Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1938 Blue Water Secret Realm

"What?! Did this test finally end with the fall of Ku Han, the strongest leader of the Force Clan?!" The exclamation of Yue, the strongest leader, rang out in the coach's tent at the Blood Clan's base camp.

"Yes! There are video records of that battle here. I wonder if the commander needs to watch it in person?!"

"Play the video record immediately! I want to see what's so special about that scholar in white, Jiang Xiaobei!" Yue Da, the supreme leader, waved his hand and ordered.

Soon, a battle scene was projected in the commander's tent. It was a battle between Du Long and others and four strongest people from outside the territory.

The battle scene finished playing very quickly, and the atmosphere in the entire handsome tent seemed a bit depressing. Many senior leaders of the vampire clan were obviously still in a state of shock and had not woken up from the scene of this battle.

"Did everyone see clearly?! Do you have any feelings about this that you would like to express?!" Yue spoke with a hint of bitterness, breaking the quiet atmosphere at the scene.

Many high-level leaders of the vampire clan fell into silence one by one, seeming to be thinking about something. For a while, no one stood up and made any comments.

From the main seat, Commander Yue did not urge everyone, but gave them more time to think.

"Well..." Someone finally couldn't help but said: "From the battle scene just now, it can be roughly seen that the man in white named Jiang Xiaobei has a very high level of cultivation in the avenue of time and space, at least It has also reached the ninth level and above!"

"That's right!" After someone started, there were immediately a crowd of followers: "This Jiang Xiaobei not only has a very high level of cultivation on the Avenue of Time and Space, but also... his personal total combat power output is also very powerful!"

"What's even more unexpected is that his three male teammates, almost all of them have reached the level of the emperor's strongest commander, and judging from the way they easily face the enemy, they seem to be hiding some mysterious trump cards that are not known to anyone! "

"Yes! We really underestimated the enemy this time. We only sent four powerful commanders to deal with this powerful adventure team, which ultimately led to the death of Ku Han, the powerful commander of the force clan!"


In the Blood Tribe's headquarters, the discussion on the results of this test continued. Many senior leaders of the Blood Tribe Imperial Team expressed their opinions one after another, and they all spoke highly of the strength of Du Long and others.

Commander Yue nodded from time to time while listening. It was only after everyone else had finished talking that he pondered and said, "Don't you think...this Pangu world adventure team is a little too powerful?! And. ...The identities and backgrounds of these people are also very mysterious?!"

"The commander has a keen eye! I also feel that the identities and backgrounds of the members of this adventure team should be very complicated. We must find a way to find out their identities and backgrounds, and then we can formulate corresponding measures to deal with them!"

"Hmm!" Yue nodded slightly and said: "I always feel that the identity and background of this team is not simple. Maybe taking them down will be more surprising than taking down Du Long! Come on! Pass the order and let people Everyone who can get in touch with Pangu World will do their best to explore the identity of this group of people!"

"I obey my orders!"

Seeing that one of the subordinates who was responsible for delivering the order took the order and left, Yue continued: "Fortunately, I have this trial. I hope I can catch a big fish this time, so that I can calm down the blood emperor's anger! "

. . . . . .

On the battlefield of the Heavenly Emperor, the crimson flying boat was still shooting towards the Blue Water Cave Heavenly World at full speed.

Along the way, the hunting and adventure teams from all races outside the territory no longer dared to intercept this adventure team composed of the most powerful emperor-level commanders. They all watched helplessly as the crimson flying boats flew unscrupulously over their respective hunting areas. Pass!

call out!

On this day, after more than half a year of high-speed flight, the crimson flying boat cut across the sky and finally hovered in front of a towering snow peak. This was the destination of Du Long and others' trip, the entrance to the Blue Water Secret Realm. Got it!

With the towering snow-capped mountains as the center, there are some adventure teams parked in twos and threes around, and many Taoist consciousnesses are exploring the situation inside the crimson flying boat.

‘Look! In that crimson flying boat, the guy dressed as a scholar in white was the same guy who not long ago killed an extremely powerful and powerful beast with a single blow on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven! ’

‘Tsk! Looking at his gentle appearance, I didn't expect that he would be so cruel and ruthless. This is in line with the wise saying that people should not be judged by their appearance! ’

‘Who says otherwise? If we meet this scholar in white in the future, everyone must be brighter in their tactics, otherwise the fate of Qiongqi’s super beast will be a lesson to us! ’

'It is said that. . . The other team members who teamed up with him are also very strong. After killing the Qiongqi Super Alien Beast in an instant, our four tribes had four emperor-level and powerful commander-level experts who joined forces to deal with them. In the end, we used the Force Clan to Ku Yan, the most powerful emperor-level leader, fell, and the others retreated in defeat! ’

‘Oh my God! In this way, this adventurous team from the Pangu world is not a good person. No matter where you meet them in the future, it is always right to stay away from them! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

Amidst bursts of quiet discussion, the six members of Du Long's adventure team put away their airships, and then shot straight to the top of the Super Snow Peak. There was a light blue lake there, which had never frozen for hundreds of millions of years. Think it is an entrance and exit to the Blue Water Secret Realm? !

