Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1937 Part of the Secret

"Grandpa Pangu! It's all Ling'er's fault! Ling'er will never dare to say more words that he shouldn't say in the future. Please ask Grandpa Pangu to save Du Long, otherwise! Ling'er will tell him what he said now. This teammate does not have any strong back-up skills, so he must not underestimate the enemy?!"

Feeling anxious, Ling'er, the Ring Spirit, begged Ancestor Pan Gu for help while thinking of a solution to the problem on his own.

"You must never get involved blindly again!"

Ancestor Pan immediately interrupted her and said: "Du Long and his team can only face this calamity alone. No one's interference will not only fail to help them, but will push them into a desperate situation!"

"Even the almighty Grandpa Pangu can't help him?!" Ring Spirit Ling'er asked reluctantly.

"No! If I personally help him, his personality will be rewritten, and the overall situation we have laid out for many years will be destroyed!" Ancient Ancestor Pan replied resolutely.

"Woo! What should we do?!" Ring Spirit Ling'er cried in panic: "It's all because Ling'er can't control his mouth. If Du Long is killed, Ling'er will never be able to forgive himself in this life. Got it!"

"Alas!" Pangu Ancestor sighed softly: "If you know where your shortcomings are, you should correct them. In fact, when I was doing the calculations, I found that there was an unknown variable in Du Long's numerology. And what exactly is this unknown variable? Where it will take him is unknown!”

"Unknown variables?!" Ring Spirit Ling'er blinked her beautiful big eyes and said: "Since it is an unknown variable, we don't know whether we can help Du Long out of the predicament. We can't just let him fend for himself based on this. ?!”

"How high can Du Long reach in his life? The help from outsiders is extremely limited. He has to work hard to achieve everything by himself. To put it bluntly, there is not much difference between fending for himself and dying on his own. Therefore, as long as there are variables, it will always be the case. A good thing, I hope he can use this change to get out of danger!"


The Ring Spirit Ling'er and the Formation Spirit Qiao'er were both dumbfounded. The master's thoughts were always so unpredictable, and these two simple-minded formation spirit beings would never be able to figure it out.

"Okay! You two must remember not to interfere with Du Long's decision from now on until the end of the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield mission. Otherwise, not only will you not be able to help him, but you will actually harm him!" Pan Guzu said earnestly. Confessed again.

"I understand! From now on, Qiao'er and I won't talk to him at all. This way we won't make mistakes, right?!" Ring Spirit Ling'er replied somewhat angrily.

"You silly girl!" Ancestor Pan Gu said with a dumbfounded smile: "If it's within the scope of your responsibilities, what's the harm in telling him?! On the contrary, not saying anything will arouse his suspicion. In short, everything remains as usual, don't It seems too deliberate!”

"Okay!" Ring Spirit Ling'er lowered his head and said, "Just follow Grandpa Pangu's instructions. Ling'er will definitely not make Du Long suspicious!"

"Yeah! That's great!"

In mid-air, the huge human face formed by the gathering of white clouds disappeared out of thin air, which also meant that the mind of Pan Gu Ancestor had left this space.

Having known the Ring Spirit Ling'er for a long time in the Endless Era, he knew this girl's character very well and knew that she would definitely learn from this experience and never dare to do anything wrong again.

To the outside world, Du Long didn't know that such a big event had happened in the space of the Dragon Ring he carried with him. As expected, his so-called master of the Dragon Ring was only a second-level master.

After some observation and speculation, he still couldn't determine the true identities of his teammates. Seeing that his teammates in the other three battlefields had an advantage, he decided not to let go.


A seemingly ordinary sword light appeared out of thin air, which was not much different from the attack he launched before. In fact, he had integrated his strongest understanding of the Phantom Thousand Fantasy Slashing Technique into it.

The seemingly slow sword light has actually integrated the almost complete mystery of the ninth level of the Avenue of Time and Space into it. Even if the sword light is still bound by the energy field, it is still not comparable to the strongest leader of the extraterritorial force clan in front of him. Terrible speed.

Under Ku Han's horrified gaze, the sword flashed past him in an instant, directly slashing his head, causing his soul to be destroyed under the sword.

Another sword strike, and the most powerful leader of the extraterritorial force tribe fell inexplicably on the spot!

The entire battlefield instantly fell into a strange state of silence. The duration of this state was actually very short, but compared to many powerful late-stage emperors, it seemed so long!

As an emperor-level warrior, during a battle, in addition to dedicating most of his mind to the battle in which he is fighting, he would also allocate part of his mind to pay attention to the situation on other battlefields.

Therefore, the scene of Du Long calmly blasting his opponent's head with a sword fell into the sight of almost all the emperor-level powerhouses at the scene.

'not good! The intelligence is wrong. The members of this team are all perverted monsters. Retreat immediately! ! ’ Mo, who was from the Soul Clan, took the lead in sending a message and exclaimed, then he directly dropped his opponent, dodged and flew away.

