Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1963 It’s absolutely impossible

"Giggle!" In the quiet cave, Hu Feifei's sweet laughter broke the silence: "No matter what others decide, in short, since I, Hu Feifei, choose to team up with Brother Jiang, we will naturally depend on each other for life and death, and we will never leave you. !”

Her answer was not surprising to everyone. After all, the relationship between her and Du Long along the way was extremely close, like a pair of Taoist couples.

Du Long smiled and nodded at her, without saying any more polite words, so as not to make outsiders think he was too pretentious.

Following Hu Feifei's official statement, the cave headquarters fell into silence again. Whether it was those from the Sun God Clan or the members who had formed an adventure team with Du Long before, they all frowned and thought.

Of course, they would also communicate secretly through voice communication, discussing Du Long's more adventurous and radical method.

‘I don’t agree with Brother Jiang’s proposal! With only a 10% chance of winning, Princess Yayi must not be allowed to take the risk! ’

‘That’s right! I also disagree. Now that we have found a cave that can safely avoid the ant beast tide, there is no need to venture deep into the ant beast ocean! ’

'Seconded! That little brother Jiang actually wants everyone else to hide in the cave world that he carries with him, and doesn't even let us know what's going on in the outside world. This kind of approach of leaving life and death to strangers must not be done! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

Including Clyde, there were four more Golden Saints present, who were secretly communicating through messages. Most of their opinions tended to distrust Du Long.

It is normal for these Golden Saints to have such thoughts. After all, they have just met Du Long and others. Apart from knowing that the opponent's strength is unfathomable, they know nothing about other aspects.

"Um... can this little brother Jiang tell the truth about the origins of his apprenticeship?! If you want us to take an adventure with you, we can't even keep our true identity and origins a secret, right?!" Princess Yayi, who had been silent for a long time, finally asked Du Long asked.

"I'm so sorry!"

Du Long shook his head helplessly and sighed: "I don't force you to follow... Jiang will venture into the sea of ​​ant beasts together. I will say what I can say, and what I can't say... Don't ask if you are willing. If you are willing to follow Jiang on his adventure into the sea of ​​ant beasts, you are free to do so, and I will never force you to do so!"

The atmosphere at the scene was slightly suffocated. Du Long's answer obviously made many people very dissatisfied. Unfortunately, as he said, he was not begging others for this matter, but just giving others the right to make their own choices.

After all, he is going to risk his life to break through the sea of ​​ant beasts. There is no benefit in bringing other people with him. At best, it can only be regarded as incidental.

In the absence of any interests involved, it is up to each person to decide whether to take risks with him or choose to stay comfortably and wait for reinforcements.

'At this juncture, he is not even willing to reveal his true identity and origin? ! Isn't this ridiculous? ! I still maintain my original opinion, and I absolutely cannot take risks with someone of unknown origin! ’

'Seconded! ’

As Du Long refused to reveal his true identity, the four Golden Saints expressed their opinions one after another, all of them opposed it. Obviously, they could not easily hand over their life and death to a person of unknown origin.

‘Princess Yayi! What do you think about their views? ! ’ Eileen, who was sitting next to Princess Yayi, finally couldn’t help but asked via voice message.

As her voice rang in the minds of the Sun God tribe, the four golden saints turned their attention to Princess Yayi, all waiting quietly for her decision.

‘Everyone, please stay calm! ’ Princess Yayi replied calmly: ‘I’ll do some divination on this matter first, and we’ll discuss it later when we get the result! ’

In this way, these members of the Sun God Clan discussed for a long time, and finally they all turned off the flames. They were all secretly waiting for the results of Princess Yayi's divination.

When they encountered difficulties before, it was precisely because of the divination results of Princess Yayi that they asked Eileen and Clyde to go out to look for reinforcements. In the end, it was because of the arrival of reinforcements that they managed to get out of trouble.

Therefore, after hearing Princess Yayi say that she wanted to perform a divination on this matter, the four Golden Saints immediately stopped communicating and were all quietly waiting for her final divination results.

Just as Princess Yayi closed her eyes, sinking all her mind into the cave world she carried with her, and began to perform divination, the Zhao brothers and sisters on the other side, Tang Gang, and Zhou Jie were also secretly discussing the same thing. .

‘Everyone, tell me! Should we continue to follow Captain Jiang on his adventure, or should we choose to stay in this safe cave where we can avoid the attack of the ant beasts? ! ’ Zhou Jie’s voice sounded in the minds of the four of them.

They subconsciously excluded Hu Feifei. After all, she had been with Du Long from the beginning. Who knew whether the two were acting to deceive others? !

