Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1489 : Don't Be Flamboyant! Concubine Xian Was Also Threatened? (Seeking Subscription)

Looking at the meaningful expression on Yun Zhou's face.


There was some obvious resistance in the blink of an eye.

Although she has a heart for Yun Zhou, she can't accept this kind of method to some extent.

As everyone knows.

Yun Zhou likes to play this method.

emmm...more precisely.

In his eyes, this is not a method, but a sentiment.

Shun knew his thoughts very well, that's why he did this shamelessly.

After all.

It's nothing more than trying to use the threat to pull off Shun's reserved mask.

Just let her meet the capitalist with her openly.

As for taking photos and the like, it's purely a scare.

He hasn't become like that yet.

Hmm~ If it is lost and someone else sees it, wouldn't it be him who suffers?

Of course, if you think about it this way, it will be another scene when you talk about it.

Yun Zhou grinned, leaned into his ear and said lightly:

"Shun, you have to think about the consequences of rejecting me."

"You know exactly what kind of person I am."

"You don't want to be imprisoned by me because of this kind of thing, do you?" 427

Those words pierced Shun's heart like a knife.

After being with Yun Zhou for so long, this guy is so bad that he is bleeding out.

His means, even if I kill myself, I don't want to experience it once!

Subconsciously, she looks like a lost prisoner.

He glared at Yun Zhou full of resentment and anger.

Then he took the initiative to grab his big hand.

"You won, where are you going?"

"Of course it was yesterday's battlefield, it's ready-made!"

After speaking, Yun Zhou disappeared in place with Shun.

The noise of the fighting was so loud, it was a pity that Yun Susu couldn't hear anything when she went back to deal with matters.

"You didn't seem to have fought Yunling to this point yesterday, did you?"

"No, just this step."

"Then I want to be similar to her, no, stronger than her!"

"Why do I feel like I'm the one being threatened..."

Speaking of this, Yun Zhou suddenly realized something, and said abruptly, "High-end hunters usually appear in the form of prey?"

"...It's useless to talk less!"

At the same time, within the Haoyun Sect.

At this time, Yun Susu (bfef) was waiting for the turmoil in Linmen with Yanyi and others.

Suddenly, a verdant willow tree outside the hall attracted her attention.

"Yanyi, do you think the trees outside are beautiful?"

Yan Yi followed her gaze, nodded silently and said:

"Indeed, it is tall and straight and willow green, and it grows very well..."

In the afternoon, the sun poured down.

Island in the city, the city gate.

The cute girl in black was wearing a bamboo hat, and followed Yun Zhou with her head down.

After taking two steps, he suddenly grabbed Yun Zhou's big hand:

"Husband, you...wouldn't turn your back on anyone, would you?"

All right.

In less than two hours, the "sovereign" became a "husband".

Not only the change of address, but also a big change in mentality.

To be honest, Shun is like killing people.

But her heart is as soft as her appearance.

Now that I have experienced something that I have never experienced before, it is inevitable that I will feel a little insecure.

Yun Zhou glanced at her, then suddenly raised his big hand and rubbed her head, "Don't think about it, am I that kind of person?"

"That's right...Although you are flamboyant, you are not indiscriminate."

Hearing the words instantly, he let out a long breath.

After getting along for a long time, she has a very clear understanding of Yun Zhou.

Although this guy is attached to flowers, he has never been the kind who does not stick to his body.

All the female cultivators related to him have never seen him blame anyone.

Although this is not an advantage.

But in any case, it is somewhat of a comfort to her now.

Feeling lost for a moment without paying attention, Yun Zhou thought for a while and suddenly remembered something, and said:

"By the way, there is something I need you to do for me."

"What?" Shun raised his head suspiciously.

"Help my forces in Linmen find out the whereabouts of Concubine Xian."

Yun Zhou looked at him and said, "Although you are a member of Haoyun Sect, you never show your face in public."

"Liansheng, it's just right to leave this matter to you... Remember, try not to be discovered by her."

In the fight just now, Yun Zhou had already controlled himself as much as possible, so there was nothing to worry about because he could move freely now.

As for Linlang Zhantai...

If Yun Zhou's guess is correct, she must be in the influence of Linmen now.

It's just that she will quietly find a place to hide, and don't let herself and others and Lin Sheng know.

Most of them will have the idea of ​​watching the fire from the other side.

Speaking of which, since the last farewell in Yunling.

Linlang Zhantai kept avoiding him.

Yun Zhou is naturally aware of this.

Now that the game is about to start, of course it is necessary to drag her out of the dark first.

As his pillow person, the only fairy concubine in the name of his predecessor.

Since we can meet each other, why don't you come to meet your husband?

Hiding quietly? How can there be such a reason?

What Lin Lang Zhantai was thinking, Yun Zhou had already guessed clearly.

"If she finds you, don't annoy her, show up and explain to her, let her come to see me.

"Tell her that if she doesn't come, let her suffer the consequences."

Yun Zhou filled his mouth with playful eyes, his expression full of meaning.

Hearing this, he was stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to think of something, and gave a thumbs up: "Husband, you dare to even the Immortal Emperor's woman...?"

"You are the most cowardly person, you!"

"It's useless to talk less, go quickly." Yun Zhou laughed and cursed and patted her on the back.

She blushed for a moment, and then left.

She didn't know the specific relationship between Linlang Zhantai and Yun Zhou.

But she had heard about this man.

The current helm of Asgard has recently single-handedly defeated dozens of werewolves from sects!

She was even dubbed the Empress of Immortals by the world, and she was absolutely stunning in the world.

Even though the Immortal Emperor has been missing for thousands of years, the coercion she brings to all beings on behalf of the Immortal Palace is no different from when the Immortal Emperor was in power.

However, since this fairy concubine came to Yunling last time.

She vaguely guessed that the relationship between this fairy concubine and her husband is not simple.

It is very likely that the missing Immortal Emperor has been cuckolded!

Only now it seems.

This fairy concubine doesn't seem to be willing, otherwise why would she hide from her husband?

Could it be... She was also threatened??.

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