Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2643 Time is like a knife

Boo hoo hoo. . .

The answer to the silver-armored captain was a large amount of liquid soul swords. Facing these silver-armored warriors who were only responsible for patrolling, Du Long didn't even bother to talk nonsense to them.

"No! This is a divine attack method. Let's defend with all our strength!!"

Screams resounded throughout Prince Li's mansion, and sixty or seventy silver-armored warriors used various methods to block the overwhelming amount of liquid soul swords that were shooting towards them.

In a hurry, their soul defense methods could only be carried out independently, and there was no sign of joining forces to fight against the powerful enemy. Naturally, there was no suspense about the consequences of this.

This kind of liquid soul sword, which even Hai Lin, the leader from the Soul Palace, could not compete with with his own strength, was like a devastation at this moment, instantly shattering those fragile soul defense methods. Sixty or seventy silver armored soldiers The soldier immediately lay down in a large area.

To deal with this group of ordinary silver-armored warriors, Du Long didn't even bother to condense the liquid soul power sword into various combat forms that enhanced attack power. He just relied on the most primitive liquid soul power sword to instantly defeat those blocking his way. All targets cleared!

Inside Prince Li's mansion, he must have heard shouts coming from the door of the mansion, and more figures in silver armor began to gather towards the door of the mansion.

Du Long stood there calmly and calmly, glancing at the figures rushing towards him with an indifferent expression, and then gently waved his hand to collect all the silver-armored corpses on the ground.

Even though he looked down upon the trophies on these corpses, he was willing to take action himself and collect all the trophies into his own hands as he never wanted to waste anything.

"Who are you?! How dare you kill the silver-armored warriors of our Adventure Alliance Guild Hall?! Do you know what a serious crime you have committed?!" A middle-aged man in silver armor stood out from the crowd. , he had obviously seen Du Long taking away a large number of silver-armored warrior corpses.

"Power Palace?!" Du Long immediately grasped the key point of the other party's words and frowned slightly: "Within your Adventure Alliance guild, are there different branches such as Soul Palace, Power Palace, etc.?!"

"Have you ever met anyone from the Soul Palace?!" The silver-armored middle-aged man was slightly startled, and immediately said with a tight expression: "Could it be that... you are the Xuantian Dragon Lord who killed Master Hailin of the Soul Palace? Du Long?!"

"Do you recognize me?!" This time it was Du Long's turn to be surprised. He pointed at the tip of his nose and asked, "It seems... there should be contact between you two?!"

"Sure enough, it's you!" The middle-aged man in Shining Armor's face became extremely solemn. While secretly transmitting a message to his subordinates to warn, he continued to speak: "You dare to kill people from the Adventure Alliance Guild. Aren't you worried that you will suffer for yourself? The world you live in has caused a tragedy of genocide?!"

"Haha!" Faced with the threatening words of the silver-armored middle-aged man, Du Long shook his head and chuckled indifferently: "Who is not prepared to take risks in various Xuantian secret realms within the Xuantian Chaos World? Are you in danger of being killed at any time?!"

"In this great chaotic world of Xuantian, there are many forces that are more powerful than your Adventure Alliance Guild. Who would dare not compete for various opportunities in Xuantian's secret territory just because they are afraid of retaliation?!"

"Hmph!" The young man in silver armor snorted: "Having said that, it is only between forces of equal strength that they can compete for various opportunities fairly. People like you who come from the indigenous civilized world simply don't have it. Any fairness at all!"

"Really?!" The smile on Du Long's face gradually faded away, and was replaced by a look of frost: "If you have the guts, please call more powerful people from the Adventure Alliance over! Before that... You are here for the fish and meat, but I am here for the sword, and if that’s the case, then you go and die!!”

As these words fell, Du Long seemed too lazy to talk nonsense to the group of people in front of him, and more than 900 people rushed out of the entire Prince Li Mansion.

Boo hoo hoo. . .

A series of liquid soul power swords appeared out of thin air, just floating above Du Long's head. Judging from the slight trembling of the soul power sword, it seemed that it was ready to shoot at the enemy at any time.

"Arrange your formation! Prepare to face the enemy with all your strength!!"

