World Occult User Guide

Chapter 341 Cold Shot

Lin An used Hittite rituals to harvest the lives of countless people. Its damage involves the soul, so the target will suffer indescribable extreme pain before death.

When Jacob fell on the boat as light as a piece of paper, calmly feeling the waves sway, he knew that the other party was not dead.

"This book is your identity, President of the Chamber of Commerce." Lin An picked up the paper of "Picatrix" that had not been soaked by water. "You are a genuine 'paper man'."

Jacob stretched out his hand to block the noon sun, but the sunlight penetrated directly through the hole in his palm and shone on his beating eyelids.

"The translator has published quite a few copies of Picatrix."

"And I burned the Latin version." Lin An waved his hand, and the pen floating on the sea floated into his palm, and the metal energy returned to the [Philosopher's Stone], restoring it to its original state, "There are also Western Chinese version, English version, Flemish version..."

"There are countless copies of Picatrix in the world, just like there are countless stars in the sky, and there were countless martyrs during the Roman Empire." Jacob said, "Forester, you murdered the Lord's missionaries, Revenge will come to you."

He is going to activate the "deathrattle".

Roses ascend to heaven.

Lin An remembered that word, and Zai mentioned its effect, destroying oneself and killing the enemy.

"Tsk, why don't you come here? What on earth is that guy planning! Wait until I get back to a safe place..."

Jacob grunted, leaned back, and allowed gravity to throw him off the rickety boat, and "plopped" into the green and blue Atlantic Ocean.

"Consummatum Est!"

The little shark was frightened and wandered around the coral reef in circles, but the Red Poppy Merchant Leader was nowhere to be seen. He melted like a wax figure.

"It's over, Old Den."

Lin An muttered to himself, seizing the opportunity to put the few "Picatrix" in his pocket until the ominous cold wind blew.

He looked around, and as expected, the Flemish altarpieces from the Middle Ages made a comeback, and the sixteenth-pantych painted with linseed oil surrounded him menacingly.

The beautiful, ethereal and thought-provoking atmosphere is gone. There are no choirs and saints, replaced by a T-shaped three-part composition.

Above Lin An's head, a rose blossomed from budding to proudly blooming to dead and withering. In the center was a golden, glowing dove and a pair of feet that seemed particularly out of reach. There were naked bodies standing around him. Naked, shivering men and women.

They formed a long line of self-consciousness and walked down the steps sobbing, confessing, and praying.

Lin An lowered his head, the flames of hell were blazing, and the demons laughed. They had strange faces like sheep and humans, and raised their whips to beat the void. The temperature was as hot as a furnace and the sea water was bubbling.

"The Last Judgment is such a classic." Lin An clicked his tongue, "Speaking of which, the Messiah and I are also the product of the combination of Anhuis' spirit and human beings. Is there a possibility that the one on the upper bunk "Brothers" don't have any objections to me?"


Men and women who were as pale as ghosts screamed. They held pitchforks and brandished torches, and attacked Lin An's four shields. The tribal villains on the mural held their heads high, driving monkeys and riding elephants, not to be outdone.


The two immediately fought hard, until a crack cracked the shield, and the sound of shattering reached Lin An's ears.

The hot breath eroded, the flames of hell and the devil's laughter came in a storm, and then turned into a deep hole, as if a parasite quickly penetrated the body.

Even if I use half of my divine power to protect the reputation of the Chamber of Commerce, I am still no match for the famous Jacob.

Compared to the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce, World Tree is too young and weak.

"Boom! Boom!"

The shock of war spread along the shield, and the murderous intent of the altarpiece was only half weakened.

Lin An understood that if he was hit by it, he would probably not die, but the purest energy of "Comes" might cause serious or irreversible damage to him.

Although he didn't know what it was, Lin An was unwilling to accept his fate.

It's not because he becomes afraid of death, but it seems that he will lose something whenever he is attacked or swallowed by the "Lamp Goddess" medium.

And he never wanted any of his companions to pay the price for his pursuit of "Comoth".

"You received a message from Ranger_7. Do you want to check the user's situation immediately?"

The system's beep was vague and calm. Lin An breathed a sigh of relief and brought the four shields closer to him, almost touching his skin, and then suddenly pushed them away.

The crazy witch-hunting team, devils, and flames retreated in a circle. In their unreal eyes, the people in the mural threw away their weapons, knelt on the ground, and sang sacrificial songs. The images gradually faded and disappeared.

Lin Anxu made a gesture of clicking on the floating data, and a surveillance video flashed by.

"Believe in [indirect miracles]."


"Very well, continue to seize their properties and properties."

"Give me some truth serum and throw those insiders overboard - they all disrespect me - yes, thank you, brother - don't let me see the waves tomorrow morning."

Mrs. Adamek turned the ring on her ring finger and made a casual gesture of cutting her neck.

