du Long's calculation speed is naturally extremely fast, and he can calculate the time required to generate this pool of soul-nourishing dew in the blink of an eye.

"That's right!" Soul King Yu Ji then nodded and responded: "It takes about five more epochs of real time to generate such a pool of soul-nourishing dew."

"More than five epochs of real time... it's not long, it's not short!" Du Long muttered in a low voice: "The world of Genlong has existed for endless years, and it must have created a large number of extremely powerful souls in the world. figure!"

"Haha!" Soul King Yu Ji laughed again and said: "Even if you have reached the realm now, it is only the first level of perfect soul forging. Compared with the powerful figures of the real soul, there is still a gap of 18,000. Here!"

It can be clearly felt that Soul King Yu Ji's attitude towards Du Long is getting better and better. She once witnessed Du Long sharing his practice method with Princess Xin without hesitation. She naturally fell in love with Du Long. Dragons are considered trustworthy.

It is precisely because of this that she is willing to answer Du Long's various questions so patiently, which can be regarded as repaying his kindness for Princess Xin!

"The first level of soul forging is complete..." Du Long murmured, then immediately turned around and looked at the steps on the other two sides of the God-raising Tower and said: "Could it be said... that after climbing to the top from the steps on the other two sides of the God-raising Tower, he can also do the same? Get a higher level of spiritual nourishing dew?!”

"Have you finally come to your senses?!" Soul King Yu Ji replied with a smile: "That's right! The other two sides represent the intermediate and high-level soul forging respectively. After reaching the top of those two sides, there will be a pool of intermediate and high-level souls respectively. Nourishing Spirit Nectar!”

"Sister Soul King!" Du Long continued to ask impatiently: "How long does it take for a drop of intermediate-level and high-level soul nourishing dew to be produced?!"

"That's a long time!" Soul King Yu Ji said with emotion: "Each level of spiritual nourishing dew increases, and the time it takes to be born is extended by about a thousand times!!"

"Isn't it?! That means... it takes more than 5,000 epochs of real-life time to create a pool of mid-level soul-nourishing dew, and it takes more than 5 million epochs of real-life time to create a pool of high-level soul-nourishing dew. ?!" Du Long calculated such a terrifying answer in an instant.

"That's right!" Soul King Yu Ji nodded solemnly and replied: "Do you now know how long it takes to cultivate a true powerful soul?!"

"I understand!" Du Long said with emotion: "As expected, the more advanced the practice is, the more time and energy it takes, and it also consumes a lot of precious resources. Practitioners like us who do not have a strong background as a backer, want to To catch up with the geniuses cultivated by some super powerful forces is simply as difficult as climbing to the sky!"

"It's a good thing to understand that cultivation is not easy!" Soul King Yu Ji nodded and replied with a smile: "You have just made a breakthrough and reached the perfection state of the Twenty-seven Soul Calculations. There is actually a lot to learn next!"

It can be seen that when Soul King Yu Ji said this, there was something profound in the eyes she looked at Du Long, as if she was hesitant to speak.

"Sister Soul King!" A smart person like Du Long naturally guessed the goodwill that the other party wanted to express in an instant, and immediately continued following these words: "I am almost self-taught in Shenhun. There are indeed many places that are still lacking. , I wonder if sister can give me some pointers?!"

Soul King Yu Ji looked at Du Long who was full of hope with a smile. Although she had already made a decision in her heart, she still pretended to ponder for a long time before nodding and agreed: "That's okay! For Xin'er's sake, then I'll do it. Shenhun will teach you two simple moves together!"

"Thank you so much, Sister Soul King!" Du Long raised his hands in excitement and said, "Sister is a powerful person in the Soul Soul Path. Just a little guidance will definitely benefit me a lot!"

In this way, Du Long began to receive individual guidance from the Soul King Yu Ji on the Shenhun Path at the top of the Soul Cultivation Tower. He who originally only knew some simple applications of the Shenhun Path began to have a deeper understanding of the Shenhun Path.

Boo hoo hoo. . .

On the top of the Yangshen Tower, Du Long was sitting cross-legged on the edge of the Yangshen Dew Jade Pond. Surrounded by a large number of liquid soul power swords, these liquid soul power swords were surrounding his body and constantly flying at high speed.

According to the instructions of Soul King Yu Ji, Du Long must first perfectly control the large amount of liquid soul power swords he has condensed. Only by being able to flexibly control these liquid soul power swords like fingers and arms can he be more powerful in subsequent applications. Control with ease.

More than two million liquid soul swords that had been compressed and fused in six layers were circling and flying around Du Long. As he became more and more skillful in controlling them, these liquid soul swords began to pose in various shapes. shape.

Sometimes they condense into a dragon snake composed of more than two million liquid soul swords, sometimes they condense into a goshawk that spreads its wings to pounce on its prey, and sometimes they condense into a group of high-speed galloping unicorns.

Time passed year after year, and Du Long continued to improve his ability to control liquid soul swords. In addition to condensing them into various different forms, he also had to learn to control them flexibly and freely. They launch various attacks.

As time goes by, Du Long's control level of the liquid soul sword has been steadily improving. According to Soul King Yu Ji, this improvement is still just laying the foundation for the soul attack.

