Fruity Robo World

"What should we do, Abbot? After the God of Destruction destroys them humans, he will definitely come to our fruit world to destroy it!"

Cheng Liuxiang asked hurriedly, and the others also looked nervous.


The abbot sighed and turned his attention back to the screen.

"At this point, we can only place our hopes on the foundation."

"I hope they can successfully contain the Broken God."



Several people trembled and hugged each other

"Doraemon, I'm so scared!" Nobita cried sadly.

"Yes, Doraemon! That Broken God is so scary, is our world going to end?!"Suneo was also scared.

Shizuka and Fat Tiger were also trembling.

Doraemon was speechless.

"Just now you said that the Broken God was a good god. For the sake of all living beings, he fought bravely with that Adambos, and finally sacrificed himself to seal Adambos."

"As a result, you now……"

Seeing everyone trembling, Doraemon sighed and didn't know what to say.

"Don't worry, I believe in the Foundation, they will definitely find a way to solve it"


【Apotheosis event!】

【SCP-001 is a collection of anomalous objects that were formerly a single massive mechanical entity assembled by the Church of the Broken God in La Paz, Mexico in late 1942.】

【These objects include, but are not limited to, parts of SCP217, SCP1139, SCP882, and parts of SCP629.】

【Church members assembled these anomalous objects together with the intention of repairing their gods.】

【After activation, SCP-001 reportedly began integrating metallic objects into itself, and actively sought out other anomalous objects.】

【SCP-001 and the"001 Ascension" incident caused by its assembly caused a dramatic change in the environment of western Mexico and led to the largest-scale application of amnestics in recorded history.】

【After the incident, the still active parts of SCP-001 were taken back to the Foundation for storage, while the inactive parts were left at the bottom of the Gulf of California, approximately at [DATA EXPUNGED]】

【The following is a detailed record of the incident】


Holy Lord World

"Dad, what does this mean? Why don't I understand it?"Chen Long scratched his head, confused.

Dad stroked his chin and said tentatively:"I think this means that the containment has been completed and the disaster has been resolved."


Xiaoyu's face fell instantly

"Boring, boring, is this the end? This is too bland!"

"Where's the hero? Where's the reversal? Too boring!"

Chen Long coughed twice and raised a finger,"Xiaoyu, this is not your game of playing house. It's best to end it as soon as possible."

Dad nodded,

"Yes, but the process of containment by the Foundation must be very difficult. I wonder how many people were killed or injured in this incident."


Three-body World


Chang Weisi leaned back in his chair and exhaled heavily.

He couldn't help but admire the Foundation.

The harm of SCP-001 is absolutely beyond imagination, and the Foundation has indeed fulfilled their slogan, successfully protecting humans and controlling anomalies.

"But what exactly happened?"


DC World

"Could it be that this god is not the real Broken God, but a false god created by the believers?"

Batman keenly noticed this sentence in the document: The church members intended to use this to repair the gods they believed in.

"That is to say, it has not been completely repaired.

At this moment, Alfred's voice rang out.

"Sir, I think so too."

"After all, if it is really the Broken God, even the Foundation may not be able to contain it."

Batman nodded and shook his head

"No, even if it is a fake Broken God, it may not be that easy to deal with."


【Addendum 1: Railroad Worker [DATA EXPUNGED] Sightings of SCP-001】

【The video fluctuates, and freezes on a face covered with mosaics.】

【His voice has also been specially processed】

【"There was a man who came into town today and it looked like half his face had been boiled."】

【"He is like a dead man, not responding to anyone"】

【"Then, he walked to the middle of the town and collapsed."】

【"After waking up in the infirmary, he became agitated¨¨¨¨"】

【"What kind of machine is as big as a mountain? It can talk to him."】

【"It said that people ran out of their homes and threw themselves on it.】

【"Said they were all crushed like grass under a lawn mower"】

【"Then he died and no one knew how."】

【End of video】

【Appendix 2: Diary written by railroad worker [DATA EXPUNGED] after witnessing SCP001】

【Note: Three days after the SCP001 incident, the Foundation found his body. According to the examination of medical staff, he died of sudden death caused by extreme fear.】

