Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1939 Mad Wolf Squadron

The Blue Water Secret Realm is divided into two areas!

One is the outer security area, which is surrounded by one hundred and eight huge defense islands. A total of one hundred and eight defense islands form a triple ring shape, surrounding a certain piece of land in the core area.

On the Triple Guard Island, each time you enter an area, the risk will increase by one point, until you get deep into the Triple Guard Island, which is the extremely dangerous core area.

Don't underestimate a mere secret realm. This is the cave world that the Supreme Power once owned. Some dangerous places are simply not areas that an Emperor-level powerhouse can easily set foot in. Otherwise, you will be in danger of falling at any time!

According to legend, the scope of exploration by those who enter the Blue Water Secret Realm has still not left the scope of the first two defensive islands. There may have been sporadic adventure teams that penetrated into the third defensive island area, but unfortunately only one person was seen entering it, and no one has ever entered it again. Saw someone come out alive.

For those who penetrated deep into the third level of the island, a small number of people had their soul jade talismans shattered. This also meant that these people had perished, but most people were still alive in the world, but no trace of them had been lost since then.

According to the intelligence obtained by Du Long, it is very likely that Da Zhishi, Huang Tianhua and others are trapped in the third guard island. If this is the case, the possibility that this matter is a trap set by extraterrestrial creatures can be ruled out.

Of course, there are no absolutes in this world, and we cannot rule out the possibility that these people were lured into desperate situations by extraterrestrial creatures!

And this time Du Long arrived here in person, his main goal was naturally to find out the whereabouts of the missing people, and preferably to rescue them from their predicament.

During this period, he needs to focus on guarding against traps set by extraterrestrial creatures, and try not to expose his whereabouts unless absolutely necessary.

This was also the main reason why he went to such great lengths to not only change his appearance, but also form or join an adventure team before rushing to the Blue Water Secret Realm.

Traveling at high speed between the blue sea and the blue sky, without encountering any interception or obstruction during the process, the crimson airship traveled at full speed between the sea and the sky for more than ten years, and only then did it see a few scattered islands at the end of the horizon.

It is said that there are 108 islands surrounding the core area. In fact, these more than 100 islands are distributed over an extremely vast sea. It is impossible to see all the islands with the naked eye. At most, it is impossible to see all the islands. Only a small part of the island in a certain corner can be seen.

The island is still dominated by blue, and even the vegetation on the island is mostly blue, but here you can finally see some other colors.

The golden beaches, some dark tree trunks, etc., bring some color differences to these islands, which also makes Du Long and others who have been surrounded by blue so long that they feel like vomiting, also change their mood. Much better.

"Wow! This is the truly beautiful blue world! It felt like you couldn't see any other colors when you looked at it. It really makes you feel sick after looking at it for a long time!"

The little lolita Zhao Zhiling had a bright smile on her face. She couldn't help but stand up on the flying boat, then spread her arms and breathed in the fresh air around her.

"This should be the outer area of ​​the first-level guard island. I hurriedly hurried for more than ten years to get here from the entrance. It is indeed a secret realm left by the supreme powerful. The entire secret realm covers an extremely large area. It’s so vast and boundless!” Du Long shook his head with emotion and said with a bitter smile.

In the past ten years, most of his mind has been immersed in practice, but he has always been the one driving the flying boat. To say he is not tired is to lie!

"Brother Jiang, thank you for your hard work!" Hu Feifei hugged his elbow gently and said in an extremely gentle and charming voice: "It took more than ten years to hurry up, why don't you go to the island in front of you? It’s not too late to have a good rest for a few days before venturing deeper into the Second Guard Island!”

"Okay, okay!" the little lolita Zhao Zhiling cheered directly on the spot: "I have been suffocated over the years. I have to rest and play on the island in front of me for a few days. Otherwise, this time I will go to the Blue Water Cave. Isn’t this trip in vain?!”

"I don't have any objection!" Zhou Jie, who was wearing silver armor, nodded and said with a smile: "The Blue Water Secret Realm has been open for such a long time anyway. It won't have much impact if we go deeper into it a few days earlier or later!"

In this way, with the unanimous consent of everyone, Du Long drove the flying boat straight to the island directly in front of him. Looking at the island in front of him, it took him less than half an hour to reach it.

Du Long was not in a hurry to put away the flying boat, but began to look at the environment in front of him. His eyes passed over the islands below, and from time to time he looked at the two or three islands within his sight range in the distance.

"I always feel...these one hundred and eight islands don't seem to be naturally formed...but were artificially created later?!" Du Long couldn't help but express his innermost thoughts.

