"Sir, I recommend my grandfather. My grandfather is quite famous in the Swan City area of ​​Nanhu County. If there are any conflicts between neighbors, he will be consulted to mediate."

In the royal city, in an extremely wide square, civilians lined up to receive interviews there.

These are all civilians who think they have some talents and want to become officials.

The number of people exceeded Princess Rose's expectations.

Princess Rose hired many experienced officials to be responsible for interviews.

The content of the interview was decided by Qi Feibai.

This time, there are a lot of officials to be recruited.

Qi Feibai also made some adjustments to the administrative divisions of the Plantagenet Kingdom.

Since the Plantagenet Kingdom did not conduct a census, Qi Feibai was not particularly clear about the specific population and area of ​​the entire Plantagenet Kingdom.

Even Princess Rose doesn't know.

Judging from the rough data, the total population of the Plantagenet Kingdom should be between 30 million and 40 million.

This population is already quite large, but relative to the area of ​​the Plantagenet Kingdom, it is still somewhat small.

There are currently 15 counties in the Plantagenet Kingdom. The smallest county covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers, and the largest county should cover an area of ​​over 200,000 square kilometers.

Below the county level, there are administrative units such as "city" and "ridge".

Like "Ling", it is generally the territory of some nobles with relatively mountainous areas.

“Below the county, it is divided into counties, below the county, it is a town, and below the town, it is a village.”

This is the administrative distinction made by Qi Feibai.

County, county, town, village.

There is no "township".

These four levels of administrative divisions also exist in the Plantagenet Kingdom itself, but they are not so clear, which makes it easier for people in the Plantagenet Kingdom to accept them.

Princess Rose listened carefully like a student.

In the Kingdom of God, the Holy Spirits are also listening with interest.

"Each village has a village chief, and each town has a town chief. For local management, the town is the main jurisdiction, and the county level is the local core."

Qi Feibai kept talking.

Princess Rose listened and took notes in her small notebook.

Below, there are several more experienced officials, all taking notes.


In this way, more and more officials come to listen to the lecture every day.

What Qi Feibai is currently doing is mainly to straighten out the Plantagenet Kingdom.

In fact, with the current productivity of the Plantagenet Kingdom, the time to abolish the aristocracy is still early.

A very important reason why the aristocracy is so popular in the Continent of the Gods is because the overall productivity of the Continent of the Gods is relatively low.

In a society with low productivity, aristocracy is a very labor-saving way of ruling.


It is possible to rule naturally without relying on nobles. Like the ancient East, such a vast land has established a set of governance methods.

The aristocratic system is mainly to save labor.

But in fact, under the aristocratic system, the power of the king is far less than that of the highly centralized emperors in the ancient East.

In the entire aristocratic system, the king is equivalent to assigning a lot of power to the nobles. The nobles can form their own army and collect taxes in their own territories.

Many nobles also enjoyed tax exemptions.

Even the king has no control over matters in the aristocratic territory.

The entire kingdom is composed of large and small noble territories, and the king does not need to interfere with too many things.

If a foreign enemy invades, call them and many nobles will assemble their weapons and come.


This time is an opportunity. If it is not completely overturned now, it will still need to be dealt with when productivity is improved in the future.

It is better to take advantage of this war and overthrow it in one fell swoop.

The next step is to straighten out the Plantagenet Kingdom and then improve the overall productivity.

Qi Feibai didn't say much at once.

Recently, the main issues are still the selection of officials, the distribution of land, and the planning of the administrative system.

Everything Qi Feibai said was very organized and systematic.

The Holy Spirits in the Kingdom of God also listened with great interest.

The Holy Spirit is equivalent to the assistant of the gods, and the wisdom possessed by these Holy Spirits is not low.

Sometimes they would be sent by the gods to join in the management of the kingdom.

However, they never thought about it.

A huge kingdom can still have efficient governance methods like what Qi Feibai mentioned.


In this way, Qi Feibai stayed in the royal city of the Plantagenet Kingdom for another month.

This month has passed, and the Plantagenet Kingdom has been initially sorted out.

The distribution of land has also been basically completed.

A large number of local officials were also elected.

Village chiefs, town chiefs, local peace officers, security guards, etc. have all been initially appointed.

New administrative divisions have also been implemented.

Qi Feibai completed the planning of these administrative divisions in Luoshi with the assistance of many village and town-level officials who were familiar with local conditions.

With the overall implementation, the entire Plantagenet Kingdom began to gradually stabilize.

Princess Rose also announced that she will officially ascend the throne in three months.

The Plantagenet Kingdom is starting to get on the right track.

“The next step is to improve productivity.”

Qi Feibai said.

productive forces!

This word is still a pure new word to Princess Rose.

"First of all, food. It seems that there are no potatoes or sweet potatoes in the Plantagenet Kingdom?"

Qi Feibai asked.

After staying in the Plantagenet Kingdom for so long, Qi Feibai knew a lot about the Plantagenet Kingdom.

The main crop of the Plantagenet Kingdom is wheat.

Therefore, mills can be seen everywhere throughout the Plantagenet Kingdom, which are used to grind wheat, make flour, and finally bread.

The bread eaten by nobles was softer.

Common people's bread is mostly brown bread, which is hard and rough.

But the yield of wheat is actually not high and very limited.

It is unrealistic to improve wheat and the like. The best way to increase food production in a short period of time is to choose high-yielding crops.

For example, potatoes and sweet potatoes, these two things are powerful tools for population growth.

"Potatoes, sweet potatoes...Your Majesty the Envoy, what is that?"

Princess Rose asked with her eyes wide open.

It looks like there is no more.

Qi Feibai pondered for a moment and said: "Then let's build the road first. There are many magicians in the royal city. Send the earth magicians inside to build the road. With the royal city as the center, build a 'cross' first. come out."

"Send a magician to build the road?"

Princess Rose's eyes widened even more.

It feels like Kazilan's big eyes, of course, much more beautiful than that.

"The magician builds the road?"

In the Kingdom of God, the eyes of several Holy Spirits also widened.

Magicians are rarer than nobles, and their status is very high. Qi Feibai actually asked Princess Rose to send magicians to build roads!

This idea... is simply fantastic!

"Isn't it possible? They enjoy the support of the Plantagenet Kingdom, and it is also necessary to contribute to the Plantagenet Kingdom. If they are unwilling, their support will be cut off."

Qi Feibai said lightly.

029 The goddess’s call!


Princess Qiangwei said "but" there several times, but still no "but" came out.

"Are you trying to say that magicians have a high status? It's a waste to use them to build roads?"

Qi Feibai asked.

Princess Rose nodded vigorously.

Qi Feibai asked back: "Did they ever fight for you?"

Princess Rose paused.

"Not only do we need to build roads, magicians who can heal will form some medical teams and send them to treat people's diseases. Water magicians will cooperate with earth magicians to build water conservancy..."

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