‘If we choose to stay here to avoid danger, then where should we go after the ant tide is over? ! ’ Tang Gang did not decide what to do, but raised the question of one of the options.

'But if we choose to take the risk with Captain Jiang and rush into the sea of ​​ant beasts, then we will fall into a desperate situation of near death, and it will be difficult to regret it by then! ’ Zhao Kui’s words did not seem to support following Du Long’s adventure.

‘Brother! "Little Lolita Zhao Zhiling said slightly dissatisfied: "Through this journey, Brother Jiang's strength has been obvious to all, and he should be very trustworthy. He finally formed a relatively good adventure team, and it is a pity to disband it like this. La! ’

‘Even if it’s a pity, it’s better than losing your life! Zhao Kui continued to insist on his point of view: "If you keep the green mountains, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood. There is no need for us to follow him on the adventure. At most, we will be trapped here until the end of the mission in the first year of the era. There will definitely be seniors from the sect by then." Come and rescue us! ’

'oh? ! ’ Zhou Jie’s eyes suddenly lit up and he said, ‘Do your seniors have the ability to enter this place and save us from trouble? ! If this is the case, then Zhou is naturally willing to stay and wait for reinforcements! ’

'Seconded! ’ Tang Gang didn’t talk nonsense. Since he had an absolutely safe plan, he would not choose to take risks with Du Long.

'But. . . ’ Little loli Zhao Zhiling hesitated and said: ‘If we just watch Brother Jiang and Sister Feifei rush into the ant beast ocean for adventure, isn’t it a bit too much? ! ’

"That..." Zhao Kui did not answer Zhao Zhiling's question, but directly said to Du Long: "Captain Jiang! Let me tell you the truth! As long as we can survive in this safe cave until the Emperor of Heaven's battlefield mission era Until it’s over, the elders of our Zhao family will come in to search and rescue us, and we will definitely be able to get everyone out of here safely!”

"Elders of the Zhao family?!" Du Long was stunned for a moment and said: "Do you know that except for the powerful and powerful gods, it will not be helpful for other emperor-level experts to enter this place?!"

"Of course I know!" Zhao Kui responded with a smile: "The Heavenly Emperor's battlefield does not allow the powerful gods to enter during the mission era year, but as soon as the mission era ends, those powerful gods can still come in to search for their own people!"


It was obviously the first time Du Long had heard of this situation. After being stunned for a moment, he immediately shook his head and chuckled: "That's great, then everyone here can choose to stay in the safest and most secure way! Sister Feifei also You can reconsider your previous decision and stay with others!"

"Captain Jiang!" Zhao Kui said slightly puzzled: "As long as we stay here for more than half an epoch, we can leave this space safely. Why do you still insist on taking the risk to enter the ant beast ocean? ?!”

"Alas!" Faced with Zhao Kui's question, Du Long shook his head and sighed: "As I just said, I have a special mission on this adventure trip to the Blue Water Secret Realm, and I must hurry up. This mission must be completed before the end of the mission era!"

"Okay! If that's the case, then we won't force you!" Du Long had already said this, and Zhao Kui couldn't continue to persuade him.

Du Long smiled and nodded, but did not say anything more. Instead, he turned to look at the others. He could see that everyone was somewhat relieved because of Zhao Kui's words.

His eyes fell on Princess Yayi, and he couldn't help but froze for a moment when he saw her eyes closed, but he didn't say anything more, but withdrew his gaze, looked at Hu Feifei beside him and said, "Why? Like?! Sister Feifei has thought carefully about whether you are going to stay with Zhao Kui and the others, or..."

"No!" Before Du Long could finish his words, Hu Feifei immediately shook her head and interrupted: "I have made up my mind. During this adventure mission in the Blue Water Secret Realm, I vow to depend on Brother Jiang for life and death!"


Du Long obviously did not expect that this beauty from the Fire Fox Tribe would be so persistent. Seeing her charming eyes flashing with determination, his heart felt warm for no reason.

"I also decided to follow little brother Jiang to enter the ant ocean!"

Just when everyone in the cave was secretly surprised by Hu Feifei's decision, another crisp voice sounded. When everyone saw the identity of the person who spoke, they were all dumbfounded on the spot.

I saw Princess Yayi, who had her eyes closed all the time, now opening her beautiful big eyes, with a pair of ice blue pupils flashing with a light of wisdom.

"Princess Yayi must not do this!" After being stunned for a moment, Golden Saint Clay immediately woke up and quickly stopped him: "Princess, there is no need to put yourself in a desperate situation just to get out of trouble as soon as possible!"

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