Witch for All 1994

Chapter 49 Clothing

Eight o'clock in the morning, sweet nest.

While Jiang Han hugged the pillow and fell asleep, the door was gently pushed open, and Jiang Zhenling, who was ready to go, walked in.

Frowning, she looked at her sister who was still sleeping. She coughed lightly, sat down on the sheets, touched the ice-colored hair at the end of her sister's hair, twirled it, and touched her sister's still warm hair with the back of her hand. Face:

"It's time to go to class. It's time for you to wake up from your dream."

Jiang Han shook his body, opened his ice-colored eyes with mist remaining, looked at his sister coquettishly, begged, and surrendered, then covered his nose, took a breath, opened his mouth and yawned, and closed his eyes. , the body shrank, hiding the petite body in the long hair.


Not only that, she also shrank back into the quilt. Thanks to the magic power of the witch's hair and the close relationship with its owner, it would not hurt even if she was overwhelmed. She curled her hair like a petite and exquisite hedgehog. Still hiding under the quilt, as peaceful as death.

"...Han sister, Han sister?" Jiang Zhenling continued to work hard.

Moved by this effort, Miss Jiang Hedgehog half-opened her eyes, rubbed the other person's hand that was rubbing her face affectionately, and as if she was hypnotized, she said something like "sleep for a few seconds" and explained:

"Teacher, you made an appointment with me to meet again after noon... we want to... call together." Jiang Han was a very tight-lipped person, and would never tell his secrets even when he was half asleep.

In her previous life, as a Real Madrid fan, she was able to safely mix among her colleagues who were all Barcelona fans, and she lived peacefully for more than ten years. This is closely related to her ability to keep secrets...

"I've put the refrigerator for you for breakfast. I've only prepared some steamed buns for lunch. You can heat it up and eat it yourself, or you can eat it without eating until the mothers come back to clean it in the evening." Jiang Zhenling gave her sister instructions one by one, then walked out of the room and started. One step away.

The sweet hedgehog nest became quiet. Miss Jiang Hedgehog huddled in the nest, snoring happily, kicking her feet from time to time, and slept comfortably until after twelve noon.

She woke up in a daze, turned around, and lay on the bed, leaning on her cat-like upper body, her legs touching her toes on the bed, and stretching out like a cat.

After showing a happy smile, she was almost awake. She looked at her watch and estimated the time she still had before carrying her clothes and walking to the shower room.

After she took a comfortable bath, she put on her going out clothes, took the money to buy new clothes, and jumped out of the door.

The place where we made an appointment with Cen Jing was a place called 'Southern Amusement Mall'. It was not far from Jiang Han's house, about ten kilometers after going out to sea. It might be a little far away from Cen Jing's house, but this girl has a car, so it's not too scary no matter how far away it is. Taking care of Jiang Han, I booked a place close to her home.

The witch especially likes to create canyons and the like on floating islands, which are naturally dangerous.

The Southern Amusement Mall is such an empty island. It is composed of a canyon. The mountain walls on both sides have hollowed out many streets facing outwards, and then dug out many shops or entertainment facilities. It is like a city that never sleeps built in the canyon. Same.

Unlike the Witch Market, the shops here are all shops that sell finished products. For example, material stores are rarely seen here. Instead, finished 'magic scrolls', 'spell books' and 'bookstores' are common, as well as witches. The built maritime arena is just like the ancient Roman arena, but it is hidden among the clouds and floating islands. Look ahead at the canyon in the middle of the mall. If you have enhanced vision, you can see what is hidden. Arena.

Witch Market is suitable for Taobao, and it is suitable for middle-class witches to spend money.

After entering the mall, Jiang Han, who looks beautiful, encounters some entanglements from witches from time to time. Some ask if they can take a day job as a temporary worker, while others ask if they can take a day job as 196. For Jiang Han politely refused the former, but shook his head and spat at the latter.

At the agreed place, Cen Jing had already arrived early.

The witch wearing a two-foot-sleeved hakama skirt was sitting on a bench in a small square, reading a newspaper. If it weren't for her mature appearance, she might have thought that this beautiful witch was also a student based on her temperament.

Looking from a distance, Cen Jing was also entangled by two witches who seemed to be recruiting workers.

Jiang Han also found it quite interesting. Seeing that this usually mature and charming witch was a little busy refusing, she smiled, walked over and said hello:

"Good afternoon, Miss Cen Jing."

