Witch for All 1994

Chapter 48 It’s hard to explain, just, it’s hard

After the work was completed, Jiang Han changed his clothes early and walked out of the tavern.

Where will she be? Jiang Han intuitively looked at the street outside the Witch's House. It seemed a little deserted at six in the morning.

At this moment, she saw a witch who gave her a sense of intimacy standing in front of a stall selling cereal snacks not far away.

Inadvertently, she walked towards the witch. The witch also turned her head and looked at her with light blue eyes.

Jiang Han walked up to Ms. Ye Keshu and lowered his head, not knowing how to speak.

The hat was pressed down on her head.

She subconsciously raised her head and saw Ye Keshu's smile.

"Let's go." Ye Keshu put one hand in her pocket and held the snacks she bought in the other hand, walking quickly ahead. After a moment, she turned back and smiled at Jiang Han again, "Let's go home."

"Yes." Jiang Han lowered his head again and slowly followed his mother with small steps.

This kind of scene is always very embarrassing.

It was unbearably awkward.

"Jiang Han." Her mother called her again. She raised her head and heard Ye Keshu say, "You don't have to be like this. I mean... this job is actually not bad. Ha, it's not much different from the song and dance troupe. You don’t have to train until 8 a.m. every day to release people, and you don’t have to go to the troupe at 6 p.m. every day, which is great.”

"Actually, your shamisen playing is not bad." Ye Keshu said. After finishing speaking, the lady with beautiful light blue eyes covered her eyes and let out a helpless laugh.

She felt like she had been hit by a mental spell, and her tongue had been petrified by six shots.

She was a little at a loss.

It's really sad. In my mind right now...except for my daughter wearing a cheongsam, it seems difficult to put anything else in it...Freud should have written a special psychological state for all mothers. The complicated psychology of a girl growing up into a woman... Ye Keshu took a deep breath, then unbuttoned the sleeves at the collar and let the cold wind calm her burning thoughts.

Ye Keshu considers herself a witch who loves her work. She may not care enough about her family, but she shouldn't miss so many things, right?

Of course, the changes are not really 'earth-shaking', it's just that things that were ignored in the past have gradually appeared.

For example, my daughter’s slender waist to the curve of her hips. Petite and thin, but only petite, not a thin body, with longer calves, somewhat similar to her number one mother Jiang Xuan, but the breasts are not like her own, but more youthful and beautiful.

She withdrew her attention, and Ms. Ye Keshu once again realized the five words "daughter has grown up" and why some people can read motherhood, while others can read animality.

It seems that my arms are thicker than her calves, too petite... Hey, Ms. Ye, you can't think about it anymore... She has grown up, and is no longer the little girl who has to help in the bath, uh ,bath? ... Ye Keshu's face froze, she covered her face with her hands, sighed with gritted teeth, and cursed herself for talking too much.

...It seems that Ye Ma didn't pursue my work in the tavern...Jiang Han felt relieved, but felt a little puzzled by his mother's "hot" gaze, and quickly became vigilant:

...It seems that part-time work is not over yet!

...Maybe Ye Keshu's mother will transform into a hair dryer when she returns home.

...Maybe I will get scolded too, because in my mother's eyes, my sister is the one who takes care of me.

If you were to ask why you worked at the Witch's House, you'd better answer, 'I want to buy magic items.' Those magic items were expensive or cheap, so they were the most suitable excuse...Jiang Han made up his mind.

"I've been studying recently, and the store manager is very nice. He often lets me sit at the bar and read." Jiang Han told the story of her days working at the Witch's House with reservations. She didn't mention anyone by name, nor did she say she went there on her own. Drinking with guests on the second floor.

Although Witch House is a regular store.

And these behaviors are very formal in terms of morality, morality, and even behavior, and there is no sexual information.

But it is still very troublesome to explain, or it is difficult to explain:

‘I drank and sang with my guests, and ended up getting drunk’

Gee, it feels like if I tell you that I haven’t done anything bad, it’s become full of evil.

"Is that so? Are you going to come to work tomorrow?" Ye Keshu asked, looking straight ahead.

"I'll have a rest tomorrow. That's right. I'll go out with my friends tomorrow after class." Jiang Han kept part of the truth.

Because it’s still difficult to explain.

Whether it’s ‘the teacher takes me out to play’ or ‘I go out to play with the teacher in class’, it all sounds misleading.

"Where are you going to play with your friends? Do you want me to send you off?" It was difficult to explain why Ms. Ye Keshu suddenly cared so much about her daughter, but in any case, Jiang Han still refused.

The reason for rejection is difficult to explain.

"My friends and I will go see a puppet show after school, and we will probably go home early." Jiang Han continued to reserve, because it was really difficult to explain.


It's hard to explain a sentence like "My friend drove me to and from" in this situation, after I had just sold alcohol in a somewhat transparent cheongsam.

Ye Keshu turned around and seemed to muster up the courage to look at Jiang Han's clothes.

"Huh?" After Jiang Han uttered a single syllable, he turned his head unnaturally and only looked over with his peripheral vision.

"Do you want to buy a new set of casual clothes?" Ye Keshu looked away, walked to the management office and took out her and Jiang Han's brooms.

new clothes? It's not necessary... Jiang Han doesn't want to buy women's clothes - although he has accepted that he is a witch, buying clothes always feels a bit too much, doesn't it?


A beautiful new dress that you can exchange for a bunch of materials.

You can even buy a magic item with little effect, which is more useful than beautiful clothes.

Besides, I have been either at work or in class all day, so who can I show to wearing beautiful clothes?

at last! If I dress beautifully and show it to others, it will not do me any good.

Based on various egoistic considerations, Jiang Han gave a sincere answer:

"No, I'm fine in this robe."

She shook out her robe in front of her mother, lifted it up with her right hand, and showed off the standard white shirt and plaid skirt underneath. "It fits well."

Ye Keshu covered her face and sighed: "...This is your junior high school uniform, just change the waistband."

"But it's still easy to wear and very loose. You can hang two small bags of materials in the middle of the skirt." Jiang Han straightened his waist, opened his hands, and showed his mother the small white bag that he had sewn on the waist of the shirt with magic.

This was her inspiration from television.

It seems that many witches' battle uniforms have a jumpsuit inside and a witch robe outside. They usually sew small pockets on the waist of their jumpsuits, or sew them on the inside of the robe.

Jiang Han learned to make two small pockets and filled them with Northern Golden Chili Powder and Ma Tang Pepper to increase the power of fireball. When necessary, he could not only throw high-power fireball to protect himself, but even close the distance when necessary. The witch can sprinkle 'powder' on it. Sprinkling this chili powder on it will definitely make the unprepared witch lose her fighting power!

Ms. Ye Keshu nodded, turned around in her pockets, took out her wallet, and said at the same time:

"That makes sense, but you still need to buy a new casual dress, a nice big-brimmed hat, and finally sandals and socks. Summer is coming."

... Sometimes parents are just so unreasonable... Jiang Han took the funds from his mother and put them in his pocket obediently.

"I'm an adult." Jiang Han said what every child would say.

"Okay, Miss Adult, let's go home now. I'll make you a bowl of rice noodles, add mustard and flakes, and add some wontons for you, okay?" Ye Keshu said with a smile.

The witch threw the broom away, then jumped up, grabbed the broom in mid-air, dived very low, then pulled it up, and flew through the air in a thrilling and elegant gliding posture.

Jiang Han looked at it, then quietly glanced at the distance between the edge of the sky island and the ground, shuddered, and sat on the broom very ladylikely, slowly taking off from the ground in a standard minor take-off posture, slowly Accelerate and follow slowly.

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