Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1961 Safe Cave

Next to an ordinary stone mountain, a group of people stared at the extremely ordinary cave in front of them and the huge black rock at the entrance of the cave.

"Is this the safe cave where you have kept your lives for many years?!" Du Long asked with confusion on his face.

"That's right!" Abel, who was standing respectfully behind him, hurriedly replied: "Master! This is the cave we rely on to save our lives. The tide of ants that breaks out every ten thousand years takes away the lives of countless adventure team members. Life, if it weren’t for this magical cave, we would have been buried in the belly of ants!”

"If we could save our lives by hiding in the cave, we wouldn't have lost so many adventure teams over the years, right?" Du Long still couldn't accept the reality in front of him.

"Master! This is no ordinary cave!"

Abel shook his head: "According to those extraterritorial creatures, this place was created by a powerful senior from outside their territory. This safe cave is also a refuge for those extraterrestrial emperor-level experts! "

"Are you sure you have relied on such an ordinary cave to save your life for tens of thousands of years?!"

Du Long once again asked with some disbelief: "You know, basically the entire cave can't even block the detection of spiritual consciousness, so how can we avoid the detection of those ant beasts?!"

"Master! Those ant beasts do not detect everything through their spiritual consciousness. It is said that they rely on a pair of tentacles on their foreheads to detect and perceive information from the outside world, and these safe caves seem to have a substance that can shield the tentacles from detecting! "Abel explained patiently.

"Substances that can block the ant beast's exploration?!" Du Long's eyes fell on the boulder at the entrance of the cave: "After you entered the cave, did you use this boulder to block the entrance of the cave?!"

"Yes!" Abel immediately nodded and replied: "Master can see the shape of this boulder, which can just seal the entrance to this safe cave?! We will do it every time after everyone enters the cave. , and then the last person to enter the cave is responsible for lifting the boulder and sealing the entrance of the cave."

"That's it!" Du Long suddenly nodded, then walked to the boulder, and then, with everyone watching in astonishment, he waved his hand and cut off a chin-sized corner from the boulder.

"Master! You must not! Once there is a gap in the stone blocking the entrance of the cave and it cannot completely block the entrance, then all of us will no longer be able to escape the next wave of ants!" Abel was shocked by Du Long's approach. Shocked.

"Don't worry!" Du Long waved his hand and said: "I just took a small piece of material that will not affect the shape of the stone, and will not destroy this life-saving stone!"

While everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief, Du Long had already thrown the palm-sized stone into the Demon Suppression Tower, and then began to mobilize the nine-color true fire to burn the stone.

"Um...Abel!" Du Long continued to ask while calcining the stone: "How long until the next ant tide?!"

"There are probably more than a thousand years left!" Abel responded respectfully: "More than eight thousand years have passed since the last ant tide!"

"Hmm!" Du Long nodded slightly and said, "Before we came here, we met another adventure team from the Pangu world. Those people behaved a little strangely and spoke insincerely."

"I didn't quite understand what the other party was thinking at the time, but now it seems that they were also an adventure team that was lucky enough to enter the safe cave, and the other party didn't seem to have any intention of accepting other teams to share the safe cave with them."

"That's right!" Zhou Jie slapped his thigh and said, "Captain Jiang's guess is probably right. I'm just wondering why those guys' attitudes were so lukewarm. It seemed like they didn't intend to leave that area. Dare your lover's home?" I found a safe cave and then watched others die one by one in the ant beast wave!"

"Everyone has selfish motives, and it's normal for the other party to have such thoughts!" Du Long waved his hands gently: "As long as they don't attack us easily, they can only be regarded as a few passers-by at most, and there is no need for us to follow them. The other party cares so much!"

"Brother Jiang's words make sense!" Hu Feifei came to Du Long, then gently hugged his elbow out of habit, and said with a charming smile: "Since we have also found a safe cave, there is no need to go there. I care too much about those people!"

Princess Yayi blinked her beautiful eyes, quietly staring at Du Long who did not resist Hu Feifei, and subconsciously asked: "Is this sister and Jiang... Master a Taoist couple?!"


Everyone was stunned. They never expected that this princess from the Sun God Clan would suddenly ask such a nonsensical question when everyone was discussing business.

"Taoist couple?!" Hu Feifei was also stunned for a moment, and quickly came to her senses and said: "No, no! Brother Jiang and I just met when we formed the team this time. We are not Taoist couples, just... I think he is very kind and I just like to be close to him!"


