Witch for All 1994

Chapter 91 The number one Li Lisi black man

After dancing with the old-fashioned Li Lisi, Jiang Han felt a little hungry again.

She played with Li Lisi's hand and returned to the long dining table in a very ladylike manner. While Li Lisi and Lin Zhaojun had a rare exchange of words, she took advantage of this free time to smile and secretly stuffed something into her mouth to eat.

Even a great witch, a near-great witch, couldn't notice that she had stuffed a few pieces of barbecue into her body.

"...Lin Witch, you are going to fight the Man in the Lake. Are you sure you will fight Dorothy Jordan?"

"...I'm not sure. I narrowly lost 16:15 in the final against her last year. At that time, she had scarlet disease, and she had obvious weaknesses in her change school at that time. She didn't feel it when she played in the 7-win final, but it became obvious when she played in the 16-win final. After she came out, I wonder if she has made up for this shortcoming."

Jiang Han smiled and listened to them chatting about how to play the game, and secretly stuffed a thin slice of salt-and-pepper grilled beef tongue into his mouth.

...Hmm, hmm, the salty and salty and peppery flavors are just right, and the roast is a little tender and tender. It melts in your mouth and has a full layer of texture... It is worthy of being the top product of the Witch's Dinner. Food like this is really too luxurious. It's... She chewed it twice faster and ate it.

Then her eyes lit up and she saw a portion of Jedi Dragon Braised Meat on the long dining table behind Lin Zhaojun.

This kind of dragon is one of the earliest 'giant dragon-level' dragons that appeared on the dining table. Their average wingspan exceeds 30 meters, and their average body length is 40 meters. There are six pairs of jets on the wings, which will emit invisible force fields. , and have a certain duration, which will allow their speed to exceed Mach 2.0 for a short time.

This also makes the Jedi Dragon known as the Dragon Knight!

Their charge is like a knight's charge, and they are also a kind of dragon that often fights to the death, which also makes them become delicacies on the witches' table - due to the weight of the jet organs on the wings of the Jedi dragon, and its explosive power , causing their back meat to be very tough and require cooking like bear paws.

Simmer over high heat for a long time, then add pork, radishes and other accessories and continue to simmer with water. Then simmer the pork and radishes into juice, and then add other secret ingredients to simmer.

Even so, the finally cooked dragon back meat has to be made into dragon steak, and a witch uses ultra-high-temperature flames and oil-soaking spells to grill it before it is ready.

Jiang Han sneaked over and put a piece on a dinner plate. This kind of Jedi dragon meat was very strange. It was obviously a very tough meat, but it was easy to cut, not much tougher than a steak.

But when you eat it, you feel like tasting the small tomatoes in the meat. After one bite, the tough meat explodes, and a large amount of gravy flows out from it. The umami flavor mixed with the vegetable soup explodes, fragrant and rich, Blissful.

"Gulu gulu..." Jiang Han quietly stuffed three pieces. Since Yongjie's eyes were triggered, she felt that her stomach was much larger - not in terms of food intake, but in terms of how full she would still be after eating. There is still room to continue eating.

...I seem to have turned into a species whose stomach pouch can store food. It is said that many great witches are similar. They can eat ten meals of an ordinary witch in one meal, and then not eat for ten days... She thought worriedly and happily.

She ate another piece of Jedi dragon steak and saw Li Lian approaching with a glass of champagne.

Li Lian's expression was a little angry. She showed a slightly forced smile to Jiang Han, looked at her sister as rigidly as her sister, and said:

"I was in the dining area just now, you weren't waiting for me there."

"Why should I wait for you?" Li Lisi was stunned for half a second and answered seriously.

She is your sister... Jiang Han replied in his heart for Li Lian.

Li Lian's mouth moved slightly, she took a deep breath and calmed her breathing:

"Dear great sister, if my impression is correct, didn't you want to ask me if our team can sell a set of experimental equipment to your team?"

"Yes, are you selling it?" Li Lisi spoke confidently, which opened Jiang Han's eyes.

"..." Li Lian covered her chest, which was much larger than her sister's, and took another deep breath. When she noticed Jiang Han, she showed a bright smile and asked, "Can I dance with you?"

Jumping again, my calves are a little sore... Jiang Han kept smiling and nodded:

"My pleasure."

She put her hand on Li Lian's hand and walked into the dance circle with Li Lian who was not looking away.

The two of them let go at the same time and did the skirt lifting ceremony, and Jiang Han was hugged around the waist.

Li Lian is much taller than Li Lisi, at least half a head taller. Fortunately, Jiang Han danced the women's step, otherwise the scene would have been very funny.

"Sometimes I wonder if my sister is specifically targeting me, or whether she doesn't like me." When Li Lian spoke, Jiang Han had to raise his head to listen, otherwise it would be rude to look directly at the other person's chest and listen to the other person's speech...

Maybe your sister doesn't like you because of your height... Jiang Han thought secretly, but he still needs to be comforted:

"Maybe Miss Li Lisi just... has a straightforward personality?"

Li Lian thought for a while, and suddenly laughed disdainfully: "By the way, she has never been in love until now, and that's right, who can tolerate someone like my sister."

The black sister is part of the sister ecology - that's normal.

If Li Lian couldn't beat Li Lisi, she would probably have taken action... No, I heard Li Lisi said that it seemed that she really did take action, but she still couldn't beat her.

"It's not that bad, right?" Jiang Han feels that there are many witches chasing Lin Zhaojun's type, and Li Lisi is about the same, right?

When Li Lian mentioned her sister’s embarrassing incident, she immediately beamed with joy and uttered:

"That idiot! When I was in the academy, I fell in love with a little witch of the transformation department. I was about to fall in love with him. In one sentence, 'I think the most useless school is 'enchantment first, then change'. He forcibly took over the elementary school girl's "Let's date" turned into "Sister Li Lisi, you really are like my elder", and then I will be my elder for life."

"Another time, I was getting along well with someone's little girl, and suddenly I started chatting with the other's two parents, and they became elders again."

"The last time I was poached!"

Hmm, a conservative girl like Li Lisi is indeed...eh? What happened the last time...Jiang Han heard something terrifying. Fortunately, his sister's yin and yang eccentricity returned to yin and yang, but she was not as cruel as this sister.

Jiang Han accidentally stepped on Li Lian. Due to her light weight, Li Lian didn't even feel it and smiled at her. She changed the subject and said:

"So, your sister is still single?"

Li Lian hugged her waist, feeling a little at a loss - because Jiang Han was too short, she felt like she was playing a gangster by hugging her. Of course, there was no evidence!

She replied:

"She is single. Even though she is a great witch, almost all the beautiful witches around her regard her as a reliable elder rather than a...love object. But Ah Lin is different. Almost everyone regards her as the lover of their dreams. White horse... Black dragon prince? No, blue dragon princess? No... what color is the force field dragon? It's too rare, should it be said to be a transparent princess? "

Transparent Princess...Jiang Han always felt there was something wrong with this name.

The dance ended with soothing music.

Before Jiang Han could rest, she was brought out to dance again by Lin Zhaojun, then Li Lisi, and then Li Lian... The three witches grabbed her and danced. By the end of the dinner, she felt that her legs were no longer hers. .

After leaving the Linghai Folding Space, Jiang Han said goodbye to Lin Zhaojun, and was sent home by Jia Yu, who was going to the Witch Market to stay up late and have fun.

This also led to the strange look in her sister's eyes when she came home:

Last time you were sent home by a very beautiful witch, and last time you were sent home by a very beautiful witch, but this time it’s still the same—the three are not the same person.

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