The six figures disappeared on the lake in an instant, causing only the slightest ripples on the lake, and they had successfully entered the blue water secret realm.

Many people who saw this scene in the distance took out the communication formation stones and sent out the information that this group of people had entered the Blue Water Secret Realm. In addition to the secret agents from the four extraterrestrial tribes, there were also many from major majors in the Pangu world. The secret agent of the force.

At the entrance of every valuable secret realm, there will always be investigators from various forces guarding there. They will not easily attack the adventure teams of other forces. They have formed a set of unspoken rules. Their existence is purely for intelligence, not To kill the enemy!

Du Long and others naturally had no time to pay attention to this. Their goal was the Blue Water Secret Realm. This legendary secret realm had just been opened not long ago, but their goals in coming to the Blue Water Secret Realm were different.

Some come to look for chance treasures, some come to secretly search for people like Du Long, and there are many other people with different goals.

Du Long still doesn't know the details of his other teammates. Along the way, everyone has been keeping their own secrets and has never fully trusted the other teammates around him.


Everywhere you look is a light blue world. This is the first visual impression of Du Long and his party after entering the blue water secret realm!

Even if the sky is blue and the sea is blue, even the ground they are standing on is blue. . .

This is an island made entirely of blue crystals. Even the trees on the island are made of blue crystal-like material, emitting a dazzling misty brilliance under the sunlight!

"Wow! What a beautiful world?!" Zhao Zhiling, a little lolita, exclaimed: "Sure enough, as in the legend, the Blue Water Secret Realm is a beautiful blue world. It seems that we really came here right this time. ah!"

"Giggle!" Hu Feifei, the fire fox, covered her mouth and said with a sweet smile: "Look at what Sister Zhiling said... It's as if this secret adventure of Blue Water is as simple as an ordinary trip for my sister. !”

"Hehe! You can have both travel and adventure!" Zhao Zhiling blinked her beautiful big eyes and responded with a sweet smile: "Go quickly, go quickly! This is just the entrance island to the Blue Water Secret Realm, and it is still far away from the real core of the Blue Water Secret Realm. It’s a long way away!”

As soon as she finished speaking, she seemed to be flying away in a certain direction. Not only was this girl simple in character, she was also a little anxious at certain times!

Everyone looked at Du Long, obviously intending to see what he, the captain, had planned, and saw him waving his hand again to release the flying boat and saying: "Let's go! The road is long, and everyone won't plan to fly by relying on their own strength, right? ! Let’s stick to the old method, take a flying boat together and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Blue Water Secret Realm while traveling!”

A group of six people boarded the flying boat one after another, and then Du Long drove the flying boat and flew away in the direction that Zhao Zhiling wanted to go.

From time to time on the blue island, figures would flash out from certain corners, and then leave this secret world through the time and space gate on the island. Apparently they planned to go out and transmit the information about the direction in which Du Long and others left back to their respective offices. power.

Soon after, several more figures seemed to teleport away inadvertently. Although the direction of these people's teleportation was somewhat different from the direction where Du Long and others left, they could still be seen with the naked eye outside the detection range of their spiritual consciousness. The crimson flying boat flying through the sky at high speed.

Compared to the surrounding blue sea and blue sky, the crimson flying boat in the sky became so conspicuous at this moment. Even if it was hundreds of millions of miles away, emperor-level experts could observe its whereabouts with the naked eye.

"Sister Zhiling! You seem to be very familiar with the Blue Water Secret Realm?! You actually know where the core of this secret realm is as soon as you enter?!" Du Long asked pretending to be indifferent while driving the flying boat forward.

"I'm not very familiar with it!" Zhao Zhiling was stunned for a moment, but replied without too much hesitation: "Before coming here, I had already spent money to purchase a piece of information related to the Blue Water Secret Realm. Only then did I know about this place. I have a certain understanding of the secret realm!”

"That's it!" Du Long suddenly responded: "Since Sister Zhiling has information about the Blue Water Secret Realm, I wonder if I can take advantage of the boredom of traveling to briefly introduce the situation of this Blue Water Secret Realm to everyone?!"

"Of course!"

Zhao Zhiling was having some free time, so naturally she didn't mind sharing her knowledge about the Blue Water Secret Realm in public. Under her narration, the Blue Water Secret Realm gradually unveiled its mystery in front of everyone.

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