Doraemon World.

Nobita rubs his chin, pretending to be in deep thought.

"I see, this Broken God is like a robot, it can be assembled at will"

"The heart is the heart, the arms are the arms, the legs are the legs, as long as all the parts are found, the Broken God can be reassembled."

Hearing Nobita's words, Shizuka smiled and said:"Oh, it sounds interesting!"

Doraemon shook his head vigorously,"That's totally wrong, Nobita, the Broken God is a god after all, not a robot toy."

"He can't become a god by simply assembling parts together. This is absolutely impossible."

Doraemon pointed at the screen and said in a deep voice:"The large SCP001 we just saw is actually a fake Broken God!"


Pig World

"I understand, that's how it is."Pig~~Pig Man suddenly realized

"Ah , Pigsy, what do you understand? What are you pretending to be?!"Superman Qiang's tone was very disdainful.

Even my smart brain can't figure it out, and you, Pigsy, said you want to understand?

���What a joke!

Humph! Even if you understand, it's wrong!

Seeing Superman Qiang's disdainful face, Pig Man snorted.

"Those believers only found a few parts of the Broken God. As for the other parts of the body, they could only use other things to replace them."

"But the problem is, a replacement is just a replacement after all, and it is definitely not as good as the original one!"

"That's why he was killed instantly by SCP2399!"

Superman scratched his head, looking like he didn't understand what he was saying at all.

Unexpectedly, the confused teacher standing next to him nodded.

He praised:"Okay, little pig, you actually figured it out."

"You are right, SCP001 is essentially a mechanical body."

"Although he has some abilities of the Broken God, he is not really a god at all."


Holy Lord World

"Ascend to the Gods, Ascend to the Gods……"Chen Long kept murmuring

"Uncle Long, have you thought of anything?"Xiao Yu asked curiously. Chen

Long nodded and said in a deep voice:"I know, this Broken God is like the Holy Lord."

"The Lord needs 12 talismans to restore his strength. The same is true for SCP001 Broken God."

"It needs a skeleton, it needs some real Broken God parts, to make it come alive"

"Only if it comes to life, it can become a true god.

Jackie Chan looked at the screen with lingering fear.

"Fortunately, its most important part, the heart, is fake."

"Otherwise, those crazy believers might actually succeed in summoning the Broken God!"


The World of Kogoro Mori

"Conan, what are you thinking about?

Seeing Conan's thoughtful expression, Huiyuan Ai asked curiously.

"Nothing, I was just wondering why the Broken God is called the Broken God."Conan said in a deep voice


Ayumi asked in confusion,"Because he was broken, that's why he's called the Broken God." Conan shook his head,"That was something that happened later. What was the Broken God's name before he was broken?"


After hearing Conan's words, the friends were silent.

Yes, before it was broken, what was the name of God?

"Moreover, there is another question that I am more concerned about, which is why the tail of scp2399 is damaged?"

"The Foundation has investigated and found that SCP-2399 has the ability to self-repair, so why does the damage on the tail still exist?"

"Then, maybe it was not repaired in time?" Xiaolan asked.

Conan shook his head again,"This damage has lasted for decades."

Hearing this, everyone frowned slightly.

It obviously has the ability to repair damage by itself, but it has not repaired the damage to the tail.

Why is this?


DC World.

Batman looks at the screen with a frown on his face

"acp001 Ascension to God event, this is what it means"

"The false Broken God devours everything in the world to eventually become the real Broken God."

"They are actually willing to sacrifice the entire world to achieve their goal. How wolfishly ambitious!"

"Fortunately, SCP-2399 prevented all this from happening."

"But, did I see it wrong?"

Batman immediately activated the video recorder next to him and retrieved the video of the contact between SCP01 and SCP2399.

He watched the last moment of the video over and over again.

"The tail of SCP2399 is broken, and it is even more serious."

Batman's face is gloomy.

The area of the rupture is larger, and what this means, Batman does not know.

But according to common sense on Earth, a mechanical body is broken, this is not a good sign!