"You are right!" Little Loli replied with a smile: "According to legend, these islands in the Blue Water Secret Realm were laid out by the supreme powerful senior himself, and they are vaguely connected to each other to form a huge magic circle. Once it is activated, even the most powerful people in the Supreme Realm will have a headache!"

"Oh?!" Du Long raised his eyebrows slightly and murmured: "With such a magic circle guarding the Blue Water Secret Realm, it should not fall into the hands of outside forces!"

"That's natural!" Zhou Jie replied with a smile: "Similar to this kind of magic circle that even the powerful in the Supreme Realm can't do anything about, it is absolutely impossible for other emperor-level extraterrestrial creatures to have the opportunity to control the entire blue water secret realm!"

"Yes, yes! Everyone, please stop discussing this impossible issue here! It's better to open your mind quickly and have a good rest on this beautiful island for a few days! Hee hee!" the little Loli couldn't wait to think. It’s time to experience everything this beautiful island has to offer.

Du Long and others looked at each other before putting away the flying boat. Led by the little lolita Zhao Zhiling, the group landed towards a beach with beautiful scenery that looked like a painting.

"Boss! Look! Two beauties have come to your door!" On that beach, there were twenty or thirty figures gathered together. One of them, a man with a wretched face, walked toward a shirtless, extremely muscular man. The bearded man whispered.

The bearded man immediately looked in the direction of his finger, and shook his head slightly when he saw the little Lolita. When he saw the sexy beauty Hu Feifei hugging Du Long's arm tightly, her pair of breasts were like copper lings. His big eyes lit up immediately.

"Hmm! I like this slutty bitch! The pretty boy next to her makes me upset just by looking at him. He only has a general rank and is probably just a scum in the late emperor rank. I will kill him immediately!" The bearded man said on the spot! Du Long was sentenced to death.

"Young man, I understand! Not to mention that pretty boy, if the other guys know who they are, they will stay. Otherwise, hey! Just because they have only reached the rank of general, they probably won't be much stronger!" The wretched man salivated and sneered.

Then he immediately shook his head to a few guys on the side. These people immediately followed him and swaggered towards Du Long and others. As for the bearded and others, they continued to stay where they were, waiting to watch the show.

In their opinion, a mere six-man adventure team, which seemed to be newcomers who had just stepped onto the First Guard Island, could be easily captured without everyone having to deal with it.

"Haha! Welcome two beautiful fairies to Aegean Beach! As for you four men, if you don't want to die, please obediently hand over all your belongings immediately and submit to our Mad Wolf Adventure Squadron. If you don't want to follow, Shoot to death on the spot!"

Accompanied by a lewd laugh, the good mood of Du Long and others fell apart, apparently ruined by the adventurous team in front of them who intercepted them.

"Hmph!" The little Loli put on a pretty face and scolded with a hint of dissatisfaction: "What kind of bullshit crazy wolf?! I think it's just a crazy dog, right?! A good dog doesn't block the way, don't stay here Your barking ruined my aunt’s good mood!”

"Hey, hey?! This little girl looks pure and sunny on the outside, but she actually has a bit of vigor in her bones?! Haha! I like this kind of thing who is pure on the outside and strong on the inside. Don't compete with me today, everyone. !" The wretched man's eyes flashed with a wretched light that made Zhao Zhiling feel uncomfortable all over, and he spoke loudly and cruelly.


The other members of the Mad Wolf team who followed him to intercept immediately raised their heads and laughed in a cooperative manner. None of them took the six-man team in front of them seriously.

"You bastard! You actually dare to tease me, my aunt! Brother Zhao Kui, why don't you help me beat this nasty bastard up for my sister!" The little Loli was so angry that she directly asked Zhao Kui to teach this ungrateful guy a lesson.

Zhao Kui, who was worried about the little Lolita's safety, had already come to her side, and just in time to see and hear the scene in front of him, he saw that his eyes were red with anger, and the look he was looking at the wretched man was full of terrifying murderous intent.


The ancient giant ax appeared out of thin air, and directly slashed Huashan Mountain towards the wretched man's head. The seemingly slow battle ax cut through the void in an instant and landed on the wretched man's head.

As soon as an expert takes action, he will know if there is any. Zhao Kui's on-the-spot display of power immediately revealed the strength of an emperor-level leader. Facing an opponent who dared to humiliate his sister in public, he had no intention of mercilessly sparing him. Life plan.


In full view of everyone, the heavy battle ax hit the wretched man's head hard, blasting his head instantly, and then continued to chop down like a broken bamboo, smashing the opponent on the spot into pieces of flesh and blood that scattered all over the sky.

With just one blow of the ax, an opponent with peak emperor-level combat power was chopped into pieces. The power of this ax frightened many Mad Wolf members on the spot.

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