Holy Lord World

"Uncle Long, this SCP2399 looks like a good person."Xiao Yu blinked and said excitedly.

Hearing this, Chen Long was speechless.

Regardless of whether SCP2399 is good or bad, it is obviously a mechanical body, not a person at all!

"This SCP2399 seems to be specially designed to deal with incidents like SCP001. It seems that the technology is much more advanced than our Earth."Sheriff Black stroked his chin and said in a deep voice

"Although it is also a machine, it has a devilish smell!"

"This smell of the devil is even stronger than that of SCP001!"

The old man shrugged his nose and frowned.

Hearing this, everyone opened their mouths wide.

SCP001 is the Broken God!

Although it is a fake, it contains parts of the Broken God!

And SCP2399 actually has more divinity than SCP001?!

"What is the origin of this scp2399?!"


The Pirate World.

Vegapunk's breathing quickened as he watched this scene.

"Oh my god, what on earth is that thing? How could it destroy SCP-001 in that instant?!"

As the smartest person in the world, he could tell at a glance that although SCP-001 was huge, its structure was very delicate.

Even he couldn't even peek at the core parts inside.

Just now, Vegapunk thought that the world was doomed.

No matter how powerful the Foundation was, even if they had devil fruits, they probably couldn't deal with SCP-001.

But unexpectedly, a foreign object fell from the sky!

SCP-2399 only came into contact with SCP-01 for a moment before a violent explosion occurred, causing SCP-001 to pay a heavy price.

"It's amazing, it really makes me amazed!"

Vegapunk quickly picked up the blueprint in his hand and drew the appearance of the two mechanical bodies according to his memory.

"It’s exquisite, it’s really exquisite!"

"This tightly fitting gear chain, this huge but not bulky mechanical body, this powerful driving device……"

"If I could understand the mystery behind it, my technological level would definitely be taken to a higher level!"


DC World


Batman exhaled heavily, and a big stone in his heart slowly fell.

"Anyway, it still caused damage to SCP001. Maybe this attack has completely destroyed it."

"But, I wonder if this SCP2399 is the Foundation's containment object, or an anomaly that the Foundation cannot control?"

Batman looked at the screen with a puzzled look in his eyes.


【Appendix 4: About SCP2399】

【SCP-2399, the Glitch Destroyer】

【In [DATA EXPUNGED], experts and scholars discovered SCP2399】

【SCP2399 arrived at Jupiter, and in a short time, the surface of Jupiter turned into a huge red spot.】

【It is speculated that the energy fluctuations caused by SCP-2399 destroyed Jupiter's atmosphere, causing the appearance of the red vortex in the plot, namely Jupiter's Great Red Spot.】

【Technology is developing rapidly, and the Foundation has noticed SCP-2399】

【It was found to be a huge and complex mechanical structure.】

【And SCP2399's technology is extremely advanced, and it can release a large number of drones to repair itself.】

【Additionally, 2399 appears to have an unlimited power supply, matter-jamming weapons, and the ability to repair damage to itself.】

【After years of observation of 2399, it was found that 2399 seemed to have been continuously receiving electromagnetic signals from the Triangulum Galaxy, which is about 3 million light-years away from Earth.】

【After 15 years of decoding and translation, the Foundation finally understood that this seemed to be an order requiring it to repair its own damage.】

【In order to deal with possible hazards, the Foundation launched dozens of satellites to form a satellite shielding array around 2399.】

【That electromagnetic signal was also interrupted.】

【Then, in [DATA EXPUNGED], the signal reappeared, but its meaning had changed.】

【"Stop repairing and go to Earth to complete the mission. Stop repairing and go to Earth to complete the mission."】

【Since the specific mission is unknown, the Foundation strictly guards SCP-2399 from now on and does not want it to go to Earth.】

【But when SCP001's ascension to the gods occurred, SCP2399 seemed to have detected something, and after 10 minutes of continuous abnormal movement, it escaped from Jupiter's gravity and came to Earth.】

【So, SCP2399 encountered SCP001, and the result of this encounter was that SCP001 was destroyed】

【Records of events following the appearance of SCP-2399 are incomplete and may be inaccurate.】

【After SCP-2399 disappeared, it reappeared in Jupiter in a damaged state. The reason for this is still unknown.】


Bears in the World

""Xiong Da, Xiong Da, there really is an alien civilization in this world!"