Because of her greeting, the entangled witches sighed and walked away. It must be said that they were still somewhat graceful.

The extremely beautiful witch lady breathed a sigh of relief and said with relief:

"Good afternoon, Miss Jiang Han."

Jiang Han sat next to her. The witch returned to her normal and elegant state. She glanced at Jiang Han's witch robe without leaving a trace, and asked with a smile: "There are no tickets for today's puppet show. I booked a reservation in Nancheng." Tickets for the Witch Invitational... In addition to watching the game, do you want to do anything else?"

Jiang Han showed a thoughtful expression. She was considering whether to really buy clothes instead of just going home and returning the money to Mama Ye.

I have to say that Cen Jing's little move when she looked at her clothes made her realize that it seemed a bit rude for her to wear such a simple witch robe and a plaid shirt skirt.

She still loves face, so she said:

"I want to buy some new clothes. Does Miss Cen have any recommendations?"

"Do you want to buy casual clothes, combat clothes, formal clothes, apprentice clothes, alchemy clothes, or magic items and clothes?" Cen Jing asked without thinking.

Jiang Han couldn't say a word either. Is the witch so particular?

I can understand the regular uniforms and combat uniforms, but I can only try to understand the subsequent costumes... The dress, does it sound like it is worn to show others? The apprentice and the alchemy suit may have something to do with witch alchemy?

Jiang Han calculated the amount of money given by Ye's mother and asked tentatively:

"Let's look at casual clothes first?"

"As for casual clothes, let's look at them one at a time and compare them." Cen Jing said with insight and humor, "It's also possible that we will fall into the witch's Möbius strip. After seeing three stores, we will see another three."

"..." As someone with difficulty in making choices, Jiang Han felt very uneasy.

Jiang Han went to one store after another and saw all kinds of strange clothes.

The greatest convenience of the witch is that as long as you have the courage, you can travel around the world on a broomstick. You can use bread magic when you are hungry, make water when you are thirsty, and choose one of various magic mansions when you are sleepy. This has also created a variety of strange clothing brand stores in bustling cities around the world.

Jiang Han passed by a store that specialized in making bandages. It was said to be 'Pharaoh Retro'. Jiang Han thought that Pharaoh didn't just fool around in bandages, right?

I also visited two combat uniform stores on the way.

The inner tights of the witch battle suit can be divided into one-piece and two-piece, and there are particularities to this.

Witches from the three schools of conjuration, evocation, and transformation all wear one-piece tights. The one-piece tights have high defense. You can choose materials with extremely high toughness, and they are very resistant to elemental attributes. High, there will not be a situation where a fireball is thrown out, and it is not certain whether others will hit it, but you will be naked first.

The split type is mostly used in the protection and necromancy schools, because these two schools require a lot of casting materials, and the output method sometimes needs to rely on scrolls, so the lower body is worn in pants or a skirt with many inner pockets for storage. Combat items.

Of course, this is just a general choice. There are also many witches who do not choose combat attire according to this habit.

For example, Lin Zhaojun, the strongest witch in the country, wore a modern leather skirt and high-top shoes to fight. Another example is Yu Sitong, Teacher Yu, who fought in a cloak. Because of the careless protection, his cloak was burned and he was killed instantly. Things on the field, ahem, it doesn’t depend on the clothes, it depends on the person, well, it depends on the person...

Let's take the cloak as an example. One of the great witches, Li Lisi, also wore a cloak to fight, but she had never had her cloak or cloak burned in her life, so the details were perfect.

Jiang Han didn't pay attention to the combat attire. This combat attire was just as it happened... Anyway, she was currently unwilling to learn a spell specifically to protect the cloak (cloak protection was still a level 4 spell).

Casual wear...casual wear...Jiang Han sighed as he walked into one store after another.

What's even more frightening is that after entering a store, her mind has already moved to the next store.

Watching the store introduce a headless knight costume to her, she didn't know what to say. The headless knight costume was enchanted. As long as she put it on, hey, the head could really be taken off:

"Comrade, do you have any normal clothes here?"

"Aren't these just normal clothes, little comrade." The store owner said openly, "Why don't you buy two sets of clothes and I'll give you a dozen fossilized Pharaoh Witch Eggs?"

...Who are you kidding? Didn’t the witch only appear in 1443? Jiang Han immediately took Miss Cen and left the black shop.

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