The middle-aged man in silver armor immediately screamed a warning, obviously not daring to look down upon the young man with three heads and thousands of arms in front of him. After all, the other person was the person who had killed the original clone of Lord Hai Lin!


Nearly a thousand people worked together to hold up a soul defense shield. Gray energy appeared and disappeared on the shield, making the people shrouded inside look hazy and fuzzy.

Du Long grinned with a faint sneer. He could see that the soul defense shield released by the other party was more than one level weaker than the one above the jade pond on the top of the Soul Cultivation Tower.

From this, we can also see how powerful the soul defense shield condensed by Soul King Yu Ji's memory above the jade pond was, and it was only the initial level of the soul defense shield.


Hundreds of thousands of liquid soul power swords trembled slightly above Du Long's head. This was only a quarter of the liquid soul power sword he had used, and he had not yet planned to use his full strength in this attack.

I saw the swords of liquid soul power all over the sky instantly condensed into three divine weapons: swords, axes, and swords, and then they used the Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond combat skill, turning at high speed and piercing through time and space, and blasting towards the divine soul defense shield.

With Chang Jian condensed from the sword of liquid soul power as the core, a wildly rotating dragon-shaped shadow instantly slammed into the divine soul defense shield.

I saw that the soul defense shield was instantly bombarded, making a sharp pit dent inward, and then torn open on the spot under the accelerated rotation of the Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond.

Amidst the muffled sound, the soul defense shield formed by the full strength of nearly a thousand people was torn apart easily. The soul version of Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond continued to move towards the people inside the defense shield without losing its force. Boom away.

Waves of screams came one after another, and the middle-aged man in silver armor did not hesitate to escape diagonally to the rear, leaving all his men alone.

The soul version of Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond suddenly blasted into the crowd. The silver-armored warriors who were hit by the blast lay down on the ground one after another. It was seen that most of them lost all life breath in an instant.

Even if there are some people who possess higher-level soul protection magic weapons and temporarily survive the impact of the first wave of soul power Chiyou Poison Dragon Diamond, they cannot escape the second wave of soul power Chiyou Poison Dragon Diamond.

Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond instantly penetrated the entire silver-armored thousand-man team, and immediately turned around and rushed back. The long sword condensed with liquid soul power rotated at high speed, focusing on taking care of those targets who were dizzy under the first wave of attacks. Read it again.

Just under the two waves of bombardment by the soul power Chiyou Poison Dragon Diamond, more than 90% of the nearly a thousand silver-armored warriors on the scene died. Only a few dozen people reacted quickly, and they did not hesitate when the middle-aged silver-armored people fled. He hesitated and ran away!

Seeing the Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond disappearing in front of his eyes, Du Long watched the dozens of figures flee into the depths of Prince Li's mansion at high speed. He had no intention of pursuing them, but let those people escape from his own. sight range.

The fact that he came to Prince Li's mansion and went on a killing spree could never completely prevent the news from leaking out. In this case, there is no need to worry too much about a few enemies escaping here alive.

After retracting his gaze, Du Long began to slowly clean up the battlefield, collecting the corpses of the silver-armored warriors and the trophies on the ground into his own cave world.

After finishing all this, he turned over his hand and took out a space ring that he had just recovered, and began to put his mind into it to see what was inside.

To be honest, he is still very unfamiliar with everything inside the advanced civilization world outside the territory. By looking at the collections in the outsider space ring, he can more or less understand the outside world.

"Eh?! What is this?!"

As he turned his hands, a crystal flashing with light blue light appeared in his hand. He held the crystal directly in front of his eyes and observed it carefully, gradually discovering the special features inside the crystal.

"This should be a crystal that contains the mysteries of water and heaven. There are many crystals that contain different mysteries of heaven in this space ring. What kind of existence do they look like in the world of advanced civilizations outside the territory?! "

"Could it be that... Is it possible to directly absorb and refine the secrets of heaven inside this crystal?! No... I have to try it now!"

After muttering a few words, Du Long held the light blue crystal tightly in his palm, and then absorbed the energy inside the crystal with all his strength. Soon, a cold breath poured into his body from the palm of his hand.

Gradually, he found that many mysteries of water's movement of heaven appeared in his mind. Many of them were the mysteries of water's movement of heaven that he had long understood thoroughly, and a small part were mysteries of water's movement of heaven that he had never understood before.


