Witch for All 1994

Chapter 50 Meeting on the Doll Street

"There are so many parallel import stores now that I can't buy suitable clothes." Jiang Han found it a bit difficult.

In this era, due to the existence of magic, counterfeiting is easier.

Sometimes the quality of the fakes is even higher than the real ones, because the real ones rely on real craftsmanship, while the fakes sometimes rely on the magic of cowhide, and even add a little dragon's blood.

The whole country's understanding of dragon's blood is that if something doesn't work well, just add a little more to it, and it will eventually be done well.

Even parallel imports.

But why are brand-name goods called brand-name goods? It is worn to show the brand to others. It has something to do with the quality, but it doesn’t have that much to do with it.

After walking around for a while, Cen Jing suggested:

"I think we can go to the doll store and have a look. Well, to be precise, the clothes in the doll store are all imported. The domestic production level has not caught up yet. There are mostly Dutch goods, less British goods, and only American goods. Sell ​​to Southeast Asia.”

Hmm... Miss Cen, you hacked the lighthouse again, but it's interesting. It seems that most of the clothes in the doll shop are famous brands... Jiang Han nodded to show that he was convinced:

"Then let's go to the doll shop."

I hope I can buy clothes early, then go to the game with Miss Cen, have a hearty dinner after watching the game, and finally go home to exercise and read... Jiang Han has planned the process.

After deciding on their goal, the two of them walked leisurely on the street, looking at the steep and beautiful canyon and chatting.

After a while, we came to an area in the mall where dolls were sold.

Different from the doll shops Jiang Han had seen, the shops in this area were open-air, and witches in groups of twos and threes set up unique or beautiful stalls, displaying and selling the dolls.

Some took out carpets and laid out small gardens.

Some pushed a tree and dug storage racks in the tree.

There are also people riding in carriages, with a cupboard in the carriage displaying dolls.

This group of witches also sells some miscellaneous items, such as violins that are one-tenth as small as self-playing, passionate oil paintings, posters of rock bands common in the 1990s (muted), records and records of art and dance groups. phonograph.

The only thing that is the same as the commercial street is the patrol officer wearing a earth-green witch cloak and holding a rifle that is more symbolic than practical. He can also be called an urban management officer. These witch patrols, who add a bit of domestic color to the entire fantasy area, have more serious expressions than the dolls and carry guns. When someone asks, they suddenly become energetic and salute:

"Hello, comrade! What help do you need, comrade?"

Then, solve the problems one by one.

Except for the clothes, which are a bit tacky, he looks handsome. Jiang Han looked a little envious and wondered if he should sign up. But when he saw that the average height of this group of patrol officers was one head taller than his own, he lowered his head and sighed deeply.

It seems that because the mall has a lot of international friends, and this is where most witches from foreign countries settle down, the patrol officers selected here are all tall, not to mention pretty, but they are one level higher than the average comely ones, and they look like a good job. It’s done.

Cen Jing seemed to have been here a few times, and she familiarly introduced this doll street to Jiang Han next to her.

It also opened Jiang Han's eyes.

Doll Street has its own set of social processes and unique values.

It is a custom for witch shop managers or stall owners to give witch eggs to each other, which means the goodwill accumulated over the years and some strange ideas.

For example, a witch with a wife has a crush on another witch.

For example, if the result of this good feeling is not stealing or cheating, but pure platonic love, then the meaning of them giving each other witch eggs is:

‘I’ can’t marry ‘you’, so let ‘my daughter’ replace ‘me’.

In short, it doesn’t matter whether the witch hatched from this egg in eighteen years will marry or not, but the meaning is here anyway.

Witches born under such circumstances sometimes call themselves 'daughters of dolls' because they don't know who their father's mother and mother's mother are...

Another point is that when doing business in Doll Street, you usually don't say 'how much to buy' or 'how much to sell'. Instead, you write it down on a piece of paper very elegantly and hand it over. If the price is right, the other party will buy it/ Sell ​​it, and if it's not suitable, you'll push it back, laugh and chat for a while until you make another offer, or just leave.

There is also a habit of calling ‘dolls’ ‘ladies’.

Before 1968, most puppet master witches would call their favorite dolls 'daughters'. However, after the 1980s, some witches who bought their beloved dolls would do unspeakable things to the dolls. , and calling it 'daughter' would be extremely perverted. After all kinds of calm and silent efforts, the witch's nickname for the doll became 'lady'.

Jiang Han was stunned for a moment, and the smile on his face was a little stiff.

——Sometimes I feel that I have seen through the race of witches, and feel that this race has reached its lowest limit.

This sentence rang in his mind at the right time, Jiang Han secretly exhaled, and when Cen Jing wasn't paying attention, he rubbed his face hard, softening his frozen face again, and continued to wear that sincere and well-behaved smile.

After finding a carriage with the 'Elsa Mason' brand, Jiang Han followed Cen Jing to the carriage window.

There are very beautiful dolls inside, as well as dolls with a clean and pure feel.

After watching for a while, they received a warm welcome. The owner of the carriage got off the carriage. He was a young woman wearing a wide-brimmed lady's hat, a navy blue robe, and snow-white shorts and boots. She also had a bag on her waist. The wand is as long as a sword, and the handle is made to imitate a sword.

Very beautiful and very heroic.

"Breakfast, two ladies. Is there anything I can do to help you? Or do the two ladies need a superb magician to perform magic from an exotic country?" She just glanced at their faces in a very graceful manner. , then bowed slightly and asked with a smile.

Cen Jing returned the skirt-lifting gesture with a gentle smile and said expectantly:

"My friend and I have been shopping for a long time to find the clothes we like..."

Although it had nothing to do with the doll, the young woman listened patiently.

Cen Jing continued: "...I'm wondering if a witch who is proficient in the art of puppetry and has a high level of aesthetics can provide us with some help."

"Yeah, I understand, ah, it is indeed a little difficult to buy suitable clothes that can be worn without being laughed at." The puppeteer lady said with a smile: "It's hard to give advice, but it's hard to help. Soon. I have a suggestion, how about letting your, um, beautiful friend try on my clothes? Although they are worn by dolls, they are also from a first-class brand."

Just wait for this sentence... Jiang Han saw Cen Jing quickly expressed his approval.

The lady invited the two of them to get in the car and said modestly:

"Please get in the car. As a poor artist, I have to change clothes, wash up, and occasionally make some dishes for myself in the car."

After taking off their shoes, Jiang Han and Cen Jing entered the carriage together.

It looks small from the outside, but in fact, the carriage is very large inside, about 70 square meters.

There is a massage pool that can accommodate about four people, and a battery that stores hundreds of witch eggs.

There are bookshelves, desks, dressing rooms, and seven wooden boxes hanging mid-air on the wall.

There is even a small small hall with a very short couch. It is very casual and comfortable to straighten your feet and step on the soft cushions. Then, on the wall on the other side of the small hall, there was a magic plant enclosed by a glass cover, as well as two words.

【This is a humble house】

[Weiwu Dexin]

...It can be said that the pretense has been taken to a new level... Jiang Han was amazed inwardly, and while she was amazed, the witch had already found a set of measuring tools from the box.

"First of all, this lovely lady, I need to measure your height first..."

height? Measure your height? Jiang Han looked unhappy.

…Can I stop buying clothes?

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