As soon as he continued to practice hard like this, hundreds of thousands of years passed quietly between his fingers in the blink of an eye, and Du Long's control of the liquid soul power sword reached the level of finger control.

"Okay!" On this day, Soul King Yu Ji's memory suddenly stopped. It wasn't until Du Long obediently put the more than two million liquid soul power swords around her that she continued to say: "You are attacking with soul power. In terms of control, we have reached the entry-level level, and now we can start the second stage of training!"

"Getting started?!" Du Long, who had just stopped practicing, said in shock: "You have practiced to such a proficient level...are you just getting started?!"

Soul King Yu Ji smiled unhappily at the unconvinced Du Long, and naturally understood that he must have been a little too optimistic about his own achievements during his recent training.

"That's right! We have just started, and there is still a long way to go!" Soul King Yu Ji said with a smile: "Being able to control all liquid soul swords with fingertips is the entry level. Only if you can one day After transcending the stage of being able to use fingers and arms, you will then enter a higher state where the sword follows your heart!"

"The sword moves with the heart?!" Du Long muttered as if he still didn't understand: "What kind of state is that?!"

"Now dissolve all the liquid soul power swords around you, then generate the compressed and fused soul power sword from your body as quickly as possible, and condense it into a soul power sword goshawk as quickly as possible!" Soul King Yu Ji made this request with a smile.


Du Long immediately followed her request and first removed all the liquid soul swords around him.

Then it began to be generated in the body at the fastest speed, compressing and merging hundreds of millions of liquid soul power swords into more than two million, and then releasing them to condense into a goshawk composed of soul power swords.

"It took me ten breaths to complete the task I gave you. When one day you can complete this operation within one breath, then you will have entered the realm where the sword follows your heart!" Soul King Yu Ji announced with a smile. The result said.

"That's it!" Du Long finally understood his current flaw: "It's really difficult to do all this in one breath!"

Even if you can perform this operation with millions of distractions at the same time, it will take a certain amount of time to condense and compress the liquid soul sword, and then to merge the two.

As a party involved, Du Long knew very well how difficult it was to achieve this step in such a short period of time!

"Haha!" Soul King Yu Ji shook her head and chuckled: "You have to know that as your strength continues to improve, you will face increasingly powerful opponents. The speed of launching the soul attack will greatly determine The result of victory or defeat!”

"I understand!" Du Long nodded resolutely and replied: "I will continue to practice hard in the future and strive to enter the realm where the sword follows the heart as soon as possible!"

"Yes!" Soul King Yu Ji nodded with satisfaction, and then continued: "From now on, you must learn to increase the attack power of the soul as much as possible!"

"No matter how powerful the various condensed birds and beasts are, they are still just paper tigers that are useless. And now you have to find a way to increase the attack power of the soul!"

Du Long sat there quietly and listened to Soul King Yu Ji's explanation. Unexpectedly, the other party stopped at this point without saying anything, and then looked at him with a smile without saying a word.

"Then what?!" Du Long asked in confusion: "How should I work hard to improve my soul attack ability?!"

"It all depends on you!" Soul King Yu Ji once again replied somewhat unexpectedly: "You have now mastered the control of liquid soul swords. Next, you have to control what form they transform into to attack the enemy. , then it depends on your own personal preferences!”

"Have you seen the Jade Pond of Nourishing Spirits in front?! There are now three layers of defense shields on it. The bottom layer is a physical defense shield, and the upper two layers are soul defense shields. What you have to do is to remove the top layer of soul defense shields. The defensive shield exploded!"

Looking in the direction of her finger, Du Long immediately saw that there were indeed three layers of defense shields above the Yangshenlu Jade Pond, and his primary goal now was to blast the topmost soul defense shield.


Without thinking, Du Long launched an attack towards Yang Shenlu Jade Pond. The Goshawk, the sword of soul power that had just been condensed, flew directly towards it. The sharp eagle's beak was condensed from a large amount of liquid soul power sword. Just like that. Hit the shield hard.


The topmost soul defense shield suddenly sunk inward, and then began to withstand the full bombardment of the entire goshawk, with more than two million liquid soul power swords violently bombarding it.

This attack seemed to erupt with a very violent energy shock, but when the attack dissipated, Du Long was disappointed to find that the protective shield of the soul had not been broken by him!

"Come again!"

Unwilling to admit defeat, he immediately re-condensed more than two million liquid soul swords, then condensed them into a single-horned dragon snake, and blasted towards the protective shield of the soul with all his strength.

Amidst the loud sound, the divine soul protective shield still withstood the blow steadily, which also meant that Du Long's second blow failed again.

Then came the third and fourth blows. . .

He condensed different attack forms again and again, and then continuously blasted against the protective shield of the soul, but Du Long was extremely depressed to find that he had failed.

"Isn't it?! I've tried my best! You can't break through the protective barrier of your soul..." After failing for many times in a row, Du Long finally couldn't help but scream for himself.

He obviously felt that the soul guardian shield created by the Soul King Yu Ji was too powerful, and it was simply not something he could break through now!

"Are you admitting defeat now?!" Soul King Yu Ji said with a faint smile: "I can assure you that with the swords of soul power you have condensed now, as long as they are used properly, you can definitely break through this defensive barrier! "

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