Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1962 Independent Choice

"Hmph!" Among the four golden saints sitting around Princess Yayi, Clay couldn't help but snorted: "Even if our Sun God Clan paid an extremely painful price for the Pangu world and made great contributions, so what?!"

"Those abominable Light God Clan are still taking advantage of the situation and constantly encroaching on our Sun God Clan's territory, but no one else has ever stood up to support us?!"

I saw him complaining angrily while glaring angrily at Abel and Yamo, two members of the Western Light and Dark Clan behind Du Long.

Then Abel grinned and said with a slight embarrassment: "Brother Clay! Don't complain about this. If it weren't for someone above to protect you, the Sun God Clan, do you think the Sun God Clan would still have a place in the Holy Land of Heaven?! "

"Abel is right!"

Dark Paladin Yamo, who had been silent, couldn't help but interjected: "Within your Sun God Clan, in addition to the Saint Seiya Legion commanded by the goddess Athena, which still has some fighting power, there are several other Sun God royal bloodlines available. Talent?!"

"Everyone will either fight among themselves and only know how to fight for power within the clan, or they will only be obsessed with the past glory of the Sun God Clan and cannot extricate themselves. All day long, they will think of themselves as the noble blood of the Sun God Royal Family and live a life of extravagant luxury. Life, if you, the Sun God Clan, had not been spurred by the Light God Clan, you would have fallen apart long ago, right?!"


As Yamo finished speaking, the expressions of each of the members of the Sun God Clan seemed a little unnatural. They were both ashamed that their fig leaf had been torn apart, and they also felt sad and lost about the Sun God Clan's increasing decline.

As Yamo said just now, the decline of the Sun God Clan was not only caused by the invasion and encroachment of the Light God Clan, but also the many conflicts and struggles within the clan.

For example, Athena led the Legion of Saints to fight on the front lines, while her brothers behind the scenes were fighting for power on the wall, including the God Emperor Zeus. The best-performing children are all sent abroad.

One is Athena, the goddess of war, Poseidon, the sea god, Hades, the god of the underworld, and so on!

"Um..." Du Long had to speak to ease the current embarrassing atmosphere: "As long as there are interests involved, there will be all kinds of contradictions and struggles. This is an eternal truth, and we don't need to do this. The debate continues!”

"That's right!" Little Lolita Zhao Zhiling nodded fiercely and said: "Even if it's me...at home, those brothers and sisters often get into quarrels over a skill or an artifact, not to mention It’s a tribe as big as the Sun God Clan!”

"By the way! Princess Yayi is the biological sister of the goddess Athena?!" The little fox Hu Feifei also cleverly changed the subject and said: "I feel that your appearance and temperament are really similar to the goddess Athena! "

"Yes!" Yayi nodded lightly and said: "Sister Athena is Yayi's half-sister. Over the years, it is with the help of sister Athena that Yayi can achieve her current strength!"

"Wow! The biological sister of the goddess Athena!"

The little lolita Zhao Zhiling exclaimed in a slightly exaggerated voice: "When I was very young, I especially worshiped this beautiful goddess of war and wisdom! She is the most admired idol in the hearts of countless girls!"

As Zhao Zhiling said, the performance of the goddess of war Athena on the battlefield in heaven is widely circulated. It is precisely because of her existence that no matter how suppressed the two major forces of light and darkness are in the two western continents, there are still people who believe in the sun to the death. Believers of God.

In the Eastern world, there is also a beautiful woman called the goddess of war!

She is the Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady of the Guanghan Palace of the Nine Heavens Immortal Palace. This Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady was able to gain the reputation of the Goddess of War, but she did not become famous because of the internal fighting in the Pangu world, but because of her outstanding performance in the war with extraterrestrial creatures. name.

The Mysterious Lady of the East and Athena of the West, these two beauties with excellent war talents, have become famous all over the world on the battlefield, making many men secretly ashamed of them.

There are two war goddesses in the entire Pangu world, but there is no one who can handle the war god. This has become the best weapon for many women in the Pangu world to mock men!

As the sister of Athena, Princess Yayi, like other women, is full of respect for her legendary sister.

Hearing that little Loli and Hu Feifei were praising her sister, her face was immediately filled with smiles. This little goddess has the same royal bloodline as Athena, and she has always imitated Athena's elegance and calmness in times of trouble. , but at this moment, he rarely showed a happy smile.