Xiong Er looked at the screen and said excitedly.

"I wonder if there is alien honey among these alien civilizations? Maybe it tastes better than the one on Earth."

Big Bear held his forehead with one paw and sighed softly.

"Xiong Er, you only know how to eat, and you even have alien honey. Maybe there will be an alien Bald Qiang."

Hearing Xiong Da's words, Xiong Er curled his lips.

"No matter whether Baldy Wang is from outer space or from Earth, as long as he wants to cut down trees, I, Xiong Er, will definitely stand up and stop him!"


Happy Gray World

"There really are alien civilizations, so are there alien sheep?"

Gray Wolf's eyes turned, and he decided that the next thing he would invent would be a space shuttle to go to other worlds to see if there were any sheep.

After all, the sheep in the green grasslands are really amazing.


One Piece World.

Vegapunk opened his mouth wide, his eyes full of shock.

"Unlimited power supply, the ability to self-repair, and the ability to instantly destroy SCP-001……"

"Exquisite! It's really exquisite!"


Magical Ayo World

"So this is how Jupiter's Great Red Spot was formed. I will definitely talk to the teacher about it in class tomorrow."Xiaomi said excitedly.


Ah You hesitated for a moment, but decided to speak out.

"Xiaomi, the teacher won't believe in aliens."

""Hey? But aren't you an alien?"

Ayou scratched his head,"I am indeed an alien, but it will be very troublesome if the adults know about it."


Three-body World

"In other words, the Foundation knows almost nothing about ACP2399?"

Chang Weisi looked at the screen, somewhat unbelievable.

He thought that SCP2399 was an anomaly that the Foundation contained or created specifically to fight against SCP001.

But he didn't expect that it had nothing to do with the Foundation, and even had nothing to do with the people on Earth.

It was an alien product!

Simply put, SCP2399 is similar to the Trisolaran sophon. Sophons are things that other civilized worlds put into the Earth world, and so is SCP2399.

However, the existence of sophons is to persist in human beings and control the development of human technology so that the Trisolarans can invade the Earth more safely.

And SCP2399 seems to exist only for events like SCP001.

"Alas, they are all alien civilizations, but why is there such a big gap?"

Shi Qiang exhaled a puff of smoke, and for the first time ever, he felt a little sad.

The Trisolarians wished that the people on Earth would die so that they could occupy the Earth.

But the Trisolarian Galaxy mentioned in the article was SCP2399 sent to protect the Earth.

Thinking of this, Shi Qiang felt unbalanced!


Super Beast Armed World

"Fortunately, there are alien civilizations that helped the Foundation, so SCP001 will not continue to destroy the Earth. I'm so lucky!"

Miao Tiaojun patted his chest and said with a smile.

"Yes, if there is no SCP2399, I really don’t know what to do!"

Huo Linfei also looked relaxed, with a feeling of surviving a disaster.

"However, such a huge mechanical body, even if the core is destroyed, such an existence will cause panic among the people."

Miao Tiaojun said with some concern.

Even if this mechanical body collapses, it will hurt many people.

If the body is left there without care, there is no guarantee that there will be no accidents.

For example... the followers of the Broken God attempt to try again and revive SCP001 again.

At that time, will SCP2399 still save the world?

Seeing that Miao Tiaojun was a little scared, Huo Linfei patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry, little fat boy, don't forget that there is a foundation"

"They will never leave the body of SCP001 lying there. For the stability of human society, they will definitely recycle it."