"Deal with the city of Abishan first, don't take the opportunity to extend your hands to the entire Lakonao country, unless you want to be dealt with by the 'Mysterious Man' of 'Comes'... I know, but we don't have a blood feud, a few tire necklaces are enough Make them pay."

Tire necklaces, a torture method in Ivory Coast, involve hanging tires around prisoners' necks and setting them on fire, causing them to choke to death from the smoke.

After hanging up the phone, Madam combed her recombed hair and glanced at the man in black who stood upright.

"Hahaha, so no one can see me?" She said with a self-deprecating and sarcastic smile, "It seems that not only will I be able to show up at noon in the future, but I will also be able to communicate with you by phone and email."

No one answered. The men in black stood at their posts and checked their watches from time to time. They waited for her return dutifully, although everyone felt that the lady had gone crazy recently.

She trusted a priest who talked nonsense more than her family and relatives.

But they would not criticize her, because Dorgon Gielgud's family members never blamed each other.

The more she looked at the loyal faces of her men, the more angry she felt in her heart. The chamber president and the voodoo priest had hurt her, her husband's reputation, and the hearts of her family members for their own selfish desires.

This is a huge insult.

No one should belittle a Dolgon Gielgud and then walk away.

If only I could find a way to take the marrow out of the Chamber of Commerce President without a formal conflict.

Thinking of the mysterious power of the forest ranger, voodoo priest and chamber president, Mrs. Adamek held her head. She understood that she could only deal with the ordinary people and secular industries of the other organization, but could not really make them injured or even die. No burial place.

The world is changing, and all powers and classes are being shuffled.

The anger in the madam's heart melted away, replaced by a wave of helpless fear.

This force inexplicably took away my body. How should I adapt to it? My family can't even see me anymore.

Will I be killed by other mystics?

Will I die alone?

Suddenly, an inexplicable sight came from behind, and Mrs. Adamek noticed immediately. She could detect any unfriendly atmosphere within a few hundred meters.

A fair face was pressed against the window, staring at her unblinkingly.

Can he see me?

The lady stood up suddenly, and the man was frightened and ran away.


The lady lifted up her skirt, which was as light as sunlight, and was about to run out of the door, but paused for a moment and passed through the wall.

As she stood in the sun, an unprecedented clarity, determination, and strength came over her, and she found her form clearer.

As she ran, passers-by seemed to hear the click of her high heels on the ground and stopped to check.

Life after being selected by "Comes" seems not as scary as imagined.


The figure she was chasing trotted all the way and slipped into a round building. Mrs. Adamek chased after her without thinking.

The guard at the door couldn't see her at all, allowing the lady to break in.

The figure climbed four flights of stairs in a row, and she followed him closely. Her body was as light as a reflected light. As she passed by a patrolling security guard, she had a premonition that as long as she waved the whip, his head would look like a watermelon. explode.

She is in better shape than before.

No matter how heavy the clothes she wore, she didn't need anyone's support.

The pleasure of running freely made Madam extremely excited. At this moment, she could only catch up with the figure in front of her and ask for a clear idea. The depression that had been entangled with all kinds of trivial chores for many years disappeared.

The simple joy made her run without any distractions until the figure pushed open a heavy door, followed closely by Mrs. Adamek.


Behind the door is a small screening room. It turns out that the figure escaped into the cinema.

The small sun behind her head illuminated the dark space, and the lady was surprised to find that the figure had evaporated.

The screening room was nearly empty, with just a wooden table, a projector and a roll of tape.


The invisibility ability of "Comes" gave Madam the illusion of omnipotence. She picked up the film and wrote a message on it with blue ink pen:

"Play it, it's my gift to you."

By some strange coincidence, Mrs. Adamek put it into the player.


The sound and picture flickered. Madam glanced at the lower left corner of the monitor, her pupils narrowed. This was actually the time when the president was assassinated half a year ago.

In a familiar office, two people were sorting out information and chatting and laughing.

Before the lady could recognize their identities, a man wearing a white shirt and suit pants walked in. President Lacono stood up with a smile and wanted to greet him. Unexpectedly, the latter raised his gun and pointed it at the president without hesitation. Six shots in a row.

"Ping! Ping! Ping!"

President Lacono fell in a pool of blood, his eyes filled with disbelief.

The other person was stunned for a long time, turned around and ran away. Unexpectedly, the man aimed at his back without hesitation.


The flash and smoke drew a straight line, hitting the fleeing man, and he fell to the sky.

Mrs. Adamek covered her mouth. She recognized the man.

He was her husband who unfortunately lost his life half a year ago!

The murderer blew into the smoking muzzle and turned his face slightly provocatively. He had a mustache, a hooked nose, and a slightly bald head. The lady's pupils shrank smaller and smaller.

She recognizes him!

Even if it’s just half a silhouette!

——This person is surprisingly Jacob Van Hoofwegen, president of the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce!

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