"Thank you two sisters for your compliments! Today I also want to thank you brothers and sisters for being able to save Yayi from the predicament. According to you Oriental people, no thanks can be expressed in words. If you brothers and sisters can be of use to Yayi in the future, Please just ask for it!" Princess Yayi seems to understand Eastern culture very well.

"These are all things for later, let's wait until we can escape from this world occupied by the ant beast ocean and leave here alive!"

Du Long waved his hand with a smile and said: "I just asked Princess Yayi why she wanted to risk entering the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield, and the princess hasn't answered yet!"

"It's very simple!" Princess Yayi stopped talking nonsense this time and went straight to the point: "It is precisely because of the decline of our Sun God Clan that I feel that if I continue to live under the protection of Sister Athena's wings, I will never be able to do anything. I have grown into a strong person like my sister, so I decided to venture into the Heavenly Emperor’s battlefield to experience it!”

"Uh!" Du Long was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "The reason is indeed very simple, just... Since you have already entered the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield, why do you still want to enter the Blue Water Secret Realm? You must know the dangers of the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield It will never compare to the interior of this secret space!"

"Since Yayi has chosen to follow the path of Sister Athena, she naturally cannot be afraid of danger, otherwise entering the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven this time will be meaningless!" Yayi's eyes flickered slightly, and she finally answered Du Long's question.

"Okay!" Du Long nodded: "In that case, I wish Princess Yayi can survive this ordeal safely and successfully grow into a goddess as powerful as your sister!"

"Thank you, Brother Jiang, for your blessings. Yayi will definitely go all out and have no regrets even in the face of death threats!"

After figuring out why these Western Sun God Clan members entered the Blue Water Secret Realm, Du Long continued to ask Abel and Yamo about the situation of the space occupied by the ant beasts.

Since Abel and Yamo had been associated with extraterrestrial creatures, they should have heard some secrets about this space. Although they did not know many secrets, they were still of great help to Du Long.

"Well..." After rushing to listen to the detailed explanations of Abel and Yamo, Du Long said in deep thought: "I believe everyone here knows how dangerous this world is, right?! Want to escape from this world?" The difficulty of the world is also very high, I wonder if you guys have any good ideas?!”


Du Long's question caused everyone at the scene not to know how to respond. One by one, you looked at me and I looked at you, but no one spoke to answer the question.

"Everyone here must be at a loss what to do?!" Du Long continued nonchalantly: "Especially now that we have found such a cave that can guarantee safety, I believe everyone will not feel too much pressure anymore, right? !”

"Here, I want to announce a decision to you, that is, on the day when the ant tide breaks out, I will take the initiative to attack the deepest core area of ​​the ant ocean, and then look for an exit from this place!"

"Attack the core area in the depths of the ant ocean?!" Princess Yayi said in shock: "Does it mean that Brother Jiang has found a way to deal with the ant ocean?!"

"No!" Du Long shook his head simply and replied: "I don't have a sure-fire strategy for crossing the ocean of ant beasts. At most, I only have less than a 10% chance of winning!"

"10% chance of winning?!" Golden Saint Clay frowned: "We can't possibly leave Princess Yayi's safety to a strategy that has less than 10% chance of winning!"

"Hmm!" Du Long nodded nonchalantly and said: "I will never force anyone here. The reason why I want to say something ugly in advance is to tell you that I still have unfinished tasks in the Blue Water Secret Realm. , it is impossible to be trapped in this space indefinitely!"

"If anyone here is willing to break out with me, then they must agree to my request. During my breakout, they can only stay in a cave world that I carry with me!"

"Of course! If you don't believe in my strength and are afraid that you will fall into the sea of ​​ants with me, then you can choose to stay and continue to hide in this safe cave. Maybe you can wait for reinforcements one day in the future. There’s no chance it will come!”

After saying these words, Du Long stopped talking. Instead, he picked up the wine glass in front of him and started to drink. This was obviously to give everyone present more time to think about it.

During this trip to the Blue Water Secret Realm, Du Long had a mission of his own to complete. The main reason for teaming up for the trip was to use the adventure team to hide his true identity.

Now, trapped in this space, facing the boundless sea of ​​ant beasts, he must overcome difficulties and strive to escape as soon as possible. Only in this way can he continue his unfinished mission to find the whereabouts of Huang Tianhua, Da Zhishi and others. trace.

After this experience of being in trouble, he had a feeling in his heart, that is, Da Zhishi and others should also be trapped in a predicament similar to this place.

However, for some reason, he always felt that many of his friends were not trapped in this space. As for why he had this idea, it could only be explained by intuition.

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