Du Long secretly took a breath. This discovery gave him a better understanding of the light blue crystal. This crystal is indeed a kind of crystal that can quickly improve a practitioner's level of understanding of the way of water and heaven.

As time went by, the light blue crystal in his hand gradually became dull, until it no longer had any cold breath flowing into his body, and the entire crystal turned directly into a blue-black stone that no longer glowed!

Du Long reopened his eyes and looked at the spar, which looked similar to an ordinary stone. He nodded thoughtfully and said, "I can absorb and comprehend some of the secrets of water and heaven from it, but the content is different from the water spirit beads." A thousand miles away, the Water Spirit Pearl represents a complete way of heaven, but this crystal only contains a very small part of the mystery of heaven!"

"Inside this space ring, there are hundreds of crystals of various colors stored, but there is not a single regular spirit bead. Therefore, the value of the regular spirit beads should be countless times more precious than this kind of crystal! "

"It is precisely because of this that the silver-armored warrior who owns this space ring doesn't even have a rule spirit bead in his hand, right?!"

After muttering a few words to himself, Du Long turned his hand and put away the space ring, and then turned his eyes to Prince Li's mansion in front of him.

"You can start to comprehensively explore this Prince Li's Mansion and see what secrets are inside Prince Li's Mansion. What I am most in need of right now is the body-forging inheritance left by King Li!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he no longer stopped at the door of the mansion, but turned and rushed towards the palace directly in front of him.

In the entire Prince Li Mansion, after Du Long went on a killing spree, no trace of human beings could be seen. The members of the self-proclaimed Adventure Alliance Guild Power Hall were probably frightened and fled into a secret realm.

This is good, at least Du Long can now walk freely inside Prince Li's mansion without any hindrance, and there will no longer be any blind members of Prince Li's palace coming to trouble him.

"Liwang Palace?!"

Du Long looked up at the top of the palace gate, which was dozens of feet high. There was a plaque engraved with the three characters "Powerful King Palace" hanging high above. The extremely tall palace door in front of him made him feel very small.

With a shocked mind, he stepped into the gate of King Li Palace. In front of him was a huge hall for discussion and hospitality. Seeing the tables and chairs that were several feet high, Du Long couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly. .

The legendary King of Strength Kong Qiong should be a member of the giant clan. All the tables and chairs in the palace are extremely tall and simple, which is very different from the furnishings inside the Soul King's mansion.

Looking around, there were no valuable items in the entire hall except for the tables and chairs. Du Long didn't even bother to use his magical powers to adapt to the environment, so he turned around and walked out of the hall.

After leaving the Liwang Palace, he walked along the adjacent aisles and visited several side halls, but he never found the secret realm of the Liwang Palace that Soul King Yu Ji mentioned. All useful things in the entire Liwang Palace had been stripped away, and there were no Something worthy of Du Long's attention.

It can be seen that including the main hall and several side halls next to it, they are all palaces where King Li Kong Qiong lives and entertains guests on weekdays. There is no secret space hidden inside.

Walking all the way to the depths of Prince Li's mansion, Du Long finally found the main hall next to a huge arena where the plaque of the Hall of Strength was hung. He could see that the door of the hall was blocked by a layer of space-time magic circle energy.

"This should be the place where the people in King Li's Palace use it for daily training... And the space inside this Palace of Power should be the body-forging inheritance space mentioned by Sister Soul King, right?!"

Du Long looked at the surrounding environment with bright eyes. He could see that the entire arena was paved with a layer of extremely hard metal blocks, and huge footprints could also be seen on the ground.

These messy footprints should be the traces left by people who have been practicing on them for endless years!

"Time is like a knife. No matter how prosperous a force once was, as long as it cannot achieve eternity and perfection, it will sooner or later turn into dust in history..."

Looking at the huge martial arts arena with a complicated expression, Du Long murmured to himself as if he was feeling something, and then turned around and walked towards the force palace space formation gate without hesitation.

He dodged directly and rushed into the space array gate, leaving only space ripples flashing with psychedelic light waves. In the end, even these space ripples gradually became silent and calmed down.

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