World Occult User Guide

Chapter 342 The rise and fall of public opinion

"This is the scandal of the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce, and it is absolutely true. They used environmental protection, animal protection and vegetarianism to whitewash peace, but they committed the most horrific river pollution crime in Bantu in the past century."

"If you find this report scary or unpleasant, that's normal. Human beings are naturally repelled by unpleasant information, but I have to force you to overcome this allergic reaction and turn your attention away from deception, entertainment and isolationism and towards the truth."

"Today's media practitioners are sometimes reporting news and sometimes creating propaganda. As one of them, I hope you understand this chaos and choose news sources carefully. Thank you for listening, Edward Roberts in Abishan City Report.”

The remaining technical staff tremblingly cut off the video and live broadcast. Edward let out a long breath, as if spitting out his spine, and sat down on the ground with weak legs.

In front of them, all the foreign guests had dull eyes, like discarded dolls, without control, with their heads lowered like empty shells, turning a blind eye and turning a deaf ear to everything that had happened in the past hour.

Edward vaguely saw the translucent figures above the guests, moving back and forth uncertainly, the shadows overlapping each other, the energy from the spiritual world floating in the translucent vault, and the film "Skeleton Dance" shone into reality .

They won't "come back".

Edward felt a strong premonition in his heart, and melancholy surged into his heart, followed by endless sadness and melancholy.

In order to expose the deeds of the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce at the press conference, he had a real physical conflict with others for the first time. Not only that, he killed someone.

The ultimate noise was followed by the ultimate silence, and blood flowed into the cracks in the floor, dripping down.

There were a total of five mystics and dozens of Lacon O's soldiers who attacked Edward. The latter had little power to fight back. By the middle of the battle, they only wanted to save their lives.

When Edward killed a mysterious man, the other three looked at each other and left in a hurry. Edward did not dare to chase and attacked the guy who had lost support.

As the angel's shadow flashed, the lone attacker fell at the hands of the reporter.

The soldiers who had no time to run surrendered one after another, and Edward could not care about their little actions, just as he caught a glimpse of Kapunde Kumasi and the presidential candidate of Lakoono in the background under protection, and hurriedly left the room.

His mission was to complete this report. As for was never Edward's original intention.

Dead bodies lay scattered everywhere, dying silently, together with the empty shells of little souls driven away by voodoo priests, waiting for time to bring inevitable decay.

Edward was not afraid of dead bodies. He had grown up on a farm in Lion Country and was familiar with the death of livestock and had attended more than one funeral.

But killing someone with your own hands is different after all.

The fear of death, the awe of death, and the unfamiliarity with creating death swept over Edward. He ended several human lives with his hands, and his soul carried the weight of other people's souls.

He remembered his grandmother's warning that when you kill someone with your own hands, you will forever lose yourself who was born in your mother's womb.

Edward collapsed on the ground, his mind blank.

A "cracking" mouse click sound sounded.

He subconsciously squinted his eyes, and the mysterious energy gave Edward the power of almost clairvoyance and ears. Suddenly he could see the computer screen of the building opposite, and someone was watching the live broadcast comments.

"Hail Mary! What happened at the scene? Move the camera back, I can't see anything! I can only see the reporter talking!"

"Of course there were reporters talking at the 'press conference'. But what the hell was he talking about? The Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce secretly discharged some pollution into the Kuba River without government approval? Did such a small thing take up so long? I want to see that group of people. The chief is fighting."

"Even if the chamber of commerce discharges sewage, it must be treated sewage and is harmless to nature."

In order to prevent others from seeing the abnormality of the guests, the Chamber of Commerce pointed the camera at the podium. People could only see Edward waving his arms exaggeratedly and using weird words from time to time. They were all discussing the content of the report, and they were not clear about the tragedy of the scene.

At first, many people did not believe the authenticity of the news, or they did not understand what was wrong with what the Chamber of Commerce was doing.

The reporter guessed people's reaction. Not only did he prepare all the evidence, he also went out of his way to explain the dangers of radioactive materials and posted a sewage test report that was smuggled out of the factory - these things made him hunted by the Chamber of Commerce.

The bright red official seal indicates that this is an official identification document, and the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce is well aware of the elements contained in the water quality.

When Edward put everything on the table, many people still defended the Chamber of Commerce.

The president of the Chamber of Commerce has donated to many churches and charities in Xizhou. He often appears at various parties and has accumulated a good reputation. However, many comments have become disappointing, skeptical, and even sarcastic.

"Xizhou doesn't care about carbon emissions, the greenhouse effect, marine environmental protection and species diversity. They just like to use these issues to suppress their opponents."

"The genes of the Nedians are evident. They are the descendants of a group of pirates and bandits. Their usual method is to deceive, kidnap, and steal. If you can't deceive, you will steal. If you can't steal...the next step is to rob."

"Turn your hands to make clouds, turn your hands to make rain. This is the value that puts interests above all else. What you talk about is doctrine, but what you think about is business."

Unfortunately, these comments were almost all from users from other continents. The blue automatic translation betrayed the original language. Xizhou remained silent, as if he was watching other programs.

This may really have nothing to do with them.

