Witch for All 1994

Chapter 90 Dance

After the draw, the band began playing classical music.

Elsa Stern, who was not tall, walked off the main stage and came to Li Lisi. She elegantly made a skirt-lifting ceremony and invited her to enter the dance floor for the first dance.

In theory it should be the league president who has the first dance with the best player, but generally it's with the great witch of the local division.

What is slightly embarrassing is that Li Lisi is not the best witch in Asia...

However, Elsa had a very high emotional intelligence and still invited the great witch as her dance partner. At the same time, she smiled at Lin Zhaojun and said:

"I noticed that you have a female companion. Unfortunately, I am alone, so I have to let the great Li Lisi take me to dance."

Lin Zhaojun smiled politely and didn't seem to care about the first dance.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Han saw Elsa Stern slowly spinning in a circle in the classical melody, letting go, about a few steps away, and at the same time made a skirt-raising ceremony, put their hands together, and slowly danced .

Because there are no such magical creatures as 'male witches', the first dance at a witch's banquet usually starts with both parties bowing together. It is very gentle and rarely involves chatting. Usually, the two witches hug each other and indulge in music or music. They seemed to be immersed in the music. After dancing, they stayed outside the dance circle chatting leisurely.

From the second dance onwards, we started chatting in low voices.

The witches in the dance circle invited female companions one after another, because they all wore beautiful evening dresses, making the dance circle at the banquet look like some kind of social gathering for rich ladies. Jiang Han put his hand on Lin Zhaojun's and followed him into the dance circle.

During this period, she stole a glance at Li Lisi and almost laughed.

Although Elsa Stern is not tall, she is about 1.65 meters tall, which is less than half a head taller than the great witch.

Because of her status as a great witch, Li Lisi had to perform the male step! Elsa is also wearing a high-waisted skirt! The great witch could only raise her hands to hug her waist, and occasionally had to step on her toes when jumping to smoothly hold the opponent's raised hand.

It's too awful.

No wonder Li Lisi wants to be friends with me, she probably also needs this kind of tailor-made female companion service... Jiang Han guessed, I heard that there is a type of witch called Nuoer tribe, most of them are between 1.3 to 1.5 meters in size. Jiang Han should be considered tall among the Nuo'er tribe.

It's a pity that the Nuo'er tribe does not appear in the Asian competition, or it is relatively rare... She withdrew her gaze and looked at Lin Zhaojun, smiling and putting her hands on his shoulders.

Lin Zhaojun politely put his hands around her waist, and after a slight and slow circle, they let go at the same time.

Jiang Han learned the previous skirt-raising ceremony, which was a little unfamiliar, so she did it greenly.

Lin Zhaojun guided her, held her waist, and patiently made their dance simple and relaxed.

Speaking of which, Lin Zhaojun seems to be a little shorter than Li Lisi... Jiang Han made a comparison and found that the shortest among the three of them was undoubtedly herself, while the height of the other two was hard to say because they had never stood together.

We should find an opportunity for them to take a photo together... She suddenly thought.

The first dance ended briskly. Although Jiang Han had never learned to dance, Lin Zhaojun obviously didn't want to lead her in those complicated dance steps. The two simply hugged each other and took a walk, turning around twice. After a while, we returned to the long dining table where the food was placed and tasted the delicious food.

Jiang Han saw Lin Zhaojun pick up the dinner plate, put two portions of honey veal shank and said:

"Well, I'm really hungry. I didn't eat much at lunch. I just drank a few cups of tea, ate a few biscuits, drank a bowl of soy milk, and ate six fried dough sticks and five fried meatloaf."

You said you didn't eat too much... Jiang Han smiled politely, picked up the dinner plate, and unabashedly took three portions of angel meat steak for himself:

"I'm hungry too, but Miss Lin also likes soy milk and fried dough sticks?"

"You need to add meat, more meat." Lin Zhaojun emphasized, "I have been eating beef since I was two years old."

By the way, the witch has teeth when she is three months old and can eat shredded beef.

"My sister is like you. She has been eating meat as a staple food since she was two years old, but she eats meat porridge with electric mustard. Occasionally, her hair will stand up due to the electric shock." Jiang Han recalled what Ms. Ye Keshu said about her sister. of black history, and use this black history to tell stories.

——Look, all the sisters in the world are as black as each other.

Lin Zhaojun smiled, gulped down a piece of beef shank, and wiped his lips with a napkin:

"Then she must be a good child. Have you sisters ever fought?"

I don’t remember it... Jiang Han thought for a while and said with a smile:

"It is said that she had a fight with my father's mother."

"Did you win?" Lin Zhaojun looked very concerned, and she gulped down another piece of meat.

"She won, but then she was beaten severely by my mother." This story was recorded in the diary, and Jiang Han remembered that she laughed like a pig when she read it.

Lin Zhaojun also laughed softly. She widened her eyes, covered her mouth, patted her steel plate-like chest, coughed, and looked at Jiang Han with a slight complaint:

"Don't tell jokes while others are eating."

"But that's true!" Jiang Han said and laughed.

——That's right, all sisters in the world are as black as they are.

"I have never fought with my mother, and I believe you haven't either." Lin Zhaojun introduced himself: "I come from a relatively embarrassed family, but my mother has taken me to participate in wars in other worlds since I was a child. I respect her very much. She, my mother."

"Participated in the war since childhood?" Jiang Han asked.

"Well, since I was a child, my magic value has been nearly 10,000 higher than that of my mother. They always say that I am a mutant species and not like my mother." Lin Zhaojun suddenly laughed again: "But my mother thinks that I am like Her love for meat."

Isn't it common for every witch to like meat? Well, even a witch of Lin Zhaojun's level is not immune to vulgarity... Jiang Han nodded and ate the angel meat steak.

Feeling that others are like you is a situation-specific cognitive problem.

For example, when boys and girls are in love, they will frantically look for similarities, such as 'zodiac signs', 'double eyelids', 'the mineral water they like to drink is the same brand', 'both like reading', etc.

The same goes for maternal love.

She put down her plate and looked at the other steaks on the table with interest. Among them, there was a kind of dragon steak called Polanglong that interested her very much. But at this time, she saw Li Lisi walking over.

Lin Zhaojun stepped forward to greet him, remained silent for half a second and said:

"Your dance moves are beautiful."

"Thank you." Li Lisi turned to Lin Zhaojun, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, as if the two of them had just complained about Du Lingxuan, which strengthened their friendship - Li Lin's friendship relies on Adu...

Li Lisi made a skirt-lifting gesture to Jiang Han and said:

"Would I have the pleasure of dancing with you?"

Jiang Han quickly glanced at Lin Zhaojun. This move earned her a smile from Lin Zhaojun - making the 'finance owner' happy.

"If you don't mind my clumsy dance steps." She put her hand on Li Lisi's hand.

The two of them walked into the dance circle. Li Lisi raised her hand slightly, pushed her back slightly, and turned half a circle. Finally, she lifted up her skirt and made a skirt lift ceremony with some skill, which made the great witch look stiff. Slightly softer.

Li Lisi raised the corners of her mouth a little, and after doing a decent skirt-lifting ceremony, she stepped forward, put her arms around Jiang Han's waist, and held her hand with her other hand.

They dance to the music.

What made Jiang Han feel a little different was that Lin Zhaojun danced more briskly, while Li Lisi danced a little heavier, but they were both good... For her, it was rare for a witch to be only about half a head taller than herself.

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