Or the force value is outstanding, but these are low-probability events.

But now.

Qi Feibai actually asked Princess Rose to recruit talents through examinations throughout the Plantagenet Kingdom.

Regardless of origin, regardless of background.

As long as you have talent and ability, you can be an official!


Compared with overthrowing the nobles, this move is so crazy that it is even more crazy!

Therefore, Princess Rose was completely stunned.

In the Kingdom of God, the Holy Spirits were also shocked by what Qi Feibai proposed.

Above the crescent moon, the eyes of the Moon Goddess are getting brighter and brighter. In recent days, although the Plantagenet Kingdom is in chaos, the war has not stopped.

However, the faith she gained from the Plantagenet Kingdom increased unprecedentedly, more than twice as much as before!

Such a huge belief also made the Moon Goddess vaguely understand the intention of Qi Feibai's move.

It's not hard to imagine.

Once Princess Rose introduces this system of selecting talents through examinations, what a shock will be caused in the Plantagenet Kingdom!

How fanatical it will make the common people!

The distribution of land met the basic living needs of the common people, allowing these oppressed common people to no longer be oppressed by the nobles and live a prosperous life.

But this system can completely arouse the enthusiasm of civilians.

It gave countless civilians a channel for advancement.

Anyone, regardless of origin, as long as they have talent, can become an official. This is great news to some capable civilians!

It can be said.

As soon as this system is introduced, I am afraid that Qiangwei will abdicate now, and these civilians will not agree.

And such a system will naturally be endorsed by the goddess, which can also allow the Moon Goddess to gain the extremely pious faith of these civilians!

By then, the faith that the Moon Goddess has gained from a Kingdom of Plantagenet will probably be beyond imagination.

"The examination system is called the imperial examination!"

In the palace, Qi Feibai's voice sounded again.

A name was given to this system of selecting officials through examination.

027 Boiling!

"Imperial examination!"

Princess Rose read these two words again.

These two words made her feel a little strange, because grammatically speaking, these two words did not fit in with the grammar of the Gods Continent.

However, Princess Rose inexplicably felt that it was very suitable.

"Yes, it is the imperial examination system. If you announce this news first, the common people will support you even more. At this time, if anyone makes trouble, these common people will not agree."

Qi Feibai said.

Princess Rose nodded.

"The implementation of specific details still needs to be carried out stage by stage, and the current examination should not be based on written examinations, because many civilians are not literate."

Qi Feibai said again.

The literacy rate of civilians in the Gods Continent is generally low.

If one or two people among a hundred people are literate, it is very good.

The aristocrats can be said to be the most cultured group of people.

In order to maintain their rule, these nobles did not impart much cultural knowledge to the common people.

This is also the aspect of aristocracy that hinders social progress.

No matter what they do, the first thing they have to consider is whether this matter will threaten their own interests.

Once it threatens their own interests, no matter how good or advanced the thing is... these nobles will choose to refuse.

Just like.

When electric lights first appeared, the biggest resistance was those merchants selling kerosene lamps.

These nobles had more rights than the kerosene lamp merchants.

The kerosene lamp merchants simply hindered innovation; these aristocrats stifled any change that threatened them.


In this case, the initial exam must not be too complicated.

Nor can it be based on written examinations.

Instead, the interview is mainly used to test whether a civilian has the ability face to face.

As for improving the literacy rate, Qi Feibai has not said anything yet.

Now Qiangwei has too many things to deal with.

If you say too much at once, she won't be able to remember it at all, and the effect will be bad.

Come one by one.

Let her sort out the Plantagenet Kingdom first.

During this process, Qi Feibai will try his best to help her. Without Qi Feibai's help, Princess Qiangwei would definitely not be able to execute it perfectly based on the things on paper he gave.

After all, she had never been exposed to these before.


It just so happened that during this period, when Qi Feibai led the army to conquer the east and west, he also saw some knowledgeable people among the civilians.

Being illiterate does not mean that you are ignorant.

Although some civilians are illiterate, they are still very knowledgeable. They should be able to manage a place without any problem.


In the royal capital of the Plantagenet Kingdom, Princess Rose promulgated one decree after another.

Among these decrees, the first to be promulgated was naturally the decree to distribute land.

She fulfilled her promise and all common people can get 3 acres of land per household.

Civilians who participated in the war could obtain double the land.

Civilians who performed meritorious service in the war could also obtain more land.

Seeing Princess Rose fulfill her promise, all the civilians cheered.

Suddenly, the entire Plantagenet Capital was filled with cheers that shook the sky.


In the Kingdom of God, seeing how happy the civilians were, the Holy Spirits also became happy.

The Moon Goddess is watching her godhead.

In the Godhead, there are more and more beliefs from the Kingdom of Plantagenet every day.

It’s almost astonishing!

Moreover, it is still rising.

"Promulgate the imperial examination system quickly!"

The Holy Spirit particularly wanted to see the reaction of the common people after the imperial examination system was promulgated.


They will know.


The day after the land distribution was announced, Princess Qiangwei announced the news of the imperial examination system.

"According to the Oracle of the Moon Goddess, the Queen's Order No. 3, from today on, all civilians can obtain official positions through examinations. Regardless of origin or background, as long as they have ability and talent, they can be appointed by the Queen..."

The political commander sent by Princess Qiangwei read out the contents of the imperial examination system one by one to many civilians.

"Can we also be officials?"

A civilian couldn't believe it.

"Yes, the premise is that you are capable, talented, and convincing!"

Government orders and official ways.

"Oh my God, is this real?"

Another civilian exclaimed there.

The commander had to say it again.

"Oh my god, that's great, long live the goddess!"

"Regardless of origin or background, the moon goddess is so kind. Long live the goddess! From today on, I will pray every meal!"

"I can't believe it! This score makes me happy!"

More civilians cheered there one by one.

Soon, as this decree spread, all the civilians gathered in the royal city seemed to be going crazy, dancing and praising the Moon Goddess and Princess Rose.

This decree brings as much shock as distributing land to the common people!

This decree also brings hope to everyone and allows them to see a brighter future!

All the civilians were excited! .

028 Straighten it out! A whimsical idea?

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