When they heard a tragic report, they would say "Oh God!" and go on to dinner.

The employee in the building opposite raised his hands and placed them on the keyboard. Edward's gray eyes were filled with hope.

Although he can't change the arrogance and indifference on the other side, he can at least let the residents who depend on the Kuba River know the truth.

"'Okay, okay, it doesn't matter at all, so what if the Chamber of Commerce did something bad? I, the child of Kuba River, am willing to forgive their small mistakes for my mother, as long as they continue to provide assistance and jobs.'"

Edward was struck by lightning.

He expected the indifference on the other side, but he never expected to be stabbed in the back by the Nanzhou people!

Looking at the mess in front of him, his heart and blood went cold. He didn't notice that half of his body had turned into a mixture of metal and light, his hair became white and longer, and his feet became heavier, almost Integrate with the ground.

I killed people for reporting purposes! My soul will never be clear again!

The reward is indifference and business as usual?

Are my efforts meaningless?

Could it be that, as my former classmates said, reporters are destined to be unable to change the development of events? Is my stubbornness doomed to failure?

The rose window bloomed without leaving a trace, and a beam of light fell from the gap in the clouds.

I took care of things that journalists shouldn’t have to take care of. God punished me for this, he thought. I would have misunderstood His will, and instead of staying in the Lion Kingdom and being a moderately famous reporter, I would have gone my own way, and ultimately angered Him.

To this day, it is impossible for my gentle and kind-hearted family to welcome a murderer. I voluntarily gave up my job in journalism. The career I spent two years planning is a joke...

I'm almost thirty years old, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find a second job, I have nothing left.

correct. The reporter then thought, I still have a favor.

"Forester, I'm sorry, I failed." He wrote on the page where he was talking to the developer, "I betrayed your trust."

"Have you completed what I told you?" the other party responded quickly.

"Yes, but I failed... I thought of society too simply."

"No, you think of 'Comes' too simply." Lin An said, "You also think of me too simply."

Golden wings sprouted from one side of Edward's body, trembling slightly, just like his hesitant heart.

“Hasn’t God punished me for taking the wrong path?”

"A strange conclusion, but if God likes to make things easier for a bunch of robbers and executioners, you don't need to continue to believe in Him."

The light returned to Edward's eyes, and he couldn't help but say: "Forest ranger, I really, really hope that my-our career can succeed. Oh, I sincerely pray..."

At that time, Lin An and Jacob were locked in a fierce competition and no longer responded.

While Edward waited devoutly, he silently recited the Rosary, and the sound, which was so slight that it could be ignored, suddenly disappeared.

"Didi, bobo."

Ripples that were difficult to detect with the naked eye spread all over the city of Abishan in pulse patterns, spreading outward from the center of the building, covering half of Lacon O.

This mysterious wave did not harm anyone or any animal, nor any plants or trees, but after it was washed away, a faint halo that enveloped every resident disappeared.

Unbeknownst to the residents of Abishan City, the moment they saw Edward's report, each person had a halo similar to an angel's head, emitting a gentle, kind, and forgiving holy light, dispelling negative emotions and allowing them to immerse themselves in the divine light. like.

When the aperture was shattered by the electronic pulse wave, everyone shuddered in unison and remained in a daze for half a minute.

At the end, some people banged on the desktop angrily, and some almost crushed their mouse.

"The Red Poppy Chamber of too much!"

"Heartless businessman!"

"They think we are uneducated and don't know anything! We must be more vigilant!"

Unfortunately, Edward did not notice the pulse rhythm, and what woke him up was a loud cracking sound.


As he was praying, he came to his senses in shock and saw people in the building opposite banging on the keyboard and typing frantically.

"Thank you World Tree, otherwise no one would know what the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce is up to! Strange, why did I feel indifferent just now? Damn it, I was possessed! I shouldn't have taken off my grandmother's amulet!"

I succeeded!

I reported a truth, I exposed a scandal, I changed people's views!

I am never a powerless reporter, I have the means to make a difference!

A smile crept up the corner of Edward's mouth. He was about to send a message to Lin An, but when he opened the World Tree system, he suddenly heard a blind "Zila" sound from the computer in the building opposite.

Not only that, the TV that had been turned off by the technicians automatically turned on, a black and white snowflake screen flashed by, and a video with a strange but clear perspective was played.


Six bullets penetrated the chest of former President Lacono, and blood spurted out, as fresh as yesterday.

Edward's eyes widened, and he clenched his fists subconsciously. The sound of "click, click, click" was heard endlessly, but he had no time to pay attention to his own changes, and looked at the murderer's face without blinking.

"This is impossible……"

"Why did he do this……"

"The Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce is the enemy of our country!"

At the same time, Lin An opened his eyes and was surrounded by the shadows of the altarpiece.

He looked around, and the naked and pale men and women disappeared. The devil glanced at him reluctantly, and disappeared together with the flames. The feet hanging from his head carried the doves and ascended to the sky, never to be seen again.

Not a hint of discomfort or pain.

The level of integration of the Chamber of Commerce President suddenly fell below the freezing point?

Lin An blinked suspiciously, the effect of [Indirect Miracle] was unexpectedly perfect. (End of chapter)

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