With someone taking the lead, the other three most powerful commanders of the extraterrestrial emperor level immediately dispersed and fled completely in the blink of an eye.

They are also at the level of the most powerful leader of the emperor. Without a magic circle to trap the enemy, if their opponents want to escape from the battlefield, it is really not that easy for their opponents to keep them behind.

And Du Long couldn't reveal his Nuwa time and space footwork at this time, so naturally he could only watch the four big fish fleeing the scene one after another without any intention of chasing them.

"Wow! Brother Jiang is so powerful! The sword strike just now seemed extremely slow, but in fact it was extremely fast. It must be because you have a very high level of understanding of the avenue of time and space, right?!" Little Lolita Zhao Zhiling She and Hu Feifei rushed to Du Long's side excitedly, exclaiming with wonder on their faces.

"Hehe! As I said before, the only martial arts in the world is speed. As long as the speed reaches a certain extreme, you can become invincible at the same level!" Du Long scratched his head and said shyly.

"Tch! If you don't say it, don't say it! Anyway, I have just seen the trajectory of that knife clearly. It is definitely a state that can only be reached in the late ninth level of the Avenue of Time and Space!" Little Lolita Zhao Zhiling muttered with slight dissatisfaction. .

"Giggle!" Hu Feifei naturally hugged Du Long's left arm and said with a charming smile: "Sister Zhiling understands in her heart. She has successfully driven away the annoying flies again. I think we can rush to Lanzhou with peace of mind. Have you gone to the secret water realm?!"

"That's right! I believe those annoying extraterrestrial creatures will never dare to cause trouble for our adventure team again, right?!" Little Lolita Zhao Zhiling nodded excitedly.

Du Long didn't waste any time, waved his hand and released the crimson flying boat, and then began to call several teammates to enter it together, and then everyone embarked on the adventure again.

"Brother Jiang!" In the flying boat, Tang Gang, who rarely spoke with a long sword on his back, took the initiative for a rare moment: "If I'm not mistaken, your sword technique should be Phantom Thousand Illusion Slash, right?! "

"Yes!" Now that his teammates saw the origin of this sword technique, Du Long simply nodded and said, "This sword technique is the Phantom Thousand Illusion Slash!"

Everyone in the flying boat raised their eyebrows, and everyone was very interested in this. They finally heard some information from the conversation between the two, and began to search in their minds for the origin of the Phantom Thousand Fantasy Slashing Technique.

Gradually, some people are searching for information about this set of sword techniques, but there are still some people who have limited understanding of this set of sword techniques. For example, Hu Feifei asked with confusion on her face: "Phantom Thousand Illusion Slashing Technique?! How does this name sound? It’s a bit like a sword technique created by a certain woman?! Is this sword technique very powerful?!”

"Very powerful!" Before Du Long could answer, Tang Gang immediately said, "According to legend, this set of sword techniques was created by a female senior who had reached the Supreme Realm in the Pangu world. She has extremely high requirements for the mysteries of heaven. High, just now I saw that when Brother Jiang used this sword technique, he was not only at a very high level in the mysteries of the great avenue of time and space, but his level in the art of swordsmanship was not weak at all!"

"The realm of swordsmanship?! Is it the cultivation realm of Douzhan swordsmanship?!" Another member of the team, Zhao Kui, who rarely spoke, finally couldn't help but interject.

"That's right!" Tang Gang nodded with admiration and said, "Brother Jiang should be at a high level in terms of the Dao of Time and Space, the Dao of Dou Zhan Swords, and many other mysterious aspects of the Dao of Heaven that I don't understand. Otherwise, it wouldn't be possible." Maybe he has reached the level of small success in the Phantom Thousand Illusion Slashing Technique!"

"The level of Phantom Thousand Fantasy Slashing Techniques?! Is this level difficult to achieve?!" Little Loli tilted her little head and asked with curiosity on her face.

"Difficult! Very, very difficult!" Tang Gang nodded heavily: "I have reached the advanced level in fighting swordsmanship, and I also have a certain understanding of the Phantom Thousand Fantasy Slashing Technique, so I know that I want to practice this legendary sword technique to the highest level. At the level of Xiaocheng, it is almost only possible for those who have reached the strongest combat power of the Emperor level!"


As Tang Gang's words fell, the scene immediately fell into a brief silence. All teammates looked at Du Long with astonished eyes. However, the being who Tang Gang said was the most powerful person in the imperial class turned red shyly at this moment. Face? !

"Wow! Auntie, my vision is as strong as ever! I can actually accompany Little Brother Jiang, the strongest emperor-level man, on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven!" Hu Feifei hugged Du Long's right arm tightly, not even a trace of surprise. He didn't care that his plump and firm breasts were pressed tightly against the body of a member of the opposite sex.


Du Long coughed twice to cover up his slight embarrassment, and said helplessly: "Every one of the teammates here has a secret that no one knows. What does this little secret about Jiang mean? ?!”

As his words fell, the team members who were still expecting Du Long to say something were all dumbfounded. How could they not understand the meaning of Du Long's words. (To be continued)

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