Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1488: Shun, You Don't Want Your Secret To Be Known By Others, Do You? (Seeking Subscrip

Don't say she didn't know about the Linmen seal...

Otherwise, she wouldn't be begging for nothing to lie to her aunt and join her in attacking Linmen!

This woman is definitely not only interested in Linmen's influence!

Yun Zhou didn't even need to think too much, he guessed the purpose of Linlang Zhantai in the blink of an eyelid.

However, Yun Zhou really has nothing to do with fighting for his own woman.

Friends return to friends, return to guns.

The brothers are still clear about it.

Who doesn't want a tougher minion?

In addition, Linlang Zhantai is his entire person, and his subordinates are naturally his, and this does not involve robbery.

Yun Zhou actually understood very well.

Wanting to wipe away Linlang Zhantai's hatred for him, it is not something that can be resolved with a few words.

Maybe let her experience despair, and she will give up on revenge all the way.


This big pelvis.

She is not in the same rank as herself, what kind of revenge?

Be honest, okay?

It's not that Yun Zhou didn't think about killing her.

But after taking the cherry blossoms, he couldn't bear it.


In his opinion.

Being ruthless is necessary.

But if it's too ruthless, it's insane!

No matter how you say it, he is also someone who has seen capitalists on the couch with him.

There is really no need to kill it unless it is absolutely necessary.

Of course, it wasn't that he was merciful, it was just that he felt too boring.

If you say kill the person you have slept with, is there any difference between him and those demon leaders who are dominated by demon nature?

Then, Yun Zhou looked up at the void thoughtfully, and his expression returned to calm.


He said softly, and ripples oscillated in the void.

That's right, Shun probably got used to being a "bodyguard" when he was dry.

In addition, she was a shadow guard when she was in Haotu.

She is not needed at all for "suggesting ideas" in the alliance.

So she seized the opportunity and secretly followed Yun Zhou.

In response to Yanyi's words, continue Haotu's mission.

Hmm... Be Yun Zhou's secret bodyguard and deal with some odds and ends for him.

It's just that she is very careful in handling things, and has been hiding in secret these days.

And when Yun Zhou was "doing things", he hid far away, so Yun Susu didn't notice.

Of course, Yun Susu didn't find out because he followed Yun Zhou and didn't intentionally develop his consciousness.

But it doesn't mean that Yun Zhou didn't notice.

This follower, yesterday she did a member live broadcast in vain!

As his voice fell, the sky above the sky rippled and oscillated.

Clad in black clothes, Shun emerged from the air and slowly floated down in front of Yun Zhou.

The voice is very respectful:

"Sovereign, you look so good when you step on a horse."

how to say...

It was still the familiar soft voice.

It's just that the black robe that has been covering his body is gone.

Yun Zhou looked her up and down and found her quite attractive.

Such a shark-like shadow guard who doesn't blink is actually born so...pure.

So cute!

Contrasting cuteness represents belonging.

But Yun Zhou didn't keep staring at the other person's face.

Strictly speaking, Shun was his enlightenment mentor when he was learning Taoism, the person who helped him realize Taoism.

It can be said that he is half of his teacher!

However, from the moment when his strength is enough to lift the instant PG.

He didn't mean "teacher" to Shun at all.

Yun Zhou came to her with slightly raised brows, and asked condescendingly, "Master Dabao asked you to follow me?"

"Ah this... yes."

Hearing the words in an instant, he thought about it and responded.

Otherwise, how can I say that she volunteered to follow her?

What a loss.

But having said that, she still has a kind of "heart rippling" feeling towards Yun Zhou.

This has started since I was in Haotu.

It's just that after coming to the Immortal Realm, I was so entangled in various things that I didn't have time to get in touch with Yun Zhou.

Following him in secret for the past two days, Shun subconsciously remembered the time in Haotu inexplicably.

I still feel a little ecstatic in my heart.

That's right, those little horse fleas didn't come to Xianyu, but Yun Zhou brought her here.

what does this mean

It means that she is stronger than those little horse fleas!

Although he hides in the dark all day long, Yun Zhou still pays attention to himself.

No, he discovered it again.

Shun didn't feel the panic of being caught, but was proud of it.

Jill is off the charts!

Seeing Shun's cute little face drooping down, his eyebrows were lowered and his eyes were pleasing to the eye.

I don't know why.

Yun Zhou suddenly grinned at the corner of his mouth.

Let's not talk about the Crooked Mouth Dragon King, but it must be because he has no good intentions.

He stared intently at Shun's small face, and suddenly raised his eyebrows:

"Since you have been following me, then my must have discovered it?"

Instant: (⊙_⊙)?

secret...what secret?

Oh right.

He was dating Master Yunling, and even broadcast live to her.

But she didn't feel anything at the time.

Because she heard it when she followed.

These two people have no "," blood relationship".

So "aunt-nephew relationship" is just a title.

But she knows about it...

But it's different in other people's ears.

Seeing Yun Zhou's increasingly serious expression, he seemed to have thought of something for a moment, and his face froze:

"What secret? What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

Good guy, if you ask three times in a row, it belongs to yes.

"Tsk, following me without my consent is considered crossing the line...I didn't expect you to watch a big show. You make a lot of money?"

Yun Zhou shook his head and looked at her with a smile.

Shun's heart shivered, and he wanted to explain something, but he opened his mouth and said nothing.

"I'm not related to (the good king's) aunt, I think you know it...but outsiders don't know about it.

"If something about my aunt and I got out yesterday..."

Yun Zhou's voice was meaningful, with an inexplicable smile.

Hearing this, Shun's face became a little stiff, "I promise, I will never spread anything about you and your aunt.

"I don't believe verbal promises."

"What do you want?"

Yun Zhou looked at her meaningfully, "I watched the play for so long yesterday, have you ever thought about acting in person?"

"What do you mean?" He froze for a moment.

The smile in Yun Zhou's eyes became brighter and brighter:

"You took advantage of me and my aunt, I'll keep your video clip..."

"In this way, you will never inform my master."

Speaking of this, he let out his wicked laugh again:

"After don't want your photo taken to be seen by Master Dabao, right?"

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