World Occult User Guide

Chapter 340 “Missionary”

The torn pieces of "Picatrix" paper scattered along the sea breeze, and the white reflection flashed by. Jacob, who was sitting on the lifeboat, stood up and stared at Lin An unblinkingly.

No beeps, no blood, no feedback.

The phenomenon all shows that Jacob did not die under the [blessing given to Rabbana].

Lin An stared into the eyes of the Chamber of Commerce President. The brilliant stars in the sky fell and were replaced by golden roses in full bloom. His lips moved, and Latin words surged like hymns:

Crédo in Déum, Pátrem omnipoténtem, Creatórem cáeli et térr. (I believe in God, the original Creator of the universe.)

"The Lady with the Lamp".

The term passed through Lin An's mind. The abnormality of the Chamber of Commerce President may be closely related to this unknown medium that is most closely related to "Comes"!

He is, after all, a mystic fused with the "Goddess of the Lamp".

"You have good teeth, President of the Chamber of Commerce." Lin An was still expressionless as he was thinking a lot in his heart, "Next time, remember to buy a sturdier copy of "Picatrix"."

"God gives you happiness, sir."

Jacob ignored it and sang to himself.

A 15th-century carol resounded across the ocean, causing abnormal ripples to appear on the blue surface. The sunlight at the equator overhead was blurred, and the ever-changing hot temperature gradually cooled down.


Fine lines of ice crystals spread across the water, colorful tropical fish swarms fled, and dolphins jumped out of the water. It was the first time that the warm waters where their group had survived for tens of thousands of years were so cold.

A rose window of unknown length covered the sky, and the light shone through the Virgin's sky-blue robe on the water. The little Savior smiled pure and stretched out a finger in a "blessing" gesture.


Jacob on the boat suddenly "flattened" and he knelt down silently. His three-dimensional shape gradually became unreal and "transformed" into a classic fourteenth-century altarpiece.

More shadows appeared in the unfolding picture.

The Holy Spirit in the middle couplet hangs high, the lawn is green, the depicted crowd is divided into five groups, the saints and bishops worship, and the angels in the choir are in their places.

In the center is the unknowable white Lamb, the incarnation of the Savior standing on all fours on the blood-red altar.

There was also a wound on his ribs pierced by Lonowski's gun, and the dried blood kept dripping, unveiling the mystery.

All the figures appear to be composed of silk embroidered with gold threads, infused with luxurious Flemish style, compressed into shallow spacious spaces where the rich and shimmering material shines against the darkening sky.

"More Special Altarpiece".

As for Chamber of Commerce President Jacob, he has long become the most inconspicuous member of the mural corner.

"Remember our Savior, born on Christmas Day."

The singing continued, but it was transferred from the mouths of the choir of angels, childish, neutral and ethereal.

The vibrations of the notes emitted strange energy flows, like thin lines or extended daggers, eroding Lin An's body, making him cold, frightened, and - ashamed.

The temperature of his blood dropped, and Lin An had a strong urge to convert. He wanted to rush to the altar and join the saints in worship.

The chants and the familiar rose clouds spread out with the altarpiece as the center of the circle, occupying the sky of Abishan City. The residents raised their heads, and the blue sky, white clouds, and scorching sun were replaced by a gorgeous spectacle, and the out-of-reach church windows were high. hang.

“Oh, God-sent blessing, bringing comfort and joy.”

Ecstatic songs filled the ears of the residents, the pipe organ and the cold made them confused and vulnerable, and countless guilty things came to mind as they tossed and turned late at night.

The excesses of youth, the emotional quarrels, the irreparable mistakes...

Just when they were in agony, a huge cross replaced the cold rose window, like the outstretched arm of a god, with the light of tolerance and kindness shining brightly.

The choir sang faster and faster, and the figures on the altar stepped out from the two-dimensional plane. They gently tapped Lin An's shoulders.

“Come into the arms of the Lord and your sins will be forgiven you.”

"You don't need your biological father, you always have the love of your soul father - this is the only love you need."

"May your soul and the souls of all believers enter happiness and peace, and rest in Ansu in the glory of the Lord. May this be the only way."

A white-robed angel dipped his index finger in holy water, touched it on Lin An's forehead, groped all the way down, and slowly approached his lips.