As Hu Feifei finished explaining, everyone didn't know what to say for a moment, and the atmosphere became a little weird and awkward.

"Hehe!" Zhao Zhiling, a little lolita, broke the silence with a smile: "Yes, people also think that little brother Jiang is very... mysterious, very strong and kind, and I also like little brother Jiang very much!"


Her cheerful, lively and cute performance immediately amused everyone present, including Princess Yayi, who showed a sweet smile.

"Well... let's get back to the business!" Du Long waved his hands helplessly and said: "Let's do this! It seems that we won't be able to finish the conversation in a short time. Let's all enter this cave together and sit down to chat slowly. Not too late!"

In this way, a group of people, led by him, entered the ordinary cave that could be seen to the bottom at a glance. The ant beast tide had not yet broken out, and there was no need to move the huge stone to block the entrance of the cave.

Everyone present was a strong man who had reached the emperor level, and they all carried some cave space with them. One by one, they took out the fairy fruit wine and began to eat, drink and chat in the cave.

Abel and Yamo stood respectfully behind Du Long. As spiritual servants, they had lost the treatment of the most powerful commanders at the imperial level. They had no place to sit where Du Long was.

Huh? !

Almost the moment he sat down, Du Long let out a sigh, and then quietly transferred a small part of his mind to the Demon Suppression Tower. Inside the nine-color true fire, there was a ball of black liquid burning in the flames. The ground squirmed.

'this. . . Isn't it the black substance extracted from those black soul-eating ant beasts? ! ’ Du Long stared at the black substance in front of him in surprise.

'now it's right! It is precisely because of the existence of this black substance that the ant beasts will regard it as one of their own and will not attack. So, can I integrate this black substance into some armors? ! ’

In a flash of thought, Du Long immediately penetrated his mind into the ninth space-time island. After sharing the memory with the clone, he directly handed over the task of refining the armor to the clone.

After arranging this matter for his clone, a faint smile began to appear on his face, and his confidence in whether he could successfully escape from this space also increased a lot.

"Brother Jiang, have you made any important discoveries?!" Little Lolita Zhao Zhiling was the first to notice the smile on his face, and immediately asked curiously: "If you find something, be sure to share it with everyone!"

"It's okay!" Du Long obviously didn't expect that he just showed a smile and was caught by this monkey-like little girl: "It's still under study for the time being. It won't be too late to tell you when the results are available!"

"Uh!" Zhao Zhiling said in a depressed voice, "Brother Jiang is so bad. Since he has successfully aroused people's curiosity, why can't he satisfy them as soon as possible?!"

"Actually, it's nothing. Didn't I just chip a stone at the entrance of the cave?! I'm studying its internal components. This research may play an extremely important role in our ability to break into the deepest part of the ant ocean!" Du Long replied with a smile.

"Okay then! Please, Brother Jiang, be sure to satisfy everyone's curiosity when there are results!" Zhao Zhiling, the little lolita, could only compromise.

"No problem!" Du Long nodded, then looked at Princess Yayi and others: "I dare to ask this Princess Yayi, with your identity, you should not risk entering the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven! Why do you still want to come in and take risks? !”

"Alas!" Princess Yayi shook her head slightly disappointedly and said: "As Abel said before, our Sun God Clan still occupies a place in the Western Paradise Holy Territory of Pangu World on the surface. In fact, the situation of the Sun God Clan It’s already in danger!”

"Oh?!" Du Long slightly raised his eyebrows and said: "How can you say this?! No matter what, your Sun God lineage still has Zeus God Emperor sitting on the throne, and there should be the protection of a powerful person in the Supreme Realm behind you, so how can it be possible? ..."

"My father's strength is at best the late stage perfection level of the God Lord. Personal power can never defeat the power of a team!" Yayi frowned and said: "As for the so-called powerful ancestors of the Supreme Realm, as early as that ancient battle that year During the war, it was almost destroyed!"

Yayi's words were rather tactful. She did not deny whether the Sun God Clan still had Supreme Realm experts, but also pointed out the reality that many of the Sun God Clan's ancestors and powerful men had fallen during the ancient war.

"Yeah!" Du Long nodded slightly and sighed: "The Western Sun God Clan is a tribe of gods born and raised in Pangu World. In the ancient war, they paid a heavy price for the victory of Pangu World. This contribution will never be achieved. Let’s be forgotten by the people of Pangu World!”

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