【Addendum 6: Interview with Agent [DATA EXPUNGED]】

【Note: The following is an excerpt from an interview conducted in [DATA EXPUNGED] with Agent [DATA EXPUNGED], who claims to be a member of an unknown branch of the Church of the Broken God】

【Warning: This person's words are extremely deceptive, please stay rational】

【The video starts with a man sitting in a chair very relaxedly, smoking continuously.】

【"So tell me what you think you know."】





【"Well, you are not entirely wrong. It is commendable at this time."】

【"However, I feel that you have overlooked several key details and overestimated the intelligence given to you by some self-proclaimed amnesiac."】

【"Then let me be frank."】

【"The GOC did not kill the Broken God, although they proudly claim so."】

【"Indeed, it was one of its fragments, but would you give me an axle and call it a car?"】

【"Oh, so you put a few parts together. Maybe you have an engine, but it's still not a car."】

【"God is simpler than that."】

【"God is everything"】

【"From the biggest star to the smallest speck of dust. Each little part, insignificant in itself. Doing what it's supposed to do. Fitting together, snapping into each other. It's all part of the machinery of the universe."】

【"This mechanical appearance is, in a way, like a metaphor."】

【"But I'm sure you all know that ideas are powerful."】

【"They create something out of nothing, or change something that already exists."】

【"A small spark of God flashes, symbol becomes reality"】

【"On a planet so rich in life, you have generated countless ideas"】

【"You may ask, why is it called the Broken God?"】

【"There are several possible answers, perhaps it is a translation, or perhaps it is re-explained by devout believers."】

【"Is broken just a bad translation of some more subtle word? Was God broken in the Big Bang?"】

【"If so, why is it broken? What would happen if it were repaired?"】

【The man suddenly smiled and waved his hands.】

【"Sorry, I can't answer any of these questions, but you already have the answers."】

【"In the end, it doesn't matter what God was."】

【"It is important for you that it remain as it is."】

【"That is: broken"】

【"God knows that the more powerful parts, the mechanical parts that the traditional sects regard as sacred, they know that they are not meant to be a whole"】

【"Even if they are forced to merge and driven by alien power, they still know what their true nature is."】

【"The monster's biting behavior will lead to its own destruction, so the monster can only send smaller entities to do the job."】

【"The GOC didn't kill it, they took the gun from it, pulled the trigger and claimed the credit for it"】

【"Also, can you see the bottom of the Destroyer?"】

【The man pondered for a moment, then smiled and said,"I am used to calling him the Destroyer, and the Foundation calls him SCP-2399. Of course, this is just a title, and it doesn't matter."】

【"Before the mechanical monster appeared, the lower part of the Destroyer was damaged."】

【"So many years have passed, and until now, the damage still exists"】

【"If you look closely, you'll see the scar getting closer and closer to the power core."】

【"And during its encounter with the monster, the monster even hurt the thing that allowed it to hide in the interlayer of reality."】

【"In the end the monster will win"】

【"Sooner or later it will destroy the destroyer, devour it, and then consume everything with its power"】

【"I mean everything, God will return to the only perfect existence, a singularity, and then shatter."】

【"Only this time it may have had some alien force in it, causing it to make mistakes and freeze."】

【"But it doesn't matter, it will work someday"】

【"By that time, Factory Rust, King's Blood, the Fifth Church, any random person on the street with enough spark to become a reality bender will also participate in the reshaping of the universe and end all multiverses."】

【"Maybe this is already happening."】


Happy Gray World


The door of the Wolf Castle was kicked open by Gray Wolf.

"Gray Wolf, you dare to kick the door?! Do you know how many times I have wiped this door to make it so clean?"Red Wolf raised the frying pan and pretended to hit him.

Unexpectedly, Gray Wolf grabbed him.

"Wife, run quickly, the world is about to be destroyed, let’s go to the moon and take shelter for a while!"

Red Wolf:"Ah?"

"Oops, I can't explain it to you clearly now, give me five minutes, I will design a flying machine first, you pack up quickly."

Red Wolf:"Then, what shall we eat? There are no sheep on the moon!"

Gray Wolf smiled,"Don't worry, honey, we will come back after that Broken God burns the earth clean."

"By then, the lamb is no longer a lamb, but a whole roasted lamb!"


Bears in the World

"In other words, this world will eventually be destroyed?"

Bald Qiang curled his lips and put on a rogue attitude.

"Do you think you can scare your brother Qiang with just this?"

"If your brother Qiang fails to meet the tree felling target this month, he will really lose his job!"