"Flesh and blood in the name of God."

"There's definitely something I need to repent of."

Lin An opened her mouth and bit his finger.

"For example, there is one thing right now - you were not punished in time."


Palm fronds cut through the angel's robe, and through the triangular openings between the quiet leaves, a spiral-patterned shield emerges.

The burning pain climbed up the calves of each saint. They seemed to be wading in scalding water, subconsciously moving away from Lin An in the center, with four shields surrounding the latter's body.

Four murals of ancient faces flashed one after another on the shield, and the portraits of the past flashed past like a film, turning into the scenery in Lin An's memory.

Bunduka - A fast-flying bird darts back and forth through the rainforest, its narrow shadow turns into a boat, sailing on the flowing Kuba River, passing through the shadows cast by date palm groves, it flies to the campfire Next to him, he sang, danced and worshiped with the tribesmen.

Wild cats walked into Mbambuka like liquid shadows. The old fishermen placed buckets of bait around them as if they were holding a banquet. The women selling goods wrapped their heads in bright cloth and braided each other's hair, full of positive energy. life force.

Owls summon the spirits of the dead, mothers throw themselves on the mounds covering their children, crawling on their hands and knees as if trying to eat up the dust from the graves, the flames of war burn and extinguish, tanks press against the dirt road , brings the message of rest.

In the end, it is a city of steel and concrete, with walls covered with indelible political graffiti. They scream silently, like flowing lava, until green data rises on the Capitol in Kinshasa, statues shatter, graffiti disappears, and people look forward to the arrival of peace. .

[Centripetal Force], a word given to Lin An by the "Guardian Saint" godhead.

He listened carefully, and the shadows in the shield were singing, but they were too light and too light to break the spell cast by the angelic choir on the city of Abishan.

The cross dominates the sky, the lingering eclipse of eternity.

He turned to the altarpieces of angels and saints, who whispered with faces like oil paintings,

Jacob's degree of integration is higher than Lin An's, and the centripetal force cannot offset his vocabulary, but can only "dissolve" part of the effect.

Finally, an angel walked out.

"God bless! It's a pity that he was born too late. A brave and enterprising man like him would have done a great job in ancient times! He could be an overseas governor or other big shot, such as Diogo Con ”

Diogo Can, the first Xizhou native to discover the Kuba River, erected a pillar at the mouth of the river, engraved with the royal coat of arms and the inscription: The 6681st year of the birth of mankind and the 1482nd year of the birth of the Savior, Portugal King John II found this land.

Later, this stone pillar became an important market for slave trading, and more than 15,000 people were sent to the New World every year.

Lin An frowned, not only because he felt that no Nanzhou people wanted to hear this name, but also because the altar painting had a series of overlapping shaking and dislocation.

More shadows joined in the chorus, their hands clasped together.

"But he always found another way! His factories brought safe and stable jobs to the local people, froze the king's wealth and donated it to more benevolent, kind and pious causes. The miracles he created even exceeded those of da Silva Jun."

Dare to praise the "great achievements" of the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce.

Lin An understood the gist of the lyrics.

These faceless figures represent the followers of Jacob. They not only have the residual dream of a superior empire and believe that they are still the makers of the rules, but also are forced by the morality of civilized people and believe that they should continue in a peaceful, rational and legal way. Exploiting the old colonies.

So they used "God's will" as a perfect excuse for a thousand-year journey to Jerusalem.

Jacob's godhead was founded on this belief, and he was the epitome of the arrogant, xenophobic, and vengeful side of the Almighty that came to be known in later generations.

At the same time, Lin An discovered that when Jacob chanted words, he broke away from the state of a normal person and entered a state that was uncontrollable, alienated, and almost without individual emotional fluctuations.

At this moment, he was overwhelmed by the collective belief and his selfish desires disappeared.

While Lin An was thinking, the angel brought the melody back to the original carol.

“God-given gospel brings comfort and joy.”

As the syllables fell, dense figures surrounded Lin An, forming a circle, and sound waves passed inward, making it unbearable.

"Kakaka, kakaka..."

The four shields made a fragile sound of being overwhelmed.

The double image shook violently, Lin An blinked hard, and in an instant, the holy scene changed.