【The following is his diary:】

【The mountains are broken before us】

【We saw a figure rising from the smoke, slow and clumsy but with terrifying momentum.】

【It does not crawl like a beast or walk like a man, but is propelled by the turning of millions of gears, like a steel cobra.】

【Its body stretched forward into the smoke, higher than we could reach.】

【In its chest I saw a fire dancing, like the furnace of hell】

【It came to the mountain to our north, but instead of stopping or taking a detour, it just passed through and swallowed up the entire mountain.】

【It stretched out a long arm and grabbed the entire village and stuffed it into its mouth】

【I saw people being wiped out with their homes, dying along with the rest of humanity in Hell.】

【Then it cried, not the creaking of gears or the roar of machinery, but the sound of】

【I can hear it in my heart】

【It's howling】


""Mr. Mihu, it's so scary! Just listening to their descriptions gives me goosebumps."

Pigsy said while shivering.

Mr. Mihu nodded slightly, his face was also pale.

""Hey, Boss, can you get off me first?" Bodong's cautious voice came from behind.

Everyone realized that Chaoren Qiang, who was always fearless, was hugging Bobby tightly.

"Ahem, let me tell you! I'm not afraid!"Superman stiffened his neck and said stubbornly

"I think Bobby will be scared, so as the eldest brother, I naturally have to protect my younger brother!"

"Isn't that right, Bobby?"

Superman Qiang gave him a sharp look, and Bobby immediately understood.

"Yes, yes, my boss Superman is always thinking about his younger brothers."

Pigsy curled his lips in disdain.

He hugged Bobby because he was afraid, but he said he was protecting Bobby.

Superman is not only muscular, but also thick-skinned!


DC World.

Batman stared at the screen, frowning.

The two railroad workers' statements reminded him of the super criminals in Gotham City.


The fear gas he invented, once inhaled, will make the whole person panic.

Batman has experienced that feeling before, it's very bad!

It's as if the whole world is like a ball of paper, squeezing towards him.

"I believe the two railway workers felt the same way when they saw SCP001."


Fruity Robo World

"No way, he was scared to death just by seeing his SCP001?" Pineapple Blowing Snow said in disbelief

"Yes, this is too unbelievable, is SCP001 really that scary? No matter how scary it is, you won't be scared to death, right?"Lu Xiaoguo was also a little unconvinced.

"When a person is extremely frightened, he may die suddenly.

The abbot came out to explain.

"Moreover, the size of SCP001 should be very large, and the mountains were smashed by it."

"Just imagine how huge that body is."

After the abbot said this, everyone subconsciously looked at the mountain in their field of vision, imagining the mountain range being shattered.


Looking at the mountains in the distance, everyone couldn't help but take a breath.

"That's too big! With this size, he can crush me to death with one foot, right?" Pineapple Blowing Snow said in shock.

"You are wrong, Pineapple Blowing Snow." Lu

Xiaoguo corrected him seriously,"It only needs one toe to crush you to death."



Giant World

"Can it smash the mountains? Can it even swallow up the entire mountain?"

Alan opened his mouth in fear.

The height of a normal giant is only slightly larger than a house.

But this SCP001 is even more powerful than a giant!

"If a body like this were to hit me……"

At this point, Alan didn't dare to continue.

Peace had lasted for who knows how long, and even many newborns had forgotten the fear brought by the giants.

"Finally, the comments will continue, please don't let it be ruined."

Alan folded his hands and prayed.


Super Beast Armed World

"Such a huge body, such a delicate mechanical structure"

"Foundation, how should we deal with SCP-001?"

Hades could not help but feel a little worried.

With such a huge body, even if Hades summoned a super beast, it would take a long time to fight.

What's more, SCP-001 is not just a huge body, it must have other abnormal abilities.

"How will the Foundation contain SCP-001?"


【Addendum 3: Record of SCP-001's contact with SCP-2399 at [DATA EXPUNGED]】

【The video begins in a small town】

【The roar of machinery is deafening】

【Buildings collapsed and caught fire, and there was significant seismic activity】

【The camera was shaking violently, and amidst the huge mechanical noise, there were shrill cries for help from both near and far.】

【Video pans to SCP-001. Size is difficult to discern in video, but entity takes up entire frame】

【It is moving slowly】

【SCP-001 has been seen moving large chunks of earth into itself. Occasionally, flames burst from the entity.】



, Yuan Tiangang's hands were completely cold.