·········Request flowers····

·········Request flowers····

Bald Qiang picked up the chainsaw and walked into the forest singing a song

"Damn Bald Qiang, the universe is about to be destroyed, and he still wants to cut down trees!"Xiong Er gnashed his teeth in anger

"However, Guang Tou Qiang's persistence is worth learning from."Looking at Guang Tou Qiang's indifferent look, Xiong Da couldn't help but sighed.

"Xiong Da, why are you still praising Baldy Wang? He is going to chop down trees soon. What should we do?"

"Don't worry, as long as the two of us are here, he won't be able to cut down a single tree!"


Ultra beasts armed the world.

Pluto couldn't help but take a deep breath!

"Doesn't that mean that this world will eventually be destroyed?!"

"Damn, the hundred thousand year cycle hasn’t ended yet!"

"Could it be that I am going to die in this mysterious coffin?!"

Although it is indeed quite comfortable to stay here, but dying in a coffin is too shameful for Hades! It is so embarrassing!

After all, I am the top powerhouse in this universe.

If I die in such a confused way, won't I be ridiculed by others?!

"But I can't open the Xuanming Coffin myself!"

Thinking of this, Hades sighed slightly.

He voluntarily entered the Xuanming Coffin and was sealed, and he didn't expect that this would happen today.

If he had known this would happen, he should have hidden a spare key (the Xuanming Key) on his body!

At this moment, Hades was almost regretting it.


In the American comic world,

Dr. Banner's face changed when he heard this.

"It seems that the crisis is far from over. Those crazy followers of the Broken God will definitely come back again.".......0...

"What should we do if SCP2399 doesn't work anymore?"

His question silenced everyone.

No one knew what to do.

Now, SCP2399 is undoubtedly the best choice.

When all other attacks fail, only it can work. In fact, it can kill the Pseudo Broken God instantly. However, the cracks at the tail of SCP2399 are getting worse and worse.

One day, it will be completely scrapped!

At that time, the Pseudo Broken God will be promoted to the True Broken God.

The entire universe will be destroyed by it!


Three-body World

"In other words, SCP2399 is durable. Sooner or later, I, the false Broken God, will destroy SCP2399 directly."

"Even devour the power of SCP2399 and help it advance from a false god to a true Broken God?!"

Wang Miao stood up excitedly and screamed.

Unconsciously, his whole body began to tremble slightly, and his lips trembled uncontrollably.

SCP001 was so powerful, but what if he really became a Broken God?

What would happen to the entire earth?

Just thinking about that scene made Wang Miao shudder.

"Professor Wang, the more you face a crisis, the more you need to keep a cool head."

Shi Qiang said solemnly.

Wang Miao realized that he had lost his composure and sat down quickly.

Chang Weisi:"Professor Wang, I understand your feelings now. To be honest, I am also afraid."

"But, should we give up just because we are afraid?"

"Are we going to just sit there and wait for death because the enemy is so outnumbered?"

Chang Weisi shook his head.

"If that's the case, then we could have given up the moment we learned about the Trisolaran invasion."

Wang Miao was slightly stunned, then nodded heavily.


【The man paused and his expression became solemn.】

【"However, humans still have a chance to be the final winner"】

【"Although the possibility is not high, it is indeed possible."】

【"I know you failed to hurt the monster last time, and SCP-2399 may not be able to repair itself when you need it next time."】

【"But who says you can't support it?"】

【"Or imitate those who seek to rebuild the gods and get outside help?"】

【"Working together, nothing is impossible"】

【"This is the knowledge that the Broken God gave us."】

【"We are divided, but united we will serve God."】


American comic world

"We are broken apart, but united, we will serve God."

Captain America said this, his eyes becoming brighter and brighter.

"You're right, as long as we unite, there will be no difficulty!"

All the Avengers looked at each other, and in each other's eyes, they all saw the same word.


Each of them had been fooled by Loki and was fooled around.

But at the last moment, they united together.���They formed the Avengers.

Loki's conspiracy was instantly disintegrated by them.

This is the power of unity!

Even if the pseudo-broken god is extremely powerful, countless times stronger than the army brought by Lu Ji.

But as long as we unite, not just the Avengers, but more heroes, we will definitely overcome the difficulties! Daodao. Tagged

: Tamago

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