A large ship like Noah's Ark sailed from the vast sea. The ship had pure white wings and shone like a knife.

The people above stepped off the ship, brought in slaves tied in a string with ropes, and stuffed them into the low cabin.

The cabin reeked of fear, anger, diarrhea, and death, of fever, madness, and hatred.

The deck was bumpy when sailing, and sometimes heavy rain poured on the slaves' faces from the vents. Sometimes the sun was so high that their facial features were cracked by dryness.

They soon became feverish, and the sailors opened their mouths and forced down lime juice.

However, the situation became worse and worse, and the sailors had no choice but to throw the slaves over the side of the ship into the sea. The warm Atlantic waves allowed them to slip out of their shackles, suffocate in the water, and sink to the bottom of the sea.

“Thump, thump, thump—”

The sailors sang the boat song with clean and neat movements.

Until the last slave became nourishment for the Atlantic fish, the sailors who had nothing to do fell into a deathly silence. Immediately, they turned to Lin An in unison and opened their mouths full of yellow teeth.

“Oh, heaven-sent blessings of comfort and joy!”

"Stop singing those Christmas carols!" Lin An couldn't bear it, "And the Savior was born in the summer!"

As he drank, the triangular trade shattered and clouds of roses, carols and choirs emerged.

But he finally understood the impact the visions of the gods had had.

The "Guardian Saint" is a godhead closely connected with history, civilization, and nation. As the degree of integration increases, Lin An will become the symbol of Bantu from ancient times to the present and the soul of the land.

Everything about Bantu has already been shaped by his godhead, and he will shape everything about Bantu from scratch.

Jacob's vocabulary pictured an immaculate paradise, but for Bantu's patron saint, it was a representation of the suffering and war of the past five hundred years.

There was no time to consider its significance for the time being. Lin An regained his clarity. The four shields stubbornly resisted the erosion of the hymns. The small figures raised their bows and guns and fired cracklingly, disrupting the rhythm of the singing.

They will never give in and never allow ships to sail into the Kuba River again.

One black and one white ripple collided, and the cross in the sky trembled violently, teetering on the verge of collapse.

With a sigh, the choir stopped singing.

Jacob spoke, the voices of men, women, old and young mixed in.

"A failed 'mission'."


This is probably Jacob's type of godhead. Lin An thought about it and said, "Is this the first time you have failed today, President of the Chamber of Commerce?"

Jacob lost to Lin An in the battle of occult arts. In order to avoid death, he pronounced the words "Goddess of the Lantern" in an attempt to suppress it through faith, but was fatally hindered.

"How humorous, ranger." Jacob smiled lightly, "If you hadn't used half of your divine power to save my Chamber of Commerce from a precarious reputation caused by a certain reporter, you would be the one in the lurch."

It seems that the words of "Goddess with the Lamp" can take effect at the same time, but their sum cannot exceed the total amount of fusion.

Inferred from this, the degree of integration of chamber presidents is about 10%.

"A warrior couldn't bear the humiliation and wanted to kill his enemy; a businessman made a more cost-effective choice to save his life and run away." Jacob continued.

"I believe in your cunning, President of the Chamber of Commerce."

"Don't rush to mock." Jacob opened his arms, "But a devout believer died for God-at the beginning of the century, martyrdom was the greatest glory in the world."

After that, the choir closed the scripture books with a "snap", all showed strange smiles, and stepped back to the altarpiece.

"God grant you happiness, sir!"

“Let everything be hopeful and nothing should scare you.”

“Remember that the Savior was born on Christmas Day to save us all from the power of Satan.”

Within a few seconds, all the figures transformed back into medieval oil paintings, except for the kneeling Jacob, whose colors remained the same.

The temperature has risen, the crosses and rose windows in the sky have faded, and the sunny weather in Ivory Coast has returned to its original state.

The carols became increasingly monotonous, leaving only Jacob.

“Oh, God-sent blessing, bringing comfort and joy.”

When the last note fell, the ceremony of "Blessing for Rabbana" regained its original goal.

Jacob adjusted his posture calmly, folded his hands and feet together, and took the initiative to meet the bronze nails.


They left bleeding holes in his palms and soles. (End of chapter)

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