【Addendum 5: Agent Ruberson's Statement】

【Note: Agent Aaron Ruberson was stationed on-site when the SCP001 artifact was collected. As most of the Foundation's senior personnel were assigned to participate in the collection, he was required to give a post-incident statement. The report was originally stored at Site-17, and was later added to other classified materials related to SCP001. It is unknown if other personnel were aware of this report, or if any copies were made.】

【The video opens, and a man with a tough face walks into the camera.】

【"We took what we could from the coast first."】

【"Small things, gears, pulleys and pistons, that kind of thing."】

【"Most of it was junk, but it was still twitching and spinning. It was still alive. The small parts probably died after a few hours, but weeks later I could still hear the big pieces mixing, like chopping bones."】

【"The important parts, those known to be genuine church artifacts, were packed and shipped by train to La Paz."】

【"I counted them, maybe a hundred? Each one is an anomalous artifact."】

【"Some guys at the station joked that they might have to build a new station just to store all this stuff."】

【"Fortunately, we kept casualties low. Most people were just a little confused around the machinery, as if they couldn't look away."】

【"In addition, Rodriguez's hand was crushed, so we had to send him to a local clinic for treatment."】

【"During the entire process, only one death occurred."】

【"A local helper we hired dived down into the bay and tied a rope around the heart so we could pull it out."】

【"I didn't see it, but I heard it."】

【"Said they found his head crushed between two moving parts, and said it looked like he pushed himself in.】

【"I don't know, I didn't see it myself, but I did see something that the Foundation would be very interested in: Tags"】

【"You know when a product is made somewhere, they carve the name on a big piece of metal and stick it on the side of the part to identify where it was made?"】

【"We saw a lot of this stuff on other parts, which it collected on its way to the sea."】

【"However, there are no labels on church objects."】

【"They buzz like everything else, but without the logo"】

【"It's interesting that when you stand in front of these things you can feel a sense of peace and relief."】

【"To be honest, at that time, I really felt that state was great, I could even hear the voice of my inner self"】

【"Except, that heart"】

【The man's voice paused, and a trace of fear appeared in his eyes.】

【"When we finally got it to the bay, we left it on the shore for a day because of the weather."】

【"Some locals started to get itchy. They said they heard the noise and didn't want to get close, no matter how much money they were offered."】

【"So we have to wait until the base in the north sends more support so that we can get it on board."】

【"I... man, I don't know"】

【The man covered his face with his hands and slowly lowered his head.】

【"I've seen all kinds of these things, but my meme resistance is still high"】

【"I ran a lot of tests for this task and everything was fine"】

【"But I can't resist the other feeling around that heart"】

【"I don't know if I can say I heard something, but... well, tags"】

【"As we were loading it onto the boat and heading north, I saw it for the first time."】

【"I didn't think of anything to say at the time, and I didn't even take it seriously until I saw some other documents."】

【"Then the boat sank in a storm and we lost our heart, and the whole time I was thinking about that damn metal tag"】

【"After reading the foundation's documents, I found"】

【"That's not the church at all."】

【"The label says"Factory owned 6""】

【"In other words, this heart does not belong to the broken god, but is a fake made in a factory!"】

【"The followers of the Broken God spent countless efforts to bring the God in their minds to this world."】

【"But this is all a joke, SCP001 will never be the Broken God"】

【"It is just a fake mechanical body!"】


The world of American comics.

Everyone present couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"After all this fuss, this is actually just a fake Broken God?" Dr. Banner was a little unbelievable

"My God, a fake god is so powerful. If the Broken God really descends on Earth, I'm afraid all of humanity will perish."

Tony said in a low voice with a heavy face.

Just now in the video, no matter whether it was the tall mountains or the missile attacks, SCP001 could not be shaken at all.

Such an existence is too terrible for humans.

And this is just a fake!

It is a fake Broken God created by those crazy believers!

If the Broken God really descends, the consequences will be unimaginable!

At the same time, the center of the universe


"This terrifying power is just a fake god?!"

"How powerful is the real power of the Broken God?"

The face of the Life Tribunal changed drastically.

He thought that the Broken God shown on the screen was all his power.

But he didn't expect that he was just a fake piece of patchwork!

Even the most important heart was faked by a factory!

But even so, such a terrifying power made the Life Tribunal a little frightened.

He didn't dare to think that if the Broken God really came to this universe...

The Life Tribunal swallowed subconsciously.

"I'm afraid that the best outcome for the universe is destruction."


I just wanted to say: Tamago

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