Witch for All 1994

Chapter 92 Busy Social Season

The social interaction of witches is concentrated in summer and winter. Most witches in summer want to go to the beach, while witches in winter just have nothing to do and have no choice but to date people everywhere.

Obviously, family communication seems to abide by the rules of the social seasons of summer and winter. On Tuesday, Jiang Han was invited out by his sister Jiang Zhenling to eat barbecue, and on Wednesday, his mother Ye Keshu invited him to play a sport called squash, which is similar to tennis, except that Crazy output against the wall...

On Tuesday of next week, Li Li asked her to go fishing, and on Wednesday, Cen Jing asked her to go to an outdoor hot spring with her (she found connections and asked a few friends, saying that it happened to rain that day, and the outdoor hot spring was filled with smoke, which was beautiful and comfortable) .

This also led to the fact that when the great witch wanted to invite her to dinner, she had to refuse.

——Miss Li Lisi’s expression was like ‘What about me? What about me? what about me! ’, it’s hard to imagine that the great witch’s expressionless face could show such rich emotions.

There was also fashion designer Ms. Yue Yating who wanted to invite her to the arcade, but she was also rejected.

Jiang Han is now abiding by a rule of his own - that is, no more than the next week can be booked, and the time schedule for the next week cannot be fixed, otherwise some people may have to wait until next year...

For example, it was only later that I remembered Miss Lin Zhaojun that I wanted to ask her to go shopping.

As well as Chu Yujun who is staying at the witch's house, the witch also wants to ask her to go fishing together. The witch's fishing is very leisurely and can be chatted all day long. They can even take the air conditioner to the wild for use, and the witch world The electricity can be charged using magic power.

Of course, his popularity exceeded Jiang Han's imagination. When he was the ultimate iron man in his previous life, he... well, he actually had a lot of people ask him out.

Tuesday night, empty island in the window of the century.

It is among the sky island group on the sea in the south of Nancheng. It is connected to the sky island group by a river in the clouds. The cloud river surrounds the sky island group. The dhow barbecue restaurant above is extremely famous.

Jiang Zhenling, who was wearing a lace shirt with sleeves and an ink-colored skirt, jumped out of the Griffin car, reached out to help Jiang Han, who was wearing an evening dress, get out of the Griffin car, and said to the waiter standing at the door:

"The seat has been reserved, reservation number B9017."

"Yes." The waitress held a thick list in her hand. She flipped through it and said with a smile: "You two ladies, please follow me."

"The barbecue here is very delicious, and the grilled seafood is the best in the entire Nancheng." Jiang Zhenling led Jiang Han and the waiter to a port area dug out on an empty island.

There are many sloops about six or seven meters long and three meters wide docked in the port. On the deck there is an open kitchen covered only by a large parasol, with a rectangular table and sofa-like chairs.

The waiter led the two of them to one of the boats. After arranging them to sit down, he whistled at the port. A slightly delicate witch wearing a tall chef's hat came over and said to the two of them. Introduction:

"I am the chef serving you today, Sheila Milton!"

She is passionate and full of energy. The waiter left with peace of mind, and at the same time as the waiter left, another witch with a three-cornered hat came over. The witch also said enthusiastically: "I am the waiter Tang Xin, responsible for driving the boat and serving the two ladies. .”

The services here seem to be provided by a team of two, with one person driving the boat and the other working as a personal chef. It looks very high-end at first glance... Jiang Han instinctively thought this way, and she couldn't help but compare the Witch's House with this place. After a while, after the renovation, the size of the Witch's House has been expanded, and the service quality has also improved a bit. Now not only Jiang Han has to regularly serve individual guests, but Du Ningzhuang and the others also have to receive single guests.

This also led to store manager Qin Shunying even going out in person to chat with some well-connected customers during busy times.

But the Witch's House still cannot be compared with this place. First of all, it is inferior in scale.

As far as Jiang Han could see, there were at least twenty such ships docked in the port, and there was also a warehouse and dock. He didn't know how many ships were docked in it.

So if the waiter and chef work together, there will be at least 60 or 70 staff here, plus food processing, accounting, and maintenance personnel at the port. At least, more than 100 people need to be served. Salary, from this point of view, the Witch House is no match.

I don't know what the salary is like here... Jiang Han's mind is full of ideas about job hopping.

After getting on the boat, Jiang Han and Jiang Zhenling sat down, and the waiter Tang Xin took out the menu for the two of them to order. At the same time, he quickly raised the anchor with magic and controlled the sail with a special mage's hand.

"What do you want to eat? The meat here is all of the best quality. I used to come here to eat with my friends... Of course, you can't drink wine. I'm not old enough to drink, and you don't have the capacity to drink either." Jiang Zhenling smiled quickly. After a moment, he reservedly opened the menu and started browsing.

I've learned how to drink alcohol! Jiang Han pursed his lips, and under the amused look in the waiter Tang Xin's eyes, he held up the menu with both hands.

There are so many ingredients on the menu that it’s surprising how thick it is.

You can see the classic sika deer meat on the homepage, priced at 15 yuan per pound, which is 0.9 pounds, or 16 ounces...

That's right, in China at this time, barbecue restaurants were so honest and scary. They didn't tell you how many slices there were on a plate or how many grams they had. They just served them to you by the pound, and they were really cheap. .

The red fire dragon meat is about 45 yuan per pound, which is a bit expensive, but this is because the summer fire dragon loves to fly, and it is still a bit difficult to shoot down the fire dragon in aerial combat. Summer is a good time to eat wingless dragons, such as the Gray Rock Dragon, a type of dragon whose meat is close to lobster and has thick dragon scales. You can buy it for only 9 yuan a pound.

The witches compare it to a cheap and delicious giant lobster weighing 2,400 pounds. Aside from the dragon scales, dragon blood, and inedible organs, there is also at least 1,500 pounds of 'lobster meat' and borneol that tastes like crab paste. ...By the way, gray rock dragon borneol is 20 yuan a pound.

"Two pounds of gray rock borneol and three pounds of dragon meat." Jiang Han decided to give himself four and a half kilograms of meat dishes first, then four and a half kilograms of beef, "5 pounds of Australian longhorn beef, and a cup of squeezed ginkgo tea." "

The drinks stated ‘unlimited refills’. It was such a beautiful era... Jiang Han sighed and handed the menu to the waiter, while Jiang Zhenling’s order was much more refined:

"1 pound of sea dragon meat, 2 pounds of Nancheng lobster, 1 pound of dragon turtle meat, 2 pounds of northern cherry blossom clams, 1 pound of ghost sea scallops, and a cup of charcoal green tea."

I have to say that the witch has a big appetite. If she eats with an open stomach, she can easily eat a few pounds of meat.

So they ordered almost 20 kilograms of meat, and the waiter's expression was still "that's it."

After enjoying a sumptuous dinner with his sister, the two drank free refills of drinks and admired the sea and the scenery in the cloud river on the boat. They felt that their relationship seemed to be closer, and Jiang Han also discovered Jiang Zhenling. The little comrade has a strong hobby for seafood.

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