The tide is over.

Despair appeared in Princess Jasmine's eyes.

She could no longer recall any detailed information about the god she believed in.

But she can still remember that she once believed in a god, and it was with the help of the god that she launched this coup.

The other party... abandoned her in order not to be noticed by the Moon Goddess!

She was defeated!


"Goddess, we win!"

In the Kingdom of God, Tisini’s voice contained suppressed excitement.

"Very good!"

"Your Excellency Fei Bai is so awesome!"


Some other living Spirits are already shouting for joy!

From more than a month ago, Princess Rose was chased to the end, and now, she has completed a great comeback.

In the eyes of these Holy Spirits, it is nothing less than a miracle.

For more than a month, they witnessed with their own eyes how a miracle was born step by step under Qi Feibai's control!

This made these Holy Spirits and Qi Feibai admire each and every one of them extremely!

After the Holy Spirits cheered, they all looked at the Moon Goddess.

At this time, the Moon Goddess, after performing two magical spells in succession, the consumption of her divine power further increased, and she looked quite tired.

However, there was obviously joy in her eyes.

"Goddess, Your Excellency Fei Bai is really powerful~"

Tisini couldn't help but praise Qi Feibai.


At this time, Qi Feibai was riding on a horse, and together with Princess Rose, entered the royal city amidst the cheers of countless civilians.

As Princess Rose enters the royal city, the battle for the throne, which is also about faith, has been settled.

Princess Rose also had obvious joy on her face.


She is still a little confused about what to do after the war is won.

But now that she has regained the throne, this is her biggest gain.

Finally, Princess Rose returned all the way to the palace.

over there.

She met the captured Princess Jasmine and many nobles.

"Rose, you win."

Princess Jasmine raised her head and said.

Although she was defeated, she was still unwilling to lose.

"However, the future of the kingdom has also been ruined by you."

Princess Jasmine continued.

"Rose, you are going against the grain, and sooner or later the Plantagenet Kingdom will be destroyed in your hands!"

Another old noble said sadly.

"Qiangwei, you allow so many commoners to own land and fuel their ambitions. I don't see how you can be a king!"

Other nobles also spoke one after another.

There he condemned Qiangwei's behavior.

Even though Princess Rose was the winner, after these nobles spoke one after another, there was a hint of confusion in her eyes.

Yes, she is victorious now.

However, she was unprecedentedly confused about how to govern the Plantagenet Kingdom next.

Everything she had learned since childhood, including everything the old king taught her, was based on the aristocratic system.

But now, the aristocratic system has been overthrown by her own hands.

Now that she has won the victory relying on the support of the common people, she naturally cannot break her promise.

But how could she rule the Plantagenet Kingdom without the nobility?

Would the Plantagenet Kingdom be better off without its nobles... or worse?

There is no way to know the current Princess Rose.

"Yes, Tissini, without nobles, it will not be easy for Rose to govern the Plantagenet Kingdom."

In the heaven, a holy spirit cannot help but speak.

Other Holy Spirits have similar doubts.

"Qiangwei, publicly judge their past deeds. The guilty will be executed, and the innocent will be demoted to civilians. I will let them see how a kingdom can be governed without nobles."

In the palace, Qi Feibai's faint voice rang out.

Hearing Qi Feibai's voice, Princess Qiangwei felt relaxed subconsciously.

After more than a month, Qi Feibai has already become a reassurance in Princess Qiangwei's mind.

With Qi Feibai here, she no longer has to worry.

In the Kingdom of God, those Holy Spirits who were originally doubtful all gave up their doubts one by one, and all their doubts turned into expectations.

They also wanted to know very much how Qi Feibai would govern this kingdom without nobles from now on.

026 Imperial Examination!

"Okay, Your Majesty the Envoy."

The confusion and doubt in Princess Rose's eyes were no longer there.

Qi Feibai's words made many nobles look at him.

Seeing Qiangwei's answer, these nobles, including Princess Jasmine, realized who they had lost to!

As the legitimate heir to the throne, Princess Rose would not be able to have such a crazy plan even if she was forced into a desperate situation.

That is most likely Qi Feibai, the divine envoy!

It is also a divine messenger, the divine messenger that Princess Jasmine believed in before, and she is only 1% away from the success of the coup.

But Qi Feibai made this 1% impossible.

Princess Jasmine couldn't help but look at Qi Feibai, with mixed feelings in her heart.

Qi Feibai's appearance made her successful, so she was naturally quite resentful.

But at the same time.

With the sudden changes in the situation over the past month, even Princess Jasmine had to admit that Qi Feibai's methods were brilliant.

A large number of soldiers have come in.

All the nobles will be tried, and the person presiding over this trial is Princess Rose's grandfather, the old Duke.

As for Princess Jasmine, as a princess and her sister, Princess Rose will take her into custody and keep her under strict supervision.


"Your Excellency Feibai, what should I do next?"

Princess Rose asked after all the nobles were taken down.

Qi Feibai took out a roll of parchment and handed it to Princess Rose.

"What you have to do next is all written on it. The first step is to fulfill your promise, reward according to merit, count the land in the country, and then divide it one by one."

Qi Feibai started talking.

Princess Rose listened carefully.

In the Kingdom of God, the Holy Spirits are also listening.

"This is a relatively huge job. You need more manpower. Without the nobles, you will need more manpower to manage the country. Therefore, while all the civilians are still in the royal city, you have to hold an exam."

Qi Feibai said.

"take an exam?"

Princess Rose was a little confused, how to take the exam?

Qi Feibai did not answer her question, but continued: "Not only that, you have to announce in public that from now on, all local and central officials in your regime will be selected through examinations. With any background, as long as you are talented and capable, you can pass the exam and become an official!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Princess Rose looked startled.

Select talents through examinations?

In the Continent of the Gods, this has never happened before.

In some kingdoms, there may be small-scale examinations and the like, but large-scale examinations are conducted nationwide to determine the candidates for officials.

This is simply unprecedented, something that has never even been heard of.

There are many countries on the continent of the gods, and almost all of these countries are aristocratic systems.

The royal family, that is, the central government, will also appoint some officials to local areas, but most of the important positions among local officials are held by people from noble families.

Even some officials who are not nobles are equivalent to "rich families" and "big families".

It is almost impossible for a civilian to become an official.

Unless this commoner has a rare magical talent and becomes a rarer magician than a noble.

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