"There are such terrifying things in this world!"

"Even if it's me, no, even if all the bad guys are put together, they will not be a match for this mechanical monster!"

"It's really scary!"


Douluo World

"How is this possible! How can there be such a monster in this world?!"

"It's just a bunch of gears and steel, how can it have such a terrifying power?!"

Tang San looked at the screen, his teeth chattering with fear.

For the first time in his life, he felt that his soul beast rings of tens of millions of years or more were useless.

If he really encountered the monster on the screen, he had only one choice.

That was to escape!


In the American comic world, everyone couldn't help but breathe heavily.

The terrifying huge body and the tingling sound of the mechanical gears made them shudder.

"¨「¨「Jarvis, analyze the height of this SCP001."Tony said solemnly

"……Analysis completed, sir, the altitude of SCP001 is approximately between 10,000 and 12,000 meters."


After getting Jarvis' analysis, Tony's eyes widened.

You know, the flight altitude of ordinary airplanes is just in this range. But the altitude of SCP001 is almost the same as that of airplanes!

A behemoth, this is a real behemoth!

After hearing this number, Thor swallowed subconsciously.

Even the legendary fire giant Surtur who wanted to destroy Asgard could not reach such a height.

In front of SCP001, the fire giant is like a naughty boy!

At the same time, the center of the universe

"Such a terrifying power, is this the god who controls machinery and electronics?!"

"Just this size���It already has such a surging power?!"

The Life Tribunal looked at the screen, a little frightened.

Although SCP001 looked huge to others, it was still far inferior to the Life Tribunal.

But in contrast, the Life Tribunal could feel the power contained in the machine.

Although it was weak, it was extremely refined!

Even this power could directly threaten him!

"SCP001 is so powerful, what should the Foundation do?"


【The sky appears to be lit up by lightning, air raid sirens can be heard, and the clouds above SCP-001 suddenly part. A large, complex mechanical structure (SCP-2399) appears, its lower portion slightly damaged.】

【Foundation mortars flying overhead】

【A shell hit SCP-001, causing no visible damage】

【The lower part of scp2399 begins to turn blue】

【SCP2399 emits a bright beam of light that hits SCP001. SCP001 reacts violently and grabs SCP2399】

【A huge explosion shook the world, and the video was interrupted.】


Doraemon World

"Doraemon, tell me who won, was it the foundation? I don't dare to look."Nobita grabbed Doraemon's hand and said timidly. Doraemon stroked his chin,"I don't know if it's my illusion, I feel like it's over."

"This scp2399 seems to have hurt scp001!"


American comic world

"Wait, what is this SCP2399?! It seems to have severely damaged SCP001?"Dr. Banner couldn't believe his eyes.

SCP001 was just rampant, like a bulldozer, knocking down mountains and villages.

Even the attack by the Foundation did not cause any damage to SCP001.

Even such an attack could not cause any reaction from SCP001!

The greatest contempt is to ignore!

However, this SCP2399 seemed to have severely damaged SCP001 easily!

What on earth is going on?!

Tony frowned and laughed dumbly.

"I see!"

"It turns out that the containment can be used in this way!"

Seeing that Tony seemed to have figured it out, everyone hurriedly asked him for the answer.

Tony waved his hand

"In fact, I didn’t figure anything out, but I gained a deeper understanding of the foundation’s declaration."

"The Foundation's declaration is to control and protect people, not only for us humans, but also for the objects in containment."

"Although most of the shelters are dangerous, when encountering more dangerous situations, you can let the shelters fight against each other!"

Thor had a flash of inspiration and said,"To put it simply, let them fight each other!"

Tony looked at Thor in surprise. He didn't expect that you would have a flash of inspiration.

"Yes, this is why the Foundation has so many containment objects but does not want to destroy them completely."

"It is precisely because we have to deal with situations like SCP001 that are completely beyond our expectations."


I just wanted to say: Tamago

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